2017 Relationship And Dating Thread

The ring is beautiful!!! We need more details about the proposal. Did he do a speech beforehand? I'm so happy for you and I need to live vicariously for a bit.

Thanks!! :lol: Sure! So like I said he did it at my house. We'd made plans for him to come over, and like I said in a previous post, that always means he wants to go somewhere and do something. He gets to my house and takes a shower. This never happens when he's scheduled to come over right after he gets out of work, even when we are going out. So, that was weird. Oh and right before the shower, he asks me have I thought about where I want to go. This also never ever happens. He always has a plan for where we're going. So I'm like ummm no why would I? :lol: So okay, he takes his shower.

Gets out of the shower. And says he has to go to get something he left in his car, but then he goes to my kitchen and says 'I need a beer'! :lol: So I'm like ummm damn babe you can't wait until you literally just get back from the car? :confused: :lol: Oh, this whole time while he's being weird showering and stuff, I'm on my couch watching tv, not really engaging him much. So he's doing something in the kitchen (I'm not in there, my guess is he's drinking lol). Comes out and goes to his car and comes back with a bouquet of roses! :love: I thank thank thank him, put them in water, and go back to watching tv :lol: But he's still milling about in the kitchen/dining room area. And asks me to come over there and with his bald head glistening with sweat, he gets down on one knee and says a lovely short, sweet speech about us, me, him, and our relationship :love: and asks me to marry him :love: It was so perfect!!! We went to the restaurant after, where he had reservations, of course lol.

After it was over, he told me that he'd been planning something with both of our parents present in September, but chickened out lol. He went as far to FB message one of my friends to help coordinate (and no, she never told me about this smh know who your real friends are lol). He said he had to do it at my house cuz he knew he wouldn't do it once we got to the restaurant :lol: He was soooo nervous yall. I made him stay down there on his knee for a while, and when he finally got up he had sweat through his shirt! :lol: He said he needed the beer before he went out to the car cuz he was nervous :lol: sooo cute :love:
SO (FI? FH?) is the 2nd to last person in his HS friend to be engaged/ married. Out of like 6 people. He's still really close to the only remaining guy who isn't, and doesn't seem to even want to get married at all. This guy owns his house and his gf (since HS) lives with him. SO said he better either hurry up or sleep with 1 eye open, cuz she might kill him one day :lol: