2017 Relationship And Dating Thread

Ssssoooo I'm bored and work and I'm on facebook. So I come across his brother's facebook page and I get to click and I see the SO has a whole 'nother facebook page that he posts on regularly! Not only that...but two weeks after my birthday he posted a meme "single until I know it's real" with the caption "not trying to waste my time"

I'm sitting here at my desk trying to fight back tears. I'm definitely pulling up on him after work!
Just got back from vacation with my guy and it was GREAT! Had some conversations about our relationship (mostly him trying to figure out if I'm really serious about us) and the future (again...am I really serious).

Several people have said spending several days traveling with someone can tell you a lot: they were right. It was good to spend extended time just the two of us without the kids. It allowed us to focus on each other without distraction and (for me) without escape. I'm still processing it all, but it was definitely a good, relaxing trip.
I think there's something about being in a wedding that does things to women. Every former bridesmaid I've met has reported being put off afterwards, including myself. And honestly, I cannot tell you why that is. I was in my brother's wedding. My SIL is great. But after it was all over I just couldn't see myself doing that ish again. I'd reconsider, but Iunno.

How do you mean? Referring to the high costs of being in a wedding?
So I've decided how I'm going to handle the situation mentioned above. Basically I've been using his computer while mine is getting fixed and yesterday when I started typing a website in it generated other websites that he frequents. One of the websites was a dating advice website about meeting women blah blah blah. So before I started jumping to conclusions I went to the internet history to see if he had visited the website recently. I was hoping that it was just an old website that was still coming up.

It turns out that he was on this website.and a few others about a month ago. So instead of my first reaction..which was to take pictures of the internet history and send it to him with the thinking face emoji...I'm going to return his computer...give it a few days..and then have a "relationship check in" conversation and just see where his head is.

Ssssoooo I'm bored and work and I'm on facebook. So I come across his brother's facebook page and I get to click and I see the SO has a whole 'nother facebook page that he posts on regularly! Not only that...but two weeks after my birthday he posted a meme "single until I know it's real" with the caption "not trying to waste my time"

I'm sitting here at my desk trying to fight back tears. I'm definitely pulling up on him after work!

Oh no! I'm so sorry! :(
So I had my date yesterday :biggrin:

Ok first and foremost, remind me to never, EVER, take I-95 if I am going to Virginia!!!! We were both late because of that insane traffic!!!

So we decided a few weeks ago to meet up in Richmond, and we went to Travinia Italian Restaurant. I could tell he was a bit nervous and shy at first but after five minutes or so, he started to loosen up. He also brought me my favorite candy... The food was decent but the waitress kinda sucked. After that we walked around the shopping complex, and visited a few stores, just looky-looing. He held my hand almost the whole time.

After that we drove to Belle Isle Park (he drove actually). It's a very nice park and the surrounding area is very nice too. It wasn't too hot, and there were a good amount of people there, mostly teens, other couples, and families. We found a good spot to sit, talk, and just enjoyed the atmosphere. That's when he first kissed me, on the forehead, not the lips. On our way to and from the parking area, I did feel bad for my date...as I said in my other post, he's on the heavier side. There were a lot of stairs. They killed me too :laugh: We stayed for maybe an hour, hour and a half, and then we drove back to Travinia.

We sat in his car for about another hour, and continued to chit chat. He made it very clear that he didn't want me to go. I didn't want to go either, I was having too much fun. That's when I kissed him on the lips. And shockingly enough, he didn't try to jam his tongue down my throat! He was really a gentleman through the whole day. We kissed two more times in the car. We finally departed around 8pm, since he had to work the next day. He told me to text him when I got home.

All in all, it was a really good date. I knew it would go well, because we've been talking all day everyday for a good month or so. We have a lot in common. I like him a lot but I don't want to rush. He's got friends in Baltimore, so he is going to visit me in late July, and we are going to Artscape that weekend.

Yay! Shout out to Baltimore! Lol
Ssssoooo I'm bored and work and I'm on facebook. So I come across his brother's facebook page and I get to click and I see the SO has a whole 'nother facebook page that he posts on regularly! Not only that...but two weeks after my birthday he posted a meme "single until I know it's real" with the caption "not trying to waste my time"

I'm sitting here at my desk trying to fight back tears. I'm definitely pulling up on him after work!

This absolutely sucks but stay strong!
he didn't answer the door but I know he works very long hours at the hospital so I figured he was sleep. He can sleep through anything.

So I went to Walgreens and bought a sympathy card that said "it must be hard to lose someone you care about l hope you find strength and take comfort in the memories you shared. They will be with you forever."

And I wrote "I hope your second Facebook page was worth it". And signed my name.

I screenshoted and printed out all of the incriminating statuses he made. Statuses about being single. Statuses saying he's out and about somewhere when I have text messages from him on those dates saying he was at work...all of his lies.

I Put the pictures in the card, went back to his house, put it on his windshield and drove off with a smile on my face. That was my way of ended it without having a complete meltdown in front of his house.

I know this was petty and childish but it made me feel good.

My phone will be blowing up in the morning and I'm hitting ignored.

I still have his computer too. I might just give it to his cousin because I don't want to see him.
he didn't answer the door but I know he works very long hours at the hospital so I figured he was sleep. He can sleep through anything.

So I went to Walgreens and bought a sympathy card that said "it must be hard to lose someone you care about l hope you find strength and take comfort in the memories you shared. They will be with you forever."

And I wrote "I hope your second Facebook page was worth it". And signed my name.

I screenshoted and printed out all of the incriminating statuses he made. Statuses about being single. Statuses saying he's out and about somewhere when I have text messages from him on those dates saying he was at work...all of his lies.

I Put the pictures in the card, went back to his house, put it on his windshield and drove off with a smile on my face. That was my way of ended it without having a complete meltdown in front of his house.

I know this was petty and childish but it made me feel good.

My phone will be blowing up in the morning and I'm hitting ignored.

I still have his computer too. I might just give it to his cousin because I don't want to see him.

I'm sorry that all of this is happening. How long were you two together?
I haven't spoken to him. I don't even want to hear any excuses because the evidence is irrefutable. Sent him a final text message giving him instructions on how he can pick up his computer. I also told his brother about getting the computer too. I told them they have until the end of the day to follow my instructions on how to get it. After that I'm not concerning myself with it and he will get it when he gets it. Not going out of my way and involving friends to get it back to him. Once the computer is picked up his number will be blocked and the contact will be deleted.

Unfortunately I'll be seeing him around and I'm forever connected to him since I'm the god mother to his cousin's daughter. But I'm staying strong and if I happen to see him at my god daughter's baby dedication in two weeks it will be like I never knew him.

Update: my phone started blowing up around the time I know he's off work. He sent me a million text messages talking about he's sorry and that he doesn't mean any of the posts on his other page. He just post things for me and he never meant to hurt me. He said it was very disrespectful and stupid of him. He said he never cheated on me. threw in some more I'm sorrys...said I'm a good person and I don't deserve that..some more I'm sorrys. He's really at work when he says he's at work blah blah blah blah blah.

Well you should've been thinking about all that while you were busy fixing your fingers to post disrespectful statuses like this is some kind of game.

Update #2: He's still very apologetic and remorseful. He deleted the second page and my friends confirmed that it's gone. I do believe that he hasn't cheated on me. But I can't get past the social media games. It's just stupid and immature. We are 30 years old...who does that??? He hasnt said anything to me about getting his computer back. I don't even think he cares about the computer right now. And I'm sure that he's waiting for my anger to die down and is using getting the computer back as a way to see me. But right now I can't face him without the thought of wanting to yank him by his dreads consuming me lol. So now the healing process begins. No contact. I said what I had to say to him. I'm done talking to him about it. I'm done discussing it with friends. moving on.
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I haven't spoken to him. I don't even want to hear any excuses because the evidence is irrefutable. Sent him a final text message giving him instructions on how he can pick up his computer. I also told his brother about getting the computer too. I told them they have until the end of the day to follow my instructions on how to get it. After that I'm not concerning myself with it and he will get it when he gets it. Not going out of my way and involving friends to get it back to him. Once the computer is picked up his number will be blocked and the contact will be deleted.

Unfortunately I'll be seeing him around and I'm forever connected to him since I'm the god mother to his cousin's daughter. But I'm staying strong and if I happen to see him at my god daughter's baby dedication in two weeks it will be like I never knew him.

Update: my phone started blowing up around the time I know he's off work. He sent me a million text messages talking about he's sorry and that he doesn't mean any of the posts on his other page. He just post things for me and he never meant to hurt me. He said it was very disrespectful and stupid of him. He said he never cheated on me. threw in some more I'm sorrys...said I'm a good person and I don't deserve that..some more I'm sorrys. He's really at work when he says he's at work blah blah blah blah blah.

Well you should've been thinking about all that while you were busy fixing your fingers to post disrespectful statuses like this is some kind of game.

Update #2: He's still very apologetic and remorseful. He deleted the second page and my friends confirmed that it's gone. I do believe that he hasn't cheated on me. But I can't get past the social media games. It's just stupid and immature. We are 30 years old...who does that??? He hasnt said anything to me about getting his computer back. I don't even think he cares about the computer right now. And I'm sure that he's waiting for my anger to die down and is using getting the computer back as a way to see me. But right now I can't face him without the thought of wanting to yank him by his dreads consuming me lol. So now the healing process begins. No contact. I said what I had to say to him. I'm done talking to him about it. I'm done discussing it with friends. moving on.

Stay strong my dear, you deserve better. :bighug:
I watched this video a few days ago and it has me thinking about my relationship.

He's very different from anyone I've ever dated - personality wise; not just because he's South Asian. He's attractive to me, although he doesn't fit my usual "type" (tall, dark, handsome...and full of it). He's also not especially romantic or passionate, although he's an attentive lover and it's actually the best sex I've had.

The fact that he comes from a culture where people do arranged marriages accounts for how matter of fact he's been about marrying me. We talk about it a lot. I'm certain he would take care of me and our family (we both have our own children and they get along)...but...

He asked me last night if I want romance and passion or do I want a love that's steady, caring, dependable and long lasting? I said I want both.

Sorry for the long, disjointed post.

We have total gender role reversal: I'm lying down trying to take a nap and this man is propped up on one arm asking, "Where is this relationship going?" :lachen:

And it's always when I'm about to sleep, eat or in the shower...he'll catch me off guard and then get butt hurt if I don't say what he wants or envisioned.

If this is how most women are, I get why guys get frustrated and confused.
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Sooo is there no thread on the Rob Kardashian/ blac chyna scenario going on?

I looked at some of the tea. I wonder why there's so much stock in it. Its not like BC was known for being an upstanding citizen. Is it that Rob spent so much on her that is fascinating? Anywho, I'm mad that I even bothered to comment. To stay OT...

so far things between me and my guy have been eerily effortless. He is a healthy mix of masculine and feminine energy. He is more likely to initiate our talks and such. Our dynamic is interesting, but welcome. Sort of a breath of fresh air.
Final Update.

Just like that the 2nd page is back up...posts implying that he's single still up too. Hasn't even been a week. My friend had to explain to me that he just deactivated it instead of deleting it.

How do you do all of this apologizing, tell me you hope we can move forward and then turn around and reactivate the page with the posts still there? I'm so glad I'm not wasting my time any more!