It's so funny you mention that, cuz just yesterday I told my mom I wasn't having a wedding to prepare her. I told my SO I also don't want her blaming him lol.
But yea I'm an introvert and don't like being the center of attention. And the idea of weddings is so unappealing to me. Paying for people to stare at you walking and kissing. Ridiculous
and yes, the stress of the planning... people routinely say "I'll be glad when it's over" so, why are you doing it in the first place?
Its not like it's an investment.. like a PhD program or being pregnant...all you're getting when its over is fb pictures and a large bill. ??? So weird. My primary dislike of weddings isn't how expensive they are, but everything else.
(Wearing a white dress when you've been having sex since HS, or worse, have kids lmao. Being given away
by someone
to someone else, even more ridiculous when you've been out of your parents house for years. Having the bolier plate bible reading of wives submit to your husbands when you make more money than him and always will or equally contribute. It's all just so ****** stupid
My mom is so upset that I won't be having a wedding
I can see that she'll be trying to convince me up until the courthouse date
1 particularly hilarious argument she had was: your family in NC would love to go to a wedding!
yo. Why do I care? I don't even know them like that
I didn't say this. I just nodded and smiled throughout her ranting and hyperventilating. Oh another gem: you can have a nice wedding at your father's church, we know lots of ministers
i haven't been to that church in 20yrs yrs, woman.