Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black women

Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

The only man who's opinion matters to me is my (future) husband. Who other men (black, white etc) choose to date/marry is none of my business and I don't care what they think. However I do think that casting out a whole group of people based on stereotypes is ridiculous.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

Lol please do. Im really not trying to play the OP but this is just weird. I mean after all those threads, it's like what exactly is it that you wnat to hear?

Ok, you've made your point numerous times. You made your point the first time, and then this is the third or fourth time that you've brung up the fact that this thread is similiar. You're entitiled to your opinion but to continuously bring it up, trying to make me feel bad about a thread that i have started is unecessary. If you don't like the thread, you don't have to comment, plain and simple. Im sure there are other topics on this forum where you would like to add your negative comments to.

P.S., you must obviously take interest in the thread since this is your third or fourth comment, yet you are complaining about it.
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Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

Okay, I'm getting the gist from the other thread that there is a HUGE problem with where you live (OP)??? That is certainly understandable and nothing to be ashamed of. A person who lives in Detroit or Birmingham is not going to have the same experiences as someone living in New York or L.A. Have you considered expanding your options? The internet has made it so much easier (all you have to do is google what you want, and there are legitimate forums out there for it. Plenty of women on here have used okcupid, zoosk, etc. to meet people). Also, after you graduate, consider moving to a more metropolitan place. These men in Detroit certainly aren't the end all, be all.

Thank you for choosing to remain positive other person. And I appreciate the tips.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

No I do not feel hurt by black men dating non-black women because they treat "Becky" the same way they treat black women.

I know TONS of biracial people IRL (Also celebs such as Halle barry Mariah, YTubers, bloggers, seen on Maury, Jerry Springer, Steve Wilkos show, etc) who’s black fathers are not in their lives and who are dad beat dads). Just cause he is with a white woman doesn't change anything.

I could see if the majority of these black men who dated non-black women stayed faithful to them 100% of the time and were fathers to their children they fathered with them and stayed in the child’s life 100% of the time. Then it would rub me the wrong way and I would probably feel some type of way about it. But its not like that!

They get cheated on and tossed to the side by black men and walked all over just like black women do! There is no difference but the color of the skin but the situations are still the same.

Plus I don't limit myself to just black men because I loveMEN in general. If you are cute and have a great personality *thumbs up*. Yes everyone has a preference and so do I.

My preference is fine, sexy and intelligent men-The End! lol
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

Well the two threads are similar, but not the same. Either way, I'm glad you posted OP :yep:. The older I get the more I realize the importance of putting a voice to what we are feeling. When we speak or write something out loud it helps get that stuff out of our heads and opens us up to healing. And it's not just single women who hurt. I am married and have had many painful days and had my feelings hurt. Half the time I get the side eye because I'm supposed to always be happy cause I got a man :rolleyes:. The thing is that as long as we are human and are living we will occasionally feel some type of hurt and it's important to pray to God and to reach out to other human beings for comfort. It is beautiful to give and receive comfort and support.

Also I must admit there was this one lady on here who started like four different threads about the same man. She kept asking different questions but it was all about the SAME man who sounded like such a waste of time. And I was like are you really posting about this again? I guess I could have ignored it, but it seemed like she was being deceptive and intentionally wasting people's time.

Now if you post something similar next week or next month I might be annoyed lol but I don't see anything wrong with this thread.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

I don't feel any type of way about them or spend time focusing on it. Preferences are preferences. We can expand our dating pool just as well as they can.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

I used to date an east Asian (never again, because of cultural reasons) and became fairly well versed in their language and culture. I've been able to find great hair and food recipes and never felt the need to leave the forums, even though technically I am no longer a member of the club :lol:.

Hair recipes? Like what?
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

P.S., you must obviously take interest in the thread since this is your third or fourth comment, yet you are complaining about it.

Mostly responding to rejuvenation actually :yep:

Hopefully you finally find the answers you're looking for.
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Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

when you end up making the same thread asking the same thing (changing the titles dont mean anything) then it's a problem.

while you're (general you) busy giving the evil eye to one that is dating Yi Chu, you're missing out on the MANY that still date black women.

Right! I think she might be a tad bit obsessed with this. lol
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

black men have never been my preference and it doesn't hurt one bit that i'm not theirs.:roadrunner:
We as women can be very hard on each other. Sometimes I wonder why a woman can't admit to be being hurt about certain aspects of being single without being accused of being jealous, bitter, etc. by other women?

Perhaps the OP keeps making threads like this because this is a topic that really bothers her, and understandably so. If people dislike this topic so much why click on it and respond? Trying to shut someone up (I've seen this a lot on this forum lately) or act dismissive towards them for expressing their feelings isn't helpful.

I totally agree.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

Nope, they can date whoever they want and so can I. It's really not the end of the world if a black man doesn't want to date you. There are plenty out there that will.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

Yes, I used to hurt over this a lot.

I can't explain what happened but when I turned 30, I started not caring about this stuff.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

I didn't say i was bitter. I said it can be hurtful when a man of your own race says that he does not date the women in your race. Im sure if anyone, regardless of race was told that they were undateable because of their skin color, their reaction would not be looking like this banana right here:yay:

Actually, sometimes I do be like this :look: Scene: black man with pants around his thighs, a blunt in his mouth, a dingy white tee to his ankles, etc. His woman comes around the corner with 4 kids in tow. My reaction: whew! Well at least she ain't black :yep: <<and THIS is the kind of black man who I see dating white women (this includes rappers and athletes...they don't have any morals either).

No seriously, I be like that. I have developed a theory as to why in the recent years this phenomenon (loser BM exclusively dating WW) has been occurring. I hypothesize that it's a way to save BW...the ones who don't know they need to be saved, but actually do. The loser BW. Decreasing the loser BW's option in dating loser BM will hopefully force the loser BW to get her **** together and join the ranks of the successful BW. And this is good because if the loser BM was readily available to the loser BW, she would be allll ova dat. I think this will benefit BW in the long run. BM? Meh...I don't really care what it does for them, to tell you da truf :)

But to answer the OP: No, I never feel hurt or betrayed when I go in Walmart and see the BM whip out their EBT cards with his welfare WW :nono: What is there to feel bad about? Ok ok, I do feel bad for the kids.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

To the defense of the OP, this is the first thread that I've read in a while about this and probably some others. I see some of us live day, noon, night on the board and can count the number of threads that are posted by the hour, but others - not so much!

Also, she is a member of this board and IS entitled to starting a thread just like anyone else. Some of us need to ease up and either respond to the post or KIM.
Even though men with that type of mindset are not the type of guy I'd want to be with, it does hurt my feelings a little.

Sometimes, guys who have purposely not dated Black women in the past want to date me... But I just can't. I'm like, "You just want to make your mom happy" and I'm not going to be anyone's test.

Plus, I know he might have slighted other Black women and hurt us and it just bothers me. As a whole, we are beautiful inside and out. So there!
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

I am very disappointed that my own brother is turning out this way. :nono: It's like being racist against your own people. Very disappointing.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

Never. I don't even spend time thinking about them at all.
If it weren't for LHCF I would hardly even know they existed.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

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Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

As long as their behaviour does not infringe on other peoples rights and is lawful, I never get offended over other peoples personal life choices. Whatever their reasons.

A Black man choosing to date a non-Black woman does not affect me at all.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

I don't care what some black men do, they are entitlted to do what they like!
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed by black men who choose to date solely non black women? Me personally, i think its very hurtful when a man of your own race says that he does not date black women. I have friends who have stated that they can never find a good black man. Do you ever feel that your chances of meeting a good black men, or educated black man is more slim due to interracial dating? What are your thoughts?

No I do not feel betrayed because they don't have an obligation to date me just because we come from the same racial grouping. Its their choice, their life.

The only time it bothers me is when those men throw out generalizations about black women and use these generalizations to justify dating interracially.

The chances of meeting an educated black man PERIOD are slim. And so yes, him exclusively dating interracially will lessen that chance. I would like to man that is black or at least mixed with black and educated but I'm just going to keep my options open.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

I could care less. Do you and I'll do me. More often than not, I wouldn't want to date him anyway.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

I'm curious by nature so of course I would wonder why but at the end of the day I really wouldn't care.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

I'd be a hypocrite if I had a problem with BM dating interracially because I do too!:grin: What is a problem is BM speaking negatively about BW and praising non-BW at our expense. Despite my dating preference I'm still attracted to BM and could never speak badly about them.
Re: Do you ever feel hurt or betrayed when black men choose to soley date non black w

I didn't say i was bitter. I said it can be hurtful when a man of your own race says that he does not date the women in your race. Im sure if anyone, regardless of race was told that they were undateable because of their skin color, their reaction would not be looking like this banana right here:yay:

I totally understand your pov. Not enough to start a thread about it, but I do.