What Do These Color Threads Say About the Marriage Rate of Black Women

First, it never happened but if it had I would have been cold to them out of pure selfishness. I would have been loyal to my friends, why shouldn't my friends have the opportunity to make a good match? I realize the following will not be believed but que sera sera. I know my brothers, they were incredibly spoiled by my parents, particularly, my mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother when she was alive. I know they would not have been happy in the long-run with a woman who was not exactly like my female relatives in ways that are not readily or easily learned in adulthood. See, this is the beauty of the anonymous message board you can confess to poor behavior with impunity.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: at the bolded parts. I understand what you are saying. You were just looking out for "your people"
Yes, if she had not had connections to people we knew. Yes. Yes. Yes. I posted why in my reply to Country Gal. Perhaps, this is not my finest hour but the truth is always a good defense. In addition, to forestall questions, DH's younger sister and I were sorority sisters (DG) that is how I met DH. She introduced us at a tennis match when the three of were in undergrad.
