Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

I have been feeling 'off' these couple of days, but I think I am back to being myself. After being so dressed up, I wore jogging pants and a t shirt today:barf:. Tomorrow is back to maxi dresses. I cannot wait.:grin:

I have been toying with the idea of wacking my hair off, looking at all these beautiful ladies wearing short cuts, but I think I will let the idea go. I need to feel what I want to do rather than overthink what I should be doing.
Good morning, ladies!
i have some random stuff to share.

1) i started reading "the feminine face of God" by sherry ruth anderson and patricia hopkins and it is literally making me tingle. i will share more later, but it is beautiful. i've been feeling disconnected from my church and faith and this is...whew. the other morning during my morning prayer, without even thinking, instead of "Dear Heavenly Father" i said "Dear Heavenly Goddess." so yea.

2) i spent time with my adorable feminist friend this weekend, and we randomly giggled at the delicious thought of "i am woman, hear me MOAN" as opposed to "i am woman, hear me roar."

3) i had a couple guys enchanted at this party in super conservative, long clothes. i'm talking ankle length black skirt, black cardigan, black scarf thrown over my head hijab style. it's funny cause my friends were clowning me about not dressing up or showing skin, but i'm too lazy and it was chilly. this one guy i ended up making out with and he kept saying "you're so sexy." i think it's because i just feel super comfortable and relaxed and happy. i LOVE long skirts. i honestly feel sexiest in them.

ok that's all for now.

Same!!! At the bar this man told me he'd been watching me :look: because I was so sexy. I had on a jean jacket and some tight jeans and booties. Very laid back, cute bar outfit.

Another man told me he was "f*cking with my entire swag. the jean jacket, the hair..." he was at a loss for words! :lol:

I have a date tonight and I'm gonna charm him too (again?) :lol:
Same!!! At the bar this man told me he'd been watching me :look: because I was so sexy. I had on a jean jacket and some tight jeans and booties. Very laid back, cute bar outfit.

Another man told me he was "f*cking with my entire swag. the jean jacket, the hair..." he was at a loss for words! :lol:

I have a date tonight and I'm gonna charm him too (again?) :lol:

*DEAD* :lachen:
I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday. I kid you not, 4 men have contacted me all within the 12 hours after. LOL! I had the best conversation with a friend I have known since '97. He said I am the only woman in his life (outside of his mom) that he will always want around. He said he loved how him and I can watch movies, play video games, go out and just truly be attracted to on more than just a physical level. He said I was truly beautiful inside and out. I was really flattered. WOW!

I was driving to work this morning and a guy went out of way to honk, wave and smile at me because of my Haitian flag dangling on the hanger hook in my car. That made me cheese real hard! SAK PASE?!!! :D Walking to work another dude tried to get my number. Very good looking men in a nice 7-series Beemer but I don't like the conversing with a man in his car bit. Nonetheless, the menzesess are coming out of the woodwork.

I will take the single time to refocus on myself though.
Lucie, that baby in your avi is a DOLL!!! Who is she? Can I borrow her for a little while? :grin: So adorable

robot. she's my imaginary daughter. :grin: I saw her on a FB page and she had over 200,000 like. Every race, creed, orientation, ethnicity was trying to claim her as their own!!! :lol:

OMG ladies! My boss asked me to get my RE license! He said I was not using the favor I have with people to my financial advantage! I am so excited!!!
I'm going to start becoming a sun-snob, and I don't even care. I gotta protect my skin and hair, Ladies. We are talking sunscreen daily on all exposed body parts and sun protection for my hair when I'm being sporty outside. And, yes, I have a sun parasol, driving arm protectors, and sun gloves. I am not ashamed.
Enyo I totally agree! I love my parasol and it makes me feel extra feminine. I don't have driving arm protection to look into that.
Same!!! At the bar this man told me he'd been watching me :look: because I was so sexy. I had on a jean jacket and some tight jeans and booties. Very laid back, cute bar outfit.

Another man told me he was "f*cking with my entire swag. the jean jacket, the hair..." he was at a loss for words! :lol:

I have a date tonight and I'm gonna charm him too (again?) :lol:

The red bolded. I am telling you that short hair has them memerized:lol: Dh wants me to cut it off. I tell him, Im sorry but I worked too hard to grow it:look:

You sound like you are doing everything right!:yep:
I have been wearing maxi dresses and I love it! I work on walking with sway in my hips. Like I am pushing my skirt with my hips when I walk.

Speaking of hair, how are you ladies wearing your hair? I know many of PS, but what feminine styles are you adopting to suit your feminine look? A relative told me today that my bun is boring and I need to change it up. I agree but I am obsessed with protecting my hair, lol.
I'm wearing weaves while I transition. I feel more feminine and flirty with long flowing hair so that's what I'm sticking to.
I personally think you can be feminine with any type of hair, it just depends on what gets your juices flowing!
I totally agree. I wear loads of long skirts and maxi dresses. I always get compliments.

ITA I don't even wear pants anymore. I own 3 pairs for just in case but wear dresses that are knee length or lower. Keeping it covered is more sensual for me and men seem to like to contemplate what's under my skirt ;-)
I've been buying a lot of dresses lately. I got this for $30 at the Limited last week.

ITA I don't even wear pants anymore. I own 3 pairs for just in case but wear dresses that are knee length or lower. Keeping it covered is more sensual for me and men seem to like to contemplate what's under my skirt ;-)

I'll be wearing pants tomorrow (maybe) for the first time since Sunday. I really enjoy skirts and dresses.

Anyone else think about Cleopatra in regards to sensuality. Whether or not she was beautiful is up for debate (some historians say she was, some say she wasn't. I think Caesar said she wasn't that much of looker), but all agree that she had a way about her that charmed men and women alike. She was dainty, kind of demure, and had a sweet voice, but was incredibly witty and intelligent.
Hey ladies! I have been going through a lot emotionally these last few days ad I've also been doing some research on feminine sexuality, sensuality and jade eggs. A while back there were a few threads on jade eggs but I never really looked into it until recently. Also here's a blog that I found created by a black woman on sensuality/sexuality and honing in on our feminine energy. There's a few more written by Asian women that I will post later. I want to invest in these jade eggs.
I think jade eggs are a great idea. Anything that helps you to get more in tune with your body as an instrument of pleasure for yourself first and foremost and also your partner, is a really good thing. I had been playing around with the idea of getting a set but I am not certain I am at that stage yet. Thank you for sharing that blog. I only read a few posts so far but she seems to have a very interesting perspective.
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I have been wearing maxi dresses and I love it! I work on walking with sway in my hips. Like I am pushing my skirt with my hips when I walk.

Speaking of hair, how are you ladies wearing your hair? I know many of PS, but what feminine styles are you adopting to suit your feminine look? A relative told me today that my bun is boring and I need to change it up. I agree but I am obsessed with protecting my hair, lol.

I'm growing out a fade so I have maybe 2 inches of hair right now, at the most.
it's really all in the styling tho, I kinda fix my baby hairs in a cute way :look: and i always wear blush and lipgloss and the other day my friend was like "your hair looks so girly and i don't know how." :lol:
i always wear cute little studs too.
@Enyo, @Lucie, and the rest of you ladies, please come post your thoughts on this.

I've done vaginal training with weights on and off for the last 4-5 years. I highly recommend it to any woman. I notice that I don't orgasm as powerfully when Ms. Kitty is not as toned. Also, having muscular control over your vagina is a feminine confidence booster. It adds a certain sway to your walk and smirk to your grin - especially when you're dealing with a man. :yep:
I think jade eggs are a great idea. Anything that helps you to get more in tune with your body as an instrument of pleasure for yourself first and foremost and also your partner, is a really good thing. I had been playing around with the idea of getting a set but I am not certain I am at that stage yet. Thank you for sharing that blog. I only read a few posts so far but she seems to have a very interesting perspective.

Yessss I'm soo ready to really get in tune with myself sexually. I'm trying to decide on whether I should get some jade eggs or the kegelmaster.
I've done vaginal training with weights on and off for the last 4-5 years. I highly recommend it to any woman. I notice that I don't orgasm as powerfully when Ms. Kitty is not as toned. Also, having muscular control over your vagina is a feminine confidence booster. It adds a certain sway to your walk and smirk to your grin - especially when you're dealing with a man. :yep:

Enyo please go into more details or pm me :giggle: what type of weights have you used? has the use of them really helped you achieve vaginal/gspot orgasms? Ermmm how did your partners react?
@Enyo please go into more details or pm me :giggle: what type of weights have you used? has the use of them really helped you achieve vaginal/gspot orgasms? Ermmm how did your partners react?

I actually use SmartBalls. After I used them passively (basically leaving them in and walking around), I started using them to practice conscious resistance. Basically, I insert them and pull on the string a bit. I use my muscles to keep them in as I pull. Once I master a softer pull, I tug a little harder and work my way up to a firm yank. I've thought about attaching weights to the external string, but the tug-o-war with myself works really well.

My partners almost ejaculate early the first time. Over time, they get used to me and can last longer. I tend to tell a new partner that it might happen so that he doesn't feel emasculated. Sometimes I let him stay inside while I massage him with my muscles. In the case of some men, it causes them to become firm again after a while. Even the ones that don't resurrect :lol: enjoy it, and it's good practice for me.

While it hasn't helped my g-spot in every position (still dealing with the problem of him feeling like he's in my tummy during certain positions), the ones that do work are much better.
I've been buying a lot of dresses lately. I got this for $30 at the Limited last week.

I have so many dresses I never even touch because I have so many. I am the $20 dress QUEEN. It's like my superpower, I always find adorable dresses on sale.

I'm going to be in them all summer lol. I'm looking forward to it.

I also have some skirts I need to whip up on the sewing machine.
I actually use SmartBalls. After I used them passively (basically leaving them in and walking around), I started using them to practice conscious resistance. Basically, I insert them and pull on the string a bit. I use my muscles to keep them in as I pull. Once I master a softer pull, I tug a little harder and work my way up to a firm yank. I've thought about attaching weights to the external string, but the tug-o-war with myself works really well.

My partners almost ejaculate early the first time. Over time, they get used to me and can last longer. I tend to tell a new partner that it might happen so that he doesn't feel emasculated. Sometimes I let him stay inside while I massage him with my muscles. In the case of some men, it causes them to become firm again after a while. Even the ones that don't resurrect :lol: enjoy it, and it's good practice for me.

While it hasn't helped my g-spot in every position (still dealing with the problem of him feeling like he's in my tummy during certain positions), the ones that do work are much better.

Enyo that's really sweet of you (informing them of what's to come) I probably would act completely innocent as if I had no clue how much power my kitty had :giggle: