Single and Ready to Mingle Challenge 2010!

Same here, I'm more of a basketball girl. I can't wait to start hitting up some sport bars. But I don't feel comfortable wearing the clothes that I have on now. One time I went to a sports bar for the first time, and I had on a dress/boots/leggings. Everyone had on a jersey. I felt so uncomfortable that I left within 10 minutes. :lol:
But I don't have any jerseys, and don't want to go out buy some. They're kind of expensive.

@suchmag, can you answer my question from earlier please? Thanks.

Girl, in the Atl, ladies dress up for everything! lol, thats why I love the A, everthings a social event. I would blend right in with the outfit u just described.
@suchmag, can you answer my question from earlier please? Thanks.

Whether we notice it or not, men notice us when we walk in the room. I would normally go and buy myself a drink and try to look approachable: a lot of eye contact, smiling, moving to the beat of the music. If a guy happens to approach me, he usually starts off with: "I noticed you when you walked in" and by giving me some sort of compliment, I then will give him one.."you look nice this evening" "you have a very nice smile" something to that extent. We then engage in some sort of small talk, if I think he is cute/interesting..Conversation is usually "how do you like it here, you come here often, who are you here with" then it gets more personal like "are you seeing anyone, I would like to get to know you" By this time, he has already made up his mind if he wants to buy me a drink or not..I never pressure/hint to anyone that I would like another drink, I think for most men they just like to do it so it can kinda prove to you that he is really interested in you and your conversation.. Some men just like to show off too...I always watch when my drink is made and never sit it down until Im finished with it.
I'm going to do that when I return from Xmas break. I love watching basketball and there are a couple of sports bars I wouldn't mind checking out. It's all about placing yourself in the right spots and I seem to gravitate to places catering to women. Not anymore!
I went out this wknd! Yay!

First of all, I was pretty fly and sexy if I do say so myself. I kept playing that Fabolous "Girl u be Killin em" as my theme song! lol.

I went to the mixer, kind of a lounge, live music spot. got ALOT of dudes looking my way when I walked in. Met this super cool guy who went to my school (don't really think he's my type tho-I hate to do it to him but he's going in the "friend" category) who invited me to this dance spot after the mixer. They were playing a lot of different music so I was glad to be at a new spot besides the same ol hip hop scene. then I hopped over the club to link up with a couple of friends at about 1AM. The last place was ur typical hip hop club, it was cool, but lots of lame thirsty negroes running up in my face every 2 seconds. I called it a night around 3:30 am.

So all in all, I had a pretty decent time! I was happy to get out the house and it just feels good to get sexy and dressed up sometimes.
^^^^Yea! Glad you had a good time.

Girls, we are PRETTY! We just have to be confidence and act like we run the joint! I was starting to doubt my looks because I was never approached, but lately I've started to believe my stuff doesn't stink and guess what? Others believe the same too, so I'm learning it's all about confidence, attitude and of course, taking pride in your appearance.


You are so cute!

The only thing that has kept me from mingling as much as I would have liked this year are finances, but that's changing.
^^^^Yea! Glad you had a good time.

Girls, we are PRETTY! We just have to be confidence and act like we run the joint! I was starting to doubt my looks because I was never approached, but lately I've started to believe my stuff doesn't stink and guess what? Others believe the same too, so I'm learning it's all about confidence, attitude and of course, taking pride in your appearance.


You are so cute!

The only thing that has kept me from mingling as much as I would have liked this year are finances, but that's changing.

Yeah, I live in NoWhereville so I have to travel if I want to go out and it can take a toll on the pockets:nono:. I had to cut back on going out as well too, I'm trying to save up for a big trip in the summer, so I really gotta quit spending so much. But I was going stir crazy and really wanted to get out this past weekend.

I'm contemplating going to a Frankie Beverly and Maze concert coming up. I know everyone there will probably be waaay older than me, lol. But I like old school music, especially that feel good music which I could really use some of right now.
^^^^I know what you mean. I definitely think you should go to that concert. You never know whom you'll meet. At least you'll definitely have fun.
I went out this wknd! Yay!

First of all, I was pretty fly and sexy if I do say so myself. I kept playing that Fabolous "Girl u be Killin em" as my theme song! lol.

I went to the mixer, kind of a lounge, live music spot. got ALOT of dudes looking my way when I walked in. Met this super cool guy who went to my school (don't really think he's my type tho-I hate to do it to him but he's going in the "friend" category) who invited me to this dance spot after the mixer. They were playing a lot of different music so I was glad to be at a new spot besides the same ol hip hop scene. then I hopped over the club to link up with a couple of friends at about 1AM. The last place was ur typical hip hop club, it was cool, but lots of lame thirsty negroes running up in my face every 2 seconds. I called it a night around 3:30 am.

So all in all, I had a pretty decent time! I was happy to get out the house and it just feels good to get sexy and dressed up sometimes.

