Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

Salsa classes!!! Cant wait to start This will be so beneficial esp if i get started on these pole dancing classes again I love to dance so i hope both these classes help me with my walk in heels and my posture in general

Aahhh, I am so jealous! I wanted to take pole dancing so bad. I may go ahead and take a course this summer:grin:
Tonight I decided to have a spa night. It was incredible.... I promise that atleast once a week I will pamper and care for myself.
Details, please. :grin:

Well I soaked in a bubble bath with lavender scented oil, then I used a lemon sugar body scrub to exfoliate. I took a quick shower to rinse off, then I finished off with a pedicure.... Oh and a glass of wine. It was soooo relaxing and my body feels amazing.
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I promised myself a weekly spa night also. I got some Bath bombs from Lush yesterday which I'm.excited about using.
Well I soaked in a bubble bath with lavender scented oil, then I used a lemon sugar body scrub to exfoliate. I took a quick shower to rinse off, then I finished off with a pedicure.... Oh and I glass of wine. It was soooo relaxing and my body feels amazing.

Mmmm, that sounds good!! I may do this this evening. Thanks for sharing!:yep:
I've started making an extra effort lately by wearing something girly every day (bright slowly shirt, skirt, or dress) and doing my makeup. I've been getting a lot of compliments and people saying I look glowy... Probably because of exercising or the new powder I'm using lol.
I've been lurking in this thread and love it:yep:

Do any of you ladies wear garter belts.. I'm planning on buying my first soon. ..any tips?
I went out on Saturday and wore that backless dress from ebay robot. posted in here earlier. I felt like a sexy goddess lol and hella men were trying to use any excuse to put their hands around my waist.
I wanna buy myself some new lingerie soon.
I went out on Saturday and wore that backless dress from ebay robot. posted in here earlier. I felt like a sexy goddess lol and hella men were trying to use any excuse to put their hands around my waist.
I wanna buy myself some new lingerie soon.

I love it too! ;) text me, btw! i got a new phone.

I've been practicing my walk and found something that works for me. If I think about bring my shoulder forward as I bring the opposite knee/leg forward I get a much more stocky walk. It brings my shoulders forward in a very square way. But! If I think of bringing my shoulder blade (back of shoulder) to the back of my opposite knee (as it extends behind me), it brings my shoulders back. my neck elongates, I immediately stand up straighter, and def get a more feminine 'sway' :yep: I hope I described it well enough for someone to try
I went out on Saturday and wore that backless dress from ebay robot. posted in here earlier. I felt like a sexy goddess lol and hella men were trying to use any excuse to put their hands around my waist.
I wanna buy myself some new lingerie soon.

Victoria Secret is having the Semi-Annual sale. I think Macy's lingerie is on sale also.
I love it too! ;) text me, btw! i got a new phone.

I've been practicing my walk and found something that works for me. If I think about bring my shoulder forward as I bring the opposite knee/leg forward I get a much more stocky walk. It brings my shoulders forward in a very square way. But! If I think of bringing my shoulder blade (back of shoulder) to the back of my opposite knee (as it extends behind me), it brings my shoulders back. my neck elongates, I immediately stand up straighter, and def get a more feminine 'sway' :yep: I hope I described it well enough for someone to try

Haha I got a new phone too!

I have to remind myself to not curve my shoulders a lot. It's so weird ladies, I really have to retrain myself to be comfortable with getting looked at and noticed for my feminine energy. I have this tendency to want to not draw attention to myself, I have to actively remember that attention is okay.
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Has anyone stopped another woman and told her she looked good? I've really been in my own mind with the big move coming up soon, so I have not done it recently. There was a lady on the train that I really wanted to compliment. Everything about her was so right. Body, face, hair, outfit, and attitude. I'm regretting not saying anything to her.
Has anyone stopped another woman and told her she looked good? I've really been in my own mind with the big move coming up soon, so I have not done it recently. There was a lady on the train that I really wanted to compliment. Everything about her was so right. Body, face, hair, outfit, and attitude. I'm regretting not saying anything to her.

I did today. I saw a young BW with a cute afro while waiting to cross the street. I told her that she looked really pretty and she beamed. I felt good too.:grin:
I told a lady at work that I liked her blouse. I try to make a point of telling people when they look cute, at least people I know. I should work on doing that for strangers too
I complement women. I told someone at work her new hair color looked great and it made her eyes popped. I could tell it brightened her day.

