Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

Is there a convention next week?! (I'm only on page 22 of the thread lol. I'm working my way through).

Bedrest?! I hope you're ok.

No worries. I am ok. In fact I couldn't be happier! Our IVF finally got underway and I will be on bed rest and exercise restriction after Friday. Maybe it's all the positive feminine energy affecting my womb because we had been trying to get my body to cooperate for months and suddenly it got on board:)
Enyo I'd like to see your hair!

fluffyforever can you recall exactly what our body language was like? Were you walking with some "stank" to it or were you gliding gracefully and fluidly?
I'm sorry you got so much shade thrown your way, don't let it get to you..
No worries. I am ok. In fact I couldn't be happier! Our IVF finally got underway and I will be on bed rest and exercise restriction after Friday. Maybe it's all the positive feminine energy affecting my womb because we had been trying to get my body to cooperate for months and suddenly it got on board:)

Yayyyy Congrats!!!! I will send prayers up for you and your dh!
No worries. I am ok. In fact I couldn't be happier! Our IVF finally got underway and I will be on bed rest and exercise restriction after Friday. Maybe it's all the positive feminine energy affecting my womb because we had been trying to get my body to cooperate for months and suddenly it got on board:)

Aww I'm so happy for you, I hope everything work out well for the both of you!
fluffyforever can you recall exactly what our body language was like? Were you walking with some "stank" to it or were you gliding gracefully and fluidly?
I'm sorry you got so much shade thrown your way, don't let it get to you..

When standing still, I was standing in a pose similar to the instructor on sensuality secrets in the YouTube vid posted up thread. And when walking, I didn't exaggerate any swaying, but when walking with my lower body, my hips (which are very non existent) swayed a bit. I was very fluid and all smiles or had a pleasant looking expression on my face.

My body was covered. I wore non tight jeans, loafers, and a 3/4 sleeve t shirt that was also not tight. Jewelry was basic watch, simple gold bangles, and a matching pearl necklace/ earrings.

I'm not going to let this deter me. It was just weird.
I finally peeked into this thread and wound up buying one of the books on that list and reading 200 pages of the Fascinating Womanhood pamphlet. I really want to give some of this stuff a whirl, but it seems to contradictory to my personality and way of carrying myself. This is going to be very interesting... and difficult.
I'm consciously practicing the creation of sexual tension on a nice young man I've been dating. I'm surprised at myself because I'm usually quick to turn intense and passionate - but not in this case. I've been working on him for a couple of months slowly easing my way into his mind. It's nice because he's clearly enjoying himself as well. He enjoys the mystery and unpredictability. I don't want to pick up a new sexual partner when I'm so close to leaving, but I dunno. The more he likes me the more I "like" him. Don't judge... :sekret: :lol:

Alright. That's it! I need you to mentor me. Ease your way I to his mind? How do you do that?!
I finally peeked into this thread and wound up buying one of the books on that list and reading 200 pages of the Fascinating Womanhood pamphlet. I really want to give some of this stuff a whirl, but it seems to contradictory to my personality and way of carrying myself. This is going to be very interesting... and difficult.

I've been lurking in this thread for awhile, and I feel exactly the same way you do. I bought Fascinating Womanhood because I'm gonna be a wife in two months, but I read the first couple of pages and I don't know if I can keep going. So not me at all, and I feel like my FH would look at me crazy if I just did a complete 180 like that.

Anyway, back into hiding.
I've been lurking in this thread for awhile, and I feel exactly the same way you do. I bought Fascinating Womanhood because I'm gonna be a wife in two months, but I read the first couple of pages and I don't know if I can keep going. So not me at all, and I feel like my FH would look at me crazy if I just did a complete 180 like that.

Anyway, back into hiding.

My issue is that I was raised and then thrust into being completely self-sufficient and having to be un-childish early in my 20s and now I can't see myself being dainty and girly in the way it's described in there. I've always prided myself on not needing to be "taken care of", but if that's what guys want then no wonder I'm single :nono:
I love this thread! So, I started reading Sex Secrets today and am half way through. I actually went to this cute sex boutique this afternoon and picked up some toys and Ben wa balls (I got the Ami set by Je Joue). From the moment I left the house, I practiced walking with my lower body leading the way and was conscious of my hands and arms. I was really in my body and enjoying it. Stopped at Starbucks, got my free bday drink, and I could feel people watching. Some older men were definitely staring in front of their wives. Even though I was smiling nonstop, I think some women gave me nasty looks. Went to the grocery store, and I swear I this lady was scowling while looking me in the eye. It freaked me out. I got home and was hollered at by an eight year old neighbor who proceeded to make a humping gesture. This boy had never done anything but say hi and wave the whole year I've lived here. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but these are not the vibes I'm going for :(

This is usually a clue, you are doing something right:lol:
I've been lurking in this thread for awhile, and I feel exactly the same way you do. I bought Fascinating Womanhood because I'm gonna be a wife in two months, but I read the first couple of pages and I don't know if I can keep going. So not me at all, and I feel like my FH would look at me crazy if I just did a complete 180 like that.