Good for you Imani!! Glad you had a good time and enjoyed yourself! I plan to get out and mingle more in 2011 and do more traveling!
Great progress ladies! Lets continue to be social butterflies into 2011. I was on the losing end of a haircut unfortunately, so I will be sidelined until my birthday in Feb..Im wearing wigs and protective styling and I dont always feel very confident in wearing them while going out.. I have met one guy who I have been spending a little time with so thats a plus. Good luck to all of us in the coming months!!!!
Heading to the gym now to get my workout on. There's always some nice eye candy there. This is workout #2 for today. I already ran about 5 miles outside earlier. This workout is strictly for man watching purposes.:grin::lachen:

Also as the year is coming to a close, I'm in the very beginning stages of getting to know/dating a guy I met on POF. He's handsome, educated, professional, funny, and we really seem to click. He's first on my list, but I'm still keeping my options open. Actually, I'm meeting another guy tomorrow for drinks.
I went out Saturday for graduation..had a spicy red dress the twins were pulled out of hibernation they were full of life lol.I got a bit nervous at the salsa dancing since I have no ability to let lose on the floor I guess Im a bit conservative out in public with men now who knew that what happens as you age but anywoo this nice guy spotted me and danced with me a few legs felt like jello..I think I may find a dancing school somewhere and try never ladies inspire me so much
I'm going to a "Black Hollywood" party. It's at a club (boo!!!), BUT the men must wear suits, so that balances out. I just hope they're not those Steve Harvey suits, LOL. BUT, I plan on having a good time regardless. I got my dress, shoes, pantyhose (fishnets), makeup all ready to go! I'm excited!
I'm going to a "Black Hollywood" party. It's at a club (boo!!!), BUT the men must wear suits, so that balances out. I just hope they're not those Steve Harvey suits, LOL. BUT, I plan on having a good time regardless. I got my dress, shoes, pantyhose (fishnets), makeup all ready to go! I'm excited!

Lol @ Steve Harvey suits! I was going to sit in the house and watch movies, but at the last minute decided to go out.

So I'm going to a house party Friday night. Maybe hit up a yoga class/shop/vist family on Saturday. Then the Frankie Beverly and Maze concert Saturday night where I'm sure I will see plenty Steve Harvey suits! lol
Lol @ Steve Harvey suits! I was going to sit in the house and watch movies, but at the last minute decided to go out.

So I'm going to a house party Friday night. Maybe hit up a yoga class/shop/vist family on Saturday. Then the Frankie Beverly and Maze concert Saturday night where I'm sure I will see plenty Steve Harvey suits! lol

Haha!! Sounds like a good plan! No need to stay in the house...

Make sure you watch the hands of those Steve Harvey suit-wearing old dudes, LOL :lachen: WITH the hat and shoes to match....sooky sooky now!

Yep, I said sooky sooky....
YAY! i finally have something to contribute to this thread!

i have a date tomorrow/today (New Year's Eve) It was quite unexpected. After reading the "Aquarius Men" thread, I had a deep yearning to date an Aquarius man. And low and behold the very next day I found two good looking tall ones on this dating site i'm on. so i write both of them.
one responded the hr, and we msg'd back and forth a few times before he asked if we can text. normally i'd say no bc i like to take things slow. but i thought of you ladies on lhcf and decided "what the hell" so we have been texting for a few hrs and i really liked him. he was funny and easy for me to get along w. we also had a lot in common.

so he then asked me kind of out of the blue if i maybe wouldn't mind checking out a movie with him sometime. i again hesitated, bc i dont usually move that fast. but thought of you ladies and said "that would be nice." that's when he asked about this weekend. now to me this is like superspeed. but again i felt a force propel me and i decided to throw caution to the wind and even though i didnt say ok right away, i didnt say no either and started asking what would he like to do and see, ect. i then "casually mentioned" that i had nothing to do on new yrs eve :wink2: he said new years eve would be even better (we were planning for new yrs day), and so we planned from there. and even though what we're gonna do isn't set in stone yet, (it was late when we decided on this.) the plan seems to be dinner (for me to see how he is first bc i dont want to drive around downtown on new yrs eve) and a movie, then possibly ride w. him to w.e. club/bar/event we want to go to for new yrs countdown.

so i'm super stoked. which is weird bc i really didnt plan on saying yes initially. but now that i did i'm excited, and glad to be doing something for new yrs.

and also this is the first time i'm going on a date w. a white guy. i've dated outside my race lots of times, but they were always azn. i've been asked by lots of white guys but it never felt right. but this time it does.

i hope things work out for the best. i mean i dont expect this to be my FH or anything. he has gauged ears, tattoos and a lip ring, which i find to be super sexy but my parents would never approve so i know he's not marriage material. but if nothing else i could at least gain a new friend and a new experience. he seems super fun so im sure we'll have a good time if we go.

i say super a lot.


wish me luck
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BUMPING... ladies, shall we have a challenge for 2011????
Oh...i ended up going out last night too..anyone else have any details they would like to share???

