Single and Ready to Mingle: 2011 Edition!

Single ladies lets check in!
Where are you going?
With whom?
What are you wearing?
Whats your game plan?

I'll start.
Where are you going? To a nightclub..havent been to one since NYE
With whom? My married bestie
What are you wearing? A low cut gray dress with stilletto pumps
Whats your game plan? I plan to give my number to atleast 2 men tonight, mingle with everyone, keep a smile on my face, and look "approachable"
Recap of the month.

Getting a bit discouraged. I've done several things this month, but I'm not getting approached (unless it's a bar/party/lounge or see situation below)....I've joined a co-ed sport club, graduate classes, volunteering, potluck, professional conferences, basketball game...and my usual of grocery shopping, gym, public transportation, gas station, work, walking through campus, online dating, etc.

How are you all getting men to approach you in non-party environments? I would really prefer to meet men when they are not drunk with the place not blasting loud music.

Please send me positive vibes.

I'll end on a positive note. I did meet one guy off of POF. We've been meeting up for a month now. He's cute, sweet, a grad student like me. It's a bit weird, because he's Indian (my first time interracial dating) and I'm not used to all the stares when we go out and black men acting a fool (oh now you want to pay attention to me? :rolleyes: ) I'm not sure where it's going, but just stay on friendly terms for now.

Inspired by Goddess below, I've also been getting a lot more looks than before, and even a few smiles. Hope that's a sign that my blessing is coming.

Here's to a better March.
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For this month I have been looked at more but still no bites.I am often looked at by dudes that have no chance in heck I guess they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I dont know maybe its going to be like my employment situation very hard to find..
Well, I'll definitely be mingling tomorrow....

Going to the Paul Carrick Brunson (black matchmaker) mixer and speed dating event. We'll see how it goes!
Alright ladies. Even though it's my busy season at work (working 16 hour days), I've allowed my bestie to talk me into going out dancing tomorrow evening. I don't wanna go . . . but the only way I'm going to get over my "fear" and insecurities in those types of environments is to go there frequently and get comfortable . . . .
Ok. I'm back on the wagon.

Since last week i've stepped it up. I started going out with this "girls night out" meet up group that i joined eons ago. I went last week wed. and had a BLAST. After that I went again this Wednesday and had a good time too. Last week I was drunk and just giving out my number to any guy who asked..smdh..foolish i know. anyway i got this guy I just can't shake now. I swear he won't leave me alone. He called me constantly, I never picked up. He began msg'ing me and just wouldnt stop calling. Finally I responded and then he eased off a bit.
Anyway, altho I had fun that night i was thoroughly annoyed at all the middle eastern men that came on hella strong and IMO, treated me or expected me to be, a common whore. NOT cool.

i didnt meet anyone worth mentioning that night, except for two cool girls from the meetup group. anyway i went again this wednesday and it was cool, cept for the fact that i met this french girl from the meet up group and her male friend. they asked me if i wanted to go eat denny's w. them and i said ok. while on our way out this fine hispanic guy that i was eye tried to talk to me and she brushes him off and goes "my friend doesn't wanna talk to any guys! sorry" i was like.."****!!! says who?" IMH of course. smdh. there was this guy that i kept talking to the whole night, but when i was walking by i saw he was talking to some other girl and kept on walking. the french girl's male friend was ok until i realized he had kids and was a divorcee, who was bitter about marriage. so i figured my prospects for the night had dried up and just ate breakfast w. these bitter folks and went on my way.

the next day. thursday. i hit the jackpot. i was looking extra fly in my blk dress, knee high boots, beautiful accessories, eye catching make up and high bun w. tendrils hanging down. me and my gf was supposed to go to this one club she said she heard was good. we went and it was a bust. so we tried another... latin night. so we went downtown. couldnt find anything that let ladies in free. it was 1am and clubs down here close at 2am so we didnt wanna pay for any place that would just let us in for an hr. so we continued to walk. just as i was beginning to lose hope, i spot this one place i always wanted to try. its this bar that always seems to have interesting characters in it. so i ask the doorman how much. he lets us in free. its ladies night! hurray!

