Official Single and Sexy Thread 2009....

Hey Everybody! :wave: Still single in 09...wishing I could be coloring all day and getting shakes :rolleyes: Single life isn't for me, I gotta make something happen so Im going to give it another try in 09.

I'm single until I get married. So I guess I'll be posted in here for a minute :lol:

OK. Yeah. This is me right here. Honestly, dating is moving way up on the priority list for me this year. It's been a really long time since I've met a guy that I "clicked" with and even had the urge to color with, if that tells you anything. :rolleyes:

My top priorities are:
1. getting my self-confidence back up (aka shedding this xtra weight, dressing more fly on a daily basis, and going out on dates)
2. finishing school (hallelujah!) and finding a job in a new city
3. finding Mr. SSB

As the year progresses, these priorities will shift. Hopefully after a few months, #1 and #2 will be non-issues. Then #3 will become my main priority.

Currently, I have one guy kinda in the background... Our schedules/lives are kinda crazy at the moment and he lives out of State. We stay in close contact, we've made plans a couple of times to see each other within the past few months, but had to cancel out. First time work, second time car accident. :perplexed The craziness ends soon, once he finishes this training program he's in (next month :grin:) - and for me, once I finish school (I'm claiming August). IDK if it's gonna work out, but he's a prospect. At the same time, we don't have a commitment, so my eyes are still wide open for prospects.
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Well, I've been single forever. Everything is the same old same old except I"m not putting up with anyone wasting my time anymore. I'm focusing on school, trying to lose at least 10 lbs, grow my hair to MBL, and start back my hobbies and volunteering again.
Became single about 4 months ago. My decision. No regrets. No prospects right now. Working on me.
Mad @ Bunny77, I have been FEENNING for some chipotle... LMAO.. .

yea, still single and dating...:perplexed
The person I have feelings for doesn't want to be in relationship at all, and is convinced that even if he did, one with me wouldn't work. :ohwell:

He's probably right. We'd make each other crazy.

So, I'm putting my big girl panties on and keeping it moving.
Single lady checking in...I'm dating...Went out on a date last was just okay...My ex is still trying to get back after 9 months but I don't think I will go back for another dose of that B.S. that he is dishing out.:nono:
Single lady checking in...I'm dating...Went out on a date last was just okay...My ex is still trying to get back after 9 months but I don't think I will go back for another dose of that B.S. that he is dishing out.:nono:

Funny you say that bc my ex calls every now and then and asks if I miss him. I'm thinking do you really want to know the answer to that one?
Single woman checking in.

I'm not interested in seeing anyone. I just want to focus on God, my career and becoming the best woman I can be.
I am convinced that my dating life is a cruel joke....

I mean i meet guys i like and it is honestly like one thing after another. It seems like i get married ones, guys who aren't into me.. Like i don't know what else to do.....

I just dont have time to date and if this is what i am gonna have to put up with, I can go back to finding and FWB because I am not putting up with this.
I am convinced that my dating life is a cruel joke....

I mean i meet guys i like and it is honestly like one thing after another. It seems like i get married ones, guys who aren't into me.. Like i don't know what else to do.....

I just dont have time to date and if this is what i am gonna have to put up with, I can go back to finding and FWB because I am not putting up with this.

Girlfriend, I feel what you are saying, especially the bolded.:ohwell:
I am convinced that my dating life is a cruel joke....

I mean i meet guys i like and it is honestly like one thing after another. It seems like i get married ones, guys who aren't into me.. Like i don't know what else to do.....

I just dont have time to date and if this is what i am gonna have to put up with, I can go back to finding and FWB because I am not putting up with this.
PP what happened to the guy you posted about?

I'm here ladies :wave: Still single. But I did have some good dates with a guy that I thought could go somewhere, but he's to much of a flake..Blowing up my phone one day and then I don't hear from him for a week. I don't have time for that.
PP what happened to the guy you posted about?

I'm here ladies :wave: Still single. But I did have some good dates with a guy that I thought could go somewhere, but he's to much of a flake..Blowing up my phone one day and then I don't hear from him for a week. I don't have time for that.
Well he was ok at first, but then he started training again and i guess that means he doesnt have to like call me or talk to me.. I talked to him monday and that was me texting him and he giving me one word answers.. I know that some ladies dont like texting but i hate talking on the phone.... I didnt initiate any contact tues or yesterday and he didnt try to contact me.. I get the impression that he isnt that into me.

i met another guy off POF and he said he was divorced, but then when i talked to him more and more he told me he is still married but that he doent love her blah blah blah....

Same ish different dude
Okay, so I went on a date with Chipotle boy last night.

Dude was a perfect gentleman, attractive, great conversation... BUT... (yeah, you knew there was a but)...

He just got divorced in December and he's fighting the ex about how to divide custody of their two kids. :wallbash:

So, dude is in no way shape or form ready to enter another serious relationship, even if he thinks he might be. I can tell he's attracted to me and I think we could have something, but I've been there, done that, learned my lesson about very recently divorced men.

Plus, it didn't help that during the date, he talked a lot about the breakup of his marriage. When they do that, you know they're still hurting.

