Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

Hey ladies, so yesterday I started my detox smoothies..I want to eat a more alkaline based diet and this is my jump start to getting me there:

I think the feminine and radiant book mentions alkaline diets to lower body fat and increase radiance as well, does anyone remember this?


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Hi ladies. I apologize for being MIA for awhile. I've been so tired and unmotivated. Today I woke up and realized my house is in shambles and I look like something the cat drug in. My goal for today is to washy hair and get dressed. Hopefully I can catch up with you ladies again over the next few days:)
Hey ladies, so yesterday I started my detox smoothies..I want to eat a more alkaline based diet and this is my jump start to getting me there:

I think the feminine and radiant book mentions alkaline diets to lower body fat and increase radiance as well, does anyone remember this?

What's in your smoothie recipe? I'm doing the same (or trying to).
Hey ladies, so yesterday I started my detox smoothies..I want to eat a more alkaline based diet and this is my jump start to getting me there:

I think the feminine and radiant book mentions alkaline diets to lower body fat and increase radiance as well, does anyone remember this?

I swear by green smoothies!! I drink them religiously, even trying to get into vegan and raw and I swear I feel more connected to myself and nature. I just feel beautiful even without all the trimmings (makeup, dresses, heels, etc). It is an internal beauty, that I cannot explain. People are feeling this energy and commenting on it. I like it so much, the thought of eating meat, and drinking hard alcohol really puts me off. I am so addicted to this feeling that comes with eating alkaline, I don't want anything to mess it up:spinning:

The Beauty Detox book is good! Also try Chlorella shots in the middle of the day. (Chlorella and coconut water mixed) She says she prepares this for a celebrity and the said celebrity takes these shots in the middle of shoots.

My only warning is to be careful of losing alot of weight. Curves may start to decrease(if you workout, you will be fine) But you WILL lose alot of weight going this route.
Eye makeup scares me. I think it is beautiful but why can't I even try? I am afraid to fail without even trying?! Shame on me. I need to set a reminder in my phone tonight to try my hand at this. I saw a little girl on YT about FIVE years old, putting eye makeup on. I know it wasn't a real tutorial but she did a better job than me, messing around and all. How can someone 3 decades younger than me do a better job?

I know this should go in the makeup section but my lack of eye makeup skills makes me feel real wack and not sensual. :(
Lucie, the makeup and skin care forum is great. The ladies are helpful and very nice.

I am so pleased. I managed to fix my feet today and get dressed. Now I need to get back into my FlyLady routines so I can get back in touch with my home.

FemmeFatale those smoothies are where it's at. Raw foods are so powerful for helping you tap into your energies. Regalady ITA with you. Between raw foods and yoga, you can really have an awakening.
That's the exact problem I have with that book. It does seem like it would start an unhealthy relationship

I had the same problem until I started to look at is as a guide to enhancing things about me that I wanted to cultivate. There are great tips you can take from each section that I think will enhance your seduction game without creating a super unhealthy relationship.
I swear by green smoothies!! I drink them religiously, even trying to get into vegan and raw and I swear I feel more connected to myself and nature. I just feel beautiful even without all the trimmings (makeup, dresses, heels, etc). It is an internal beauty, that I cannot explain. People are feeling this energy and commenting on it. I like it so much, the thought of eating meat, and drinking hard alcohol really puts me off. I am so addicted to this feeling that comes with eating alkaline, I don't want anything to mess it up:spinning:

The Beauty Detox book is good! Also try Chlorella shots in the middle of the day. (Chlorella and coconut water mixed) She says she prepares this for a celebrity and the said celebrity takes these shots in the middle of shoots.

My only warning is to be careful of losing alot of weight. Curves may start to decrease(if you workout, you will be fine) But you WILL lose alot of weight going this route.

Oohh thanks for the info RegaLady! Would you mind sharing some of your favorite recipes?
I swear by green smoothies!! I drink them religiously, even trying to get into vegan and raw and I swear I feel more connected to myself and nature. I just feel beautiful even without all the trimmings (makeup, dresses, heels, etc). It is an internal beauty, that I cannot explain. People are feeling this energy and commenting on it. I like it so much, the thought of eating meat, and drinking hard alcohol really puts me off. I am so addicted to this feeling that comes with eating alkaline, I don't want anything to mess it up:spinning:

The Beauty Detox book is good! Also try Chlorella shots in the middle of the day. (Chlorella and coconut water mixed) She says she prepares this for a celebrity and the said celebrity takes these shots in the middle of shoots.

