Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

Lucie Help your Haitienne Sister out? What is Agent Provacateur all about? I only heard of that name through a Fragrance forum that I'm a member of; it's a popular perfume that was highly recommended so All this time I thought it was just a perfume line.
SmileyNY, AP sells mostly lingerie. I have never tried their perfume. Their studf is very expensive but they have a 75% Flash Sale every season! They all sell luggage, swimwear, shoes and clothing. Many celebrities have been spotted in their swimwear.

SmileyNY, AP sells mostly lingerie. I have never tried their perfume. Their studf is very expensive but they have a 75% Flash Sale every season! They all sell luggage, swimwear, shoes and clothing. Many celebrities have been spotted in their swimwear.


Lucie I know you meant Smiley79, but thanks for tagging me. I'm checking out AP swim suits :lol:
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Ladies I got my bikini yesterday and for some reason my boobs are spilling over. I called Chloe at AP and she said she sent out another one. So I asked her how much she charged my card and she told me that my card wasn't charged and that they will just wait to receive the top back. I thought that was really nice. Most places would charge and adjust your CC when they receive their merchandise back! Just when I think I couldn't be more of a fan. *happy sigh*
I have been enjoying this thread so much. I just wanted to share a website I stumbled across from a friend who put an article up on FB. This site touches on sensuality/ pleasure and yoni health from a lovely perspective (don't open at work, though):

A friend of mine on facebook also has a book on kindle about yoni health called Yogasmic & I think its $2.99, short read but informative:
Just a quick book review on another one of the books posted here. Finished "Sex Secrets of an American Geisha" awhile back. It was...interesting. Not exactly what I expected, then again I didn't pay much attention to the title. :lol: The author has a really sensual--borderline cheesy--way of writing that I grew to enjoy. I found some parts a little overwhelming--mainly all the lists to absorb--but it was an entertaining read and I took a few pointers from it. The author used to be someone who repeled men in her young adult life, so I would recommend this book if you're someone who really feels like they need a complete overhaul in their approach of attracting men, or if you're married and want to reignite the sexual passion in your relationship. Personally though, I would take some of her suggestions with a grain of salt.

ETA: Author also makes it clear that this book is not exactly politically correct, so if you're sensitive to that, or highly identified as a feminist, this might not be your type of read.
Just a quick book review on another one of the books posted here. Finished "Sex Secrets of an American Geisha" awhile back. It was...interesting. Not exactly what I expected, then again I didn't pay much attention to the title. :lol: The author has a really sensual--borderline cheesy--way of writing that I grew to enjoy. I found some parts a little overwhelming--mainly all the lists to absorb--but it was an entertaining read and I took a few pointers from it. The author used to be someone who repeled men in her young adult life, so I would recommend this book if you're someone who really feels like they need a complete overhaul in their approach of attracting men, or if you're married and want to reignite the sexual passion in your relationship. Personally though, I would take some of her suggestions with a grain of salt. ETA: Author also makes it clear that this book is not exactly politically correct, so if you're sensitive to that, or highly identified as a feminist, this might not be your type of read.

I read this book. It really made me blush in some parts, and it's definitely untraditional but helpful. Building a shrine for your SO's!
Just a quick book review on another one of the books posted here. Finished "Sex Secrets of an American Geisha" awhile back. It was...interesting. Not exactly what I expected, then again I didn't pay much attention to the title. :lol: The author has a really sensual--borderline cheesy--way of writing that I grew to enjoy. I found some parts a little overwhelming--mainly all the lists to absorb--but it was an entertaining read and I took a few pointers from it. The author used to be someone who repeled men in her young adult life, so I would recommend this book if you're someone who really feels like they need a complete overhaul in their approach of attracting men, or if you're married and want to reignite the sexual passion in your relationship. Personally though, I would take some of her suggestions with a grain of salt.

ETA: Author also makes it clear that this book is not exactly politically correct, so if you're sensitive to that, or highly identified as a feminist, this might not be your type of read.

