2017 Relationship And Dating Thread

For the past couple of weeks, and for the next few weeks to come until probably mid-August, we haven't been able to see each other as much as we normally do. We're at maybe once a week right now and it's causing a lot of tension between us since we've been seeing each other 4-5 times a week since we first started dating.
We're going on a double date with my friend and her bf this weekend. We've been out together before and the guys seem to like each other, too. We all get along well. We're going to top golf!

We ended up just going out to eat. It was raining, so no top golf. We had fun tho! We were there for like 6hrs talking and stuff. My friend and her guy have similar personalities. He's somewhat passive. And they were making jokes about him being "America's sweetheart" cuz he's so nice lol. She's the same way. Meanwhile, me and SO are similar in that we are assholes and have no filter :lol:
Last weekend he told me that his cousin said he'd help him with his guest bathroom floors. I guess he's starting to get things ready for my move :)

Some background: I told him before I move in we need to be engaged AND he needs to do some minor fixes/upgrades around his house. The bathroom floors is just 1 thing lol.

SO suggested we go look at vanities for my bathroom at Lowe's, so we did that after we ate. This is 1 of my requirements...a new vanity in my bathroom. I picked a really nice one. He also bought a peephole and a sensor light for the front. Also my requirements (how you don't have a peephole on your door? Smh). He's supposed to have them installed this week. Cool.
The foolishness is officially over as of last week. And it turned out much better than I expected and will now stop being an inconvenience. The foolishness had put engagement plans on a complete halt. Now we can get back to our regularly scheduled program.

I did my homework on his computer yesterday and he was still logged in to something when I opened his computer. I saw the receipt from Jared :look: oops (was it oops tho?lol) He bought the ring a few days before I made this^^^post. Great minds, SO, great minds lol.

Hopefully he'll use it before the damn year is over. But ill be a lil nicer to him now that I know he actually bought it lol.
My guy made lasagna in his new crock pot this weekend. It was delicious :drool: he's a much better cook than me. And cooks for me most of the time.

He wrote me a really sweet and funny note last weekend and I requested he write me another 1 while i was there this weekend. One line said "and I can't wait until we live together and I cook and you clean cuz clearly I'm the better cook in this relationship" :lol:

He wrote me another cute note last weekend. Heehee. I love the notes. His handwriting is caveman-like lol.
I did my homework on his computer yesterday and he was still logged in to something when I opened his computer. I saw the receipt from Jared :look: oops (was it oops tho?lol) He bought the ring a few days before I made this^^^post. Great minds, SO, great minds lol.

Hopefully he'll use it before the damn year is over. But ill be a lil nicer to him now that I know he actually bought it lol.
OMG this is so exciting!!!!!!!!
I did my homework on his computer yesterday and he was still logged in to something when I opened his computer. I saw the receipt from Jared :look: oops (was it oops tho?lol) He bought the ring a few days before I made this^^^post. Great minds, SO, great minds lol.

Hopefully he'll use it before the damn year is over. But ill be a lil nicer to him now that I know he actually bought it lol.

This has been the cutest thing ever to watch :cupid::infatuated:
For the past couple of weeks, and for the next few weeks to come until probably mid-August, we haven't been able to see each other as much as we normally do. We're at maybe once a week right now and it's causing a lot of tension between us since we've been seeing each other 4-5 times a week since we first started dating.
We talked it out and we're better now.

He took the day off today so that he could spend the day with me.

But he's going away this weekend for eight whole days. :cry3:
My friend got married a couple wknds ago. I recently came across a post on lhcf (not this thread) of me talking about her and her now husband lol. Post was from 2011. Some ir dating thread. About how she told me she didn't really care about anything except that he's black :lol: Her standards didn't change, cuz she married him and he's still 'just black' :lol: but good luck to them fr!
I look back on our relationship from a couple of years ago and God is so amazing. It's crazy how far our communication has come...of course we still get into it, but we are able to make adjustments and compromise on how we will handle similar situations moving forward. I know it was NOBODY but Jesus bc bae can be soooo stubborn (maybe me too just a little bit :look: )....I love my man and I love God even more! He's so faithful :cry3:
I swear, he says the dumbest things sometimes.

"There's a difference between mother of my child and baby mama. Mother of my child means I respect you and we're still cool, things just didn't work out. Baby mama means she's just some bird you don't care about."

You can't be serious...
Whoo boy...

So I just got off the phone with the psychic that @UniquelyDivine recommended, and I believe @movingforward13 you had a reading with her too, right? It was a short conversation but it was a doozy. We talked about three main things:

First thing she said was "Are you looking to change jobs?" Which I was on the fence about, because I love my job but it doesn't leave much room for growth and it's not exactly what I want to do, just adjacent to it. She told me to go ahead and start looking. She said that she sees two opportunities coming my way. One will be very close to what I'm used to, and the other will be very different and very challenging but I'll love it. I find it interesting that she didn't bring up that I'd be choosing between them, so now I'm wondering if the one that was different is the side hustle that I've been thinking about getting into. She mentioned that both opportunities would be successful for me, and that I should start my new job search next week. That timeline is interesting to me because there's a certificate that I just completed which I'm waiting for in the mail, so now I'm wondering if it will arrive sometime in the next week. That certificate would open up my search to a bunch of jobs that I wouldn't qualify for if I didn't have it.

Next, my relationship. She asked me if I get the sense that he wavers from being all-in to being less into it, which he does. One minute I'm the one and he wants to marry me, the next minute he needs time to think and he wants to take things slow. She said to give him time and to be patient with him because she feels that he wants to be with me, but he's been badly hurt twice in the past and the past hurt is driving all of his decisions with regard to me and making him extra cautious. I know that his ex, his son's mother, cheated on him but I have no idea what that second hurt could be so now I'm curious. She said that by seven months from now, I should have an exact idea of where his head is and that around that time I should make my decision on whether I want to stay or go. She said that if I choose to leave, she sees one other man in my future, but she warned me that he won't show up for a very long time.

Then she said that in a few years, I'll be purchasing my ideal home, and that the direction west is jumping out at her. That was so weird to me, because my dream house is in a neighborhood on the west side of my town, but there's no way I can see myself being able to afford that house, or any other, in just a few years. Like I said in another thread: I's broke, y'all. Idk. I might give her another call with some followup questions.
@sarumoki - yeah I had a reading with her. Very interesting huh. How do you feel about it? Seems like she was on point for you. 7 months- she can not wait to follow up on your story.

For me--- she may be correct, I don't know. Things are still up in the air. I think I may follow up with her as well.
@sarumoki - yeah I had a reading with her. Very interesting huh. How do you feel about it? Seems like she was on point for you. 7 months- she can not wait to follow up on your story.

For me--- she may be correct, I don't know. Things are still up in the air. I think I may follow up with her as well.
Overall I feel really good about it. I feel like you do. She might be right, but I won't know until it happens.
We spent some quality time today which I enjoyed. Baby girl will be back in town today after a few days of vacation with her grandparents and we need some us time before we get back into the swing of both of us working full time and being in school.