My only warning is to be careful of losing alot of weight. Curves may start to decrease(if you workout, you will be fine) But you WILL lose alot of weight going this route.

Thanks for this recipe! I've been eyeing it, so I'll go ahead and order. I tried her Green Glow Smoothie recipe and that was pretty decent
Here's what I made last was ok, I wish it were a bit sweeter. All I'm thinking about are the health benefits.


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Oohh thanks for the info @RegaLady! Would you mind sharing some of your favorite recipes?


The recipes I get are mostly from the Beauty Detox Book, but I teak it.

All of the veggies are organic the fruit are not(I need a store that carries it for inexpensive)

1 head of Organic Romaine Lettuce
1 hand or two of organic spinach or baby kale
3 stalks of organic celery
1 banana or peach or a handful of frozen fruit
1 tablespoon of organic wheatgrass
1 tablesppon or Amazing Greens
1 tablesppon of Chlorella
1 teaspoon or tablespoon of Chia seeds

From time to time I switch it up adding organic baby carrots, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries. But that is my go to smoothie recipe

It may take a while to adjust to the taste, but it feels clean when you drink it

Also I do not use alot of fruit. For instance, I don't drink "sweet" smoothies everyday. I don't like to eat alot of sugar as it is unhealthy and it ages you fast. As feminine women, we don't want that:look: To me, the fruits are there to add nutrients and antioxidents(like berries) and to make your drink tolerable. Thats me. But I still think a smoothie should consist of 85-95% veggies(green veggies)

Another good one I tried at a health food store and made at home consisted of

Almond milk
Ground raw almonds
Moringa powder
real vanilla extract

It was soooo good, but like I said every so often I do a "sweet" smoothie.
hmmm me getting in the kitchen to make a green smoothie is not looking good...but i'm sure some places do sell them I wont have them everyday cause i just got some curves cant lose them just yet

On another note I've been getting more looks from men and women lol I had got some eyelashes put in for my bday and have been trying to show more skin (ppl have been commenting that they didnt know I had a body under my work clothes lol) Keeping up with my mani and pedi

Got a few crazy questions but where do you ladies spray your fragrances on yourself? When it comes to jewelry and accessories i know less is more but what do you consider less? Am the only one sufferring from insect bites?...its not helping me feel sexy in this heat with my arms covered up lol

This thread is so helpful even tho i'm celibate I still want to feel like a woman and get treated like one....
Tricks I've picked up along the way...

Save your avocado pit in the freezer and add a chunk to your smoothies for fiber

Watermelon with rind in your smoothie is great for cleansing and therefore the skin

Don't be afraid to mix it up. You really can throw in any fruits you have on hand.
@TracyNicole, the makeup forum has been wonderful! The ladies have encouraged me to try and I did last night. I went walking with my dude and put a nice bronze color on my lid and eyeliner. It wasn't much but I did something. :D
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I swear by green smoothies!! I drink them religiously, even trying to get into vegan and raw and I swear I feel more connected to myself and nature. I just feel beautiful even without all the trimmings (makeup, dresses, heels, etc). It is an internal beauty, that I cannot explain. People are feeling this energy and commenting on it. I like it so much, the thought of eating meat, and drinking hard alcohol really puts me off. I am so addicted to this feeling that comes with eating alkaline, I don't want anything to mess it up:spinning:

The Beauty Detox book is good! Also try Chlorella shots in the middle of the day. (Chlorella and coconut water mixed) She says she prepares this for a celebrity and the said celebrity takes these shots in the middle of shoots.

My only warning is to be careful of losing alot of weight. Curves may start to decrease(if you workout, you will be fine) But you WILL lose alot of weight going this route.[/QUOTE]

To the first bolded: I am going to pull this book out and start today! And to the second bolded sign me up!
stephluv IIRC someone mentioned that you should spray purfume anywhere you want to be kissed. I try to put it anywhere it will have most effect (ie not hidden under clothing). Right now since I'm in uniform 24/7 I put mine on the back of my neck, my wrists, and a small spritz on my lower back. When I'm my civilian wardrobe its back of the neck, behind the knees, below my cleavage, wrists, lower back, midriff, and ankles. Depending on which scent I'm wearing I'll alter the locations using less or more. But my favorites are behind my neck and lower back (tramp stamp area). I feel like you can't really go wrong with those two. Also ankles when not wearing boots. Men love surprises. :)
@stephluv IIRC someone mentioned that you should spray purfume anywhere you want to be kissed. I try to put it anywhere it will have most effect (ie not hidden under clothing). Right now since I'm in uniform 24/7 I put mine on the back of my neck, my wrists, and a small spritz on my lower back. When I'm my civilian wardrobe its back of the neck, behind the knees, below my cleavage, wrists, lower back, midriff, and ankles. Depending on which scent I'm wearing I'll alter the locations using less or more. But my favorites are behind my neck and lower back (tramp stamp area). I feel like you can't really go wrong with those two. Also ankles when not wearing boots. Men love surprises. :)

belleama - thank you!! Yea some of those locations I never thought of....i'll have to try this tramp stamp area
I swear by green smoothies!! I drink them religiously, even trying to get into vegan and raw and I swear I feel more connected to myself and nature. I just feel beautiful even without all the trimmings (makeup, dresses, heels, etc). It is an internal beauty, that I cannot explain. People are feeling this energy and commenting on it. I like it so much, the thought of eating meat, and drinking hard alcohol really puts me off. I am so addicted to this feeling that comes with eating alkaline, I don't want anything to mess it up:spinning:

The Beauty Detox book is good! Also try Chlorella shots in the middle of the day. (Chlorella and coconut water mixed) She says she prepares this for a celebrity and the said celebrity takes these shots in the middle of shoots.

My only warning is to be careful of losing alot of weight. Curves may start to decrease(if you workout, you will be fine) But you WILL lose alot of weight going this route.[/QUOTE]

To the first bolded: I am going to pull this book out and start today! And to the second bolded sign me up!

I wanted to add, I think it was Spiralina shots. Either one of them are good!

I haven't been radiating consistently for a long time. For various reasons I think I really lost my grip on the connection with my power as a woman and felt worried about getting back there.

Still have been dressing for me and looking after myself, but something was missing. :ohwell:

Anyhoo I decided enough was enough today. I dressed well as I usually do to meet SO, but this time I was really feeling myself again. :)

Everytime he caught sight of me he was like "mmmmmmm", "God damn" and grabbing me up. He's always nice to me, but it was different and I felt he could sense I was connected. It changes the way I walk, talk, touch and look at him. Very powerful stuff.

On the topic of eyeshadow.. today I discovered that powder pink eyeshadow looks really pretty on me when used in moderation. Being dark I tend to stay away from that side of the palette, but it really goes with my skin and looks femme.:grin:
hmmm me getting in the kitchen to make a green smoothie is not looking good...but i'm sure some places do sell them I wont have them everyday cause i just got some curves cant lose them just yet

On another note I've been getting more looks from men and women lol I had got some eyelashes put in for my bday and have been trying to show more skin (ppl have been commenting that they didnt know I had a body under my work clothes lol) Keeping up with my mani and pedi

Got a few crazy questions but where do you ladies spray your fragrances on yourself? When it comes to jewelry and accessories i know less is more but what do you consider less? Am the only one sufferring from insect bites?...its not helping me feel sexy in this heat with my arms covered up lol

This thread is so helpful even tho i'm celibate I still want to feel like a woman and get treated like one....

I think you can still drink your smoothies as your drink, you don't have to replace any major meals with them.

The recipes I get are mostly from the Beauty Detox Book, but I teak it.

All of the veggies are organic the fruit are not(I need a store that carries it for inexpensive)

1 head of Organic Romaine Lettuce
1 hand or two of organic spinach or baby kale
3 stalks of organic celery
1 banana or peach or a handful of frozen fruit
1 tablespoon of organic wheatgrass
1 tablesppon or Amazing Greens
1 tablesppon of Chlorella
1 teaspoon or tablespoon of Chia seeds

From time to time I switch it up adding organic baby carrots, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries. But that is my go to smoothie recipe

It may take a while to adjust to the taste, but it feels clean when you drink it

Also I do not use alot of fruit. For instance, I don't drink "sweet" smoothies everyday. I don't like to eat alot of sugar as it is unhealthy and it ages you fast. As feminine women, we don't want that:look: To me, the fruits are there to add nutrients and antioxidents(like berries) and to make your drink tolerable. Thats me. But I still think a smoothie should consist of 85-95% veggies(green veggies)

Another good one I tried at a health food store and made at home consisted of

Almond milk
Ground raw almonds
Moringa powder
real vanilla extract

It was soooo good, but like I said every so often I do a "sweet" smoothie.

Thanks for the list, last night I made some with spinach, cucumbers, mangos and pineapples with a dash of flaxseed and it was great! I think adding the almond milk and banana makes it too creamy for me, if it were just fruit I'd be cool with it.

Sooo I did a bad thing :nono: I went out and got some sweetened condensed milk so that I can mix it with some almond milk make a real smoothie with mangos, pineapples and banana. I'm only going to add a little for taste.
Ok so I just can't bring myself to use that condensed milk, I've been doing so well with the green smoothies, I just want to stay on track. I know it may seem weid but I've noticed a difference in my skin's texture already, just very smooth and supple and I have more energy. It may be from the ALA supplements I've been taking but I'm going to keep it up :yep:
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Aloha, ladies! Just checking in quickly. I totally agree with the green smoothie. I drink Naked brand a few times a week, and I love the way it makes me feel.
I had a little bit of a vulnerability conflict last night. :look:

I met a guy via OKCupid a few weeks ago and we have been talking since. Once I landed in Hawaii, we immediately started going out. We had a pretty strong chemistry right away. Lots of touching, hand holding, and general playfulness. It felt good to just have fun with a man without trying to get anything out of him other than friendship.

As usual, I was wearing a dress while we were out and about last night. He drives a beat up convertible (it's actually adorable) and I was having a few Marilyn Monroe moments. Once in a while he'd peek down at my billowing dress and smile mischievously. Later on, he came up behind me and touched my lower thighs with the same smile. I almost wanted to blurt out that I was worried that, when I get naked (it's not a matter of "if"), he wouldn't like me. It honestly felt good to actually be a little worried about someone being attracted to me without clothes.

I didn't realize how hardened I'd become towards men. I seriously think something about being down here in Hawaii where the culture is much more open and honesty compared to D.C. has started to change me a little. I don't feel the need to have a huge wall up with the guys here. I'm always going to be me and keep my secrets, but I feel like I'm being coming softer in a good way.
I had a little bit of a vulnerability conflict last night. :look:

I met a guy via OKCupid a few weeks ago and we have been talking since. Once I landed in Hawaii, we immediately started going out. We had a pretty strong chemistry right away. Lots of touching, hand holding, and general playfulness. It felt good to just have fun with a man without trying to get anything out of him other than friendship.

As usual, I was wearing a dress while we were out and about last night. He drives a beat up convertible (it's actually adorable) and I was having a few Marilyn Monroe moments. Once in a while he'd peek down at my billowing dress and smile mischievously. Later on, he came up behind me and touched my lower thighs with the same smile. I almost wanted to blurt out that I was worried that, when I get naked (it's not a matter of "if"), he wouldn't like me. It honestly felt good to actually be a little worried about someone being attracted to me without clothes.

I didn't realize how hardened I'd become towards men. I seriously think something about being down here in Hawaii where the culture is much more open and honesty compared to D.C. has started to change me a little. I don't feel the need to have a huge wall up with the guys here. I'm always going to be me and keep my secrets, but I feel like I'm being coming softer in a good way.

I have always wondered if there are locations that are either more feminine or masculine. Hawaii does seem to be more feminine than DC.

I am a believer that sometimes location/environment plays a big part in bringing out certain parts of ourselves.
I have always wondered if there are locations that are either more feminine or masculine. Hawaii does seem to be more feminine than DC. I am a believer that sometimes location/environment plays a big part in bringing out certain parts of ourselves.

I never thought about a location being more feminine than others until now. It's strange because it's been right there in front of me for years. Hawaii is filled with smiles, women and girls with long flowing hair, dresses, skirts, and flowers in the hair. Modern hula (auna) is also very elegant, too.
I never thought about a location being more feminine than others until now. It's strange because it's been right there in front of me for years. Hawaii is filled with smiles, women and girls with long flowing hair, dresses, skirts, and flowers in the hair. Modern hula (auna) is also very elegant, too.

I took a Gender in the Cities course one time and they were saying how cities tend to be more maculine. The high rises, the streets, the buildings,the hussle and bussle, the fast pastness, everything. It was made with men in mind. I wouldn't be surprised if cities tend to stifle women's feminine flow or energy. Just a thought...