we go in and at first its a little uncomfortable bc of the way the bar is built. there was no real place to chill. finally we go to the back of the bar, and we're sippin on our cups of water, lol. we're just hanging out looking at ppl and discussing them, then someone gets up from a table and i tell my friend to grab it. we sit down and continue our convo. someone asks to sit down across from us. he's not cute at all and im just wishing he'd get up and stop cramping our style.

my friend sees this cute white boy thats a few feet away from us. she keeps going on and on about how hot he was. the weird guy eventually gets up and a minute later the cute white guy sits down. of course he effs it up by his opening being "so we have this bet. we're trying to figure out what 'knuck if you buck' means." of course my first thought was "why is he askin US that? are we supposed to know bc we're black?" i dont say that tho. instead i just answer his question, which leads to more questions and chatter back and forth. i didnt think he was cute at first but i thought he was funny and his personality made me kind of attracted to him. he calls his friend over from the bar and they both sit down and we're all talking. the convo leads to them telling us about there being a back part of the bar. where the dance floor is. we immediately feel dumb for thinking that the bar was really that small. we decide to go back and check it out. we were thinking the boys were going to come w. us, but apparently it was just a misscommunication bc they werent behind us when we arrived at the other part of the club. anyway, i immediately spot this GORGEOUS guy that I saw for a mini second earlier. he was just... :lick: he was really tall, very lean, he looked kind of serious, stood very straight, had big light brown eyes and long curly eyelashes that i would kill for. pretty caramel skin and looked kind of exotic. like you cant tell if he's black, mixed, hispanic..what. all i knew was that he was fine.
and of course when im close to a guy that high up in the realm of hotness, i become incredibly shy and have a hard time making eye contact and even looking like im the least bit interested. so me and my friend are talking and i cant help but notice that he keeps looking my way.
i thought maybe he was intimated bc i was w. my gf. (he was standing by himself). but then my gf said she was gonna go back to where she just came from to go look for the white boys. so i said ok. he still didn't approach. i could tell he was looking at me and id look at him but he'd turn away and when he looked back at me i'd turn away.

when my gf came back i pointed him out to her and she agreed that he was cute and said he kept looking at me. she suggested we go over there but i told her that if he was interested he'd come to me. i wont go out of my way to make things easy for him. anyway we go on the dance floor and come back to our spots and me and him are still playin the same old game. finally i remembered the whole maintaining eye contact thing and smiling. which is SOOO much harder to do than u would think. esp if the guy is really cute. but i finally got tired of the back and forth and looked his way, he looked my way, i chickened out and looked away again. lol. BUT then i immediately forced myself to look back again. he was still looking so i maintained eye contact and smiled. he gave a little head nod and started walking my way. smh. this whole thing lasted about 30 min and all i had to do for him to come was smile. lol. i made a joke about it after he came over and he said he was gonna "make his way over" and he was "getting there." lol, girls he wasn't gettin nowhere. if i never smiled at him we would've never started talking. as cute as he is you would think he'd just go up to girls expecting them to be interested. *shrugs*

anyway, to make a long story short. the three of us hung out for the rest of the night. he walked us to my car. we exchanged numbers. he msg'd me that night and we msg'd until we fell asleep. then we msg'd all day today. we set up a date for monday which is only 3 days away. im SO excited ! he's easy to talk to and we seem to be getting along. we're going to the fair, which i think is an excellent place for a first date.

next week i plan on going back to that bar/club. this time however i will get there much earlier and i'll drink a lot =D i'll make sure to tell you guys how the date goes.

oh yea. stats on him

height: 6'2
race: black and guyanese/indian (hence the exotic look i guess)
build: lean and muscular
age: 25
profession: pro athlete (he REALLY didnt wanna tell me this) and apparently, according to my friend. he got recognized by 2 diff ppl while we were walking back to the parking lot. (im always in my own world so i didnt notice). i hope this doesnt become a problem. i really dont kno if im confident enough to date an athlete. but let me not jump ahead of myself.
anyway i already kno not much can come out of it bc he's only gonna be here for a few mths. he travels a lot. anyway, ill let u ladies know how it goes.

ETA: i made a mistake on his height. he's 6'4, not 6'2
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Well, I'll definitely be mingling tomorrow....

Going to the Paul Carrick Brunson (black matchmaker) mixer and speed dating event. We'll see how it goes!

I went to the New York event. It was cool. The crowd was attractive and numbers wise, the women didn't out-number the men. However, I would say that the quality was a little "iffy".

That was my first time "flow-dating" so I wasn't sure what to expect.

My cousin had 6 matches and my friend had 4 matches. In order to have a match you and the guy have to both circle "interested" on your little sheet, make sure you bring a pen. I only circled "interested" in two guys and I had one match :look:. I guess that wasn't that bad lol. I'm either really picky or it was the quality of the guys, or maybe it's me :look:, although I think I'm attractive lol.

Some of them I just felt like they were like making some stuff up and others I just wasn't interested in I guess. I ran into a lot of dealbreakers, like being drunk at 7pm and then going flow dating, inviting me to your house to give you a massage and you've known me for four minutes, over 25 with braids :look:, asking me why I'm single when there are 300+ single people here. :ohwell:

If you go into it with an open mind I'm sure you'll be successful.:yep:
ok so I went out last night..great crowd, we were having a blast, and I thought I was looking great..However, I was only approached by one guy all night..I gave him my # but Im not really sure about him calling me..In a nutshell, I still had fun..I attached a pic of me..the pitcha man wanted my photo..
Im not gonna lie, I was like, "whats up with the menfolks?" I know Im looking good and etc.. well, I will continue to try again. It just makes me wonder...
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I'm just rambling because dating is starting to suck, like a lot. :ohwell:

So I had a date last Saturday with a great guy. While I was waiting for him another guy approached me. I didn't want to be bothered, but the guy insisted on having my number so I obliged just so he would leave :ohwell:

So I went out with the Great Guy, we'll call him Guy #1. It was awesome and he was so nice. Unfortunately later on in the week I inadvertently sent him a text meant for someone else, sooo, I probably messed that up :wallbash: I felt like such an a-hole after I sent the message. I apologized, and hopefully he'll forget/forgive me. I'm kicking myself now, but if it's meant to be, then it will be.

Guy #2 whom I met while waiting for Guy #1, ugh, an investment banker who seemed really nice, at first. He asked me out, I said fine. Big mistake, he was extremely late and kept suggesting that we meet at his house. I told him no, I'm not comfortable coming to someone's home if I don't really know them. He shows up dressed like he was on his way to a club or something, extremely flashy and complete with the sunglasses, even though it was 9:30PM! :ohwell:

So through the date he talks about himself and how women try to trap men like him by getting pregnant. :perplexed So I told him I don't have unprotected sex and I don't have sex with men I'm not in a committed relationship with so I don't really have any issues like that. He then proceeded to ask me how many men I was currently dating, after I responded "a few" sarcastically. He then told me to tell them all I'm done with them because I'm seeing him now. Then he tells me he dodges 10-12 women/week who want him. :nono:

Anyway later on in the week I'm dodging Guy #2's texts then he asks if I want to hang out with a bottle of Ciroc to "enjoy life". I respond by saying no, I don't sit on someone's couch and drink hard liquor on a second date. His response was "cool, you can come chill then and sleep here". WTF is wrong with this man.

Guy #2 is done. Guy #1 was great and I hope I didn't mess everything up.

The sad part about Guy #2 is that some woman somewhere put up with his bs. Ugh, I don't have any plans on going out anytime soon. I'm going to take a quick dating break and try again in a few weeks.

