2017 Relationship And Dating Thread

I'm moving into a new apartment today and he works on Saturday so I didn't ask him to help me. I didn't want him to worry about trying to take off. So when we were taking about earlier this week I told him how I had other people moving my stuff. He told me to cancel with them because he was gonna take off so he could do it :). And he's said he's gonna stay the night with me tonight since it's my first night in the new apartment.....:naughtycouch:

Oh he's so sweet!!
Imma answer since I checked it out too... lol.!They definitely are unique and I would wear it but, not as my engagement ring. Very eclectic!

So I took your advice and told him to get me an uncut ring for a different occasion. This is a great idea. I forgot I can get gifts for stuff lol.

I'm back to the Jared ring...in case I want to sell it one day :) lol
@Fine 4s

He seems to have his life more "together" now. He was my college love. We were in a relationship for 7 years. Yup. 7.

I do not think I will give him another chance.

He said the reason he never took the "next step" was because he was not financially ready. . and now he is.

The problem is, his financially ready does not align with the life I've grown to love since he's been out of the picture.

In 2015 I would've reconsidered it. In my head, I said he'd have to drive to my house and be on one knee with a nice ring and flowers.

I needed the reminder of keeping my options open.

I prefer getting to know ONE guy, but that train of thought is slowly leaving the building.

I need to keep my options open.
I asked him for $100 to add to my shopping this weekend lol. I'm going clothes shopping for the cruise. Which is in 2wks!

It's his family's cruise. Me and his cousin were talking about it last weekend at the wedding. We both plan on starving ourselves for the next 2wks :lol:
I can't tell if I'm actually crazy or is it just my hormones:lachen:

How do you guys do it? I mean like date and do relationships without going crazy. I need a life :look:
I have so much baggage from soo many people doing me dirty, that I get hella exercise from jumping to conclusions.
You sound like me. I've had people (well, really just one person repeatedly) do me dirty in the past and it has definitely carried over into my current relationship. I am the queen of jumping to conclusions like


and it doesn't help that my closest female friend is usually right there feeding into it with me. I've calmed down over the past couple of weeks or so, to the point that I didn't even bat an eye when he told me that he's going to AC this weekend for a bachelor party. What helped:

- Distancing myself from my friend whenever something seems off, and going straight to him so that there's no time to jump to conclusions. I basically would use her to validate my crazy, in the sense that I knew that whatever conclusion I came up with, she'd back me up 100%.

- He doesn't feed into my crazy. He'll just stand there with this smirk on his face and then once I'm done he hits me with the


and then proceeds to have a perfectly logical explanation for whatever is going on, and leaves me sitting there like


- Tracking my period. I know to expect the crazy when I'm PMS-ing.

- Distractions, distractions, distractions. I don't let my mind stay idle for too long. Do schoolwork, go to work, go to the gym, do a hobby, go to the movies, the zoo, the bar, watch some Netflix, go shopping, whatever.

- If you haven't already, I really recommend Calling In the One. It's a great book that helped me sort through a ton of emotional baggage, but YMMV.

- Journaling helps too.
Lord this weekend when we were together we had Chipotle. His butt was gross. I guess he's comfortable around me. He constantly tells me that he does stuff with and for me that he's never done before.
I started to feel like things were broken and he was changing, almost as soon as the thoughts entered my mind he showed me how into me he is. We are full grown adults and there will be ebbs and flows. I need to be less rigid and more open. I second guess everything so much.
He made me an offer and I am so leery because it could go really good or really bad. Decisions decisions.
Lord this weekend when we were together we had Chipotle. His butt was gross. I guess he's comfortable around me. He constantly tells me that he does stuff with and for me that he's never done before.
I started to feel like things were broken and he was changing, almost as soon as the thoughts entered my mind he showed me how into me he is. We are full grown adults and there will be ebbs and flows. I need to be less rigid and more open. I second guess everything so much.
He made me an offer and I am so leery because it could go really good or really bad. Decisions decisions.
That sounds exactly like something I would say. Are you me? :lol:
I think this weekend will really set the tone for the foundation of our relationship :2inlove: This will be our 2nd getaway weekend together. Everything is always fun and games in the beginning so I'm probably judging things with rose-colored glasses.

He's a Taurus and I'm a Virgo :afro: He's Nigerian too, 10 years older than me, as well as being the oldest child (like myself again) so we're both bossy as hell :curtain:
So, I'm in a new, new, new relationship & things are going REALLY well. We've known each other for some time and semi-dated for a year before we made it official (he was waiting for me, lol). Neither of us has fallen this quickly for someone. He's already said that he wants to marry me soon. I don't even want to run from him like I normally do, lol.

Last night he introduced the idea of us moving in together. He plans to pay his bills & ALL of the household bills. I would be responsible for my personal bills & saving for a downpayment. He would be saving too. He proposed doing this for a year.

Here's the thing: I've always been anti-shacking. I've been asked before, but I've always said no. This is the first time that I'm seriously considering it. So conflicted...
So, I'm in a new, new, new relationship & things are going REALLY well. We've known each other for some time and semi-dated for a year before we made it official (he was waiting for me, lol). Neither of us has fallen this quickly for someone. He's already said that he wants to marry me soon. I don't even want to run from him like I normally do, lol.

Last night he introduced the idea of us moving in together. He plans to pay his bills & ALL of the household bills. I would be responsible for my personal bills & saving for a downpayment. He would be saving too. He proposed doing this for a year.

Here's the thing: I've always been anti-shacking. I've been asked before, but I've always said no. This is the first time that I'm seriously considering it. So conflicted...
Awww:2inlove: list the pros and cons and go from there.
I'm watching the movie on Netflix right now called Adulterers, and it's basically everything we talk about on this board about black men needing to stay away from Becky. And it's apparently based on a true story. I'm shaking my head at my laptop right now going "That's what you get for chasing the white girl!"