Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

I just find myself really really tired many days (physically tired) from trying to work towards my goals, leaving no energy to try to do this womanhood thing.

It's just very hard because when I try to do these exercises from these books I'm just too exhausted. I just came off a series of 12-16 hr work days last week and I guess I still haven't full recovered. I also have to go through a lot of things by myself with no support and I notice that it makes me really grumpy most days

I can understand how that can make someone feel grumpy:yep: If you are unable to the exercises that is okay too. Just take some "me" time out for yourself. Relax. You seriously deserve it!:yep:
OK, here is my PG-13 update:

So, Mr. Man has a new apartment and he has been begging me to see it for the last few weeks. I finally dropped by on Friday after work. He was anxious for me to approve it and was happy when I did. I think I made a misstep in saying that it lacked proper decoration (which it does). I pointed out that he may have a nice young lady that he wants to impress and that he'd never do so with a sparse place that lacks character. As a man, he has lots of personality and I think his place should reflect that. While that seems benign, he was clearly a little hurt and worried when I mentioned him needing to impress a woman other than me. He knows I'm moving in August, but it's clearly going to be painful for him. I didn't really think to much of it. He's a smart and handsome young man who has done nothing but treat me like a princess and I want him to be happy in the future. He deserves it. I told him this, but he clearly didn't want to think about it. I won't mention it again unless absolutely necessary.

He goes into the bathroom to change out of his work clothes and when he comes back, I'm in his bed wearing his t-shirt and watching a scary movie. It was a bolder move than I'd like, but I felt I had to make up a little for upsetting him. He didn't know what to do at first, but after he picked up his jaw, he said "Wow, didn't you get comfy quick?". I asked him if I seemed like the type to make myself at home. He had to laugh and say yes. He had been in cargo shorts and a button up shirt, clearly assuming that we'd chill in the living room, play video games (which I actually enjoy), and talk. He changed into clean workout shorts and a t-shirt and hopped in next to me.

The next few hours were very pleasurable and sensual. A lot of gentle exploration with a few heavy moments. And, no, that is not a euphemism for sex. There was also a lot of conversation which we both enjoyed. He clearly felt extremely comfortable and told me some deeply personal things about himself. Some of it was quite upsetting, but I maintained my "lovingly concerned" expression. He also seemed to be enamored with the "other" side of me I don't show in public. He especially liked when I pulled a section of hair to its full extent and stroked it seemingly absentmindedly (totally deliberate, but he didn't know). I did it while he was talking and he actually stopped in mid-sentence to watch me.

When I told him I had to go, he grabbed me and asked me to "stay and hang out". I pointed out that I had been hanging out in his bed for almost 5 hours and he seemed shocked it'd been that long. I said "no" again and he pulled me close, smothered me with kisses, and hit me with me flattery. "I wanna be with you", "I don't want you to go", "You feel so good", "I'll be lonely without you", etc. Stuff ya'll have heard before. I still left, of course, but I have to admit that it was really fun. He kept telling me what a tease I was (duh), and yet he enjoyed it. It's funny how ever after such intimacy the shy coyness still works on some men. I hit him with a bit of that when he kissed me goodbye, and it caused him to pull me up and kiss me more.

He is getting very demanding when it comes to seeing me now. It has no effect, but I do enjoy it. He tried to get me to come back the next day, but that wasn't happening. We are seeing a movie next Friday, though.

Woman how do you maintain your composure?! My hormones are out of control just by reading this :nono::drunk:
Ladies I am going to be joining this thread. Be back after I finish this thread. I am getting married in about 3 months and I need some help.
Woman how do you maintain your composure?! My hormones are out of control just by reading this :nono::drunk:

:lol: I guess it's partially because I get off on manipulating a man. For me, making him bend to my will is more arousing than actual physical contact. That's why I'm a professional tease. In a way, teasing is my sex.
:lol: I guess it's partially because I get off on manipulating a man. For me, making him bend to my will is more arousing than actual physical contact. That's why I'm a professional tease. In a way, teasing is my sex.

Oh yes. You need to write an instructional manual. Forget Mama Gena! I want to read Sister Enyo!!!!!!!
Oh yes. You need to write an instructional manual. Forget Mama Gena! I want to read Sister Enyo!!!!!!!

Thank you! I'd love to, but it's hard to put things into words. It's easy to tell what I did, but it's hard to explain my tactics. I guess because I tailor them to each experience with each man. But, honestly, the Art of Seduction is closet to the book I would right if I could. I've been using a lot of what is in there for years. The only thing is that I mix and match techniques.
Thank you! I'd love to, but it's hard to put things into words. It's easy to tell what I did, but it's hard to explain my tactics. I guess because I tailor them to each experience with each man. But, honestly, the Art of Seduction is closet to the book I would right if I could. I've been using a lot of what is in there for years. The only thing is that I mix and match techniques.

Yessss! That book is awesome! I could not really use the tatics, but it is such an interesting read. Did you recognize yourself as any of the archetypes in that book? Enyo
Yessss! That book is awesome! I could not really use the tatics, but it is such an interesting read. Did you recognize yourself as any of the archetypes in that book? @Enyo

I use methods associated with coquettes, sirens, and charmers. :yep:
I am married and I couldn't get into that book :look:, BUT it did have some very good points so I catered it to my liking. I agree, I am not into changing who I am and my personality, just enhancing it in a feminine way. So take what you can that you can alter or fix and leave the rest. Intuition will help you with that.

I think that's what I'll have to do, alter it for me. Ever since I started "living" with FH, I've noticed a few changes I wasn't aware I was making at the time (especially in terms of housekeeping, since I am the least domestic-minded woman ever), but I was never really the feminine type. I've also gotten so used to our relationship dynamic that I stopped doing some of the things I did while we were dating. I think I'm at the point where not only do I need to let my tomboyishness and "one of the guys" behavior go, but I'm also actually realizing that I like feeling more feminine. I even started buying dresses!

Do you mind my asking how long you've been married?
I use methods associated with coquettes, sirens, and charmers. :yep:

Very interesting! I can see those methods in the stories you posted.

I instantly saw myself as the coquette. It seems coquettes do very well as getting a man to want to be attached( the aloofness and independence, hot and cold: even dh cannot get enough of my coquettry:look:) but the sirens and charmers lure them in,lol. I dunno. I wish I could critically analyze that book,lol.
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Last week I finished the sex secrets but I am working on plan to make sure I keep myself up. (nails, hair, etc.)
I am losing weight and working on increasing my feminine energy. Once I reach my ideal weight I want towear dresses and skirts no so than not. My personality is very light in general, but I have a mean streak and tend to nag.

Also I am working on my personal brand and this will help me in updating my personal style. That's all right now.

How do you maintain your feminine energy in a professional environment?
Very interesting! I can see those methods in the stories you posted.

I instantly saw myself as the coquette. It seems coquettes do very well as getting a man to want to be attached( the aloofness and independence, hot and cold: even dh cannot get enough of my coquettry:look:) but the sirens and charmers lure them in,lol. I dunno. I wish I could critically analyze that book,lol.

I'm a siren and coquette (Aquarians tend to be aloof by nature), I have to work to be a charmer since I'm a bit too self absorbed :lol:.
I have a first date with someone of potential tomorrow evening; perhaps I should re-read sections of the AOS...

I definitely have to pamper myself before I leave. I wonder what color I should paint my nails?
Snippet from a Erykah Badu interview of Kendrick Lamar. Random I know but I read it and thought if this thread.


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So the Bellydance expo is this weekend and I'm excied, but I've been sick so now I'm bummed. It's nothing serious, so I'm still going to go and take it easy. Luckily, they have non fitness classes, so I'll probably hang out in those until I'm up to the workouts. i would hate to go and not do ANY type of dancing.

I'm a siren and coquette (Aquarians tend to be aloof by nature), I have to work to be a charmer since I'm a bit too self absorbed :lol:.

Self-absorption is me.

I need to get back to this book so I can figure out my type. I am a Leo sun/Pisces moon which really over shadows the extraverted least until I get to know people better.

In Irresistible, she talks about 5 kinds of sirens: Goddess (kinda aloof), S-x Kitten, Competitor, Companion, Mother and then combinations.

I saw myself as more of a hybrid of the Goddess and either Companion/Mother. I need to work on maintaining my Goddess aloofness b/c once I feel I click with someone, it's gone. Hopefully AoS will provide informative.
Im thankful for this thread. I just read The Secret last night and found out I was doing EVERYTHING wrong according to that book.
So the Bellydance expo is this weekend and I'm excied, but I've been sick so now I'm bummed. It's nothing serious, so I'm still going to go and take it easy. Luckily, they have non fitness classes, so I'll probably hang out in those until I'm up to the workouts. i would hate to go and not do ANY type of dancing.

Self-absorption is me.

I need to get back to this book so I can figure out my type. I am a Leo sun/Pisces moon which really over shadows the extraverted least until I get to know people better.

In Irresistible, she talks about 5 kinds of sirens: Goddess (kinda aloof), S-x Kitten, Competitor, Companion, Mother and then combinations.

I saw myself as more of a hybrid of the Goddess and either Companion/Mother. I need to work on maintaining my Goddess aloofness b/c once I feel I click with someone, it's gone. Hopefully AoS will provide informative.

In the Simply Irresistible book, I found myself relating to several of the archetypes. I'm going to pull it out again to familiarize myself with the other ones.
So I've made a "goddess wishlist", lol. I need a few things.

Chanel Mademoiselle perfume (my new summer scent)
Empress Jade egg set
Silk nightwear for the summer
Hey ladies, I'm stepping out of lurkdom to ask which simply irresistible book are you referring to? I see 3 on amazon.

BTW, I LOVE the thread and thanks to everyone who has contributed so far.
What are Jade Eggs for?

I just bought that belly-dancing sash someone mentioned a few pages ago from that ebay seller. I'm trying my best to tap into my inner femininity.

This one


I have the jade eggs, but good suggestion for the scent. I never wear perfume (I'm a bit sensitive to smells) but I think I need to change that

ladysaraii, I really think you should:yep:

As much as I should have found a scent I love, for the past year I have been getting into scents(oils, perfume, body lotions, etc) and I LOVE it! It has become my therapy:yep: To delve into scents and smells is another way of getting to know yourself and not to mention it is pleasurable. I can spend minutes locked away in my closet just smelling and getting familiar with notes.
Do you care to share?
RegaLady Here is a short list

-I usually call a lot and first
- I tend to lead the relationship instead of letting the guy lead (I'm kind of bossy in general anyway and I am the oldest child so I guess I really need to watch that)
- I nag a lot
- I let him know a lot about my past ( nothing bad but too much info) too fast as if I am an open book
- I always want to take up a lot of their time instead of the 1-3 times a week visit