Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

I don't like the implication that I'm not a faithful person though because that is completely not me. I'm okay with the fact that you may be here today but gone tomorrow and knowing that I have the right and responsibility to my self to do the same, when needed. I hope that makes sense. :look:

I didn't see that at all. Someone who is unfaithful is a cheater. Being able to pick up and leave because you are able to let go quickly isn't a form of cheating. Maybe you're reading this line:

You fall for people easily, and you enjoy the feeling of falling in love, but once you’re there, either boredom or the old “grass is greener” syndrome sets in. The mind wanders, and with it goes the flesh. And then the toiletries

And thinking it means unfaithfulness? I saw it as "his out of my mind, then he's out of my body, then he's out of my house". Which, again, is not cheating. If it helps, I get very bored with people too which is why I can't have long-term monogamous relationships. I can be with one person for a short amount of time or a few people for long periods of time. I don't consider that a form of cheating, though, because the men all know they are not my only partners.
Soooo between this thread, that Rich man thread and the hourglass thread I am really feeling myself lol Too bad my skin isnt smh

Anyone got tips on how to get flawless skin or atleast look like it...I used to use Mary Kay makeup but in this humid weather I cannot put on foundation that goins to just have me looking greasy but I want my dark spots covered!!! The skin on my body is fine...I even cleared up my chest and back...but my face smh...i'm still on teenage yrs except instead of little cystic bumps I got red/white spots smh

SN: been using those crest white strips to whiten smile, brought more jewelry such as pearls and bracelets, gonna get me an anklet to bring attention to my slim ankles lol STILL wearing my corset thanks to you ladies!!

Have you cut out dairy? As a person who suffered with acne for yeaarrrsss, I can swear by cutting out dairy and tomatoes. Scars are the only thing I am worried about. Eating clean has been a god send for my skin:yep:

I astill trying to find that majic cover for the summer, but I am getting close.
I already read secrets and mysteries: the joy of being a woman (or something similar) and I also read alchemy of the heart. Both are amazing books and thank you to the person who recommended them to me.

I just ordered the return of the feminine and the world soul. I'm already 6 pages in and it's already awesome!

Page 6 reads:
"To fully encounter the divine feminine, we need to be prepared to endure her anger due to thousands of years of abuse. For centuries our masculine culture has burned her temples, repressed her natural power and killed her priestesses.

Through his drive for mastery and his fear of the feminine, of what he can't understand or control, patriarchy hasn't just neglected her but tortured and destroyed. And the feminine is angry, even if the anger is repressed along with her magic."

This is telling for me cause I just realized that I've had suppressed anger within me. I was at war with myself and didnt even know it. I thought everyone else was the problem cause I didn't know myself.

I honestly used to think that I had borderline personality disorder (one of the symptoms is having no identity). And now I see its just that I wasn't connected to my fem side. I was raised by a man, have a scientist for a husband and have valued mens opinions over womens nearly my whole life. So I was really cut off.
I didn't see that at all. Someone who is unfaithful is a cheater. Being able to pick up and leave because you are able to let go quickly isn't a form of cheating. Maybe you're reading this line:

You fall for people easily, and you enjoy the feeling of falling in love, but once you’re there, either boredom or the old “grass is greener” syndrome sets in. The mind wanders, and with it goes the flesh. And then the toiletries

And thinking it means unfaithfulness? I saw it as "his out of my mind, then he's out of my body, then he's out of my house". Which, again, is not cheating. If it helps, I get very bored with people too which is why I can't have long-term monogamous relationships. I can be with one person for a short amount of time or a few people for long periods of time. I don't consider that a form of cheating, though, because the men all know they are not my only partners.

That's a really good way to think of everything. I feel so much better hearing your perspective on this. Thanks! :grin:
Have you cut out dairy? As a person who suffered with acne for yeaarrrsss, I can swear by cutting out dairy and tomatoes. Scars are the only thing I am worried about. Eating clean has been a god send for my skin:yep:

I astill trying to find that majic cover for the summer, but I am getting close.

Thanks for the tip RegaLady I got 8 days until my bday so I didnt have cereal with milk this morning lol Thanks i'll cut out the dairy or atleast limit it
In the wee hours of Sunday morning my cousin decided she was going to check me and my dude. I kindly (and I am not saying that because it is me) asked her not to create a scene. She insisted on being rude and loud. And even more rude to my dude. He let her know that her attitude was not acceptable and she just had to walk away when no one would entertain her. Despite her trying to humiliate me, she was the one that ended up looking bad. And it truly, truly, truly reminded me that no matter how rude or nasty someone is being, you always have the choice on how to react. And I chose to act like a lady. :D

It also taught me that though someone is related to you, it does not mean they deserve your friendship and that I need to be more discriminating as to who I allow to be my friend.

I had a blast with my dude on the beach, I felt so pretty in my red bikini and I enjoyed every moment we spent together.

How have you ladies been? Any new tips on being more feminine? Off to read what I missed. xxxooo
@stephluv, what's up Cancerian?!!! :D My birthday is 7/7. I have been celebrating since the weekend. I celebrate June, July, August and as much of September as I can. :look: :lol:

HAHA!! I knew there was more to why i like you....girl we need to celebrate we 4 days apart lol I wanna be like you when I grow up!!! Hmm I wonder if signs have anything to do with the energy you give off?
@stephluv, what's up Cancerian?!!! :D My birthday is 7/7. I have been celebrating since the weekend. I celebrate June, July, August and as much of September as I can. :look: :lol:

stephluv and Lucie well hello fellow Cancerians! I here we are one of the most feminine signs in the zodiac:giggle: . J/k My bday is in a couple of weeks. I think I will start celebrating 7/1 until the 30th:grin:
Im trying to not feel bad, but I think my feminine energy sunglasses got stolen out of my car last night:nono: I don't know how that could have happened. Yesterday was a storm and the shades blew off my clothing as we ran for cover. When the storm calmed I went back and found them. I was so happy!! I let them dry in the car overnight and went back to the car today and they were gone:nono:. Sunglasses are replaceable, when you feel a certain pull to something you really like, you can kick yourself for it being gone:ohwell:
Im trying to not feel bad, but I think my feminine energy sunglasses got stolen out of my car last night:nono: I don't know how that could have happened. Yesterday was a storm and the shades blew off my clothing as we ran for cover. When the storm calmed I went back and found them. I was so happy!! I let them dry in the car overnight and went back to the car today and they were gone:nono:. Sunglasses are replaceable, when you feel a certain pull to something you really like, you can kick yourself for it being gone:ohwell:

Whoa, was your car open?? Was anything else taken? Are you sure they didn't fall somewhere in the car? I'm sorry. :(
Whoa, was your car open?? Was anything else taken? Are you sure they didn't fall somewhere in the car? I'm sorry. :(

I don't know:ohwell:. I traced steps and everything but they haven't turned up. The irony is my car lock hasn't worked for the past month and I wasn't parked in my usual spot. Ah well, I will find another jazzy set of shades,lol.
Any of you ladies ever watch current or has been celebrities who you think possess feminine power, either through interviews, singing or acting?

I was listening to Mya on Yt and linked to one of her interviews. She is very sexy in interviews. Like watching her mannerisms and even dancing, I think she exudes feminine aura. It is something I have never really noticed before.

Dh swears Sade exudes this. I have to watch her to see what he is talking about.
My self esteem is so low right now. I feel like I look like crap (or at least not as good as the women around me) about 95% of the time even when I dress up in cute, feminine clothes and wear makeup, and I'm not sure how to pull myself out of this. Ugh.
My self esteem is so low right now. I feel like I look like crap (or at least not as good as the women around me) about 95% of the time even when I dress up in cute, feminine clothes and wear makeup, and I'm not sure how to pull myself out of this. Ugh.

Fake it until you believe it and daily affirmation maybe?
Any of you ladies ever watch current or has been celebrities who you think possess feminine power, either through interviews, singing or acting?

I was listening to Mya on Yt and linked to one of her interviews. She is very sexy in interviews. Like watching her mannerisms and even dancing, I think she exudes feminine aura. It is something I have never really noticed before.

Dh swears Sade exudes this. I have to watch her to see what he is talking about.

I see it with Sade...she's really mysterious
@stephluv and @Lucie well hello fellow Cancerians! I here we are one of the most feminine signs in the zodiac:giggle: . J/k My bday is in a couple of weeks. I think I will start celebrating 7/1 until the 30th:grin:

RegaLady- I believe it!! and now you got me looking up Mya...maybe thats why ppl keep saying I remind them of her lol....cuz I sure dont look like her lol

Lucie - i'm close enough to you to make the trip
My self esteem is so low right now. I feel like I look like crap (or at least not as good as the women around me) about 95% of the time even when I dress up in cute, feminine clothes and wear makeup, and I'm not sure how to pull myself out of this. Ugh.

sounbeweavable (((HUGS))) I am sorry you feel like that. But have you ever made a list of all of the things that are good about you? There is a book by Rhonda Byrnes called The Magic that might help you. For 21 days straight it gives you different exercises to do daily. Easy things to do. Also, you sound like you are hurting. (((MORE HUGS))). I am not sure what is going on in your life but there is another book called You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay. This book can help address whatever issues you have brewing beneath the surface.

I wish you all the best. But please remember the only person you are in competition with is the women you were yesterday. So regardless of who you see that you think that is on her A-game that does NOT mean you cannot be on yours. We all evolve daily. Find out new tips daily. And regardless of what a person looks like on the outside does not indicate their character or what sort of life they lead.

All the best lovie. xxoo

RegaLady- I believe it!! and now you got me looking up Mya...maybe thats why ppl keep saying I remind them of her lol....cuz I sure dont look like her lol

Lucie - i'm close enough to you to make the trip

stephluv, that is great! :grin:
So I'm talking to one of the guys from the party and we are talking about working out. And he was like "did you see yourself in that white dress?! You don't need to loose anything". Aww classy white wrap dress for the win! Lol.

I think I've work a skirt or dress almost everyday for the last week and a half. I def feel more feminine.
LovelyLouboutin - ooooh that sounds sexy I need deets to this white wrap dress!
I agree about how wearing skirts/dresses more frequently has made me feel more feminine

Ladies why cant I get into these books smh I've been trying to read Powerful & Feminine for days now...i wanted to retain some info before my vacay GEEEZ I wish there was more videos out there **le sigh** i just have to get focused
LovelyLouboutin - ooooh that sounds sexy I need deets to this white wrap dress!
I agree about how wearing skirts/dresses more frequently has made me feel more feminine

Ladies why cant I get into these books smh I've been trying to read Powerful & Feminine for days now...i wanted to retain some info before my vacay GEEEZ I wish there was more videos out there **le sigh** i just have to get focused

It was a bebe dress at least 7 years old. And if I'm honest with myself a size too small but I still made it work. Lol

Don't quote pics.


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i've been wearing dresses nonstop too.
mostly because i am too lazy to form actual outfits right now lol.

i was naughty and went panty-less underneath my dress yesterday while on a date. :look:

You are wearing the dress. I don't think men care about sizes too small, they just get to enjoy the curves:lol:

Well I wore some jeans today:look: but they were light colored. I am going out to dinner tonight, so of course I will be wearing a dress. I need to break into all my dresses this summer. I am thinking of a long red maxi dress with a slit in the back. Hopefully that won't be too much:grin:.