Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

^^^ Nice to hear, I need to try that one day.

I've been eyeing my bellydancing vids again. i think I'd like to do them exclusively for a while, esp if I start this smoothie fast that I've been meaning to.
Ladies, how have you been doing? The thread will not be moved back to OT but let's keep it active as often as we can. :)

You look AMAZING in your avi. Very beautiful!:yep:

On another note, I bought a silk kimono robe. I love it!

These dance classes have taught me alot about moving with grace. It is interesting because I have always thought I moved with poise and grace, until I realized, I am pretty rough:ohwell: So I am learning to be more graceful with my movements.

I signed up for hula dancing. So I will be doing that this spring. My goal for this year is to take a form of dance each season.:yep:
You are the Coquette... brilliant, alluring, aloof. When you walk by, others swoon, except you're more likely to be carried on your dias by young admirers than walking. Everyone wants you, and you will use this power to your utmost advantage. After all, you know that the most tantalizing thing is what no one can have.

Symbol: the Shadow

Famous Historical Coquettes: Andy Warhol, Josephine de Beauharnais (lover of Napoleon Bonaparte)

Sounds about right, LOL!

YUP same thing I got and as soon as I read yours I was like bet Lucie and I got the same thing...your my big sister in my head so I was not surprised :grin:

Though I did want to secretly be a Siren like spacetygrss

RegaLady - I really need to get back into pole dancing!!! I have a pole just sitting in its box collecting dust smh
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It's interesting. Every quiz that I've ever taken over the years has given me the same/similar results. I've spent a lot of time trying to reign it in, but when it comes down to it, people tell me all the time that I have a very seductive aura about me. It draws people in. I've never been a big astrology person, but it I've seen my charts and I have Scorpio all over it (my Sun sign, rising and venus signs) so it seems to fit.

@RegaLady: A lady at work has been trying to get me to join a pole dancing class forever. I might check it out whenever I finally get some spare time. Sounds fun.
YUP same thing I got and as soon as I read yours I was like bet Lucie and I got the same thing...your my big sister in my head so I was not surprised :grin:

Though I did want to secretly be a Siren like spacetygrss

RegaLady - I really need to get back into pole dancing!!! I have a pole just sitting in its box collecting dust smh

stephluv, aww..... thank you! That is so sweet of you! :) xoxoxo
I've missed this thread. I'm going to re-read it and get back to reading the books on the list. You ladies are amazing. :)
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Your result for Your Seductive Style Test ...
The Charmer
All Pleasure, Comfort, and Good Times

You are the Charmer! You focus on providing pleasure, comfort, and harmony.* You know that attentiveness to others is the best way to draw them into you.* Everything about you is fun, and you can quickly adapt to the mood around you.* If a situation becomes tense, you know exactly how to diffuse it.* As such, you are a valuable commodity in any social scenario.

Symbol: the Mirror

Famous Historical Charmers: Catherine the Great


This is me spot on!!!
Speaking of energy...

Think i've found the concise way to ask what i wanted to ask the other day...

why do i seem more myself with guys i'm not dating than with the ones i am? i like my careless energy with those i'm not dating. i seem to have developed a dating persona that's somewhat separate than my everyday self. why is that? i think a lot of stuff i've read has seeped into my subconscious. i don't like it. i'm annoyed that i seem to be having more fun with guys i don't have a romantic life with than with the ones i'm getting close and opening up to. is that how i ended up with the super uptight guy last year? boy were we emotionally incompatible...

i guess that's what i mean by having that goal of including people i'm dating into my everyday life more. i don't want to have such stark separations. i want us to be able to do, as a couple, a lot of the things i like to do in my everyday life. Same for them. I don't want to have a dating life vs. an everyday life anymore.
CarLiTa, maybe you feel like you have to be "ON" with a man you are interested in as opposed to just being CarLita with a man you don't have any interest in intimately. When you are with a man that you are interested in he should see all facets of what make you, YOU! Somehow it seems you compartmentalized your platonic-relationship and your dating-relationship. Do you feel a man you are interested in would not like YOU as you are?

You are right though! Spend more time with those you are dating so that you can get over that hump.

See, I think they would like the other Carlita. So, I don't know why I do this... There was a time that I did this (many years ago) because I was kind of self-conscious and whatnot, and my ex used to actually say he wanted to see more of the "carlita with her friends" side of me, because he could tell I wasn't showing him that side. Over time, we got there. Now, I don't think I really have a valid excuse. I've probably just internalized a lot of "how to be on a date" advice:rolleyes::lol: which admittedly is quite formulaic if you think about it (and which works, by the way, if simply going on dates is your goal...)

Only recently, like in the past year or so, have I decided and begun to put a more authentic spin to the advice... by picking and choosing what works for me and makes me feel as though I am being "me" and not some other persona. Because at the end of the day, I'm not dating to talk about how many dates I've been on and who or how many are smitten with me... I'm dating with something deeper in mind, so it has to work authentically and be something that I can and want to continue doing long term... if that makes sense.

But the more men I interact with platonically and frequently, the more I think... where's this carlita when the dates come around? why is she subdued? I totally agree with spending more time together for me to "open up," which has always been a problem for me... and just doing much more ordinary stuff than typical date activities.

For example, I even remember someone (was it you?) saying "oh yeah, we're going to walk my dog!":lol: very ordinary, but it's nice, because you're integrated into each other's lives more seamlessly. I know I did this a year ago and enjoyed my dating life much much more, but I still have ways to go, because the "persona" even feels like a barrier to me and actually getting what I need from people.

Interesting how that happens: not getting your needs met because you're not being authentically you.

See, I think they would like the other Carlita. So, I don't know why I do this... There was a time that I did this (many years ago) because I was kind of self-conscious and whatnot, and my ex used to actually say he wanted to see more of the "carlita with her friends" side of me, because he could tell I wasn't showing him that side. Over time, we got there. Now, I don't think I really have a valid excuse. I've probably just internalized a lot of "how to be on a date" advice:rolleyes::lol: which admittedly is quite formulaic if you think about it (and which works, by the way, if simply going on dates is your goal...)

Only recently, like in the past year or so, have I decided and begun to put a more authentic spin to the advice... by picking and choosing what works for me and makes me feel as though I am being "me" and not some other persona. Because at the end of the day, I'm not dating to talk about how many dates I've been on and who or how many are smitten with me... I'm dating with something deeper in mind, so it has to work authentically and be something that I can and want to continue doing long term... if that makes sense.

But the more men I interact with platonically and frequently, the more I think... where's this carlita when the dates come around? why is she subdued? I totally agree with spending more time together for me to "open up," which has always been a problem for me... and just doing much more ordinary stuff than typical date activities.

For example, I even remember someone (was it you?) saying "oh yeah, we're going to walk my dog!":lol: very ordinary, but it's nice, because you're integrated into each other's lives more seamlessly. I know I did this a year ago and enjoyed my dating life much much more, but I still have ways to go, because the "persona" even feels like a barrier to me and actually getting what I need from people.

Interesting how that happens: not getting your needs met because you're not being authentically you.

CarLiTa, it might have been me. We have walked my dog several times together. When my uncle was away, he also came to my house during the day to walk Zippy for me. That was so sweet of him. :grin: I was also excited a few weeks ago because my SO and I picked up trash and leaves in front of my dad's house. :lachen:I am not any different around anyone to be honest. It could be a random Niko's cousin spotting, a new acquaintance, my boss, whomever. When I got my Riri Woo in the mail, I called SO screaming. And he was like --------> :rolleyes: :drunk::lachen:. I scored a pink hair net for my roller set. They are hard to find and I had black for so long. I shared that with him a well.

He acts all hard core about the stuff I share but he just sent me an e-mail about a Day event at L'Occitane. They signed him up when he had our facial done. Mind you, I didn't even get the e-mail. Share yourself Miss CarLita, you will feel better. Just don't overshare. :lachen:
I had to buy some pantyhose for Valentine's Day. I picked up my dress only hours before and did NOT want to go to Walgreen's and deal with all of the men buying cards. I picked up some hand lotion at L'Occitane and asked if there were any lingerie shops on the same floor. I was tired of walking around. And she guided me to Triumph. It was a lovely little lingerie shop. I picked up these black stockings and they were so silky. The lady told me they were $20 but they wrapped them up so nice and gave me the prettiest bag. To be honest I am not sure I can go back to Hanes or L'eggs or whatever the heck I was wearing.
Finished my classes for pole dancing and I am sad about it :(. But I will be taking exotic dancing in the future. Hula dancing season is upon me.

I cut my hair into a bob and I LOVE it! I feel sexy and lighter.

I bought a skater black trech coat, that I absolutely LOVE! It is feminine with a cinced waist and flared skirted bottom. I feel like a ballerina walking around in this weather:grin:
It's all about hair hair hair for me! I've been growing it, but I need it to be a length that allows me to let it loose without going bonkers. I feel so great when my hair is looking fab.
In doing some of my reserach, I came across this word

Quaintrelle - A woman who emphasizes a life of passion, expressed through personal style , leisurely pastimes, charm, and cultivation of life's pleasures

It's kinda like the female dandy. But I love it. A lot of what I've found seems to have an emphasis on dainty things, but again, these concepts can totally be shaped to fit each individual persona
I wore something a little cute/sexy around the house this weekend. I used to dress like that all the time but since it's been cold and I haven't been feeling that attractive, I had been wearing sweats and a tee shirt for the past couple months. His reaction to my outfit this weekend was CRAZY - he even commented that he misses me dressing like that around the house. I guess you never know how much men notice certain things and how much of an effect they have.

ETA _ I need to find more cute things to wear around the house. This was just a body con skirt that i pulled up like a tube dress, but I would like to find some cute around the house little outfits.
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I wore something a little cute/sexy around the house this weekend. I used to dress like that all the time but since it's been cold and I haven't been feeling that attractive, I had been wearing sweats and a tee shirt for the past couple months. His reaction to my outfit this weekend was CRAZY - he even commented that he misses me dressing like that around the house. I guess you never know how much men notice certain things and how much of an effect they have.

ETA _ I need to find more cute things to wear around the house. This was just a body con skirt that i pulled up like a tube dress, but I would like to find some cute around the house little outfits.

Oh yes. Men are very visual creatures. I have a red tube-top dress on right now and DH hasn't stopped commenting since he first saw it.
Never underestimate the power of showing a little cleavage and leg. :grin:
I wore something a little cute/sexy around the house this weekend. I used to dress like that all the time but since it's been cold and I haven't been feeling that attractive, I had been wearing sweats and a tee shirt for the past couple months. His reaction to my outfit this weekend was CRAZY - he even commented that he misses me dressing like that around the house. I guess you never know how much men notice certain things and how much of an effect they have.

ETA _ I need to find more cute things to wear around the house. This was just a body con skirt that i pulled up like a tube dress, but I would like to find some cute around the house little outfits.

Try the goodwill. I have gotten some amazing new lingerie/ house clothes from there.
Do any ladies here wear earrings all the time? I got a pair of tiny hoops because I wear my hair up 90% of the time and want to look more feminine. However, they get caught up every time I wash - especially when it's my hair. For ladies that do it, how do you get through your showers without snagging them?
Do any ladies here wear earrings all the time? I got a pair of tiny hoops because I wear my hair up 90% of the time and want to look more feminine. However, they get caught up every time I wash - especially when it's my hair. For ladies that do it, how do you get through your showers without snagging them?

I wear earrings, everyday. But I take them off at night and put them on after I have dressed in the morning, that way they do not snag when washing hair on in the shower.
Well, ladies, I am now hula dancing.

I completed my first hula dance class this morning. It was awesome!! Getting the mind and body to work and become more body aware is amazing! I have slowed down rigourous workouts and decided to get my workouts through dance. The instructor told me how to hold my feet and she said she could tell I was a dancer. It was destined to be:grin:.