Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

FemmeFatale, did you ever find a silk bathrobe?

If you're willing to go with an alternative, a short jersey-material one might be good. They feel very soft. I got a grey one (been looking for an affordable one for months) just the other day. It's kimono style and super soft. I took want a silk one but don't want to fork the money.

The Gap has a few jersey ones... there was a navy that was really nice. Also came with a little night-gown, neglige. I have a light blue one that I love. Fits really well and is soft to the touch. When I first bought it, it just happened to exactly match my polish at the time. I felt so feminine:gorgeous:
The man didn't even notice the coordination:kick:

ETA: I just checked the Gap website. They don't have what I saw in the stores:ohwell:
For the women who have noticed improvements in their lives during this process, what are the three biggest changes that you have made?

I have become more aware of my body. Like even when I slip off into my head(which I often do) I remember to come back into my body and feel being in there.

I am making sure my environment at home reflects more of me. With having a family, I want everyone to be happy. But its nice to see elements of "me" in my space.

I am learning to slow down when I walk. And take pleasure in just being. I tend to be very anxious and fast faced. So to slow down was challenge. It is reaping great rewards!
FemmeFatale, did you ever find a silk bathrobe?

If you're willing to go with an alternative, a short jersey-material one might be good. They feel very soft. I got a grey one (been looking for an affordable one for months) just the other day. It's kimono style and super soft. I took want a silk one but don't want to fork the money.

The Gap has a few jersey ones... there was a navy that was really nice. Also came with a little night-gown, neglige. I have a light blue one that I love. Fits really well and is soft to the touch. When I first bought it, it just happened to exactly match my polish at the time. I felt so feminine:gorgeous:
The man didn't even notice the coordination:kick:

ETA: I just checked the Gap website. They don't have what I saw in the stores:ohwell:

CarLiTa I ended up finding a lovely silk vintage one on eBay for a really good price.
Wooooooow, Ladies. How about one of my new friends on the island actually asked me what the best way to go about leaving his current he can date me. WTF??? :blush: I don't know if I should be flattered, scared, or both. The weird thing is that I'm not interested in him "like that". He knows that, but I think he wants to free himself up just in case. Well, that and he just wants to leave anyway.
^^That's a rude and inappropriate question. Would turn me off immensely.

I think he's infatuated at this point. People that are unhappy tend to get infatuated with folks who come along and fulfill whatever emotional desires that are not being provided in their current relationship. Infatuated people tend to be inappropriate because the drop all their filters and defenses when they are with you.

It was a stupid question, but I didn't take offense because I had sensed he was not happy with his current relationship. He doesn't want to hurt his GF and he totally trusts me.

He texted me the question because he wants me to think about and give him a response when we go hiking this weekend. I plan on telling his wimpy arse to man up. Period. He already knows what to say, so he needs to say it and move on.

But not going to be his girlfriend. No.
I recently started reading the book, "The Geisha Secret" and I'm really enjoying it. It talks about a lot of the issues we talk about here on the board, like why men don't date successful women. It teaches about being humble, sensual but not overly so, and being independent in your own right.

I can't get enough of these types of books because being a woman was taboo in my house while growing up. I always felt like I was missing a piece of my puzzle but since finding these books, I feel whole.

Thanks for all who gave input to this thread!!
Okay I finished reading Mama Gena's and it was better than I expected. I still got a very masculine vibe from her writing even though she was trying to teach us to be more feminine. Now that I think about it I realize that much of the modern style of writing is very masculine so I'm guessing that's why she comes across that way.

Started reading Becoming your own matchmaker and this woman is driving me nuts! Its no wonder she hasn't been married! She seems very anti woman in her rantings and goes off topic quite often, which makes no sense. Anyway, I will finish reading this book because I bought it but I am certainly ruing the day I decided to venture off into unchartered territory with regards to the reading list. :(
Without a shadow of a doubt....attitude. It's the beginning and the end of everything. It enhances or destroys all your effort.

Smiling more and letting the smile show in my eyes. Become more playful with men. Meaning I joke around with them more and tease them about silly things. I also praise or recognize them for things they do or say. Everyone loves being recognized for things they do. They love it even more when they don't think it is something anyone else would notice. The last change is that I ask for their opinions and advice on more things. I don't really need or want the advice but men love it when they think you're doing something just because they suggested it.

