Sense and Sensuality ("Loving" Spinny)

I've been there. And I think the best way for you to get immediate results is to actually think positive things about the person or to look at them with "new eyes" as you are talking to them. I think our emotions often dictate how we deal with people. Pretend as if he/she is your favorite person in the world and you can't wait to see him/her. Even if we feel that we are masking our nervousness/trepidation, there is always something that gives us away. Humans can quickly detect micro-aggressions (facial movements that are too quick for the eye) and follow the vibe extending from them.

And this is not to say that you do not feel positively about other people already. But it may be that your mind isn't fully engaged with them at the moment and you might inadvertently give miscues while having a conversation. And it most of all, it could be the habits that you've already formed that dictate your reaction.

I completely agree also with Carlita that voice, tone are also important.
I really like this. In fact, I tihnk it's a great way to perceive all people.
I am frustrated with someone (a guy) and I'm having trouble controlling my energy with him. In the past, he's commented a lot on feeling safe with me, feeling welcomed and at ease. He's said I'm inquisitive, non-judgmental of him, feminine and sensual, and that my presence is soothing.
Right now I feel like my energy conveys none of those things:ohwell: I feel a little agitated, and it is even bothering ME, because I like feeling calm and light in my love life.

We are having communication issues and I think we will be broaching the topic then. It is possible that I might choose to end the relationship, but regardless, I need help getting rid of that anxious energy around that person:sad: Any help?
I am frustrated with someone (a guy) and I'm having trouble controlling my energy with him. In the past, he's commented a lot on feeling safe with me, feeling welcomed and at ease. He's said I'm inquisitive, non-judgmental of him, feminine and sensual, and that my presence is soothing.
Right now I feel like my energy conveys none of those things:ohwell: I feel a little agitated, and it is even bothering ME, because I like feeling calm and light in my love life.

We are having communication issues and I think we will be broaching the topic then. It is possible that I might choose to end the relationship, but regardless, I need help getting rid of that anxious energy around that person:sad: Any help?

CarLiTa Wait, so are you agitated and he's still cool or are you both annoyed right now?
I haven't been following this thread super closely but thanks to whoever posted the Mama Gena videos!

I've been "flirting with everyone" (in addition to a lot of self love) and I've gotten compliments, free ice cream, and today a man even told me I would make a nice daughter in law :lol:

Being feminine is so much fun and my horoscopes have been on point for the past few weeks too :lol:
Enyo said:
CarLiTa Wait, so are you agitated and he's still cool or are you both annoyed right now?

Hm, he wasn't cool. He was worried I would dump him, which is what I was going to do. I'm not very good at conflict resolution, so I get agitated when I have to actually do that. I end up feeling like it's a challenge to manage all my emotions and I lose grasp of my feminine energy. It's easi(er) to be feminine when you're happy and all is great. When they're not... I don't know:ohwell: But I want to own that energy no matter what is going on around me:) I would love tips on that if anyone can share.

BTW, I did end up talking to the guy in question and found that I managed my energy well! I was still smiley, sweet, and everything. It helped that he started the conversation already brainstorming ways to fix what was bothering me and expressing that he wants to make me happy. Looks like I'm still dating him:lol:
*sigh* So I've been seeing these two guys. One is just for fun, but the other has serious relationship potential. The only issue is that one of them latched on to me pretty quickly and now thinks we are seriously in a relationship. I told the guy we are just getting to know each other, but he's so into me that I don't think he's listening. He's coming on very strong, but in an I-am-32-and-looking-to-get-married way. The words "wife" and "married" come out of his mouth every time we talk. It's an odd feeling because I normally don't like that kind of stuff, but he's got this honest, happy-go-lucky Midwestern charm that I always fall for. He's naturally giving, cheerful, and empathetic. He makes good money too, which is always a plus.

I'm just trying to stay cool until his infatuation wears off. Goodness, I hope it's soon. I would like to be more emotionally and physically intimate with him. Right now I only allow kisses on the cheek and rarely talk about deep personal things. But I learned the hard way that doing those things with an infatuated person makes stuff worse. I personally blame everyone in this thread for making me so appealing. :look: :lol: Our feminine energies have coalesced into some sort of sensual superpower. I had my own charms before this thread, but recently I've attracted men who are very devoted to winning me over emotionally and physically. Is there an "off" button?? A sista is getting tired!!

Of course, I have an intern update for you which leads to a question about our daughters.

Apparently Ms. Missy and I share certain intimate habits that I will not share in public. But it's safe to say that I'm really going to have to monitor her. She is becoming hyper aware of herself in the last few months and the young men are starting to sense it. She's always had men, but her uber softness attracted users. Now she has two decent ones that are trying their best to woo her.

Young Man #1 is clingy and always wants to see her. He practically begs to take her out for lunch (he works close to our office) and then begs to take her home after work. She's not used to guys thinking her time is valuable and seemed more confused than anything at first. Now, she pretends to complain that she "[doesn't] feel like seeing him right now", but is quick to put on lipstick, brush her hair, and borrow my perfume before she goes out to meet him. She always comes back with a little smile on her face. She actually met Young Man #2 through me. As a result, sometimes the young man will text me about her because he's shy and wants advice on dealing with her. Sometimes I show her the texts and I can tell that she's flattered Young Man #2 is so fascinated with her.

Intern has always been interested in how I manage my men and allow them to vie for my attention, but now she's experiencing it for the first time in her life. She was a little lost and confused at first, but now she's hitting her stride. From what I gather, she feels a little guilty about seeing two guys at once despite the fact that she made it clear neither of them are her boyfriend. But, when we talk, I can tell she's loving it. My question is this: How do we encourage a young lady to enjoy being treated like a princess by multiple men without pushing her overboard? I don't want her to become a user or someone who toys with people's hearts. I'm worried because she's still a teenager mentally and biologically and yet has the sexual instincts of a woman. She creates a rather sophisticated form of sexual tension with alarming ease, and I worry that doing this to too many men at once (or the wrong man) will put her in a bad situation.

I feel like I've taken a child to the shooting range, and now she's picking up guns that she doesn't really know how to handle. Ideally, I want her to just stick with the stuff that she admits that she likes - dinner, movies, rides home (hey, DC buses can get rough), etc. with decent boys her age. But she's realizing how much she's worth, and it might be tempting to see how far she can push a man. It's all fun and games until it goes wrong. I'm in my 30's, so I have mastered the MMM, but she's a novice. How can I get that across to her without seeming like a hypocrite?

Advice, please. Thanks.
Hm, he wasn't cool. He was worried I would dump him, which is what I was going to do. I'm not very good at conflict resolution, so I get agitated when I have to actually do that. I end up feeling like it's a challenge to manage all my emotions and I lose grasp of my feminine energy. It's easi(er) to be feminine when you're happy and all is great. When they're not... I don't know:ohwell: But I want to own that energy no matter what is going on around me:) I would love tips on that if anyone can share.

BTW, I did end up talking to the guy in question and found that I managed my energy well! I was still smiley, sweet, and everything. It helped that he started the conversation already brainstorming ways to fix what was bothering me and expressing that he wants to make me happy. Looks like I'm still dating him:lol:

Not in your situation but I can totally relate to the bolded. When I'm not in a good space that feminine energy is so hard to grasp. What makes it worse is that I'm aware of it at the time and desperately want... it makes me feel so good inside.
Hey ladies!

Yes I can relate to not bring in my feminine energy when I'm mad. I actually shut down emotionally and I'm trying to work on releasing that energy by allowing myself to cry if I'm upset, meditate, talk to people instead of shutting down and wallowing in self pity.

One good thing that I do and help a lot if I'm upset is working out. It really helps me get into a better space emotionally.

On a lighter note, my gym crush approached me yesterday and asked me for my number!! He followed me into the yoga room and we had a nice little chat and exchanged info afterwards.
I'm inspired by this thread. I've been feeling pretty unfeminine the past few weeks... outwardly feminine, included. I need to utilize the full range of my closet, wear my hair down, paint my nails, dilapidate, etc. I am going to do that this weekend, no matter what. Maybe I'll go dancing, too, to put me back in the sensual mood.
I want to start tonight.
*sigh* So I've been seeing these two guys. One is just for fun, but the other has serious relationship potential. The only issue is that one of them latched on to me pretty quickly and now thinks we are seriously in a relationship. I told the guy we are just getting to know each other, but he's so into me that I don't think he's listening. He's coming on very strong, but in an I-am-32-and-looking-to-get-married way. The words "wife" and "married" come out of his mouth every time we talk. It's an odd feeling because I normally don't like that kind of stuff, but he's got this honest, happy-go-lucky Midwestern charm that I always fall for. He's naturally giving, cheerful, and empathetic. He makes good money too, which is always a plus.

I'm just trying to stay cool until his infatuation wears off. Goodness, I hope it's soon. I would like to be more emotionally and physically intimate with him. Right now I only allow kisses on the cheek and rarely talk about deep personal things. But I learned the hard way that doing those things with an infatuated person makes stuff worse. I personally blame everyone in this thread for making me so appealing. :look: :lol: Our feminine energies have coalesced into some sort of sensual superpower. I had my own charms before this thread, but recently I've attracted men who are very devoted to winning me over emotionally and physically. Is there an "off" button?? A sista is getting tired!!

Of course, I have an intern update for you which leads to a question about our daughters.

Apparently Ms. Missy and I share certain intimate habits that I will not share in public. But it's safe to say that I'm really going to have to monitor her. She is becoming hyper aware of herself in the last few months and the young men are starting to sense it. She's always had men, but her uber softness attracted users. Now she has two decent ones that are trying their best to woo her.

Young Man #1 is clingy and always wants to see her. He practically begs to take her out for lunch (he works close to our office) and then begs to take her home after work. She's not used to guys thinking her time is valuable and seemed more confused than anything at first. Now, she pretends to complain that she "[doesn't] feel like seeing him right now", but is quick to put on lipstick, brush her hair, and borrow my perfume before she goes out to meet him. She always comes back with a little smile on her face. She actually met Young Man #2 through me. As a result, sometimes the young man will text me about her because he's shy and wants advice on dealing with her. Sometimes I show her the texts and I can tell that she's flattered Young Man #2 is so fascinated with her.

Intern has always been interested in how I manage my men and allow them to vie for my attention, but now she's experiencing it for the first time in her life. She was a little lost and confused at first, but now she's hitting her stride. From what I gather, she feels a little guilty about seeing two guys at once despite the fact that she made it clear neither of them are her boyfriend. But, when we talk, I can tell she's loving it. My question is this: How do we encourage a young lady to enjoy being treated like a princess by multiple men without pushing her overboard? I don't want her to become a user or someone who toys with people's hearts. I'm worried because she's still a teenager mentally and biologically and yet has the sexual instincts of a woman. She creates a rather sophisticated form of sexual tension with alarming ease, and I worry that doing this to too many men at once (or the wrong man) will put her in a bad situation.

I feel like I've taken a child to the shooting range, and now she's picking up guns that she doesn't really know how to handle. Ideally, I want her to just stick with the stuff that she admits that she likes - dinner, movies, rides home (hey, DC buses can get rough), etc. with decent boys her age. But she's realizing how much she's worth, and it might be tempting to see how far she can push a man. It's all fun and games until it goes wrong. I'm in my 30's, so I have mastered the MMM, but she's a novice. How can I get that across to her without seeming like a hypocrite?

Advice, please. Thanks.

Enyo're in my area. Do you need another daughter? I'm 29 but ummm....yeah.:look:
I forgot who mentioned this but when I am upset what helps keep my feminine energy intact is silence while thinking about the solution moreso than the problem. When I let the emotions get the best of me, I say things I often regret or word poorly and my actions are less than stellar. Now when I get upset, my inner voice screams STOP and PROCESS and it helps a lot.

I just realized that you are in my state!

I forgot who mentioned this but when I am upset what helps keep my feminine energy intact is silence while thinking about the solution moreso than the problem. When I let the emotions get the best of me, I say things I often regret or word poorly and my actions are less than stellar. Now when I get upset, my inner voice screams STOP and PROCESS and it helps a lot.

That's good advice, but its intersting given that female energy is aout emotion as opposed to logic (at least if I'm remembering readin right)

I too am working on showing emotions honestly, but in a way that's not over the top and out of control. Although, my bigger problem is that I tend not to show much emotion at all.

I just realized that you are in my state!

That's good advice, but its intersting given that female energy is aout emotion as opposed to logic (at least if I'm remembering readin right)

I too am working on showing emotions honestly, but in a way that's not over the top and out of control. Although, my bigger problem is that I tend not to show much emotion at all.

I think feminine energy is comprised of emotion and logic. When I feel like I want to just flip out, it helps me out tremendously when I take the time to think how this will affect me a day from now? A week? A month? A year? That helps to stabilize what I feel and stay on track. If it was just emotions I would feed the need to blow up and end up not being my most ladylike. :lol:

As per your last paragraph I think it might be hard for you to be vulnerable. When it is difficult to be vulnerable, you repress your emotions. In order to combat that, do one thing a day that makes you scared/uncomfortable. Perhaps, you can tell a really smart woman, how intelligent she is. Or strike up a conversation on the line at the bank with the person closest to you in proximity. It may sound silly but little things like that positively affect your confidence and shave away your discomfort at being vulnerable or showing emotion.

Have you ever been out to eat alone? Or a movie?
Lucie you are dead on as usual. Especially the part about being able to pay a compliment to a stranger. It's difficult. I remember my heart pounding and palms sweating when I first tried to get into the habit. We have to make sure we are open and kind not just for ourselves but also for our sisters.
The timing is funny because today I was studying in the quiet room and this lady was just staring at me. Like not even trying to hide it. I thought maybe I was making too much noise but then she actually came over and complimented hair. I thanked her and smiled and she lit up. I was secretly thinking how sad it was that she seemed to be worried I would be rude. It's definitely time we start embracing each other more.
Also agree with the going out alone part. It can be a challenge at first and you may feel very uncomfortable but if you fight through it you will find out all sorts of things about yourself, grown more confident and perhaps meet new people. And just a tip, don't take a novel or something engrossing with you. It works best if you can actually absorb your surroundings.
Lucie, we so need a meetup:)
I'm inspired by this thread. I've been feeling pretty unfeminine the past few weeks... outwardly feminine, included. I need to utilize the full range of my closet, wear my hair down, paint my nails, dilapidate, etc. I am going to do that this weekend, no matter what. Maybe I'll go dancing, too, to put me back in the sensual mood.
I want to start tonight.


Let me tell ya, I was in a rut for the past couple of days. I wasn't feeling "it". I took down my bun ( I am obsessed with PS until I reach my goal:ohwell:)because I was feeling so uptight. I let my hair hang, turned up some Afro beats and starting moving and dancing around the house. I even flirt, dirty danced for dh and he loved watching me:giggle:. I just let it all hang out:look:. It was warm today, I put on my first casual dress of the season, put on my boots to run errands. Let me tell you, I felt great, today. My energy must have been up there cause the men the the streets were speaking, and a couple approached. A mom at my son's school even commented how pretty I looked. I am really enjoying being in that sensual mood. The process feels great!

Let me tell ya, I was in a rut for the past couple of days. I wasn't feeling "it". I took down my bun ( I am obsessed with PS until I reach my goal:ohwell:)because I was feeling so uptight. I let my hair hang, turned up some Afro beats and starting moving and dancing around the house. I even flirt, dirty danced for dh and he loved watching me:giggle:. I just let it all hang out:look:. It was warm today, I put on my first casual dress of the season, put on my boots to run errands. Let me tell you, I felt great, today. My energy must have been up there cause the men the the streets were speaking, and a couple approached. A mom at my son's school even commented how pretty I looked. I am really enjoying being in that sensual mood. The process feels great!

Love it!!! I felt everything you felt just reading your post! :lol:
I think feminine energy is comprised of emotion and logic. When I feel like I want to just flip out, it helps me out tremendously when I take the time to think how this will affect me a day from now? A week? A month? A year? That helps to stabilize what I feel and stay on track. If it was just emotions I would feed the need to blow up and end up not being my most ladylike. :lol:

As per your last paragraph I think it might be hard for you to be vulnerable. When it is difficult to be vulnerable, you repress your emotions. In order to combat that, do one thing a day that makes you scared/uncomfortable. Perhaps, you can tell a really smart woman, how intelligent she is. Or strike up a conversation on the line at the bank with the person closest to you in proximity. It may sound silly but little things like that positively affect your confidence and shave away your discomfort at being vulnerable or showing emotion.

Have you ever been out to eat alone? Or a movie?

That makes sense. Some of the things you mentioned, I don't have a problem with, but I know that I could make a greater effort.

And yes, I go out alone a lot (I'm usually more by myself than with other people). I dont really go to movies alone, but I do go eat, but I always have a book, so I don't know if it counts.

Lucie you are dead on as usual. Especially the part about being able to pay a compliment to a stranger. It's difficult. I remember my heart pounding and palms sweating when I first tried to get into the habit. We have to make sure we are open and kind not just for ourselves but also for our sisters.
The timing is funny because today I was studying in the quiet room and this lady was just staring at me. Like not even trying to hide it. I thought maybe I was making too much noise but then she actually came over and complimented hair. I thanked her and smiled and she lit up. I was secretly thinking how sad it was that she seemed to be worried I would be rude. It's definitely time we start embracing each other more.
Also agree with the going out alone part. It can be a challenge at first and you may feel very uncomfortable but if you fight through it you will find out all sorts of things about yourself, grown more confident and perhaps meet new people. And just a tip, don't take a novel or something engrossing with you. It works best if you can actually absorb your surroundings.
Lucie, we so need a meetup:)

TracyNicole, that was nice. I am happy you accepted her compliment graciously! :grin: Not many people can/do. :sad: A meetup would be great! Are you in NY?

That makes sense. Some of the things you mentioned, I don't have a problem with, but I know that I could make a greater effort.

And yes, I go out alone a lot (I'm usually more by myself than with other people). I dont really go to movies alone, but I do go eat, but I always have a book, so I don't know if it counts.


ladysaraii, that is great that you can do things alone. Well, now that you have identified that you could make a greater effort, do it. Perhaps, you can even set some reminders in your phone? LOL! I have reminders for everything. :look: :lol:

I go out to eat alone as well but the next time I go, I am leaving my phone and book in the car! :blush: LOL! I am very friendly but having my cell, to-do list and book makes me keep my head down. And usually when people see me with my things out, they are not as chatty. Also, I read that when you eat it is best to JUST focus on your food. You digest better. I don't know why I am so gung ho to try it. :lol: