Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

Thanks for posting your schedules. Argh there is so much to being womanly! I have to confess, I'm really feeling overwhelmed and when I'm overwhlemed I have a tendency to be like oh well, *** it. I guess it's true what they say 'women have to feel good to do good'

I know that I need to really clean/decorate my house, get my eating and weight under control, get back on board with my hair regimen, and get a regular beauty schedule going. I'm great at making lists and schedules, but...yeah.

Idk, maybe I'll start with taking it one step at a time and add 1 new habit a week and that will help me settle into a manageable routine.

That sounds good dont overwhelm yourself. Like first get weight under control then when you start noticing the weight loss youll feel good and want to do the other things. Or at least that's how I am :lachen:
ooh what do you use for this and how had it worked? thanks!

I use Nadinola and it works OK when I remember to use it. I detest the smell and sometimes I skip it because I don't want to go to bed or out to work smelling like chemical. :perplexed

Thanks for posting your schedules. Argh there is so much to being womanly!

Idk, maybe I'll start with taking it one step at a time and add 1 new habit a week and that will help me settle into a manageable routine.

The only reason the skin stuff needs to be on a schedule is because it the products I use to control my acne and scaring can run afoul of each other. I need to make sure I don't do one treatment too close to another. I also forget to dust, so my phone reminds me to do it, and it's pretty much the same for the DC. I keep it on my phone because I forget what DC I used last week.

I have loads of other things on my iCal, so it makes sense to have one for beauty. But if you are feeling overwhelmed, my suggestion would be NOT to add anything new until you have the most recent addition down to a science. One week is a very short time. It took me almost 6 weeks to program myself to dry brush daily. I know it's going to be about 2 months before working out becomes an integral part of my daily routine.
[USER=55007]nadaa16[/USER];18520337 said:
That sounds good dont overwhelm yourself. Like first get weight under control then when you start noticing the weight loss youll feel good and want to do the other things. Or at least that's how I am :lachen:

This is so true! I get overwhelmed when i try to fix everything at once. This time i'm going slowly and i'm enjoying adding new things to my routine slowly but surely.

In other news: Ladies can i just say that Amlactin is THE TRUTH!
I even use it on my face at night and the flaky/wrinkly patches on my forehead (winter's effects. Aargh) are gone. I dont plan to use it every day though, maybe once or twice a week. Mechanical scrubs seem to make things worse so i use this method instead. It's working for me.
Another problem area for me was my lips, which crack and peel no matter the weather, no matter how much water i drink, no matter how i exfoliate with sugar&honey, and no matter how good the EFAs i take are. Every night after i cleanse my face, i apply a bit of Amlactin to my lips, staying away from the inner part. Then i tone my face and immediately after that i wipe off the Amlactin from my lips and apply vaseline or lip balm. Then i continue w my facial routine. I do it this way because i dont want to risk anything by letting the amlactin sit too long on my lips. I do this every three days or so and my lips are soft and smooth, no more peeling, and lipstick looks sooo much better and stays on better!
On my face the amlactin stings a tiny little bit for just a few seconds, just fyi.
I know it's not recommended for these uses but it's working for me. Just remember that less is more.

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Ooooh, Ladies, I love when an outfit comes together. I got the dress a few weeks ago (Express sale), but found the shoes last week. They match perfectly. Down to the fact that the heels are gold to match the gold color of the dress. :grin:


Enyo thanks for the tag. And what a pretty outfit. You make ME feel like twirling and I am not even wearing it, LOL!
That is so pretty, Enyo!!

Haha I happen to be looking super cute and feminine today, too-I dressed up for an interview that got rescheduled. So I will be running errands all day in my little black dress. :D
Hmm this reminds me. Any tips to looking rain chic? The sky has literally opened up here and I have an appointment at 2:30! I never know how to dress for rain. :sad:
And very lovely Enyo
nadaa16, you can still look good in the rain. I would wear a classic pair of black stilletos, a wrap dress and a cute, ruffled trench coat. I always make sure to have a chic umbrella. My newest 2 are so cute. One is a heart shaped umbrella. And other is pink with red roses on the inside. Wear some bold red lippy and you're good to go!
nadaa16, you can still look good in the rain. I would wear a classic pair of black stilletos, a wrap dress and a cute, ruffled trench coat. I always make sure to have a chic umbrella. My newest 2 are so cute. One is a heart shaped umbrella. And other is pink with red roses on the inside. Wear some bold red lippy and you're good to go!

I agree. The coat and a nice umbrella really helps. Not only do you look cute with your coat and umbrella, but you protect your cute outfit while you're out and about.
Thanks for the tag Enyo! Your outfit is very feminine!

Lucie is dead on right. A cute trench and umbrella really make the difference. Men wonder what's under the coat and you can use the umbrella as a flirtation device:)
I am lurking in this thread from the start already.

Hi All! :-)

Was wearing cute pale green top with bow at the neck and a darker green cardigan and was putting my hair in an up-do in front of the mirror early this morning.
I saw SO looking longer then normal, but I ignored. Then he walk away, 2 steps down the stairs, came back and said: let me see how cute you look today. I turned to him and he smiled and said: yes, you look very sweet.
I also felt pretty in the outfit and he could just see me glow.
Just thought I'd share. :-)

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I am lurking in this thread from the start already.

Hi All! :-)

Was wearing cute pale green top with bow at the neck and a darker green cardigan and was putting my hair in an up-do in front of the mirror early this morning.
I saw SO looking longer then normal, but I ignored. Then he walk away, 2 steps down the stairs, came back and said: let me see how cute you look today. I turned to him and he smiled and said: yes, you look very sweet.
I also felt pretty in the outfit and he could just see me glow.
Just thought I'd share. :-)

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:needpics: lol sounds very pretty I love bows.
Hmm maybe while im revamping my wardrobe ill try to incorporate more bows, lace, and floral. Floral has gotten such a bad rap lately. :sad: I love floral.
:needpics: lol sounds very pretty I love bows.
Hmm maybe while im revamping my wardrobe ill try to incorporate more bows, lace, and floral. Floral has gotten such a bad rap lately. :sad: I love floral.

Kim and her floral curtain dress. Lol

I got the cutest bow belts from asos the other week.
Thank you Enyo for tagging me! LOVEEE the outfit!!! So feminine and pretty! Very spring, light and airy:yep:! I love the flats too. The touch of gold is so unexpected. Love it all!
I love that hat! I want to wear hats but 1) I have a big head and 2) hat hair is real. I haven't figured out how to combat it

I have a big head too, but that's the magic of a custom hat. You know for sure it will fit. Also, hats work well with a low bun, twists, and blown out hair as long as it's in a ponytail.
Hey ladies

I said I would post pictures buuut I'm always running late so I never have the time for the photoshoot :lol: I will try harder lol
Salsa classes!!! Cant wait to start This will be so beneficial esp if i get started on these pole dancing classes again I love to dance so i hope both these classes help me with my walk in heels and my posture in general