2019 Relationship And Dating Thread


I finished the assignments and passed the class. We're also going to counseling. After 5 years we shouldn't still have discussions/debates/whatever you want to call it about IF I like his daughters or not. I feel like that's something I would recognized back in year 1 when I met them.

He also has came home and apologized among a few other things to get back in good graces but i'm standing firm on us going to talk to someone.
I'm keeping a close eye on this. my SO has 2 kids...one is my bestie...the other isn't...she doesn't hate me...but she's not all in. In a year she'll be gone f/t out the house. her dad had to set her straight about his life is his life...i'm not going anywhere etc...her brother thinks she's too big to be acting like this. Anyway, i just take it one day at a time....my 2 kids same thing...one was in and the other was a bit standoffish....she's come around now.

I guess this is how blended families roll out?
SO joined my family for part of our vacation and it was the best. :cloud9: Neither of us were ready to come home. It was nice having a few days to ourselves and glimpse what it's like living together since we don't. :look: He took extra time off so we spent most of the last few days together. He's going to be busy for a bit since he's starting a new position soon.

He's also having to balance his relationship with his mom. SO's got a lot going on right now and I hope she doesn't become another source of stress.
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I was reading an article on men with micropenises. Dont' ask :look:

A micropenis is defined as being 3 centimeters (1.2 inches) or less when "stretched" while flaccid.

Almost all of the men interviewed are married and bi-sexual. Many have open relationships.

Anyway, they asked how it feels to have sex. One guy isn't physically able to, one said he can only masturbate with his fingertips, and another said it's so small he can only rub it.

But what got me was dude who said his penis is three centimeters erect, about the size of a two pence piece. I'm like, hmm, what's a two piece pence look like? So I clicked the link and this popped up:

Ol' boy's face... I DIED :rofl:
I was reading an article on men with micropenises. Dont' ask :look:

A micropenis is defined as being 3 centimeters (1.2 inches) or less when "stretched" while flaccid.

Almost all of the men interviewed are married and bi-sexual. Many have open relationships.

Anyway, they asked how it feels to have sex. One guy isn't physically able to, one said he can only masturbate with his fingertips, and another said it's so small he can only rub it.

But what got me was dude who said his penis is three centimeters erect, about the size of a two pence piece. I'm like, hmm, what's a two piece pence look like? So I clicked the link and this popped up:

Ol' boy's face... I DIED :rofl:

Oh my! What a disgrace. Men like that need to stay away from women. :nono:
Exhibit A as to why one must sample the merchandise before purchasing. That abstinence/virgin ish is for the birds. Can you imagine that on your wedding night something the size of two piece pence presents itself and you are supposed to do something with it?


Grounds for an annulment.
I was reading an article on men with micropenises. Dont' ask :look:

A micropenis is defined as being 3 centimeters (1.2 inches) or less when "stretched" while flaccid.

Almost all of the men interviewed are married and bi-sexual. Many have open relationships.

Anyway, they asked how it feels to have sex. One guy isn't physically able to, one said he can only masturbate with his fingertips, and another said it's so small he can only rub it.

But what got me was dude who said his penis is three centimeters erect, about the size of a two pence piece. I'm like, hmm, what's a two piece pence look like? So I clicked the link and this popped up:

Ol' boy's face... I DIED :rofl:

I was online and someone mentioned googling "Howard Stern's Smallest Penis Contest." I was too afraid to click on any links, so I just looked at the images. I was shocked. These men look completely normal, but have nothing going on downstairs. :nono: You know, it's not fair that men can easily see the size of a woman's breasts before intimacy, but a woman can end up having the shock of her life during a very awkward situation.
Maybe am too sensitive. But SO and I was going back and forth light hearted texts about taking up the offer for OT at work. Now the day is almost over and he texts me "Do you want me to bring some food for you.(period). I encourage you and motivate you to stay please" (no period)
He never uses period. Then he continues as usual with the convo with no periods. I just get the feeling he didnt really want to do it and just threw it out there for whatever reason, idk. I told him no thanks I still have lunch from earlier at my desk. He could have offered to bring me food earlier in the day and he knew my lunch time. The day is almost over and now he's talking about bringing food. So your going to drive 30 minutes to bring me food and I will be off work in an hour. whatever

