Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

I've been more conscious about how i walk: avoid rounding my shoulders and make sure not to move them as i walk. Easier said than done! But, it really does look and feel more feminine, although because it's so different from how i normally walk, i get twinges here&there.

Anyone posting in the group or is it a complete fail?

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Even though this sounds all innocent, I'm getting a "sugar-daddy" vibe from all of that.

Oh yeah totally. LOL I wish you could have seen this older lady as she walked past us while were talking. She looked so disapproving, I know she wanted to tell him to leave me alone. :lol: It seems like the sugar daddies are picking up new lingo these days. But muse sounds way better than sugar baby lol
Idk if this should be here or in health thoughts lol but visualizing my body as a serene, peaceful temple (like actually really drawing the picture in my head-soft lights, candles, smelling like patchouli) reminds me to eat better.
Got up and made myself a green smoothie as opposed to...well I usually have nothing which isn't a good practice.

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Decided to start putting my skin products to use instead of "saving" them...
I have products that I bought or got from my subscriptions to Popsugar, Birchbox and Ipsy.
Plus I needed a pick me up...

This evening I jumped in the shower, exfoliated with a lavender scented body scrub Then cleansed my face with a Jojoba charcoal facial scrub.
I finished off by lathering up with my scented body oil

My skin feels so soft, and I feel really nice right now. I don't know why I stopped doing this. Need to take time out of my week to make myself feel good. Plus I need to clean out my stash and keep my staples.
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Decided to start putting my skin products to use instead of "saving" them...
I have products that I bought or got from my subscriptions to Popsugar, Birchbox and Ipsy.
Plus I needed a pick me up...

This evening I jumped in the shower, exfoliated with a lavender scented body scrub Then cleansed my face with a Jojoba charcoal facial scrub.
I finished off by lathering up with my scented body oil

My skin feels so soft, and I feel really nice right now. I don't know why I stopped doing this. Need to take time out of my week to make myself feel good. Plus I need to clean out my stash and keep my staples.

Yesssss, I love doing this stuff on a regular. This is one of the reasons I loooooove being a woman.
A lady asked to take my photo outside my apartment. Judging by all her gear she was a professional. I had on my Panama hat and a royal gauze dress that's knee length with pockets. She told me to put my hands in the pockets and then she snapped a few pics. It sounds weird but I was flattered. I think she was doing one of those "random people and stuff in honolulu" type things. :)
Walk with your lower half:grin: Yadda, yadda yadda, lol. YOu know the rest. But most of all HAVE FUN!!!

We women need to work on having fun and being in the moment! Be out of your head and into your body.

I really have to focus on these two every day. I have to remind myself often about walking with my lower half. It's not natural to me… yet… but it will be.

Also, I stay in my head and it's to my detriment. I really needed to read this. Thanks for posting.
So, i'm back in the states and met about five really nice guys so far. One i didn't think I'd see again as he said he was going back to Scottland. Anyway, I saw him again with his friends. He says he came back to see me again before he left. I'm not sure if thats true or not but it was cute. then he introed me to his friend who was driving them home.

Anyway, long story short, one of his friends gives me his card to keep in touch with them. It says he works for a company that does "wealth accumulation strategies." Not exactly sure what that means but, that sounds good right? Does anyone know what that even means???
I finally googled the company and wealth accumulation strategies apparently is the new "financial planners" for people in certain income brackets. Anyway, I think I'm going to try and cultivate this relationship. I know this guy must know more than a few eligible men. :lol:
I haven't been on this site in a LOOOONNNNGGG time so it's kinda cool catching up to this thread! Love all of your positivity, wondering why this thread is in the relationship forum (not a biggie)... Are there any threads I've missed (since May... or basically February :look:)

Just a quick update on my end. So I've been building my career, myself, enjoying life, etc so going out in general has been limited. However, the times that I do go out, I have attracted men albeit not consciously. I go out and I get 3 or 4 numbers at a time (but only in like a party crowded setting). I even had people giving me their cards (interesting) in just professional settings just because they liked me. It's kinda a lot. I'm just staring the cards trying to remember who is who :look:

I say the difference is more mental. I actually do my hair less, don't wear as much makeup either.

However, I really think I need to convert my closet to dresses because today I still had my heels and dress and I was buying some rice. I was trying to put another brand on a shelf and this guy sprinted over to pick it up for me (it was a 20lb bag :look:... don't judge me, I'm African) and it was the cutest thing. It reminded me when I dropped my driver's license at the DMV earlier this year and two dudes went down to the ground at the same time trying to pick it up :lol:

So yeah, I do believe in embracing your femininity whatever shape it may be. I hope I can still become more social and be "on" it since I love the connection I make with men and women of all backgrounds. It's kinda sweet.
can we get this moved back to off topic? this thread is less about relationships, and more about the self. it's just an inconvenience here.
I don't feel very feminine at the moment. It comes and goes. I can't feel it when my insides aren't right... I'm doing some cleansing by eating a lot of sautéed veggies. I've just arrived in Nairobi and have been here 2 days. My roommate and I are heading to a free 2-hour yoga class, and I can't wait. I love being part of community classes and will miss my Haitian dance class in Boston terribly. The vibe in that room, all these happy and joyous women and babies, it's the BEST thing.

I like @Lucie's post. I want to massage too! I'll try it tonight. Grapeseed oil should be good, no? After sitting for so long on the airplane, my lower body is achy. Yesterday, I walked 50 minutes in the city and my legs were tingling a lot. They needed it.

CarLiTa, I did not use any oils/lotion but grape seed oil is good for the skin and hair. :grin:
I know, I love it! Use grapeseed oil just about everyday in my hair. The skin on my arm is peeling from a suntan. I'm going to use some there as well.
I just received Sex Secrets of an American Geisha in the mail. I ordered it at a discount from amazon.

I can't put it down! I have many of the PDFs listed, but only 2 in book form. I think I'll order them all so that I can highlight, refer back to, and even pass on to niece and daughter when they get of age.

:heart2: this thread!!
I just received Sex Secrets of an American Geisha in the mail. I ordered it at a discount from amazon.

I can't put it down! I have many of the PDFs listed, but only 2 in book form. I think I'll order them all so that I can highlight, refer back to, and even pass on to niece and daughter when they get of age.

:heart2: this thread!!

I really like that book! It was one of the first I read. Some things can be a little eye rolling, but overall, it was good well-intentioned advice
Just an update! I've been attracting more positive attention lol

-Dressing more lady-like (i still wear trousers but i wear feminine pieces with it)
-got a facial (just one facial and I got a few compliments will do it again)
-wearing heels more often (i heard i have nice legs so trying to tastefully show them off more)
-smiling more (tho i think i need to get my teeth whitened and straightened a bit more)

How is everyone else preparing for the fall/winter? I want to get a nice trenchcoat as well as peacoat for the colder days that have been coming Oh and more boots I need the VETS to give us newbies some tips! Its hard sashaying in a Northface that reaches your calves :look:
I keep forgetting this thread now because I don't frequent this part of the forum. I really wish the mods would move it back to off topic! I've been still hard at work. I miss chatting with you ladies. Can we petition them to move the thread back?

So DH has been happy about many of the changes I've made in my appearance. He no longer bats an eyelash at me going to the salon AND he built me a closet. I couldn't believe it.

Now that my belly is expanding and the weather is turning, I find myself pairing dresses with blazers and tights to stretch them across seasons. I also spent a good amount of time shopping for sweater dresses today. stephluv, have you tried feminine outerwear? I saw this lady's stuff in DC and it was beautiful. It's pricey, but maybe you can find something similar?
TracyNicole - Congrats on the "love on top"! Sorry I always wanted to use the term lol Thank you so much for the suggestions.... how do you know what i like huh? All 3 are perfect just not in my budget smh But I do like the fit and style of all 3 so I will be on the lookout for cheaper alternatives. I wonder if I need to make a trip to DC and do some shopping out there PM locations if you know of any and Thanks again!
Thanks stephluv. It's cool. In my mind my reveal would be just as awesome:) In reality I just kept it quite because I'm not Queen Bey. Haha.

I love Leanne's stuff but she doesn't have a local store. She was at the DC Veg fest offering half off. If you pre-order at the beginning of the season or catch her at a local show they are heavily discounted so maybe at another time. The only other place I've seen anything similar is J.Crew and the prices are pretty much the same. Maybe someone else might chime in? I'm still looking for a cute maternity coat so if I see anything else I'll come back and tag you.

I love this thread but I keep forgetting about it because it's not as visible as it used to be. It should still be in OT because it's not about relationships.