Single and Ready to Mingle Challenge 2010!

Ive decided Im going to a local lounge tonight..Im gonna get dressed, look approachable, SMILE, and have a drink at the bar...Wish me luck ladies!
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Ive decided Im going to a local lounge tonight..Im gonna get dressed, look approachable, SMILE, and have a drink at the bar...Wish me luck ladies!

Ok, I was sitting here thinking that I would like to go outside myself. You have just inspired me. I'm gonna put on something cute and roll out. I am no stranger to going out alone but I wasn't in the mood tonight. But since I am in the mood to mingle I am going to go.

Luck to us both.
Ok, I was sitting here thinking that I would like to go outside myself. You have just inspired me. I'm gonna put on something cute and roll out. I am no stranger to going out alone but I wasn't in the mood tonight. But since I am in the mood to mingle I am going to go.

Luck to us both.

What do we have to lose? We buy all these clothes only for them to sit in the closet..Somebody will see me tonight and he aint gotta speak...he can just look and take it all in!!! LOL..Have fun and be safe..come back tomorrow with the report!
I'm attending a professional conference in DC in a couple of weeks. The main goal is finding a new job and professional networking. But I'm also excited at the possibility of meeting some interesting people, maybe even some sexy professional men!

I'll report back with the details. I have a tendency to go to these events and get overwhelmed/irritated (I don't like crowds and fakeness) and not really meet anyone and get home feeling worn out and like the whole thing was a waste of time. Hopefully this time will be different. If not, at least I got out of town and spent some time in a new city.
Had a great time last night..only problem was I wasnt parked as close to the front as I would have liked, so I had to walk a lil bit in the cold (no jacket), but I did have my tazer just in case I ran into someone. I put on my grown woman skinny jeans, knee high boots, jewelry and etc, and I felt good..whipped my hair before I stepped in and was immediately carded at the door! LOL..Made my way to the restroom, freshened up, made a new friend and we went to the bar. While I was talking to her, I met a guy..smiled showing all my teeth and made great convo..we talked for about 20 minutes..he didnt ask me for my # but that was okay, just felt good to chat. After I realized he wasnt really interested, I politely excused myself and made my rounds..Had a nice older man buy me a drink, and danced with another....felt like Im making progress..will be going out again soon.
Friends and I went out last night to a small lounge and it was great. I had been getting down about not meeting anyone.. but going out and getting some attention was a real ego booster.. just reminded me that I am beautiful and I will meet someone eventually.... just takes time.

Last night the music was awesome, crowd was friendly.. (25+ i believe) drinks weren't too pricey.. and the girls I went with were sooo great! We all had our little circle dancing together but we all got pulled away from each other by a guy here and there.
Besides the creepy guy who tried to get us to go over to his friends booth (and was constantly over my shoulder every time I turned around).. I met an investment banker and an engineer.. and i gave them my number.. already heard from the engineer.. lol - indian men don't waste time.

Can't wait for next weekend!!! Finally starting to find some friends who enjoy going out and having fun... in Toronto there are sooo many clubs with different types of people..I absolutely love it. :)
Thanks for the reports. I was really anticipating them. I kept checking this thread.:look:
I'll be going to a jazz event by myself for the first time on Wednesday. I'm soo nervous I might even rationalize not going. Hearing both your successes makes me feel a bit better.
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Well there wasn't much hopping here in Raleigh. Every parking lot was just about empty so I went and hung out at the Applebee's. I chatted it up with a nice lady and the cute bartender. It was still nice to get out of the house.
Im single soon to be college graduate again and ready to ladies have given me a much needed boost in getting out there and mingling and im in a good areas Dallas,tx so something has to come..taking it one day at it time with optimism..
Had a great time last night..only problem was I wasnt parked as close to the front as I would have liked, so I had to walk a lil bit in the cold (no jacket), but I did have my tazer just in case I ran into someone. I put on my grown woman skinny jeans, knee high boots, jewelry and etc, and I felt good..whipped my hair before I stepped in and was immediately carded at the door! LOL..Made my way to the restroom, freshened up, made a new friend and we went to the bar. While I was talking to her, I met a guy..smiled showing all my teeth and made great convo..we talked for about 20 minutes..he didnt ask me for my # but that was okay, just felt good to chat. After I realized he wasnt really interested, I politely excused myself and made my rounds..Had a nice older man buy me a drink, and danced with another....felt like Im making progress..will be going out again soon.

Your post inspired me. I may get out next weekend in Atlanta. I'm going to go to the Atlanta meet up next saturday and see if any of the ladies want to go out afterwards/later. If not, then I'll go to a lounge or something by myself! I'm too young to just be sitting around doing nothing and meeting no one all the time.