I hope you ladies are having better luck out there.
^^^Omg, I used to know sooo many guys like Guy#2, I was just shaking my head reading your story. I went to business school with a few guys in that field so I know the investment banker arrogant type all too well (they were usually corny/lame in grade school and now want to to live out their wanna be diddy fantasies). How old is this dude, don't they eventually grow out of that? I guess I haven't been on that scene in a while, I thought they stopped all that foolishness surely after about 26? I just can't imagine a grown man inviting a woman over to his house to drink.
I think you looked great :yep:

I really need to get out there. Houston ladies PM me if y'all go out. I'm down.
ok so I went out last night..great crowd, we were having a blast, and I thought I was looking great..However, I was only approached by one guy all night..I gave him my # but Im not really sure about him calling me..In a nutshell, I still had fun..I attached a pic of me..the pitcha man wanted my photo..
Im not gonna lie, I was like, "whats up with the menfolks?" I know Im looking good and etc.. well, I will continue to try again. It just makes me wonder...
ok so I went out last night..great crowd, we were having a blast, and I thought I was looking great..However, I was only approached by one guy all night..I gave him my # but Im not really sure about him calling me..In a nutshell, I still had fun..I attached a pic of me..the pitcha man wanted my photo..
Im not gonna lie, I was like, "whats up with the menfolks?" I know Im looking good and etc.. well, I will continue to try again. It just makes me wonder...

Girl please, you looked great. It's not you, it's them. :ohwell:
OK so a new friend of mine I met at th Ymca wants to go to Sheveport Louisana on the boat in March.So I am def going to have fun and make sure Im as fly as can state maybe I might get some bites..
Ladies, I think I have found a new outlet -- SALSA DANCING.

Last night, at the last minute, I decided to go out with my friend (who is also trying to put herself out there). We went to a salsa club that included an hourlong lesson before the "real" dancing started. And ladies, forget da club . . . salsa is the way to go. Because it's a dance that *requires* a partner, men were not shy at all about asking for dances. And it's not about whether he thinks you're cute or wants to get with you or whatever . . . it's all about the dance. And that takes a lot of the pressure off . . . plus because it takes some concentration to do the steps, you are more focused on that than anything else . . . there were all types of folks there: black, white, latino, asian and even if people came with partners, it wasn't no thang to switch up with different partners because, again, this is about the dancing.

I was actually amazed to find that guys were approaching ME as opposed to my friend (who is way slimmer and actually knew what she was doing) . . . just goes to show you how much a smile and pleasant demeanor can make a difference. Also shows me how far I have come . . . years ago, I came to this same spot and was a total wallflower . . . not feeling "worthy" of being on the dance floor and too upset about not knowing how to do all the steps to precision. This time? I didn't care! I just wanted to have fun and was able to laugh off any missteps.

I am definitely going to add this to my routine . . . if nothing else, it's a great way for me to get over myself and loosen up a bit around men. Oh and plus it's a GREAT workout. I was burning up some serious calories out there! That's the only downside - I sweat like a mugg . . . but whatevs. I will just pretend I'm 1990s-mid-concert-Whitney-Houston. :yep:
I'm just rambling because dating is starting to suck, like a lot. :ohwell:

So I had a date last Saturday with a great guy. While I was waiting for him another guy approached me. I didn't want to be bothered, but the guy insisted on having my number so I obliged just so he would leave :ohwell:

So I went out with the Great Guy, we'll call him Guy #1. It was awesome and he was so nice. Unfortunately later on in the week I inadvertently sent him a text meant for someone else, sooo, I probably messed that up :wallbash: I felt like such an a-hole after I sent the message. I apologized, and hopefully he'll forget/forgive me. I'm kicking myself now, but if it's meant to be, then it will be.

May I ask what you accidentally texted him? Or at least, what about the text makes you think that you blew it? Hope he re-emerges . . . .

