Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

Hi ladies! Just wanted to come out of lurkdom to post this really great blog i found while researching french femininity-I've always found it so intriguing.

I haven't explored the site too much, but what I've read so far has been really inspiring . A lot of the material is geared towards French culture in general, which is pretty interesting.

Here are my favorite articles so far: *a little bit of LOA in this one

Anywho, I hope this helps !

ETA: Here's another great article, My Life is Perfect(The Real Truth) :grin:
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Hi ladies! Just wanted to come out of lurkdom to post this really great blog i found while researching french femininity-I've always found it so intriguing.

I haven't explored the site too much, but what I've read so far has been really inspiring . A lot of the material is geared towards French culture in general, which is pretty interesting.

Here are my favorite articles so far: *a little bit of LOA in this one

Anywho, I hope this helps !

ETA: Here's another great article, My Life is Perfect(The Real Truth) :grin:

Thank you so much for this!! I will be reading more. But so far what I have read I'm already working on making those changes. Great info and I will be following her blog!:yep:
I really want to thank you ladies from the bottom of my heart, last night it hit me. I've really mastered the art of feeling and being the prize instead of the other way around which is an epidemic out here today. I mean it's a huge issue in the dating scene.

I went out with some friends yesterday to a huge outdoor party called the Do Over. The conversation in the car with my two beautiful , highly educated friends would've made you all cringe. Simply put, they treat men like they're the prizes, bed over backwards to appease them and overanalyze tiny situations trying not to make any mistakes...and the entire ride they kept deferring to me as the "what do you think we should do, act, feel, etc." I mean they were even analyzing how to ask a guy via text that they met a few nights ago what his name was because they never got it. They were afraid of turning the guy off by asking that, smh.

I'm telling you there needs to be a huge paradigm shift because baby!!! The women these days are not owning it and feeling it within themselves at all as CarLiTa explained in another thread.
:blush: thanks for the shoutout :blush:
I agree about the over analyzing. Not many of my friends at all do that, and it shocks me when I meet someone who does. Like, what should I respond to his text! Anytime I've felt that way in the past, I know the person wasn't worth it:lol: There seems to be a string negative correlation between me feeling anxious and unsettled about a guy, and what value that guy adds to my life and how wrong he is for me. It's what I've noticed from dealing with many people. So, if I'm fretting about how to have even the least meaningful conversation with him, then I'm probably elevating him to some high and undeserved ideal, and I am going to be disappointed FAST.

I'm polite, I'm thoughtful, I'm interesting, I'm confident, and if I start doubting all these qualities about myself and feeling as though I'm unable to show them, then no bueno. I need to be able to be authentic. If I don't get the chance to do that, then the guy's bad energy must be blocking mine.
Between this thread and the other thread. I'm on my way of being completely feminine. I NEVER felt like a 100% woman and actually enjoyed being female. Long story, jacked up life. Anyways......

I find myself NATURALLY flirting with men. One guy was staring at me and I blew him a kiss.

I'm having fun with this lifestyle change.
Hi, Ladies! So, I got a new bathing suit! It's so vintage and the color looks good on me!


However, my body is not right. I'm back on my Brazil Butt Lift and Leandro and I are not friends right now. :ohwell: But in the long run, it'll help! I just need to deal with the thighs and tummy.

I'm also still buying dresses. :)
^^^ Enyo, I love that swimsuit! it's gorgeous and sexy while still being somewhat modest.

So I found a site (I don't remember how I stumbled across it) about a woman face painting her bf, but it's extremely sensual and you cn really see the loving bond between them. I really enjoyed watching it. I'll probably have to post the info on our other site to avoid breaking rules.

Also Layluh I've been meaning to thank you for the book recommendations. I got both and I read the Blake book and really enjoyed it. A lot in there really resonated with me. I haven't read the other one yet, but it's on my nightstand.
^^^ Enyo, I love that swimsuit! it's gorgeous and sexy while still being somewhat modest.

So I found a site (I don't remember how I stumbled across it) about a woman face painting her bf, but it's extremely sensual and you cn really see the loving bond between them. I really enjoyed watching it. I'll probably have to post the info on our other site to avoid breaking rules.

Also Layluh I've been meaning to thank you for the book recommendations. I got both and I read the Blake book and really enjoyed it. A lot in there really resonated with me. I haven't read the other one yet, but it's on my nightstand.

:blush: There's another site? Some one PM me please??
This is a cool thread. I have only read a bit of it, but I feel like it validates a lot of my experiences. One thing I will say I struggle with is dealing with it in the work setting. I would love to get some advice on that.
^^^ Enyo, I love that swimsuit! it's gorgeous and sexy while still being somewhat modest.

So I found a site (I don't remember how I stumbled across it) about a woman face painting her bf, but it's extremely sensual and you cn really see the loving bond between them. I really enjoyed watching it. I'll probably have to post the info on our other site to avoid breaking rules.

I know that there was talk of a spin-off site, but that was a few years ago. Did that ever get off the ground, or is this something new?
Yeah sorry to have gone ghost, I didn't have much time to post last night. PM me if you want the info for either site I mentioned, I'll try to come back afer work and update properly. :yep:
Between this thread and the look your best thread I've succeeded in looking my best at every time of the day except for at night. I want to sleep sexy but I'm on a budget. Can someone provide some resources please?
Between this thread and the look your best thread I've succeeded in looking my best at every time of the day except for at night. I want to sleep sexy but I'm on a budget. Can someone provide some resources please?

@*SkolarStar* many of house clothes or "night gowns" are summer dresses I used to wear outside. For whatever reason they got delegated to my house. Rather than discard them or donate wear them in the house IF they are comfy enough.

Also, thrifting is great for this! H&M and Forever 21 has a ton of cute dresses for cheap that are supposed to be summer dresses but you can wear them to bed if the material is comfortable. :yep:

ETA: I can foresee the dress I have on in my siggy getting turned into a house dress. :lol:
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