I agree with your assessment. It was one of the first ones that I read and I really liked it. I ain't building a shrine though!
RoseTintedCheeks & ladysaraii: Haha, the whole "building a shrine" in honor of his genitalia thing did read as a little outlandish...but I do like the concept of expressing ways to show how much you appreciate your guy's sexuality. One of the points the author made that I agreed with was that (many) men place a lot of their "manhood" in their sexual ability, whereas women don't question their "womanhood" over sex alone. So maybe just showing your guy that appreciate, through more than just verbalizing it, could be empowering for him. A "shrine's" a bit much though :lol:
Just wanted to share a few blogs that I look to for feminine and (heterosexual) romance inspiration :) I know of a lot more than this but these are the few that came to mind (I like this one because it actually showcases black women specifically in a traditionally feminine image)

I also ran across this one recently...haven't read any of the articles yet, but some of the topics look intriguing...about male/female relationships

If I think of the others I'll definitely share them :) I also find that collecting images on Pinterest helps a lot with garnering a visual representation of the sensual, feminine woman you want to become. I have an account on it and it's helping me narrow down what I want to embody in my image.
RoseTintedCheeks & ladysaraii: Haha, the whole "building a shrine" in honor of his genitalia thing did read as a little outlandish...but I do like the concept of expressing ways to show how much you appreciate your guy's sexuality. One of the points the author made that I agreed with was that (many) men place a lot of their "manhood" in their sexual ability, whereas women don't question their "womanhood" over sex alone. So maybe just showing your guy that appreciate, through more than just verbalizing it, could be empowering for him. A "shrine's" a bit much though :lol:

I absolutely agree with this. I'll build a verbal shrine to make him feel special.
I've not really been on the femininity kick in a while, to be honest, but I've been thinking a lot about having good energy... and I like the way that things have been panning out. I think I've been reframing where I stand vis-a-vis other people and experiences, in a way that helps me attract more positive interactions, while also having the stance that nothing is owed to me. It's an interesting combination of mindsets... doing the work that could lead to a good outcome, while managing my own expectations and knowing that the things I want won't all come to me straight away, or perhaps at all... so in some sense, giving them the freedom to choose to come or not, while still being encouraging...

With that said, how do you protect your energy from others? I guess from people who seem to revel in being sad...:ohwell: the kind of people you feel exhausted and mentally drained after a conversation with them... or the kind who can't seem to put a lid on their unhappiness? Like, you are in your full right to be unhappy, but I don't appreciate you projecting your unhappiness on me every chance you get... that type.

Is this even the right thread for this? Curious what others think...
I've not really been on the femininity kick in a while, to be honest, but I've been thinking a lot about having good energy... and I like the way that things have been panning out. I think I've been reframing where I stand vis-a-vis other people and experiences, in a way that helps me attract more positive interactions, while also having the stance that nothing is owed to me. It's an interesting combination of mindsets... doing the work that could lead to a good outcome, while managing my own expectations and knowing that the things I want won't all come to me straight away, or perhaps at all... so in some sense, giving them the freedom to choose to come or not, while still being encouraging...

With that said, how do you protect your energy from others? I guess from people who seem to revel in being sad...:ohwell: the kind of people you feel exhausted and mentally drained after a conversation with them... or the kind who can't seem to put a lid on their unhappiness? Like, you are in your full right to be unhappy, but I don't appreciate you projecting your unhappiness on me every chance you get... that type.

Is this even the right thread for this? Curious what others think...

Avoid them like a plague:look: Like seriously, I wouldn't hang around anyone that was constantly negative. That stuff rubs off on you:nono: I mean, to vent every now and then is okay and PMS can get the best of us:look:. But someone who is always like that, it is in your best interest to avoid.

On the flip side, I have been negative as well and sometimes people can be negative without realizing it. So we all have to consious of what energy/vibes we are sending out.
CarLiTa, you can redirect the conversation. If I find a person wants to revel in sadness I will ask them what makes them happy? No one on this planet cannot be alive and not find at least TEN good things to be happy about. If they want to revel in it, than I will tell then I have something else to attend to. I am quite discerning and there is a vast difference between being negative and venting.

You are actually giving the person/people you have in mind more energy by thinking about them, LOL. If you find yourself thinking about how they drain you, send them energetic love, light and peace. Send them all of the good you want for yourself and others. Before you enter a room or about to see them direct your energy to the good and do not allow it to get sucked into the negative.
Avoid them like a plague:look: Like seriously, I wouldn't hang around anyone that was constantly negative. That stuff rubs off on you:nono: I mean, to vent every now and then is okay and PMS can get the best of us:look:. But someone who is always like that, it is in your best interest to avoid.

On the flip side, I have been negative as well and sometimes people can be negative without realizing it. So we all have to consious of what energy/vibes we are sending out.

I agree. I used to drain my friend and family like crazy. It was before I learned to STFU when I'm in a soul sucking mood and either stay to myself of whine here on the forum. :look: I don't want the people I love and care about to avoid me. They make my life better, and to keep them around, I have to do the same.
Thanks ladies! Lucie, you're right that I am giving it too much thought. It's that I'm too chicken to either a) cut them off; or b) address it directly with them.

[i'm still processing how i'm going to have a particular conversation with a particular someone... i just need to do it:ohwell:]

Enyo, thanks for sharing that. I remember there was a time years ago when I was really unhappy with my love life, and it was a horror to realize that i was projecting that unhappiness onto my friends' relationships. and there was that time that a friend came at me out of a nowhere with a depressing story, and i politely (i think) told her that i unfortunately couldn't listen at that moment...:look: I was stressed out, and knowing that I can be an energy-taker, I knew that hearing her story would both drain me and add more stress to my mind at the moment. I was really glad that I "stood up for myself" then:yep:

on that note... ugh. let me start drafting this email... this issue needs to get resolved.
these blogs is awesome too:

I think its important as women in being feminine to embrace our reproductive & sexual health as well:yep: Too many of us have been shamed that out bodies aren't adequate enough or are all we are is what's between our legs. I think when a woman embraces all of herself, she is able to be better discern what men are of quality and substance while weeding out the garbage so to speak.

I have been enjoying this thread so much. I just wanted to share a website I stumbled across from a friend who put an article up on FB. This site touches on sensuality/ pleasure and yoni health from a lovely perspective (don't open at work, though):

A friend of mine on facebook also has a book on kindle about yoni health called Yogasmic & I think its $2.99, short read but informative:
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I just went to catch up with an old friend and ended up going to a few bars.

In both venues I ended up running across a few women who were abrasive to me. I asked one of the women politely if she was using the seats she was standing by. She snapped back "YES I AM", avoided eye contact and stuck her nose up in an annoyed way. Her male friends seemed a bit embarrassed and talked to me more politely.

Of course I'm human so didn't like being disrespected like that. However, at the same time it made me appreciate the power of a good disposition and femininity. I'm glad sugar comes naturally to me. Feminine kindness is really a beautiful thing imo. I'm so late. I just ran across an event held in my city for Sensuality Workout class. Unfortunately it's long past now, lol. Oh well. That's her video, it was interesting


I'm not sure where you are, but emailed her and she'll be teaching in a class in Manhattan on June 21st and 22nd. It'll be a weekend class that meets from 10am-2pm on both Saturday and Sunday. The cost will be $150 if you register before June 1st and after that it will be $165.
OK.. So I found a really cheap Chinese retailer on ebay that has good reviews lol. Taking a chance on a few maxi dresses :). I dont usually wear them because it's hard to find petite ones. Also I have big boobs, so not keen on wearing strapless or thin strap dresses that I see a lot.

Got this one in red.

Also this one which I think will look great with turquoise, red or purple accessories.

OK.. So I found a really cheap Chinese retailer on ebay that has good reviews lol. Taking a chance on a few maxi dresses :). I dont usually wear them because it's hard to find petite ones. Also I have big boobs, so not keen on wearing strapless or thin strap dresses that I see a lot.

Got this one in red.

Also this one which I think will look great with turquoise, red or purple accessories.

Beautiful dresses! Are you going to share the info or is it a big secret? :lol:

This is the shop, although I think it only ships to the UK. :ohwell:

This is the same polka dot dress and it ships worldwide. :D

Urgh. Now I know if I put chiffon summer dress into Ebay a load of Asian dresses will come up. So many pretty femme ones:nono: Need someone to hold my money:lol:
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