I always told one of my guy friends when I liked his shirt. I think men look so good in a nice button down. He did not however like it when I said "oh I have a shirt just like that"(blue pin stripe button down). He's a manly man so he didn't like me comparing his outfits to mine lol
Enyo, I always compliment people. If I don't say the compliment, it will not leave me alone until I do, LOL! I wish I could do a before and after on how their faces looked before I complimented them and after.
I do. I used to admire other women but never feel comfortable saying anything. Then as I got into enhancing my own femininity and looks and realized how much effort and love goes into it, I began to feel compelled to speak up. Most people are happy to be appreciated. I only once ever got a strange look. Not only does it make the lady in question feel good, it makes me feel nice too!
SWW is really making me laugh over in the Off Topic area. Sometimes I really feel that I would have made a great trained courtesan if I had slightly better looks and a better mental state. I honestly feel I missed my calling in a way. :ohwell:
Enyo, you are not alone. I often feel I would have been good at it and even contemplated it while in college. If I had had the right connections to feel safe doing it, I think it would have been great fun.
@TracyNicole When I look back on the Isabel Allende character (Violette) that started the whole thing and read the stuff from SWW, I realize the following:

  • Proper management/marketing/support is important. Allende is very clear that Violette's life as a successful coquette is based on the fact that she was trained by her mother and managed very well by her faithful slave (Lola) after her mother's untimely death. Other girls had to rely on pimps for safety, but Lola was so huge that she not only managed her schedule and finances, but guarded Violette when she was out with clients. :lol: She also encouraged Violette to save much of the cash and jewels her clients gifted her with.
  • Make friends in high places - and keep them happy. Another reason Violette was so successful despite being a high level prostitute is because her clients were very rich and very fond of her. She was a quadroon and therefore could be raped by any white man, but no one would dare do it because they knew she serviced some of the most powerful men on the island.
  • Know what you want. Ya'll know I love travel, theatre, art, etc. If I'm going to play courtesan to a man and he asks me where I would like to go/what I'd like to do, I know exactly what I want. These types of relationships are supposed to be mutually beneficial. Money is great, but why not go to Rio or hear Mozart being performed live on his dime. Violette had quite a good time going to glamorous places before servicing her richest clients.
  • Know when to get out. Enough said.
  • Realize your past might haunt you. We live in an age of computers, phones, and video. It's not like years and years ago where you can simply pretend that you don't know what an old client is talking about when he says he rocked his world 4 years ago at Cannes. He might have it on tape. :look: Luckily, my friend Violette was a courtesan in the 17/1800's.
Got a mani/pedi an my eyebrows done. I almost feel like a new woman. I have a hair appointment tomorrow but someone just said the DMV is supposed to have a tornado. Ummmm what?! I do not do tornados. And I really need a trim! I can't go to Chicago on Friday to meet men and my hair look a mess. :(
Got a mani/pedi an my eyebrows done. I almost feel like a new woman. I have a hair appointment tomorrow but someone just said the DMV is supposed to have a tornado. Ummmm what?! I do not do tornados. And I really need a trim! I can't go to Chicago on Friday to meet men and my hair look a mess. :(

My coworker was just talking about this. We're supposed to have another derecho this weekend. Were you here for the last one?
I cut about 3 inches off my hair, and it feels great. I wore it out for the first time in years today. I put some curly pudding and eco styler gel in last night and put it in bantu knots. I undid them this morning, picked them out, put on a silk headband that matched my pants, and rolled out. You cannot tell me I do not look cute! Ya just cain't!!
Found this website today
Really interesting stuff and gives concrete examples of certain behaviors. Good for people who are more detail oriented and want all the info like myself :lol:

Remote romantic language may also include enactment of sexually stimulating activities, for example caressing oneself, for example stroking arms, leg or face. This may either say 'I would like to stroke you like this' or 'I would like you to stroke me like this'.
Similarly, the person (women in particular) may lick and purse their lips into a kiss shape and leave their mouth slightly open in imitation of sexual readiness.
Objects held may be also used in enactment displays, including cigarettes and wine glasses, for example rolling and stroking them.
I told yall I do this all the time :lol: