I'm naturally very quiet/introverted so I never paid attention to whether people looked at me or not. Now that I want them too, it feels good to know that they are
But I can see how it would make you uncomfortable, especially if you didn't turn heads before
I love it. I feeling of being watched kind of turns me on Don't be afraid! It feels good. When I can feel someone's eyes on me it feels like...idk, like hot water is running through me. I know that's a really weird way to describe it
when I know someone is watching, I'll play in my hair, touch my neck and shoulders, maybe even glance over my shoulder just a little bit...it gets to be like a really fun game. You'll learn to enjoy it soon
I especially like it when I'm not
dressed sexy, but still
look sexy
Then I can be as sensual as I want while still feeling comfortable with myself
being watched really gives you a seductive, mysterious allure!! I've gotten it several times now but whenever I man says "I've been watching you," it makes me feel powerful for some reason. it's so sexy. whew. let me calm down. cuz even thinking about it...damn it just feels good
ETA2: I keep thinking of things to say
This may sound odd but don't be afraid of unwanted attention, especially if you're in a safe environment with friends.
A part of my attraction for others is that I never turn anyone away, even if I'm not interested, I never want to make anyone feel "unwanted." So long as they approach you respectfully and you don't feel threatened, I would relish in the attention. These people tend to make really good practice because you aren't personally invested so you can practice your charms more objectively.
I am getting really good at 'graceful escapes' because of it
I think a big part of attraction is having a good time, no matter what. So long as you're safe and having fun, I try to make the best of everything that happens.