I know that's four but that's the best I could do. :grin:

I have become more aware of my body. Like even when I slip off into my head(which I often do) I remember to come back into my body and feel being in there.

I am making sure my environment at home reflects more of me. With having a family, I want everyone to be happy. But its nice to see elements of "me" in my space.

I am learning to slow down when I walk. And take pleasure in just being. I tend to be very anxious and fast faced. So to slow down was challenge. It is reaping great rewards!

Thanks for all of the suggestions/advice. I've been in a rut for most of the summer and I definitely see a lot of good points in these comments.

I think my problem is that I can be anxious and just in my head way too much. I'm smiley and I laugh easily, but I think for the last little bit of time my attitude has been ALL wrong. I guess I was feeling sorry for myself and just having a scarcity mentality.
I am struggling with my physical appearance these days. I am expecting my first baby and I really, really let myself go the lest few months. I have been living in t-shirts and leggings and it's messing with my energy. Has anyone ever come across cute/feminine maternity wear. Pea in the Pod has the best looking stuff but is just not economical and I don't want to spend excessive amounts of money since this will likely be an only child. Thanks for any assistance you can give ladies!
I am struggling with my physical appearance these days. I am expecting my first baby and I really, really let myself go the lest few months. I have been living in t-shirts and leggings and it's messing with my energy. Has anyone ever come across cute/feminine maternity wear. Pea in the Pod has the best looking stuff but is just not economical and I don't want to spend excessive amounts of money since this will likely be an only child. Thanks for any assistance you can give ladies!

CONGRATS ON THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you !! :clap::clap::woot::woot::woot::babyg::kiss::yay::yay::party::party::party:

I know absolutely nothing about maternity wear, how about maxi dresses?
I am struggling with my physical appearance these days. I am expecting my first baby and I really, really let myself go the lest few months. I have been living in t-shirts and leggings and it's messing with my energy. Has anyone ever come across cute/feminine maternity wear. Pea in the Pod has the best looking stuff but is just not economical and I don't want to spend excessive amounts of money since this will likely be an only child. Thanks for any assistance you can give ladies!


Have you tried shopping for maternity clothes at Target an JCPennys? They have cute and reasonably priced dresses and tops.
I am struggling with my physical appearance these days. I am expecting my first baby and I really, really let myself go the lest few months. I have been living in t-shirts and leggings and it's messing with my energy. Has anyone ever come across cute/feminine maternity wear. Pea in the Pod has the best looking stuff but is just not economical and I don't want to spend excessive amounts of money since this will likely be an only child. Thanks for any assistance you can give ladies!

Delmy is pregnant and it's been interesting to see her adapt her style:
I am struggling with my physical appearance these days. I am expecting my first baby and I really, really let myself go the lest few months. I have been living in t-shirts and leggings and it's messing with my energy. Has anyone ever come across cute/feminine maternity wear. Pea in the Pod has the best looking stuff but is just not economical and I don't want to spend excessive amounts of money since this will likely be an only child. Thanks for any assistance you can give ladies!

I am absolutely ELATED for you!! Enjoy this moment!!
Congratulations TracyNicole!!!! That is wonderful news!!!

I was pregnant with my kiddies and made sure to always look my best so much so that I received many compliments during my pregnancies. Feeling good made me look good! Add to that eating well and staying well rested.:yep:

As Femmefatele said, During summer I did a lot of maxies.For fall it was sweater dresses with leggings and low heeled boots. Makeup on point and hair that was soft and sexy.
I tried maternity jeans but they were so tight under my belly so dresses were life savers.
I am struggling with my physical appearance these days. I am expecting my first baby and I really, really let myself go the lest few months. I have been living in t-shirts and leggings and it's messing with my energy. Has anyone ever come across cute/feminine maternity wear. Pea in the Pod has the best looking stuff but is just not economical and I don't want to spend excessive amounts of money since this will likely be an only child. Thanks for any assistance you can give ladies!

I wear maxi dresses most days. I just buy them in bigger than usual sizes to accommodate my belly.
I am struggling with my physical appearance these days. I am expecting my first baby and I really, really let myself go the lest few months. I have been living in t-shirts and leggings and it's messing with my energy. Has anyone ever come across cute/feminine maternity wear. Pea in the Pod has the best looking stuff but is just not economical and I don't want to spend excessive amounts of money since this will likely be an only child. Thanks for any assistance you can give ladies!

I bought all my dresses stretch material, nothing maternity:look:

Keep you hair make up and hair done.

If you don't wear make up, make sure you wear earrings it will add sparkle to your face.

I bought a lot of cute flats.

And have sex with your Dh a lot it will keep you feeling sexy during your pregnancy.
Earrings that add sparkle and color to your face make a world of a difference. It's a subtle change that has big impact.

I wore a short, super colorful jumper to an outdoor bar last night and got so many compliments! My friend said all the natural-haired women gravitated towards me lol. I did a twist and curl, which I haven't done in a while, and wore a "full face" (I'm getting better and better at it! Still just doing the basics though, ha) and wore these bright turquoise earrings. I love turquoise earrings. My day to day pair is a tiny one with silver that I got at an Indonesian shop in Paris. The pair I wore last night cost $2 at a crazy clearance sale:giggle:

I want to get into lapis jewelry. It's a stone from Egypt and Afghanistan. Turkey had some lapis jewelry but they were more costly than the Turkish ones. I didn't buy any, but on second thought I should have, meh. What deterred me was that I went to an Afghan jewelry store in NYC last summer that was having a clearance sale and got some silver plated earrings with the lapis stone for $6. I really like them because they're different. I'd love to get some gold and lapis next. I've decided that that's what I'm interested in buying from different places when I travel: unique rings, bracelets and earrings. I don't know how I got off on this tangent:lol:
Earrings that add sparkle and color to your face make a world of a difference. It's a subtle change that has big impact.

I wore a short, super colorful jumper to an outdoor bar last night and got so many compliments! My friend said all the natural-haired women gravitated towards me lol. I did a twist and curl, which I haven't done in a while, and wore a "full face" (I'm getting better and better at it! Still just doing the basics though, ha) and wore these bright turquoise earrings. I love turquoise earrings. My day to day pair is a tiny one with silver that I got at an Indonesian shop in Paris. The pair I wore last night cost $2 at a crazy clearance sale:giggle:

I want to get into lapis jewelry. It's a stone from Egypt and Afghanistan. Turkey had some lapis jewelry but they were more costly than the Turkish ones. I didn't buy any, but on second thought I should have, meh. What deterred me was that I went to an Afghan jewelry store in NYC last summer that was having a clearance sale and got some silver plated earrings with the lapis stone for $6. I really like them because they're different. I'd love to get some gold and lapis next. I've decided that that's what I'm interested in buying from different places when I travel: unique rings, bracelets and earrings. I don't know how I got off on this tangent:lol:

I love afghan jewelry, I also love toureg and berber/Malian jewelry as well!
Thanks for the tips and well wishes ladies! Delmy's blog is great. I have been wearing maxi's most of the summer but now I'm looking for work clothes. I'm going to give Target and JCP a look this week.

Sophie, thanks for the tips! I think I;m going to go with a bigger, curlier weave and trade my studs in for more interesting earrings. I wear the same natural look makeup everyday.
I have been having more ladies nights out. My criteria for hanging out with them is that we all must be in dresses and heels. I love it! Doing this just makes us all look and act feminine as a group:yep:
My summer semester was just terrible and I've neglected myself. I haven't had my hair or nails done. I haven't worn a dress all summer. My skin is dull. I need to do something proactive.

Would someone post a link to the Beauty Detox book? I see more than one, but I want to be sure I pick the right one. I think getting some nutrient-rich foods will help overall.
My summer semester was just terrible and I've neglected myself. I haven't had my hair or nails done. I haven't worn a dress all summer. My skin is dull. I need to do something proactive.

Would someone post a link to the Beauty Detox book? I see more than one, but I want to be sure I pick the right one. I think getting some nutrient-rich foods will help overall.

I really believe she knows what she's talking about and I like that you can adopt her principles without becoming a total social outcast.