Oh well... I'll just keep hanging with other prospects until one emerges as a serious one!
Well i had two more disappointments

1. I met a guy who seemed really nice, we talked for a while online then we decided to meet up at borders just to see...

Here are the Highlights of the conversation
a. He need to clear up something, He is married(when he told me he was divorced) and he is only staying for the kids He claims the love isnt there, and I asked him did he tell her that?????
b. but he does have the time to go to LA for the month of April to " make things happen" WTF????
c. He is a song writer, but he says the music business is slow (WTF, cuz i hear new songs every day)
d. I wanted to get an apple turnover that was all of 5 dollars, and he said he didnt have any money ???????????
e. He needs me to help him generate some income ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! WTF WTF WTF

Needless to say there wont be a date

2. The other dude that i liked told me i was undateable :ohwell:

LOL the dating world is just full of LULZ
PP what happened to the guy you posted about?

I'm here ladies :wave: Still single. But I did have some good dates with a guy that I thought could go somewhere, but he's to much of a flake..Blowing up my phone one day and then I don't hear from him for a week. I don't have time for that.

can u tell me whats up with that?? y do they do that?
Okay ex called me today demanding to know why I haven't called him? Nicca you ain't my man no more. WTF?
Yay for the 2009 thread!

Well I'm still single, but I'm dating someone now! I like him and he likes me back. No commitment though. He's a classmate so we've been friends for a few months (we just started school together in Aug) but we only recently became more than friends so we're still trying to feel things out and see how this whole thing works.

He's sooooo cute, sensitive, and sweet. He cooks for me a lot, makes me laugh, and even laughs at my very silly jokes sometimes. He's very mature and very different from a lot of the guys I've dated in the past. He's very thoughtful, and extremely understanding and sooooo not stressful. I'm starting to like him a lot. We get along great and he's a great friend.

However, he's short. Like... really short. We're VERY close in height (I'm like 5'7"). Its probably for the best because if he were taller I would probably be all over him, honestly. Makes it easier for me to maintain my distance and act "Rulesy". :grin:

Lol we'll be hanging out and he'll do something to make me laugh and I'll just think "Aww... you're so great, why are you short?" But I'm getting past the height issue. Really he has everything going for him... well, except for one thing that I won't post here.... to give you hint about it, he's West Indian. But I'm wearing him down....... :look:

We're supposed to be going out on a date on Sunday! He's trying to make up for something he did earlier this week that upset me. He's such a sweetheart sometimes....
The person I have feelings for doesn't want to be in relationship at all, and is convinced that even if he did, one with me wouldn't work. :ohwell:

He's probably right. We'd make each other crazy.

So, I'm putting my big girl panties on and keeping it moving.

I am/was in the exact situation.

I was dating someone and they said they didnt want a relationship and I didnt want to give the benefits of a rlp without a title, so I ended it. I am glad I didn't settle just for the sake of having someone close to me, you know? The guy I dated before this guy (last year) didnt want a relationship either so I'm kinda thinking it's me:ohwell: Of course men will never tell you that :perplexed

So right now, I'm gonna stay by myself. I cant take any more rejection at this point. Deep down, I know it's not my time yet anyway.

Ill just focus on being the best woman I can be.
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I am/was in the exact situation.

I was dating someone and they said they didnt want a relationship and I didnt want to give the benefits of a rlp without a title, so I ended it. I am glad I didn't settle just for the sake of having someone close to me, you know? The guy I dated before this guy (last year) didnt want a relationship either so I'm kinda thinking it's me:ohwell: Of course men will never tell you that :perplexed

So right now, I'm gonna stay by myself. I cant take any more rejection at this point. Deep down, I know it's not my time yet anyway.

Ill just focus on being the best woman I can be.

Hey. :wave:

How old are you and how old are these guys? I'm learning more and more that you have to catch the ones who want a relationship at a certain age and time... that's been my latest task... paying attention to what these guys are saying to see whether they're looking seriously for a relationship or if they just want a "buddy."

It's gonna take some self control, but they aren't gonna get very far with me physically without me bringing up the relationship talk. I'm talking about the first attempt at a make-out session, because you know how quickly one kiss can lead to more...

So if they say they don't want a relationship, I can part company with them because I didn't let myself get attached and catch feelings. Chipotle Boy is the latest example of this.
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Hey. :wave:

How old are you and how old are these guys? I'm learning more and more that you have to catch the ones who want a relationship at a certain age and time... that's been my latest task... paying attention to what these guys are saying to see whether they're looking seriously for a relationship or if they just want a "buddy."

It's gonna take some self control, but they aren't gonna get very far with me physically without me bringing up the relationship talk. I'm talking about the first attempt at a make-out session, because you know how quickly one kiss can lead to more...

So if they say they don't want a relationship, I can part company with them because I didn't let myself get attached and catch feelings. Chipotle Boy is the latest example of this.

Hey Bunny! The first guy was 25 and the last one was 29 (he inspired my last thread:look: ) I am 24. I did get attached and I did catch feelings:ohwell: so that made it harder.

I didnt go far with them physically either. I'm glad about that.

It's good you know to part ways early on before it gets serious.

The 29 year old would go on and on about how I was such a great girl, that I'm special, yadda but he just can't be in a relationship. He's never been in one before.

I'm like ok, if you see something that's so great, why wouldn't you want it? I guess he just wasn't that into me:ohwell:

The 25 year didnt give me an explanation he just stopped calling.
you know!
The person I posted about called me a few minutes ago, I haven't heard from him all week..:rolleyes:

I hate when guys do that. Don't hear from them then they just pop up like its cool. :nono: Im tired of being single but things like that make me happy that I am.