So exciting @OneShinyface! I’m so happy for you. Enjoy! I hope you have a great time. The dress sounds really cute too.
Because it's so sexy to be taken care ofWhy is it so hot to watch him work on my car? Had me like
@Ayesha81 - Hey Love - how long have you two been dating?
He sounds like an opportunist and a taker and I'm not seeing any benefits for you here.
I think you know what to do next. And we are all here for you as you work through your next steps.
The last guy I dated before this one I was with a little over a year. I gave him 3 weeks after I told him I wasn't happy with where things were going. Then I ripped off the Band-Aid. And it hurt like HELL.
There is calm after the storm...
@Ayesha81 - This has definitely been long enough for you to see what a future would be like with him. He is not a provider, nor a protector and you will spend your time with him trying to help prop him up.
No where is it written that you have to break your back to help someone else. It is okay to be selfish and look out for you. It took me a while to learn this (was married for 26 years to someone who still hasn't grown up) and I am sharing my learnings with you.
There ARE real men out there.
I was thinking about Greece, the photos of Santorini are beautiful. I believe he's been to Portugal and I want to go somewhere we've both never been. I didn't put much thought into Italy, i'll add that to the list. So far I have 13 locations, anything he chooses from it I'll be happy with.@LovingLady - What about Greece or Italy or even Portugal?
SO has given me the task of choosing where we're going for our vacation. I'm honestly struggling to find a location. Hawaii is at the top of my list but I wanted something international.