Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

Well I've finished Art of Seduction. I really enjoyed it even though it felt like the book was going on forever.... Started Mama Gena's and I'm not sure if I like it or not. I mean it is interesting but I do not feel like her writing is very seductive/sensual, if that makes any sense. Like it has almost a masculine feeling to it. Dunno, just feels like it has taken me somewhat out of my sensual/sexual space a bit. But I'm almost done so I'll get back to other books that will hopefully get me back into that groove.

Anyway, seems like being more sensual is working for me but it's weird. I'm meeting all of these new guys who seem to be hanging all over me lately. It's weird for me because of the fact that I'm currently deployed to a "combat" zone. So there should not be any relationships going on (ofcourse they happen but I like my pay and my rank. thank you very much). I guess I have just wanted to practice a bit with the flirting which I've never been good at. Or atleast I never felt I was any good at. Men have in the past told me that I'm constantly flirting so maybe I am good and just don't know it?

Anyway, things seem to be going very well in the flirtation department. I've been invited to four different countries. I've also had men from three of those countries tell me they were planning to come visit me when they get out of this place. I've also had another who is from The States tell me he is going to come and see me during his leave. This guy seems very passive aggressive though so, eh. However, he does seem the type that would pick up and move to my area. Won't be the first guy that's done that and I'm sure it won't be the last, unless I somehow get married in the next two years. There is also another guy from back home who is really into my everything lately. I'm wondering if my online persona has changed somehow in a way that is pleasing to men?

Anyway, that's my semi update. Can't wait to get out of this place and buy some dresses and skirts and be allowed to flirt full stop. LOL
Hey ladies:wave: I love this thread. I've read a few of the books that were recommended, including Art of Seduction. I thought I could use some of the techniques on some men. Unfortunately, the men I've been attracting are not appropriate for seducing :look:(ex. :look:ministers, married, or much older)

I just started making green smoothies with that recipe you posted:lick: Tasted much better than I thought it would. I don't know why I waited so long to try this.
Hey ladies! I've been in a serious rut and haven't felt like being feminine let alone sensous. Being home from school with no job has just made me blah on everything. Also sitting st home all day everyday didn't help :nono: But I need to snap myself into place because classes at a new school begin In about 2 week. I'm applying.for some positions and I just want to feel good.
I need to figure out how to bring myself back. Maybe I'll do a smoothie fast since my diet has been terrible(tacos bell, kfc, sweets etc) and reread one odd.the books.
Be careful. He might be trying to put you under *his* spell. Stay alert!

Yep:yep: on target. Sometimes we think we are the seducer when in fact it is him who is doing the seducing,lol. Stay on your toes!

Give in but pull back.
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Hey ladies! I've been in a serious rut and haven't felt like being feminine let alone sensous. Being home from school with no job has just made me blah on everything. Also sitting st home all day everyday didn't help :nono: But I need to snap myself into place because classes at a new school begin In about 2 week. I'm applying.for some positions and I just want to feel good.
I need to figure out how to bring myself back. Maybe I'll do a smoothie fast since my diet has been terrible(tacos bell, kfc, sweets etc) and reread one odd.the books.

Yes, change your diet. Eat well and get a little workout in:yep:. That always makes me feel healthy and naturally sensuous. Get dressed up and find somewhere to go. Anywhere. Being in the house all the time makes me feel blah. Get some sunshine and observe nature,people watch. Work out your senses like practice being still and making note of what you smell. Try a new restaurant and make out the taste of foods. Being sensual is tied to really being in tune with your senses.

Eta: Oh and dance, dance dance!
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RegaLady, I like UGGS. :) Cole Haan makes really nice boots.

So, he and I had a blast at the wedding on Sunday. He said every where he went, the men kept asking him when we would be next. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat. I felt beautiful (got my hair and makeup done) and my dress was nice.

Many people at the wedding told him that I was the epitome of a lady. That was amazing to hear and made me think of this thread. Whatever, I am doing is working. Let me go reread the last few pages and see if I missed any new tips. I am so happy this is a sticky as well a the latest thread. :D
Hey ladies! I've been in a serious rut and haven't felt like being feminine let alone sensous. Being home from school with no job has just made me blah on everything. Also sitting st home all day everyday didn't help :nono: But I need to snap myself into place because classes at a new school begin In about 2 week. I'm applying.for some positions and I just want to feel good.
I need to figure out how to bring myself back. Maybe I'll do a smoothie fast since my diet has been terrible(tacos bell, kfc, sweets etc) and reread one odd.the books.

nadaa16, get yourself on a schedule. I know it is hard but do not go to sleep at crazy hours just because you are not working. Get to bed at a decent and get up around the same time every day. Drink some warm water with lemon. Shower and get ready to go for a walk. As you walk listen to some positive sermons or speeches from YouTube. Have a light breakfast and find a place to go. I love the library and Barnes and Noble. Since you have 2 weeks to start school work on your room/apartment/house.