I had been avoiding going out bc its cold, but whatever, I need to get out! And whip my new half wig (not too hard tho, don't want it to come off:lachen:)

I'm also going to be in Atlanta shopping this coming up weekend, I need a new suit and some pumps for this conference (been eyeballing some Louboutons that I don't need to be spending money on) Maybe I'll swing by a lounge or something after shopping.
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Single ladies..lets check in! Where are we going tonight..what do we plan to accomplish..what are we wearing..etc..
Im going out again tonight by myself and tomorrow night with my bff... Wearing something form fitting of course and hopefully exchanging # with atleast one potential male.

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This is my last week of school and preparing for final exams. I am going out next weekend for sure. I have a little holiday party on Friday and plan to go out on Saturday somewhere for a drink or two. It feels nice to finally enjoy some time without being holed up on my couch with a book studying. Not going to meet anyone doing that weekend after weekend.
Went to a Chicago style stepping class. I really had fun and there were some really nice prospects. I am just trying to get out more and mingle.
Friends and I went out last night to a small lounge and it was great. I had been getting down about not meeting anyone.. but going out and getting some attention was a real ego booster.. just reminded me that I am beautiful and I will meet someone eventually.... just takes time.

Last night the music was awesome, crowd was friendly.. (25+ i believe) drinks weren't too pricey.. and the girls I went with were sooo great! We all had our little circle dancing together but we all got pulled away from each other by a guy here and there.
Besides the creepy guy who tried to get us to go over to his friends booth (and was constantly over my shoulder every time I turned around).. I met an investment banker and an engineer.. and i gave them my number.. already heard from the engineer.. lol - indian men don't waste time.

Can't wait for next weekend!!! Finally starting to find some friends who enjoy going out and having fun... in Toronto there are sooo many clubs with different types of people..I absolutely love it. :)

So I heard back from the investment banker last Monday and we went out on a date on Thursday.. it was nice.. conversation was great, he's super cute and I hope to see him again.
The engineer and I have a potential date on Wednesday depending if I can get all of my homework done.

Keep getting yourself out there ladies.. even though the cold weather is coming upon us. With Christmas around the corner the next couple of weekends include parties and outings so I hope to meet some more guys.
What a difference to a few months ago.. staying in every Friday and Saturday night ....wishing I was anywhere but home.
Now.. when I do happen to stay home on a Saturday night (rarely) I'm actually kinda happy because I can catch up on sleep lol.

On Friday my friends and I went to a very trendy sports bar in Toronto (boasting the largest indoor tv screen in North America lol).. right after work there's lots of guys from the financial district looking to watch the game and have a drink. After that the crowd gets sorta shady. Didn't meet anyone.. There was one guy I was eying but didn't get the nerve to talk to :( still had a good time.

This weeks plans.. getting out of the office on my lunch.. maybe going to a coffee shop, possible date on Wednesday, would love to make plans with the other guy again, I also have a work Christmas party on Friday at a very happening restaurant/bar downtown. Then Saturday is an early dinner with friends and hopefully a bar or club later that night.

Good luck everyone
@ Keykee

How did you meet and become good friends with people who like to and can afford to go out often?

The one girl I usually go out with is someone I used to work with.. we kept in contact through facebook and starting going out a few months ago.

A couple of my other friends are just friends who I work with currently, another is a good friend I've know since grade 1 whom I've just started hanging out with more recently. Others are people I've met through good friends.

Work is a great way to meet other single girls.

I don't know how they afford it..but we all work.
I try to do as many extra hours I can at work to be able to afford to go out. Take advantage of guest list at clubs for reduced admission... ummm.. and try to cut lifestyle costs (like not spending money on lunch everyday, walking to work, watching what my money is being spent on). I assume that is what they do too.

Sorry, I meant how did you find friends that can afford to go out often. :lol:
A few of my friends never want to go out or do anything because they don't have money.

Sorry, I meant how did you find friends that can afford to go out often. :lol:
A few of my friends never want to go out or do anything because they don't have money.

I hear you.. I have a few friends like that.. they choose to spend their money on other things.. everyone has different priorities.
Went to a Chicago style stepping class. I really had fun and there were some really nice prospects. I am just trying to get out more and mingle.