Guy #2 whom I met while waiting for Guy #1, ugh, an investment banker who seemed really nice, at first. He asked me out, I said fine. Big mistake, he was extremely late and kept suggesting that we meet at his house. I told him no, I'm not comfortable coming to someone's home if I don't really know them. He shows up dressed like he was on his way to a club or something, extremely flashy and complete with the sunglasses, even though it was 9:30PM! :ohwell:

So through the date he talks about himself and how women try to trap men like him by getting pregnant. :perplexed So I told him I don't have unprotected sex and I don't have sex with men I'm not in a committed relationship with so I don't really have any issues like that. He then proceeded to ask me how many men I was currently dating, after I responded "a few" sarcastically. He then told me to tell them all I'm done with them because I'm seeing him now. Then he tells me he dodges 10-12 women/week who want him. :nono:

Anyway later on in the week I'm dodging Guy #2's texts then he asks if I want to hang out with a bottle of Ciroc to "enjoy life". I respond by saying no, I don't sit on someone's couch and drink hard liquor on a second date. His response was "cool, you can come chill then and sleep here". WTF is wrong with this man.

Guy #2 is done. Guy #1 was great and I hope I didn't mess everything up.

The sad part about Guy #2 is that some woman somewhere put up with his bs. Ugh, I don't have any plans on going out anytime soon. I'm going to take a quick dating break and try again in a few weeks.

I hope you ladies are having better luck out there.

This guy sounds like a total douchebag . . . and you're right about the sad part . . . I wonder how many baby mamas he has . . . or how many abortions he's paid for :look:
SuchMagnificance, you looked extra fly
but sometimes men are scared to approach a very beautiful woman so don't feel bad, it wasn't you

so i havent really done anything proactive since it's still been less then a month since my breakup

but i just signed up for drinks w/one of my meetup groups next weekend, I will start single & ready to mingle challenge then

at the very least, have some well-deserved fun and meet some hopefully positive friendly women similar to me

thanks for posting your progress ladies this is very encouraging to me
May I ask what you accidentally texted him? Or at least, what about the text makes you think that you blew it? Hope he re-emerges . . . .

This guy sounds like a total douchebag . . . and you're right about the sad part . . . I wonder how many baby mamas he has . . . or how many abortions he's paid for :look:

I know I'm hella late lol, but, this sounds way more complicated than it really was.

So, my cousin and I are both getting back out there after being in long-term relationships. I usually text her weekly updates about my dating life. So let's say Guy #1's name is Tim, but I was also seeing a guy named Bob. So I meant to text Tim a quick "hey, how you doing" text at the same time I was giving my cousin an update on Bob. Instead I inserted Tim's name instead of Bob's and sent it to Tim. I'm a horrible multi-tasker and I even more horrible multi-dater.

I was trying to send my cousin this "I guess Tim is Black history now, he hasn't hit me up all week. I know he's busy with ___ and ___ but gosh. Oh well, another one bites the dust" :blush: and I sent it to Tim.

It was supposed to say "I guess Bob is Black history now, he hasn't hit me up all week. I know he's busy with ___ and ___ but gosh. Oh well, another one bites the dust"

I was basically thinking of Tim while texting about Bob. It was a rookie mistake and I should've known better. I just stopped texting Tim altogether and now I only call him. This works also because he doesn't have to be reminded of that awful text. :spinning:
I know I'm hella late lol, but, this sounds way more complicated than it really was.

So, my cousin and I are both getting back out there after being in long-term relationships. I usually text her weekly updates about my dating life. So let's say Guy #1's name is Tim, but I was also seeing a guy named Bob. So I meant to text Tim a quick "hey, how you doing" text at the same time I was giving my cousin an update on Bob. Instead I inserted Tim's name instead of Bob's and sent it to Tim. I'm a horrible multi-tasker and I even more horrible multi-dater.

I was trying to send my cousin this "I guess Tim is Black history now, he hasn't hit me up all week. I know he's busy with ___ and ___ but gosh. Oh well, another one bites the dust" :blush: and I sent it to Tim.