Anyway, back into hiding.

I am married and I couldn't get into that book :look:, BUT it did have some very good points so I catered it to my liking. I agree, I am not into changing who I am and my personality, just enhancing it in a feminine way. So take what you can that you can alter or fix and leave the rest. Intuition will help you with that.
Alright. That's it! I need you to mentor me. Ease your way I to his mind? How do you do that?!

LovelyLouboutin Here is a re-post. :grin: I have an update for ya'll, but I have to find a way to clean it up a bit before I post. I'm trying to keep the tone of this thread high.

Well, first I had to get to know him. I learned the hard way that certain flirt techniques don’t work well on certain men. This guy, while really carrying and funny, has a narcissistic streak. I learned that it comes from insecurity which is weird because he’s very cute, nice smile, and works out on the regular. Generally, the sexual tension comes from me complimenting his looks or his actions and then withdrawing my attention and affection right afterwards. For instance, he was wearing a new shirt a few weeks ago that really showed off his nice upper body. Not tight, but fitted just right. I genuinely liked it, so I told him so. However, I looked around pretending to try and avoid being heard, leaned over and whispered in his ear, “But then again, you always look nice in your clothes”. I then pretended to be embarrassed that I let such a thing slip. It was funny. He turned all red and just laughed a lot. Once he calmed down, he just said, “Oh, man. I really like you.” And then proceeded to try and hold my hand. Though, I was coy and moved it just out of reach with raised eyebrows.

Our interactions are rife with that kind of play. There is a name for it in the “Art of Seduction” book, but I’m not sure what it is. Something about “hot and cold” I think. I’ll edit when I have my Kindle handy. I find this technique works will on mild narcissists. Just compliment them on what they most want to be recognized for, but not too much. Sometimes he fishes for compliments from me, but when he does, I rarely indulge him. For instance, he has a beautiful car that he’s proud of, but the first time I saw it, I made a point to be ambivalent. He was clearly hoping for me to get excited like most girls do, but I said, “It’s a nice color” in a rather aloof way, hugged him (he tried to hang on longer than was appropriate), and then walked to my car. We went to the movies a few weeks after that and I saw the car again. He was clearly not expecting a reaction since I seemed to bored before, so I just touch the chrome lightly with my fingertips, raised my eyebrows approvingly, and said, “Hmm. Yes, this is a pretty car.”

Side note: I made sure that I stared at the car when I said it. That way, it looks like you’re truly admiring the whip. Looking at him might tip him off that I was only doing it to be flirtatious. Men want you to really love their cars. LOL! He’ll probably be more turned on at the idea of you truly liking their ride than pretending you do so you can flirt. That goes for anything he owns that you claim you like. Give a good look at the object and then look at the man. It seems more genuine that way.

Anyway, he was clearly excited about the combination of me softly touching his car (which, to a man, is like touching his inner thigh) and having an approving expression. He immediately got rather close to me and asked me if I really liked it. I said I did, but slipped away and walked to the other side of the car and pretended to inspect it. I came back around the other side, got about 4 feet away from him, and momentarily dipped down to what is basically crotch level pretending to inspect the rims. I popped back up with a small smile, hugged him to make sure I did what I meant to do, and once again, walked to my car. The combination of getting an unexpected compliment and the brief suggestion of what it’d be like to have me “on my knees” left him aroused mentally and physically.

It’s been two months, so I let him touch me for longer periods of time and more intimately. He can touch my legs and my lower thighs without being slapped away. The boobs and butt are still no-zones, so he just looks at them. I let him tickle me. He says I have soft skin, so I let hum rub my bare tummy and back for short periods of time. It’s not all pure teasing, though. Sometimes he’ll aggressively pull me up to him. Not in a scary way or anything – I feel totally safe. But instead of resisting, I let my body relax in his arms and stare at him with a content expression. I wait until he decides to let me go since it gives him a mild feeling of having at least a little influence/control over me. I don't want him to feel emasculated.
OK, here is my PG-13 update:

So, Mr. Man has a new apartment and he has been begging me to see it for the last few weeks. I finally dropped by on Friday after work. He was anxious for me to approve it and was happy when I did. I think I made a misstep in saying that it lacked proper decoration (which it does). I pointed out that he may have a nice young lady that he wants to impress and that he'd never do so with a sparse place that lacks character. As a man, he has lots of personality and I think his place should reflect that. While that seems benign, he was clearly a little hurt and worried when I mentioned him needing to impress a woman other than me. He knows I'm moving in August, but it's clearly going to be painful for him. I didn't really think to much of it. He's a smart and handsome young man who has done nothing but treat me like a princess and I want him to be happy in the future. He deserves it. I told him this, but he clearly didn't want to think about it. I won't mention it again unless absolutely necessary.

He goes into the bathroom to change out of his work clothes and when he comes back, I'm in his bed wearing his t-shirt and watching a scary movie. It was a bolder move than I'd like, but I felt I had to make up a little for upsetting him. He didn't know what to do at first, but after he picked up his jaw, he said "Wow, didn't you get comfy quick?". I asked him if I seemed like the type to make myself at home. He had to laugh and say yes. He had been in cargo shorts and a button up shirt, clearly assuming that we'd chill in the living room, play video games (which I actually enjoy), and talk. He changed into clean workout shorts and a t-shirt and hopped in next to me.

The next few hours were very pleasurable and sensual. A lot of gentle exploration with a few heavy moments. And, no, that is not a euphemism for sex. There was also a lot of conversation which we both enjoyed. He clearly felt extremely comfortable and told me some deeply personal things about himself. Some of it was quite upsetting, but I maintained my "lovingly concerned" expression. He also seemed to be enamored with the "other" side of me I don't show in public. He especially liked when I pulled a section of hair to its full extent and stroked it seemingly absentmindedly (totally deliberate, but he didn't know). I did it while he was talking and he actually stopped in mid-sentence to watch me.

When I told him I had to go, he grabbed me and asked me to "stay and hang out". I pointed out that I had been hanging out in his bed for almost 5 hours and he seemed shocked it'd been that long. I said "no" again and he pulled me close, smothered me with kisses, and hit me with me flattery. "I wanna be with you", "I don't want you to go", "You feel so good", "I'll be lonely without you", etc. Stuff ya'll have heard before. I still left, of course, but I have to admit that it was really fun. He kept telling me what a tease I was (duh), and yet he enjoyed it. It's funny how ever after such intimacy the shy coyness still works on some men. I hit him with a bit of that when he kissed me goodbye, and it caused him to pull me up and kiss me more.

He is getting very demanding when it comes to seeing me now. It has no effect, but I do enjoy it. He tried to get me to come back the next day, but that wasn't happening. We are seeing a movie next Friday, though.
How do you guys stay centered in your feminine energy? I feel like I have sooo much work to do! Especially you ladies out here trying to survive out here.

Also, I'm tired of the constant racism combined with sexism. Tired of the constant disrespect as a black woman. I'm tired of all the things that are considered "feminine" are more closely associated with white women. I'm not a white woman nor do I wish to become a white woman *sigh*
How do you guys stay centered in your feminine energy? I feel like I have sooo much work to do! Especially you ladies out here trying to survive out here.

Also, I'm tired of the constant racism combined with sexism. Tired of the constant disrespect as a black woman. I'm tired of all the things that are considered "feminine" are more closely associated with white women. I'm not a white woman nor do I wish to become a white woman *sigh*

I understand the conflicts.:yep:

But what do you define femininity to be? intergalacticartist
Maybe create your own and own it!:yep:
Some of these things not only have racial boundaries but also economic boundaries as well

For example:

Long flowing hair
Fair skin
High squeaking voice (Why do women try to make their voices sound like this? I know for some women it is natural but some women TOTALLY put it on)
Carefree, stress-less life (working is largely a masculine concept). This usually comes with having an affluent background

I feel like black women are even further separated from their femininity because we have to work SO HARD in our respectively professions to be seen as competent. THEN on top of that, experience sexism and racism at the workplace. Nah son. :nono: not me
I'm not sure of your definition of femininity but the things you have mentioned don't coincide with what I believe a feminine woman is. I don't think you have to turn yourself into a "white woman" to be feminine.

If you read through the discussions in the thread and check out some of the suggested literature, it is primarily about being the best "you" that you can be.

Instead of focusing on negativity of the narrow box some might wish to place you in and what you don't want to be, why not instead for us on how you can harness the energy you have to develop your physical, mental and emotional attributes into a beautiful flower of womanhood.
I just find myself really really tired many days (physically tired) from trying to work towards my goals, leaving no energy to try to do this womanhood thing.

It's just very hard because when I try to do these exercises from these books I'm just too exhausted. I just came off a series of 12-16 hr work days last week and I guess I still haven't full recovered. I also have to go through a lot of things by myself with no support and I notice that it makes me really grumpy most days
I just find myself really really tired many days (physically tired) from trying to work towards my goals, leaving no energy to try to do this womanhood thing.

It's just very hard because when I try to do these exercises from these books I'm just too exhausted. I just came off a series of 12-16 hr work days last week and I guess I still haven't full recovered. I also have to go through a lot of things by myself with no support and I notice that it makes me really grumpy most days

I completely understand what you are saying. I would argue it's even more important for you to work on cultivating your feminine energy. I was burnt out, fed up and tired when I began my studies last year. I kind of stumbled into it because I was so tired and beat down. For drastic change, reorganizing of your life to suit your priorities is necessary...but not everyone needs drastic change.

It might start off with reading a blog post here and there or taking months to read a 200 page paperback, or subscribing to a few threads and reading what your LHCF sisters have to say/are learning. But the very first thing you have to do is get your mind on board. Without true desire, you will not have the will to make changes in your life because change is hard. A large part of that will is also a desire to be in a more positive happy space and that starts with being happy in the moment. Seldom does positive change come when we are in a negative head space love. You CAN be the best you that you can be. Chin up dove!