I plan to go to a hand dancing class here in DC sometime in the new year.

tonight I'm going to a holiday mixer at a lounge . . . did a fresh roller set, my lip gloss is poppin . . . wish me luck y'all!
Going to the sports bar with my Bestie to watch the football game..Im making progress....and Im only going places where its no more than $10 or free to get in..and nine times outta ten...the men usually pay for our food/drinks:look: so I spend very little money...I will update you guys as soon as possible. Have a great night!
Going to the sports bar with my Bestie to watch the football game..Im making progress....and Im only going places where its no more than $10 or free to get in..and nine times outta ten...the men usually pay for our food/drinks:look: so I spend very little money...I will update you guys as soon as possible. Have a great night!
That's wonderful progress!
Going to the sports bar with my Bestie to watch the football game..Im making progress....and Im only going places where its no more than $10 or free to get in..and nine times outta ten...the men usually pay for our food/drinks:look: so I spend very little money...I will update you guys as soon as possible. Have a great night!

Are they randomly buying your food without you even interacting with them? Or you chatting up men first before they offer to pay for your food?
So I finally got out the house last week! I went to DC, hooked up with some folks from college I hadn't seen in a while and bar-hopped and just talked and tripped out about life, so that was fun. I also just roamed the city on my own for a while before I linked up w/my friends. DC seems nice, its always exciting to see a new city.

I got kinda nervous at the conference and didn't network as much as I should have but I did talk to a few people and made some connections, just not as much as I know I could have. (I have already made a mental note that I need to kinda pre-prep myself before I go to something like this again, so I kinda have some things already in mind to talk about/how to approach people). Plus I was superstressed out bc people kept calling me from work about some stuff going on so I had trouble relaxing and focusing during the conference.

Then this weekend, I met the ladies at the Atl meetup who were all very nice. I had to run some errands in Atl after the meetup and was going to go to a lounge or something later, but I got sleepy and decided I needed to go ahead and hit the road (I live about 1hr 45 min from Atl).

So all in all, not a bad week! Tiring and at times stressful, but I had a good time, met some people and explored a new city.

My school has a Chistmas alumni mixer in Atlanta this weekend, so I'm thinking I may check that out.
Sunday night football is where Im gonna be for awhile..I had a great time at the sports bar...we also went to a lounge that was across the street. I didnt meet anyone but I definitely knew I made a splash when I entered the room..Alot of men spoke, smiled, and a few even grabbed my hand..Im really digging the attention because months ago, I was really depressed coming out of my breakup. I posted a pic in the attachments for you ladies just to see how I roll at the sports bar, maybe you can see the atmosphere in the back..There is a photographer who goes around snapping pics of people and he happened to get me and my bestie..(I cropped her out tho)


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Sunday night football is where Im gonna be for awhile..I had a great time at the sports bar...we also went to a lounge that was across the street. I didnt meet anyone but I definitely knew I made a splash when I entered the room..Alot of men spoke, smiled, and a few even grabbed my hand..Im really digging the attention because months ago, I was really depressed coming out of my breakup. I posted a pic in the attachments for you ladies just to see how I roll at the sports bar, maybe you can see the atmosphere in the back..There is a photographer who goes around snapping pics of people and he happened to get me and my bestie..(I cropped her out tho)

The sports bar looks nice! And so do you (insert mandatory pause and no homo:lachen:)!

I'd just feel weird going to a sports bar for football night tho bc I do not watch football at all. I do, however, like basketball:scratchch
The sports bar looks nice! And so do you (insert mandatory pause and no homo:lachen:)!

I'd just feel weird going to a sports bar for football night tho bc I do not watch football at all. I do, however, like basketball:scratchch

Thank you ma'am...You can go for basketball too..Shooootttt...if I knew ahead of time, I would have been hitting them up a long time ago. You dont have to know all the plays,players, and etc...just cheer when you supposed to and boo when I like football tho, so it was easier for me...

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Thank you ma'am...You can go for basketball too..Shooootttt...if I knew ahead of time, I would have been hitting them up a long time ago. You dont have to know all the plays,players, and etc...just cheer when you supposed to and boo when I like football tho, so it was easier for me...

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You have definitely given me an idea. Once basketball season heats up, I will be hitting up some sports bars, there are plenty of nice one in Atl. :yep:
You have definitely given me an idea. Once basketball season heats up, I will be hitting up some sports bars, there are plenty of nice one in Atl. :yep:

Same here, I'm more of a basketball girl. I can't wait to start hitting up some sport bars. But I don't feel comfortable wearing the clothes that I have on now. One time I went to a sports bar for the first time, and I had on a dress/boots/leggings. Everyone had on a jersey. I felt so uncomfortable that I left within 10 minutes. :lol:
But I don't have any jerseys, and don't want to go out buy some. They're kind of expensive.

@suchmag, can you answer my question from earlier please? Thanks.