It was supposed to say "I guess Bob is Black history now, he hasn't hit me up all week. I know he's busy with ___ and ___ but gosh. Oh well, another one bites the dust"

I was basically thinking of Tim while texting about Bob. It was a rookie mistake and I should've known better. I just stopped texting Tim altogether and now I only call him. This works also because he doesn't have to be reminded of that awful text. :spinning:

I'm glad it worked out for you. I've done the same thing, LOL, with the same premise. I was updating my friend and said something to the effect of, I know so-and-so SAYS he's busy, but you know how men are, yada yada..." Um, yeah, we had a conversation about that text.
Ok ladies, sorry to be so late with this update on the Matchmaking deal, but it was a COMPLETE bust! I do mean complete. There were like 40-50 women and like 5 men. I'm not exaggerating. Women were all sitting around looking PISSED off, LOL. I got there late and I'm so glad I did. We ended up talking to this author and blogger, Shanel Cooper-Sykes who was really cool and just made it interesting. It was a mess. My friend and I left and went to the movies, LOL. It was 9 something when they gave out the cards and the event was supposed to end at 10, so I don't know if they ever did the speed dating thing or not. I wasn't disappointed really, because I know how ATL is, so I just charged it to the game. Oh well...there's other events to attend.

I doubt if I'll attend another one in ATL.
ok. yest was my date to the county fair. it kind of got off to a rocky start. we were initially supposed to go at 6pm, he pushed the time back to 7 earlier that day. okay.. so we were gonna go at 7. i msg'd him a little earlier to make sure we were still going, and i msg'd him again before i put on my makeup to make sure we were still on. he gave me a yes both times. okay. from the msgs that were exchanged he told me he was running late and that 8 would be a better time. at this point im like =/ bc the fair isnt all freakin night. they said they close at 11 30 but ive gone to the fair plenty of times, on weekdays they usually close around 10 ish, hence me wanting to go at 6. at this point i was starting to get annoyed but i try to keep a positive attitude. i put my make up on and soon enough i was ready. he had told me he'd be out the door by 7 30 and be at my house by 8. im done getting ready at 7 45 and i see he s till hasnt msg'd me (i told him to msg me when he was on his way.) i call him, no answer. i msg him, no answer. at this point i'm wondering if i was getting stood up and i begin to get angry. i spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to do my hair so that it'll be cute but it wont get messed up when i go upside down and all kinds of crazy directions on rides. I did my make up nice, and it took me awhile to find a sexy outfit that doesnt make it took like im trying too hard and was still casual and appropriate for a fair and was appropriate for the weather.
after 10 minutes of sitting there steaming mad and coming up w. all kinds of weird scenarios, i call again. He answers and he's apologizing profusely, he says he's on his way, we talk for a minute and he listens to my ranting and apologizes and says he will be there soon. he gets here, i wait for him to open my car door, we drive to the fair and we're talking. he said he just lost track of time, etc. i'm like w.e., lets just try to have fun. so we get there, go on a few rides and we're having a good time. we sit down to eat elephant ears, next thing you know i notice some of the lights on the games begin to shut off, now mind you we only went on like 2 rides. so i rush him so we can go back on some rides. we get on one, then as soon as we start to walk towards another their lights shut off, then all the games and rides start shutting down. im PISSED! we decide to just go home, i'm so mad i didnt even want to speak to him. so it's quiet the whole way. i decided i was never going to go out w. him again, idc how cute he is. clearly he didnt respect my time.

when we get to my house, i reach for the door and tell him "thanks for tonight," an automatic response to dates. he stops me and asks me can we talk. so i settle back down into my seat and go "you know why i'm mad right?" and then completely unload on him. long story short, he's very apologetic and says that he'll take me back out to the fair later on that week when im free, and this time we'll go early. we make arrangements for that. he also mentions how bc we texted so much (we hadnt talked on the phone at all since we met) that he felt that he didnt know me. and when he first met me he thought i was a classy girl but w. all the texting he forgot that, that's why he didn't open the door bc a lot of girls, especially ghetto ones, don't want that. bc they're too busy trying to be hard and be like men themselves. i was like hmm... :scratchchi

anyway after awhile of talking, i say to him, "well, do you want to go someplace and talk some more?" we decide to drive around to find someplace. we end up at a few places, then we take a walk on one of the strips here and wind up at ale house. i ended up having a great time overall and today we're going to the fair, but first he's coming w. me to get my teeth whitened :grin:.

oh yea, and also last night after i came from going out i called him and we wound up talking for like almost 2 hrs, until i told him i was getting sleepy, so we hung up. during that convo i asked him can we go somewhere where i can get dressed up. he says ok and we're going out friday :hide: i kno its a major no no to go out w. a guy you just met 3 times in one week, but i feel like im entitled since we're working w. limited time here.

eta: the timing is off since it took me two days to finish writing this. we went out two days ago, which is monday. i called him last night and we set up a date for friday. we're going back to the fair today, which is wednesday.
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ok. yest was my date to the county fair. it kind of got off to a rocky start. we were initially supposed to go at 6pm, he pushed the time back to 7 earlier that day. okay.. so we were gonna go at 7. i msg'd him a little earlier to make sure we were still going, and i msg'd him again before i put on my makeup to make sure we were still on. he gave me a yes both times. okay. from the msgs that were exchanged he told me he was running late and that 8 would be a better time. at this point im like =/ bc the fair isnt all freakin night. they said they close at 11 30 but ive gone to the fair plenty of times, on weekdays they usually close around 10 ish, hence me wanting to go at 6. at this point i was starting to get annoyed but i try to keep a positive attitude. i put my make up on and soon enough i was ready. he had told me he'd be out the door by 7 30 and be at my house by 8. im done getting ready at 7 45 and i see he s till hasnt msg'd me (i told him to msg me when he was on his way.) i call him, no answer. i msg him, no answer. at this point i'm wondering if i was getting stood up and i begin to get angry. i spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to do my hair so that it'll be cute but it wont get messed up when i go upside down and all kinds of crazy directions on rides. I did my make up nice, and it took me awhile to find a sexy outfit that doesnt make it took like im trying too hard and was still casual and appropriate for a fair and was appropriate for the weather.
after 10 minutes of sitting there steaming mad and coming up w. all kinds of weird scenarios, i call again. He answers and he's apologizing profusely, he says he's on his way, we talk for a minute and he listens to my ranting and apologizes and says he will be there soon. he gets here, i wait for him to open my car door, we drive to the fair and we're talking. he said he just lost track of time, etc. i'm like w.e., lets just try to have fun. so we get there, go on a few rides and we're having a good time. we sit down to eat elephant ears, next thing you know i notice some of the lights on the games begin to shut off, now mind you we only went on like 2 rides. so i rush him so we can go back on some rides. we get on one, then as soon as we start to walk towards another their lights shut off, then all the games and rides start shutting down. im PISSED! we decide to just go home, i'm so mad i didnt even want to speak to him. so it's quiet the whole way. i decided i was never going to go out w. him again, idc how cute he is. clearly he didnt respect my time.

when we get to my house, i reach for the door and tell him "thanks for tonight," an automatic response to dates. he stops me and asks me can we talk. so i settle back down into my seat and go "you know why i'm mad right?" and then completely unload on him. long story short, he's very apologetic and says that he'll take me back out to the fair later on that week when im free, and this time we'll go early. we make arrangements for that. he also mentions how bc we texted so much (we hadnt talked on the phone at all since we met) that he felt that he didnt know me. and when he first met me he thought i was a classy girl but w. all the texting he forgot that, that's why he didn't open the door bc a lot of girls, especially ghetto ones, don't want that. bc they're too busy trying to be hard and be like men themselves. i was like hmm... :scratchchi

anyway after awhile of talking, i say to him, "well, do you want to go someplace and talk some more?" we decide to drive around to find someplace. we end up at a few places, then we take a walk on one of the strips here and wind up at ale house. i ended up having a great time overall and today we're going to the fair, but first he's coming w. me to get my teeth whitened :grin:.

oh yea, and also last night after i came from going out i called him and we wound up talking for like almost 2 hrs, until i told him i was getting sleepy, so we hung up. during that convo i asked him can we go somewhere where i can get dressed up. he says ok and we're going out friday :hide: i kno its a major no no to go out w. a guy you just met 3 times in one week, but i feel like im entitled since we're working w. limited time here.