Are your closets bursting? Are your cupboards dusty? Do you have a junk draw that is ruining your life? :lol: Find things to do love. Have you tried yoga? I LURVE it! My body rebuked me for typing that as I am not perfect at the poses :look: but it makes me feel serene.

All the best! :grin:
Sorry I'm so late, I like this Youtuber for practice
FemmeFatale - good video I subscribed

belleama- what do you feel like you've changed about yourself? I too have been told i'm a flirt yet i just see it as being friendly to most lol Great update by the way

Lucie - i need details lol What dress did you wear? What were you doing at the wedding to leave such an impact....or in some cases what werent you doing? Arrrgggh why couldnt the wedding I went to be next wk so I could use the tips lol I dont think I worked the rm as well as you did at my last wedding lol I was told I filled out since college :look: and I think I was dressed feminine and classy for both events But my skin is like wth:ohwell: so that didnt give me the boost boost I needed
I've been lurking in this thread from the sidelines and I'm not a big "read and apply to life" person. I'm a visual learner. Coincidently, I've decided to catch up on the show Gossip Girl this summer. I watched a couple of episodes way back in high school, but never got to watch it. As I was watching, it became a great example of what a feminine appearance looks like. Especially from Blair (one of the main characters); her wardrobe and bedroom/home decor is uber fem.

This dress really did me in. The fabric, the patterns, the colors.

Books are great, I was an English major, but I'm going to go back through this thread for movies and videos to watch.

Back to lurking.
Lucie - i need details lol What dress did you wear? What were you doing at the wedding to leave such an impact....or in some cases what werent you doing? Arrrgggh why couldnt the wedding I went to be next wk so I could use the tips lol I dont think I worked the rm as well as you did at my last wedding lol I was told I filled out since college :look: and I think I was dressed feminine and classy for both events But my skin is like wth:ohwell: so that didnt give me the boost boost I needed

I wore a dress from Express. I was on a budget. Don't laugh at the pic enclosed. I don't really know how to take full body pics. My sissy in Australia wanted a pic, so I went to the church bathroom basement to take one for her. :look: The bride was 95 minutes late anyway, so I was entertained by my selfies and my dude.

My skin has some blemishes but I had my makeup done at Sephora. Get your makeup done! It's about $50 purchase to get it done at most makeup counters. After looking at some before and after's on YT I decided my skin was fine minus a few blemishes. Makeup is a beautiful thing! :yep:

I didn't really work the room, more like my table. My dude is a social butterfly and ONLY the groom and bride had more pictures than he did. :lachen::rolleyes:

Wherever he went, he told me what his friends and guests said. I really think I have a friendly aura because he told me people he didn't even know complimented me. I was pretty friendly with the ladies at my table. There was a knife-scandal during the cocktail hour. They had a bunch of finger foods but no knives. So, I asked for one and they brought it to me immediately. Then everyone else asked and got huge steak knives. The favoritism was hilarious. :lachen:So whenever someone from my table needed something they asked me to get it for them.

ETA: The second pic is to give you an idea of what the top of my dress looked like.


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Lucie you look beautiful!!!

I have 2 weddings to go to next summer. One in ATL and the other in Jamaica.

I know I'm early but I have no idea what to wear. As you guys saw from my white dress pic I'm very curvy so when it comes to classy events I have to choose wisely. Hopefully by next summer ill be 30lbs lighter.
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@LovelyLouboutin, thanks darling! :D

Miss617, thanks lovie! :D I love dresses! I would wear them even in the snow as a little girl. My dad would make me wear leggings and pants under them. :rolleyes:
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Lucie I love that dress and you look beautiful!

Y'all got me looking at the dresses in my closet like "I need to step my game up." Shoot.
Yes, change your diet. Eat well and get a little workout in:yep:. That always makes me feel healthy and naturally sensuous. Get dressed up and find somewhere to go. Anywhere. Being in the house all the time makes me feel blah. Get some sunshine and observe nature,people watch. Work out your senses like practice being still and making note of what you smell. Try a new restaurant and make out the taste of foods. Being sensual is tied to really being in tune with your senses.

Eta: Oh and dance, dance dance!
yes! thank you for the suggestions. I recently made more space in my room so I will do some dancing tonight! I have been trying to get dressed to shoes lately and that helps a little.

nadaa16, get yourself on a schedule. I know it is hard but do not go to sleep at crazy hours just because you are not working. Get to bed at a decent and get up around the same time every day. Drink some warm water with lemon. Shower and get ready to go for a walk. As you walk listen to some positive sermons or speeches from YouTube. Have a light breakfast and find a place to go. I love the library and Barnes and Noble. Since you have 2 weeks to start school work on your room/apartment/house.

Are your closets bursting? Are your cupboards dusty? Do you have a junk draw that is ruining your life? :lol: Find things to do love. Have you tried yoga? I LURVE it! My body rebuked me for typing that as I am not perfect at the poses :look: but it makes me feel serene.