*Please dont quote.
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@Ayesha81 I hope he brings something good to you. The period thing is weird. Like he never uses them? And the fact that he did out of nowhere. Your antennae is up and you are paying attention. I like that.
He's a talker and so I am. I need to shut up and listen more sometimes. I recorded our conversation last night and after listening to some of it again, there were follow-up questions that I should have asked and would have asked if I'd just shut my mouth. Ugh! I will do better.
@weaveadiva - I totally get that. I have a corporate position where I work with a lot of men who like to cut you off and mansplain and all kinds of other rudeness so when it comes to a relationship, I have to turn Corporate OneShinyface off so I can listen and not feel like I have to talk over him to get my point across. He will listen, but I need to shut up and let him talk and be sure he talks more.
@Ayesha81 my SO use to only use periods to be passive aggressive, but now he just kind of uses them, if that makes sense

In this case, I think you may be overreacting. If you too were otherwise having a pleasant conversation - and it sounds like you were- I don't see why he'd be passive aggressive? Especially if he offered?
Next time say "Sure, I'd love that!" and call his bluff :lol:
The ex is now aware that I have moved on and is in contact with me more now than he was toward the end of our relationship. I'm about ready to block him now. I see that while he has said in the past that he doesn't get jealous, he is. He's not rude, but he is attempting to see if I will come back - which I won't. Once I'm done, I'm done.

As far as New Guy, things continue to progress very well. He is taking my sons and me to brunch this Saturday so they can meet him before we head to Aruba in a couple of weeks. Their SOs are feeling a little left out, so we will arrange for him to meet them when we return. He understands how close we all are and I like that.

New Guy is also talking about plans to travel to Nevis for Christmas. Christmas is still very much a big family holiday celebration in my world so we will have to compromise and leave a day or two afterwards.
Both my parents have let me know that they're wondering why SO and me aren't engaged yet. o_O And my dad took it further and told me he's got 'grandbaby fever'. :look: I'm taking it as this is their way of saying we have their blessings. :giggle:

I'm still gonna have SO officially ask for their blessings when the time comes though. If I have my way, it will be in roughly a year from now after our 2 year anniversary.
:ohsnap: I went on Bumble, did some swiping, and there was a woman on there pretending to be a man! Now I've seen some gross stuff on there, like men looking for "playmates" for their wives :nono: or men with big, nasty-looking dogs and dead fish in their profile :barf:, but this is the worst! This woman, talking about "I'm a father." No she gave birth to that child with her 5'5" self! I can't believe it!

I'm still dating the chef with no hope or expectations because I'm jaded as hell right now, but it needs to work out because online dating is the worst and I'm bored with going out. Also, a lot of men don't look good, don't take care of themselves after a certain age.
Awkward moment today.
Someone was selling organic seeded watermelons around my way. After coordinating a time, I called to get the actual address.
While on speaker phone, I made a comment about not being sure if he remembered me, he said, 'why wouldn't I remember you? I'm still in love with you!" uhhhh.....I blurt out, "I know nothing about that."
I was soooo caught off guard and my guy just walked away.
Anyway, we go to pick up the darn thing and he comes over to apologize about the comment.
Ya'll I didn't know how to act. In fact, I had a short dress on before he made the comment but after that, I changed into long pants. Why? IDK, just felt like right at the time.
So many weird feelings for that quick, innocent flirt.

Has anything like this happened to you? How did you handle it?
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New Guy met my sons this past weekend. It went very well. They like him. My oldest, who is super intuitive and a very tough sell, said his sincerity, energy and confidence were "refreshing". Yay!

We are off to Aruba in a week so I gotta start packing.