Wow, thanks for the update! I'm glad it worked out that night. Hopefully he got the point and will respect your time next time! I'm glad you let him know.
Ok ladies, sorry to be so late with this update on the Matchmaking deal, but it was a COMPLETE bust! I do mean complete. There were like 40-50 women and like 5 men. I'm not exaggerating. Women were all sitting around looking PISSED off, LOL. I got there late and I'm so glad I did. We ended up talking to this author and blogger, Shanel Cooper-Sykes who was really cool and just made it interesting. It was a mess. My friend and I left and went to the movies, LOL. It was 9 something when they gave out the cards and the event was supposed to end at 10, so I don't know if they ever did the speed dating thing or not. I wasn't disappointed really, because I know how ATL is, so I just charged it to the game. Oh well...there's other events to attend.

I doubt if I'll attend another one in ATL.

wow, that ratio is so crazy:nono: I've seen that lady's videos, she seems cool and has a lot of energy.
wow, that ratio is so crazy:nono: I've seen that lady's videos, she seems cool and has a lot of energy.

Yeah, I never knew who she was until that night. She looks VERY much like LisaRaye. I mean, I had to do a double take if it wasn't for her short hair.
runwaydream aww good for you, i'm gonna absorb some of your heavenly energy so i can be in that situation soon lol

i'm staying in tonite but going out for drinks w/the girls tomorrow
trendy restaurant/bar, hopefully will be potential suitors around

but i finally asked a guy i met online in october (and hv been talking to ever since) if he was interested in me, we resorted to being just friends after i started dating my ex who i met at the same time

he said of course he was interested in me otherwise he wouldn't be talking to me
he just hasn't met me because busy w/work and got sick

he did ask me out to dinner last weekend but got the flu so i give him credit for that

and i honestly only dated my ex because i liked the other guy (J) but he didn't make moves on me but my ex did so...needless to say i should've just waited on J

anyway i think i'll continue to take my time with guy i still havn't met (J)
but I'm still going to go out, not sure if I should give out my number though?

I do like J and all this time we've been communicating he's never flipped his personality which is very mature, goal oriented, and he's always a cheerleader for me.

he didn't even give me drama when I told him i was officially dating my ex so I wouldn't be sending him (J) flirty txts anymore. He told me "no problem, good luck hope it goes well"

do yall think I should continue to take my time and get to know J & still mingle? or do only one of the two?
runwaydream aww good for you, i'm gonna absorb some of your heavenly energy so i can be in that situation soon lol

i'm staying in tonite but going out for drinks w/the girls tomorrow
trendy restaurant/bar, hopefully will be potential suitors around

but i finally asked a guy i met online in october (and hv been talking to ever since) if he was interested in me, we resorted to being just friends after i started dating my ex who i met at the same time

he said of course he was interested in me otherwise he wouldn't be talking to me
he just hasn't met me because busy w/work and got sick

he did ask me out to dinner last weekend but got the flu so i give him credit for that

and i honestly only dated my ex because i liked the other guy (J) but he didn't make moves on me but my ex did so...needless to say i should've just waited on J

anyway i think i'll continue to take my time with guy i still havn't met (J)
but I'm still going to go out, not sure if I should give out my number though?

I do like J and all this time we've been communicating he's never flipped his personality which is very mature, goal oriented, and he's always a cheerleader for me.

he didn't even give me drama when I told him i was officially dating my ex so I wouldn't be sending him (J) flirty txts anymore. He told me "no problem, good luck hope it goes well"

do yall think I should continue to take my time and get to know J & still mingle? or do only one of the two?

Take your time with him and still mingle. So you go with you ex since October when you actually started communicating with J?
chocolate79 i met both J & my ex online in Oct, my ex didn't ask me to be his girlfriend until a month later and I didn't want to be single plus I kinda liked my ex at the time so I agreed to be his girl

but i had a gut feeling i was making the wrong decision
Oh well I can't change the past, that's why i'm looking at what to do now so it's better in my future i guess
So Im going out tonight with my from the Y..its her bday so it should be fun..Dress is will be hot and the wig will be extra bobby pinned.