Rocky91 I will text you
And the video was posted earlier in the thread. I think
this might have been the video but I'm not sure
I haven't been able to actually read any of the books, but I try to smile at people I make eye contact with. I talk to the cashier ringing me up. I say hi to the people who work in my building. I try to look pleasant and approachable as I walk around. One thing I do is pretend I'm in a music video
I feel my body relax really focus on swaying as I walk. A song with a good beat and romantic lyrics work best for me. Pisces are naturally very 'dreamy' people so I try capitalize on that.
When I talk to people, I give them all my attention and pretend like I am really into them. I think of the sun on my skin, remember a funny or sweet thing, and that energy gets infused in the interaction. I'm also a big pervert
so I imagine touching the person intimately and it really gives me a kind of dreamy, mischievous look. I notice men lean in more when I do this. I have thin graceful hands so I use them to rub my thighs, rest them on my neck, play in my hair.
I like myself and people like that. It really just kind of has to radiate, I'm not sure how to describe it. I'm learning to accept and love so much about myself that I kind of think, well who wouldn't like me?
Being my biggest fan has done wonders for my confidence. I am a thin girl, with long limbs, and a young face. I've learned to accept that I will never have a huge butt, I will never be less awkward, and to just accept being cute. I've always wanted a more mature, sensual vibe and it will come to me eventually. In the meantime,
I try to enjoy who I am right now. A young man came up to me the other day and said that I looked like I was having a good time (I was just walking to the bus lol). He said never thought he would be attracted to a woman with short natural hair but it looks so good on me. My hair gets me a lot of compliments
It's a cut that makes me feel good and i look good wearing it and people notice.
I also watch the energy, thoughts, and materials I consume. What I put in is what I will give out. I listen to music that makes me feel good, I read good books, watch a good documentary. If I decide I want to be more of a certain thing, I will consume it. I will do the things I want others to do to me, to myself. If I wish I had someone to rub my shoulders or play in my hair, I will do it myself and really try to appreciate myself. That way, when someone else does it, gosh, it feels like heat and waves of pleasure just roll through me. A man I like cradled my face the other day and I just melted
It was so sweet and the way he looked at me... ahhh *blushes*
I feel like I'm rambling
I hope I made sense