Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

Lucie Thanks, I'll look into those. I just feel like I don't have a champion in my life who helps pump me up or makes me feel like I matter and it's wrecking havoc on me right now.
For those of you who might be on dating sites, has anyone ever messaged you because they were going to be in the city and wanted to meet you? I meant to ask you ladies this back when I told you about activating my OKC profile for one week so I could modify it for Hawaii. It just struck me as odd. I'm from the DC area (loads of tourists), but no one ever asked to meet up briefly until now.

Please don't tell me this fool thought I was a prostitute. :ohwell: :lol: :ohwell:
For those of you who might be on dating sites, has anyone ever messaged you because they were going to be in the city and wanted to meet you? I meant to ask you ladies this back when I told you about activating my OKC profile for one week so I could modify it for Hawaii. It just struck me as odd. I'm from the DC area (loads of tourists), but no one ever asked to meet up briefly until now.

Please don't tell me this fool thought I was a prostitute. :ohwell: :lol: :ohwell:

There are quite a few "men" who think that dating sites are the same as hook up sites. These are also the same types of "men" who can't find a woman to save their lives so... umm... yeah. I'd KIM but hey free drinks on some slub never hurt anyone right? :look:
Okay so I finished Island under the sea. Such a sad but incredibly enjoyable book! I want to read her next book but first I must read Seduction, which I just picked up. It is very entertaining so far. :)
Okay so I finished Island under the sea. Such a sad but incredibly enjoyable book! I want to read her next book but first I must read Seduction, which I just picked up. It is very entertaining so far. :)

I started it not too long ago, and I like it so far. I LOVE Isabel Allende. FH bought me four of her books, one is Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses. Might be another good one to check out (kind of along the lines of Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel.) A lot of emphasis on the sensuality of food, scents, etc.

Sorta OT but not really: I've been away from this thread way too long and seeing this post pulled me back!
I've been meaning to share this passage from The Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George with you all for about a week. (For context, this passage is about Cleopatra VII getting advice from a courtesan named Jehosheba before she sleeps with Caesar.)

"Each man has a dream image of himself and a woman, and it is your job to answer that dream. Inasmuch as you do, you will satisfy him ... The challenge is that it is not readily apparent which man has which image in his mind. He may not even know himself. It takes a genius to discover it. All great courtesans are geniuses that way. They pull out what is deepest in the other person and give it a face and form. Such is magic. Forget potions and perfumes. The spellbinding comes in summoning forth this deepest desire and dream, and making it live. And in becoming this, you will find yourself changed as well, and you may come to live him. For there is a possibility he may answer your own deepest secret dream. Always that possibility."

I went to Ross and bought a lot of dresses. I'm going to try them on today and see which ones I like. They had a great selection.
Well ladies I have on my light colored neon jeans and a white tank. My hair is out and blowing in the wind. It is amazing what stares you get when you have hair everywhere lol. Everyone wants to all the sudden stop and talk...about anything:look:. I appreciate it though. The weather is great and I am feeling myself:yep:
Oh, I finally gave Fascinating Womanhood a shot, and I'm actually really surprised to find myself agreeing with a lot of it. I don't mark my books, but I've been reading it with a pen and underlining passages and making notes. I thought the Christian basis would be a turn off, but I feel like, at least where I am right now, it doesn't detract from the broader message.

I feel like I've been going about my entire relationship all wrong. I kind of wish someone had recommended this book to me seven years ago.
I've been meaning to share this passage from The Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George with you all for about a week. (For context, this passage is about Cleopatra VII getting advice from a courtesan named Jehosheba before she sleeps with Caesar.)

"Each man has a dream image of himself and a woman, and it is your job to answer that dream. Inasmuch as you do, you will satisfy him ... The challenge is that it is not readily apparent which man has which image in his mind. He may not even know himself. It takes a genius to discover it. All great courtesans are geniuses that way. They pull out what is deepest in the other person and give it a face and form. Such is magic. Forget potions and perfumes. The spellbinding comes in summoning forth this deepest desire and dream, and making it live. And in becoming this, you will find yourself changed as well, and you may come to live him. For there is a possibility he may answer your own deepest secret dream. Always that possibility."


I agree and this is what the Art of Seduction's finding out that void to fill in the man that you are seducing.
I agree and this is what the Art of Seduction's finding out that void to fill in the man that you are seducing.

Which seems to be the underlying theme in a majority of these books/programs, at least from what I've seen so far. The emphasis seems to always be on the fantasy more so than the reality. My only concern is that there doesn't seem to be as much emphasis on what the woman wants. I guess it makes sense in the Art of Seduction since it's written by a man. But even in Fascinating Womanhood, one of the main things the author says is to accept a man for who he is, not nag, etc. But what about our fantasies? Am I missing something?
Which seems to be the underlying theme in a majority of these books/programs, at least from what I've seen so far. The emphasis seems to always be on the fantasy more so than the reality. My only concern is that there doesn't seem to be as much emphasis on what the woman wants. I guess it makes sense in the Art of Seduction since it's written by a man. But even in Fascinating Womanhood, one of the main things the author says is to accept a man for who he is, not nag, etc. But what about our fantasies? Am I missing something?

Yeah that is why I didn't 100% jive with the book. I am all about pleasing but it is a balance to me. I am not a servent and while I think men like when we please them, I think overdoing it doesn't win their respect which I think doesn't win their love. Thats just me, but everyone is different and have different perpectives on it.

I know of a woman who to me the epitome of a good wife. She makes sure her DH is well taken care of. I often tell her that she is perhaps every man's dream wife. But sometimes I look at her and sense some unhappiness like she tries hard to gain her Dh's love and approval. Like she has to work for it. I can't speak much because she just may be content, but that isn't my ideal of a marriage.
Yeah that is why I didn't 100% jive with the book. I am all about pleasing but it is a balance to me. I am not a servent and while I think men like when we please them, I think overdoing it doesn't win their respect which I think doesn't win their love. Thats just me, but everyone is different and have different perpectives on it.

I know of a woman who to me the epitome of a good wife. She makes sure her DH is well taken care of. I often tell her that she is perhaps every man's dream wife. But sometimes I look at her and sense some unhappiness like she tries hard to gain her Dh's love and approval. Like she has to work for it. I can't speak much because she just may be content, but that isn't my ideal of a marriage.

This is scary to me because it almost seems like he is the prize and she is the option in the relationship..not a good feeling to have as a woman, even when married.

One thing I've learned through out these last few months is to stop trying and just be.
This is scary to me because it almost seems like he is the prize and she is the option in the relationship..not a good feeling to have as a woman, even when married.

I have mentioned it before on this thread but she is the one whose husband has told her that what she won't do another one will. I know we all know that is true in every relationship, but to hold that over someone's head all the time can feel like a burden I would suppose:nono:.

Anyway, I constantly tell her , "there is no one like her" and how much of a great wife she is, because I know we women need to support each other. I am sure he appreciates her, but couldn't a man convince me he was the prize, I don't care how well he has it,lol.

ETA: There are women who love to please their men and really feel happy giving them their all and holding them up as the prize. If so, more power to them.
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So I found some awesome items at a sample sale today, two DVF silk camisoles for $5 a pop!!! Would it be tacky if I wore them as tops?


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Yeah that is why I didn't 100% jive with the book. I am all about pleasing but it is a balance to me. I am not a servent and while I think men like when we please them, I think overdoing it doesn't win their respect which I think doesn't win their love. Thats just me, but everyone is different and have different perpectives on it.

I know of a woman who to me the epitome of a good wife. She makes sure her DH is well taken care of. I often tell her that she is perhaps every man's dream wife. But sometimes I look at her and sense some unhappiness like she tries hard to gain her Dh's love and approval. Like she has to work for it. I can't speak much because she just may be content, but that isn't my ideal of a marriage.

:yep: That's why I pick and choose what advice I take from these books. At the end of the day, I am the prize. That's how I was raised and that's how it's going to be.

FemmeFatale No, that wouldn't be tacky. I'd wear them under a blazer. They look like they're cropped, so they'd be nice with a maxi skirt for a boho vibe.
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@RegaLady that is so sad.

I wonder what does he do to keep her happy..

I don't know, but maybe she isn't the type to need alot to be happy. I don't know the ins and outs of others' relationships. I only go by what I see and intuitively feel. But she deserves alot. A very supportive woman. She had great advice for me too. She is very wise. But to me the missing component was to value herself as the prize:yep:
:yep: That's why I pick and choose what advice I take from these books. At the end of the day, I am the prize. That's how I was raised and that's how it's going to be.

FemmeFatale No, that wouldn't be tacky. I'd wear them with under a blazer. They look like their cropped, so they'd be nice with a maxi skirt for a boho vibe.

They're slightly copped, I definitely want to wear them with some high waisted pants/skirts..the gold one is just to die for.