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i think we should start a 2011 thread. question is who's gonna do it.

and as for yesterday. it was ok. i like him. he's really cute. i wish he didn't cut his hair though. i love long hair on guys. i dont like the way he dresses.

i could be myself around him. which i like. but i felt like he was too tall. he drew too much attn and i dont like that much attn on me. he's 6'8. and seeing how im w. him that brought even more attn.

we went to universal citiwalk. it was ok but nothing to write home about. i'm glad i went and did something.

the lol of the night was as we were leaving this older blk man completely went out of his way to talk to me when he saw i was w. my date. we were on the moving sidewalks going in opposite directions and he got all close to my face and said "happy new year" i mumbled "happy new year" back. i was kind of taken aback by his approach (i cant explain it properly but it startled me) and then he said "smile pretty!" then looked at my guy again. the guy i was w. just looked uncomfortable. so was i, but i thought it was slightly funny at the same time.

anyway he wants to see me again. i think he's more into me than i am into him. i just want to be friends. i think he's really interesting, and i liked how the difference in race didnt bother me when i was w. him like it did when i may have been around others.
also he doesn't have much money which is a no go for me at this point of my life.

anyway glad i went. hope to meet more guys to go out w. this year. this is only the beginning for me. also i love the outfit i put together and plan on recycling it quite a bit.
**Long post, please be kind,lol**
So a couple of weeks ago I received a message on POF from a nice looking guy. College graduate, no kids, car, seemed to be well spoken by the way he typed. We exchange conversation but I was a bit wary of the distance between us (about 25-30min). He assured me that it was no problem and offered to take me for coffee. I was hesistant and never responded back..He hit me up about a week later and was very persistant on taking me out...I said okay, we exchanged numbers, talked on the phone, instant messaged, the whole nine, but we never made any definite plans..

Christmas night came and I was at home by myself, looking at TV. He called me and asked me if I would like to go to the movies..I said sure, no biggie...Met him at the theatre and we ended up having a nice time. We had great conversation from that point on, we spoke everyday on the phone and via text..Fast forward to last night...I was out with the girls for New Years Eve and I had spoken to him earlier, complaining how I was spending it without a special someone..He politely listened and said he was chilling with his homies, but "what club yall going to"..I told him and that was it..

He showed up at the club looking very handsome in his blazer and dress up to me and whispered, "you dont have to spend it by yourself"...Whoo chile! We had soo much fun together..We plan on going out again tonight!

I might just start the challenge my damn self!
anyway glad i went. hope to meet more guys to go out w. this year. this is only the beginning for me. also i love the outfit i put together and plan on recycling it quite a bit.

This is very good to hear! I also plan to be more of a social butterfly this year...Glad to hear you had a nice time...Good luck and keep us posted...(im just really nosy):yep:
**Long post, please be kind,lol**
So a couple of weeks ago I received a message on POF from a nice looking guy. College graduate, no kids, car, seemed to be well spoken by the way he typed. We exchange conversation but I was a bit wary of the distance between us (about 25-30min). He assured me that it was no problem and offered to take me for coffee. I was hesistant and never responded back..He hit me up about a week later and was very persistant on taking me out...I said okay, we exchanged numbers, talked on the phone, instant messaged, the whole nine, but we never made any definite plans..

Christmas night came and I was at home by myself, looking at TV. He called me and asked me if I would like to go to the movies..I said sure, no biggie...Met him at the theatre and we ended up having a nice time. We had great conversation from that point on, we spoke everyday on the phone and via text..Fast forward to last night...I was out with the girls for New Years Eve and I had spoken to him earlier, complaining how I was spending it without a special someone..He politely listened and said he was chilling with his homies, but "what club yall going to"..I told him and that was it..

He showed up at the club looking very handsome in his blazer and dress up to me and whispered, "you dont have to spend it by yourself"...Whoo chile! We had soo much fun together..We plan on going out again tonight!

I might just start the challenge my damn self!

omg thats so cute!! im so happy for you! what does he look like? im nosy too lol
**Long post, please be kind,lol**
So a couple of weeks ago I received a message on POF from a nice looking guy. College graduate, no kids, car, seemed to be well spoken by the way he typed. We exchange conversation but I was a bit wary of the distance between us (about 25-30min). He assured me that it was no problem and offered to take me for coffee. I was hesistant and never responded back..He hit me up about a week later and was very persistant on taking me out...I said okay, we exchanged numbers, talked on the phone, instant messaged, the whole nine, but we never made any definite plans..

Christmas night came and I was at home by myself, looking at TV. He called me and asked me if I would like to go to the movies..I said sure, no biggie...Met him at the theatre and we ended up having a nice time. We had great conversation from that point on, we spoke everyday on the phone and via text..Fast forward to last night...I was out with the girls for New Years Eve and I had spoken to him earlier, complaining how I was spending it without a special someone..He politely listened and said he was chilling with his homies, but "what club yall going to"..I told him and that was it..

He showed up at the club looking very handsome in his blazer and dress up to me and whispered, "you dont have to spend it by yourself"...Whoo chile! We had soo much fun together..We plan on going out again tonight!

I might just start the challenge my damn self!

Wow. Things are really looking up for you mama. Please keep us all updated on this. It's such a cute story..