All the best! :grin:
I am happy to say all my things are purged and condensed! and they are fairly clean and neat I just need to tidy and vacuum which I'll do right after completing this paperwork for school. and I just came from walking the dog. I think i'll walk the dog in the mornings, noons, ad evenings. it makes him happy and gets me moving.
also that wedding dress is bomb! I love that peekaboo panel!

I've been lurking in this thread from the sidelines and I'm not a big "read and apply to life" person. I'm a visual learner. Coincidently, I've decided to catch up on the show Gossip Girl this summer. I watched a couple of episodes way back in high school, but never got to watch it. As I was watching, it became a great example of what a feminine appearance looks like. Especially from Blair (one of the main characters); her wardrobe and bedroom/home decor is uber fem.

This dress really did me in. The fabric, the patterns, the colors.

Books are great, I was an English major, but I'm going to go back through this thread for movies and videos to watch.

Back to lurking.

you know what I may be the same way! and I looove gossip girl and blair's style is impeccable. I always draw from her for inspo the pieces are classic and able to be duped easily. also, naomi from 90210(a little trendy), whitley different world, jackie from that 70s show, olivia pope scandal etc I've never seen the show but I've been hearing madmen actresses style is very vintage fem.
belleama- what do you feel like you've changed about yourself? I too have been told i'm a flirt yet i just see it as being friendly to most lol Great update by the way

As I'm thinking about it the biggest thing I've changed over here is that I smile more. I generally don't while here but back home I had made it a point to do so more often. I've also started letting men do things for me. Like carrying my stuff or opening the doors for me or even paying for my coffee. I also send them on errands. These are things I don't normally do while in uniform because I always felt that it looked bad for a female soldier to ask a male soldier to do things for her since we're over here trying to get equal treatment and respect. But after reading some of the books on the list I'm realize that men actually enjoy being asked to do things by females. So I've started and it has payed off.

Something as simple as holding the door for myself I just don't do it anymore. Even when I reach the door first. I'll step to the side and let him open it then walk through first. When it comes to paying for our coffee or whatever. I let the cashier ring it up then wait for him to pull out his wallet to pay. If he doesn't then I pull out my money but not before. Two of my very close battle buddies and I take turns paying so on those days if it's my turn I'll just pay because we know whose turn it is all the time. But other than those two guys I'll let them all pay or send them back to get something I want. It's nice. I wonder how much better this will work once I actually start looking like a woman again and not a female soldier. lol
I went belly dancing today. Omg I loved it! I wish i could afford a year long pass.

I knew I was uncoordinated before but this really showed how much. Lol! I felt a little awkward and definitely not sensuous. But the instructors boy oh boy I couldn't take my eyes off them!! I need to master this.

I love belly dancing. I even have the belly dancing hip scarf. It makes me feel so sexy. When I'm at home I put it on and dance around the scarf.

I plan to get the long length skirt later in life.

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So I had a superb time at the concert last night! And I have this man eating out the palm of my hand. I was thankful and pleasant yet still remained aloof borderline coquettish.
I know this might seem crazy but during the show, Beyonce made some references to sensuality and femininity that made me think of this thread and whether or not she lurks her. I'm SO serious too..

I'll try to find some clips, lol.
For the women who have noticed improvements in their lives during this process, what are the three biggest changes that you have made?
I know this might seem crazy but during the show, Beyonce made some references to sensuality and femininity that made me think of this thread and whether or not she lurks her. I'm SO serious too..

I'll try to find some clips, lol.

I always wonder do celebs lurk here. like especially the ones who do length checks.
well if shes here #heybey :grin:
and hmm this acting aloof I need to work on. when I'm not focused I'm so hard in aura I think. :(
So I had a superb time at the concert last night! And I have this man eating out the palm of my hand. I was thankful and pleasant yet still remained aloof borderline coquettish.

FemmeFatale How do you remain aloof without seeming uninterested? I am naturally very aloof and reserved and men that I date tend to think I'm not interested or bored or stuck up. It doesn't seem to work in my favor.
FemmeFatale How do you remain aloof without seeming uninterested? I am naturally very aloof and reserved and men that I date tend to think I'm not interested or bored or stuck up. It doesn't seem to work in my favor.

Body language
Silence is golden so I might not be as chatty and a little distant but I make sure I'm still warm and I do it through my eyes and smile.
For the women who have noticed improvements in their lives during this process, what are the three biggest changes that you have made?

Without a shadow of a doubt....attitude. It's the beginning and the end of everything. It enhances or destroys all your effort.
For the women who have noticed improvements in their lives during this process, what are the three biggest changes that you have made?

Smiling more and letting the smile show in my eyes. Become more playful with men. Meaning I joke around with them more and tease them about silly things. I also praise or recognize them for things they do or say. Everyone loves being recognized for things they do. They love it even more when they don't think it is something anyone else would notice. The last change is that I ask for their opinions and advice on more things. I don't really need or want the advice but men love it when they think you're doing something just because they suggested it.

I know that's four but that's the best I could do. :grin: