Lhcf Taboo Topic..black Women Who Are Done Checking For Black Men

i prefer black men...with hair. Hair is very very important to me :lol:

LOL! I think I am the opposite. I prefer short to no hair. I also prefer kinky haired men. I dated a WM once who had blond straight hair and the texture/color turned me completely off. Just goes to show we all have our preferences :yep:
I have a black male friend (good friend of my ex) who said he will date a good black woman if he can find her but yesterday and the other weeks of the year, his Facebook pics are all of him with white women (not black women). lol And he's from the Carribbean. At least he's trying right! :smirk:
I have a black male friend (good friend of my ex) who said he will date a good black woman if he can find her but yesterday and the other weeks of the year, his Facebook pics are all of him with white women (not black women). lol And he's from the Carribbean. At least he's trying right! :smirk:

How can he possibly find a good BW when everyone knows BW are difficult, loud, domineering, loose and don't take care of themselves? Now WW, they keep themselves up, know their place and know how to take care of a man :yep:
One of the black women I know that feels like this has no problem telling black men this when they approach her, it's CRAZY and embarrasing! She's a super gorgeous, size 2 marketing exec that lives in the Upper West Side in NY and she feels no type of way about stating her preference directly to bm. She says they play too much games, have baggage and overall don't make enough money for her.

LOL I'd love to see their faces when she says that dead in their face. Please send her down to 34th st and 6th ave where there are these Black and Latino city tour operators who heckle women constantly. One told me that I should feel special that his homie wants to talk to me, b/c he usually only dates mixed or White girls. Like really? You sell tours to tourists and I should feel special b/c you're breaking your "only exoticals" and white women apply rule?

urgh who cares....

i never get why women get up in arms on this point. For the ladies who don't date IR just think of the positives - more BM to go around :lol:

Preach...a lot of Black men probably have Black male friends who refuse to date BW or stereotype us all. IME, they don't try to argue down their friends. I don't really care if someone says "No black men for me." That means there's more for the rest of us...and secretly I like it that more of us realize it's futile to remain loyal to these dudes, b/c so many have no qualms about throwing us under the bus.
As for me, I will date whoever the best man is. It was always like that for me anyway. Its just in recent years, I was with black men. I will say this though, some of these black men out here do feel entitled. My friend, who I was talking about above, told me that its competitive out here for black women because everyone want black men. I was like :look: :lachen: I sincerely know that my high self esteem will not allow me to deal with such BS. So I told him, "yall keep on acting like that and you're gonna get flipped for an "other." And when I flip, you better believe he's gonna the same thing if not better. lol
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How can he possibly find a good BW when everyone knows BW are difficult, loud, domineering, loose and don't take care of themselves? Now WW, they keep themselves up, know their place and know how to take care of a man :yep:

My ex never liked to go out with him because he always wanted to go to mixed places. (This dude from Bed Stuy).We can barely get him to go to the Carribbean club up here. I just can't. He has good credentials though but he wants what he wants. lol This is the same guy who goes through my pics asking me who all the non-black looking men are and comments on my check-ins when its with non-black men. smh
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I haven't heard that at all. Most people don't say what their preferences are but the patterns are there. My only preference, in the past, was to date an immigrant because as an immigrant myself (and a wannabe expat) it would be easier for me to relate culturally.

That said I've dated a couple Africans, a Trini, a Haitians, an Albanian, a black American and a white American... No two people have been of the same ethnicity, I'm equal opportunity. :lol: I used to say I wouldn't date an Asian, but I was at a conference and I pointed out the only hot guy in the whole hotel and my friend swiftly acknowledged that he was Asian. So, that was out the window too.

My younger sister, who has only dated BM, told me she wants to try dating non-BM and she asked me how I do it. :look: I told her I don't do anything. I mean the person, if we like each other we exchange numbers and we may go on a few dates. That my or may not lead to a relationship. I don't do anything special to date any particular race...I'm just open to whomever comes along and access them individually.
At one time I was vehemently against my sons dating non-black women. After reading the candid thoughts from black women about black men such as this one....it makes me rethink my original thoughts...
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My sons (whether black or half black) better not bring home nothing but black women (with a few other minorities sprinkled in for good measure). That's a good way to get his seat removed from my dinner table. lol
My sons (whether black or half black) better not bring home nothing but black women (with a few other minorities sprinkled in for good measure). That's a good way to get his seat removed from my dinner table. lol
I don't get this either about this board. How are you going to prohibit who your kid dates but the turn around and ride the pank peen off into the sunset?
I don't get this either about this board. How are you going to prohibit who your kid dates but the turn around and ride the pank peen off into the sunset?

Alas, somebody finally bites! lol That's just my preference. Other races of people don't have a problem telling their kids that.

"Why you worrying about it??!" :giggle:
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I don't get this either about this board. How are you going to prohibit who your kid dates but the turn around and ride the pank peen off into the sunset?

:look: :lachen:

Word. I was reading a thread on a majority male board on IR dating and one poster who was mixed (blasian i think) said it's all interracial to him. Which is true, unless you find someone with the exact mixture mixed folks are always dating outside of that specific race.
I've personally never heard it from anyone, but usually the other way around. I've known some women who will stay single forever looking for the perfect Black man who has everything they themselves have and are looking for in a mate: single, childless, educated, career, financial stability, etc.

I know a couple of Black woman in my area who are still waiting. In a city where the Black population is only 6% (statewide <2%) where the poverty level is high among minorities, IMO they will be waiting forever, and they have.

My last several suitors and guys I've dated were white. Why? Because that's who was available that have caught my eye - race be damned. If I want a Black man, I would have to move back to California, or better yet, down south or NYC/DC, etc, not stay in Oregon. Thank God I'm open to race.
I've personally never heard it from anyone, but usually the other way around. I've known some women who will stay single forever looking for the perfect Black man who has everything they themselves have and are looking for in a mate: single, childless, educated, career, financial stability, etc.

I know a couple of Black woman in my area who are still waiting. In a city where the Black population is only 6% (statewide <2%) where the poverty level is high among minorities, IMO they will be waiting forever, and they have.

My last several suitors and guys I've dated were white. Why? Because that's who was available that have caught my eye - race be damned. If I want a Black man, I would have to move back to California, or better yet, down south or NYC/DC, etc, not stay in Oregon. Thank God I'm open to race.

this is the reality. its only in lhcf alternate universe that black women refusing to date black men exists.
Well my current SO is white and we are VERY smitten with each other. I can see why black women would write off black men and only exclusively date white men. Any guy can be a dog, but from my pov white guys are simple, sweet, silly, and more down to earth. I stay outside of Detroit and black men here tend to be arrogant and all about "getting money and fuxking h0es" kwim? So it's refreshing to have a normal relationship for once. White guys have a different way of going about dating and romance. I don't have to pay for anything. Whenever there's a door, it's opened for me and this is almost three months into our relationship.

.....seriously? then OBVIOUSLY youve been dating a bunch of KANGS/non-quality black men dont generalize all black men because all youve dated are KANGS
like i said in my first post in this thread ive dated only black men.my last ex was black and he was extreeemleeey sweet. we dated for 8months and this dude opened the door for me every single place we went he always made sure i walked either beside him or in front of him never ever behind him and on every date he would always pay but towards the middle of our relationship we decided from then on we would split the bill in half.he always showed his affection towards me and he wasnt afraid to show it in front of his friends either i would actually have to fight to keep him off me after awhile because he was always trying to hug,kiss,caress me,etc. 24/7
in case you didnt know WHITE KANGS EXIST TOO.i repeat WHITE KANGS EXIST.just ask my friend, her baby daddy is in and out of jail is a highschool drop out, and has 4 other kids each with different mommas..and yuup he is WHITE. but this chick has the nerve to tell me that BM aint sheeiit.uhhm excoo me?

i understand its hard to find a decent black man on these streets trust me i know but dont go around saying "white men treat women better..my white man pays for errthang" uhmm any man regardless of color is suppossed to treat you well and occasionally pay for stuff and open the door for you.duh.:rolleyes:
I wasn't talking about the wang per se :lol:

I was talking about you dating others and prohibiting upon others that do.

Same difference. I might like big heads with small shafts. My preference none the less. Oh yea, well we all gon be wiggers and ninjas then in my house....if it comes to me having to marry out. lol