Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

Anyone in here a feminist? I know feminism was brought up in here pages ago but I'm not about to go searching for it.

I ask because feminism (black feminism) is being discussed in one of the Beyonce threads and a poster brought up how in all of Beyonce's videos, her legs and her dancers legs are usually spread wide open. Of course they made the argument about how that ties into feminism because we socialize girls to keep their legs closed, not take up much space, shrink....whateverwhatever...but the only thing I could think was "there's nothing feminine about keeping your legs sprawled open".

Now I'm not a feminist by any means...I believe women should have the right to do whatever they want to do but that doesn't mean I agree with the behavior of all (clearly) but I just wonder how does one balance being feminist and feminine? Is it possible?

ETA: It's funny because I noticed the other day that when I wear pants, I sit all kinds of manly lol slouching, legs open, whatever I can do to get comfortable, I'll do it...even if I look ridiculous. Wearing dresses and skirts keeps me mindful of being ladylike and walking and sitting like a lady. That's part of the reason I made the decision to stop buying pants.
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I love this thread but I keep forgetting about it because it's not as visible as it used to be. It should still be in OT because it's not about relationships.

i can we get that done. I much prefer it as a sticky in the OT forum.

Maybe if we start a new thread with a new title they'll keep it in OT. Femininity and sensuality maybe? Power and femininity? IDK
Beyonce's videos, her legs and her dancers legs are usually spread wide open. Of course they made the argument about how that ties into feminism because we socialize girls to keep their legs closed, not take up much space, shrink....whateverwhatever...but the only thing I could think was "there's nothing feminine about keeping your legs sprawled open".

I just found a quote from a blog about a woman talking about taking up space...

"A few things stood out to me, as a larger woman. The first was that the vast majority of the people who bumped into me, invaded my space, and hogged up more seats than they needed were men. This is not a new revelation. It's long been written about and observed (Google "taking up space, feminist" for a short tour.) The general consensus is that men are socialized to take up space and feel entitled to it, while women are supposed to be diminutive and this affects our behavior in public spaces."

Men will sit with their legs open and sprawled out, and not care if they are looking manly or unmanly. It's their space and they are going to own it.

(Traditionally) Women are always concerned about being ladylike and feminine...

Yes, there is a way to unite femininity with feminism, but beyonce's videos are about reclaiming your power (well I think that's the feel she's going for) ... And by any means necessary... Which includes legs open, sprawled out
Anyone in here a feminist? I know feminism was brought up in here pages ago but I'm not about to go searching for it.

I ask because feminism (black feminism) is being discussed in one of the Beyonce threads and a poster brought up how in all of Beyonce's videos, her legs and her dancers legs are usually spread wide open. Of course they made the argument about how that ties into feminism because we socialize girls to keep their legs closed, not take up much space, shrink....whateverwhatever...but the only thing I could think was "there's nothing feminine about keeping your legs sprawled open".

Now I'm not a feminist by any means...I believe women should have the right to do whatever they want to do but that doesn't mean I agree with the behavior of all (clearly) but I just wonder how does one balance being feminist and feminine? Is it possible?

ETA: It's funny because I noticed the other day that when I wear pants, I sit all kinds of manly lol slouching, legs open, whatever I can do to get comfortable, I'll do it...even if I look ridiculous. Wearing dresses and skirts keeps me mindful of being ladylike and walking and sitting like a lady. That's part of the reason I made the decision to stop buying pants.

Very interesting topic! LaFemmeNaturelle

I believe women should take up space, but not with opening up their legs, at least not in public.:look:

This reminds me of a conversation I had with a relative of mine and we were saying that when we dance we don't open those legs and get really comfortable in free style dancing. Everything is so tight and "cute". These are one of the reasons I do admire dancers such as African dancers and pole dancers because they open them selves up and take up space. They let go.
In public though, I do think feminine women should take up space, but mostly in the way we sit and the way we do things. Like resting an arm on a chair, and legs being crossed yet stretched. Its hard to explain, but I like when I sit like this and people do take notice. Sometimes I am tight and closed in but they is when I am not relaxed.

Anyway I would love more thoughts on this!:yep:

I'm tardy to the party and just started reading this thread! Still have a ways to go.

I just did this test and my results are pretty accurate
The Sonnet Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLD)

Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?
Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They’re conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that’s okay, because you’re very choosy with your affections anyway. You’d absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.
Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You’re already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there’s no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.
You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.
Anyone in here a feminist? I know feminism was brought up in here pages ago but I'm not about to go searching for it.

I ask because feminism (black feminism) is being discussed in one of the Beyonce threads and a poster brought up how in all of Beyonce's videos, her legs and her dancers legs are usually spread wide open. Of course they made the argument about how that ties into feminism because we socialize girls to keep their legs closed, not take up much space, shrink....whateverwhatever...but the only thing I could think was "there's nothing feminine about keeping your legs sprawled open".

Now I'm not a feminist by any means...I believe women should have the right to do whatever they want to do but that doesn't mean I agree with the behavior of all (clearly) but I just wonder how does one balance being feminist and feminine? Is it possible?

ETA: It's funny because I noticed the other day that when I wear pants, I sit all kinds of manly lol slouching, legs open, whatever I can do to get comfortable, I'll do it...even if I look ridiculous. Wearing dresses and skirts keeps me mindful of being ladylike and walking and sitting like a lady. That's part of the reason I made the decision to stop buying pants.

LaFemmeNaturelle If you believe things should be a woman's choice, then you are a feminist. You aren't a militant feminist, but you are still a feminist.
Last night I went to Victoria's Secret to return 90% of my mail order. While there I took a photo shoot in the dressing room to warm up for my upcoming shoot. Ladies I looked great! I don't have the biggest boobs/butt but am all natural and all in love, LOL! I cannot wait to take my professional boudoir shots because I can only imagine how much better the shots will be hands-free, iPhone-free, LOL! I suggest you all do your own shots and if you feel ballsy do some boudoir ones.

Also, though I wasn't freshly shaved I can see a positive difference in pumice stoning my entire body and using the brush my SO bought me from Sabon.
bumping...geesh, this thread needs to go back to Off Topic. It's withering away over here. smh.

Maybe we need a sub-forum called "The Self-Improvement" sub forum. We can put the:

Sense and Sensuality thread
That Girl thread
Mental health thread
Look your best everyday thread
and any another topics that are all about the Self Improvement of the modern day woman from the inside out :)

Seriously, I need one spot for all my "being a better woman/lady" topics like those, lol.
I said this in the other thread but Agent Provocateur is having a sale. LADIES! GET IN LIKE FLYNN! My cart is bursting. My boudoir shoot is gonna look great!

As per Smiley79 post can we have a Self-Improvement forum or move this back to OT please? This thread has a chock full of wonderful information and we feel due to the location it has minimal traction. :(
I had a bad bout with depression for awhile and it affected how I carried myself ( walking, mannerisms, posture).

I used to have a confident walk and I'm working on that and my posture.