Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

Found this website today
Really interesting stuff and gives concrete examples of certain behaviors. Good for people who are more detail oriented and want all the info like myself :lol:

I told yall I do this all the time :lol:

Something I used to do unconsciously was crossing and uncrossing my legs. I was just trying to keep my legs from going numb by switching positions while I was BSing with a guy. He told me later that that's what got his attention. He also swore I was doing it on purpose.:lol:
I wore a dress for the first time this season, feels so good. And I got a massage. My friend and I are making plans to to a spa day once a month. Tomorrow I'm going to roll up my sleeves and start the process of transforming my home into a place of feminine energy and comfort.
Found this website today
Really interesting stuff and gives concrete examples of certain behaviors. Good for people who are more detail oriented and want all the info like myself :lol:

I told yall I do this all the time :lol:

This is actually a good site. I came across it a year or so ago for an entirely different purpose, but of course, the romantic body language stood out. Body language is powerful. People don't even know that they are doing certain things and it just gives them away.

Okay, back to lurk mode.
When I decided to click on this thread about a month ago, the topic of femininity just flew right over my head. I read about the first 6 pages and I just didn't get anything y'all were saying.

Last Sunday dh and I went out on a date to the movies and I decided to dress up to the nines for no apparent reason. I normally don't dress up for anything so he looked at me like whoooooaaaa. Lol. He's normally the type that openly admits to not knowing how to be chivalrous but he fell in line that day and every other day I dressed up this week.

He opened up every door, even the car door which I'm totally not used to. He laid it on me super thick on date night too. He was openly talking about how he can be more chivalrous with me. It was so. Weird. But I loved it!

I said all of that to say I get it now. I totally get it. I just read simply irresistible and I'm trying to see which book I'm gonna read next.

Thank you for this thread!
I'm using an empty bedroom in my mother's house to lay out ALL the clothes I want to take to Hawaii. Since this thread started, I have been slowly throwing out or donating the clothes that are oversized (I'm guilty of this when I buy a top) or too old for me (my mom likes to give me stuff and I can't say "no"). I have to say that it's looking a lot better. I'm really loving the influx of dresses!! Thanks for the tips, Ladies.
I wore a dress for the first time this season, feels so good. And I got a massage. My friend and I are making plans to to a spa day once a month. Tomorrow I'm going to roll up my sleeves and start the process of transforming my home into a place of feminine energy and comfort.

Idk why I interpreted as like you got a massage because you wore a dress, I was boutta be like I'm living wrong.
I'm using an empty bedroom in my mother's house to lay out ALL the clothes I want to take to Hawaii. Since this thread started, I have been slowly throwing out or donating the clothes that are oversized (I'm guilty of this when I buy a top) or too old for me (my mom likes to give me stuff and I can't say "no"). I have to say that it's looking a lot better. I'm really loving the influx of dresses!! Thanks for the tips, Ladies.


I started doing this too. I had alot of dresses, but it seems not the ones that flattered my body. I had dresses that pregnant women would wear:spinning:.

I redid my closet so more of my handbags and shoes are on display so that I can pick out and choose what I would like to wear. I should have done this long time ago, but I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been:ohwell:
I went to a Father's Day dinner last night and I was proud of myself. I was glowing and I think everyone could tell because I kept getting looks and compliments:grin: Even Dh kept sticking up under me. He wasn't moving anywhere,lol. He told me that he was glad to see my legs out and they looked good.( I had on a slightly above the knee skirt and high heels)

I think it was more than how I dressed. I just felt happy to just be AND I am working on projects at home that excite me!:grin:. Like I am in love with what I am doing and being. So maybe people were picking up on that energy last night.
Well I finally finished this entire thread! I've read two of the books on the list and I'm working on book number three. I decided to also add in some regular self improvement/help books to my studies as well. This is going to be fun.

I know that if I keep on with my self improvement regimine nothing and nobody will be able to stop me once I leave The Stan and get back to the states. Can't wait! :D
FemmeFatale, I am great. I went thrifting on Saturday and got some cute stuff! I had a blast with my cousin. She treated me to breakfast and a pedi. After, she made me dinner and we went to a bbq later on. Yesterday, I spent the day with my dad. He made us dinner. So sad, I don't cook but I am getting there. Sort of!

Tonight I am doing a rollerset. Hopefully it will cover up this fake hickey on my chest. :( How are you?
FemmeFatale, I am great. I went thrifting on Saturday and got some cute stuff! I had a blast with my cousin. She treated me to breakfast and a pedi. After, she made me dinner and we went to a bbq later on. Yesterday, I spent the day with my dad. He made us dinner. So sad, I don't cook but I am getting there. Sort of!

Tonight I am doing a rollerset. Hopefully it will cover up this fake hickey on my chest. :( How are you?

Sounds like you have a great time! I've been busy furnishing my new place. You will crack up at some of the stories I have, which include me freaking out at midnight after I found a huge waterbug in my tub. My male friend came to my rescue cause I was freaking out! Apparently I forgot to put in the strainer and the torrential rain caused one to come up from the sewage system.

I was a complete damsel in distress, lol.
I watched the Bollywood version of Aladin this weekend. It's been a long time since I've watched a Bollywood movie but it reminded me of this thread. I'm reading Feminine and Powerful as well and had just read the part about feminine and masculine body movement. In movies even, though the men and the woman are doing the same dance moves you can still notice the different ways they move on a subtle level.
I googled to see if anyone had written about the links between Bollywood and femininity and found this blog post.
I invested in that custom Panama hat I posted a few pages back. I'm going to need to wear it ever day, so I figure why not get a good one. I hope it's worth the price (though I did get it at a discount).
I find it interesting to read classical novels and pay attention to how the authors describe the (very feminine) heroines... especially through the eyes of their future mates. Great inspiration.
So I went to purchase a course, but how do you access it?

I had to send her an email, and she sent part one. Have you received your information yet?

Yes, that's the site. I'm taking "The First Steps to Femininity" e-course. I will update you as to whether or not it was worth the money.
I look cute today. Tank top, flower skater skirt, high heeled sandals with my hair pinned back a bit. I still have some blemishes on my face but I need to stop hiding behind my hair so much and get back to doing cute little styles instead of always wearing it down.
Thanks for tagging me Enyo now I can get caught up:look::lol:

ETA: I just looked at the book recs. I've read most of these.

Lately DH and I've been reading erotica before bed. It makes me feel super sensual and feminine. We also sleep nude every night and I swear that just makes you feel sexy and confident, sans sex:look:

I'm also super happy that it's sundress season. In the spring/summer I only wear dresses everyday, it's like a rule. And it makes me so happy.

I've been bunning my hair so I haven't felt like my hair has been on point but I'm gonna try some curly wear out styles soon.

That's all I got:lol:
TracyNicole I noticed on the first page that you said you read fascinating womanhood. I'm reading the book right now and the bit about letting your husband take over the finances struck out at me cause I have a lot of anxiety thinking about finances

Did you follow that part of the book and let him take control of the finances? I'm thinking about doing that with DH cause I think it'd be good for him. Just curious to see if u or anyone else did this.
leyluh I think I want to add that book to my reading list. I had totally forgotten about it. But that statement also strikes me as odd as most wives I know handle the finances for the family.