2017 Relationship And Dating Thread

WTF happened in 3 days?!?!

I'm sorry @BGT. :nono:

No, he moved me down the first weekend of June and flew home on the 5th. I just didn't post about it til this week. We Facetimed last night and nothing he said really made any sense, so I can't explain it to y'all. I was falling in love with him. I do love him. This is very hard for me because it's so sudden and out of the blue. It was like overnight.
No, he moved me down the first weekend of June and flew home on the 5th. I just didn't post about it til this week. We Facetimed last night and nothing he said really made any sense, so I can't explain it to y'all. I was falling in love with him. I do love him. This is very hard for me because it's so sudden and out of the blue. It was like overnight.

Oh ok, gotcha.

Still, that's really weird. I just don't understand these dudes.
No, he moved me down the first weekend of June and flew home on the 5th. I just didn't post about it til this week. We Facetimed last night and nothing he said really made any sense, so I can't explain it to y'all. I was falling in love with him. I do love him. This is very hard for me because it's so sudden and out of the blue. It was like overnight.

Wow that is trifling! I bet he met someone else.....
We were supposed to be going to Europe for a wedding, but his friend didn't come through with tickets. I'll have to investigate this some more...

In the meantime, he feels really bad (I vocalized my disappointment calmly and clearly) so we're still going on a vacation...but to a resort in Mexico.
We were waiting for 45's announcement regarding Cuba before booking our trip... we should have just booked it before his announcement! Now we can't go! :mad:

He suggested Mexico as an alternative...
That sucks. I'm actually looking forward to Mexico. Never been and we're staying at a nice resort if the reviews are to be believed (4.5/5 from more than 1,300 people on Trip Advisor). I'm sure you two will find a good place and have a great getaway. :D
He did so well at his graduation party this past weekend! He even drank a lot and his behavior was great! We talked about how great he was lol. We're both aware of how much his behavior has changed these past few months. He seems very proud of himself and like he really enjoys not pissing me off and seeing me happy.

My parents met his family, so that was cool. His dad asked my parents if they recognized anybody lol (we have the same last names and family in the same part of NC). no, they didn't lol.

He's still salty about me going to the bachelorette party this coming weekend (Vegas). But he's hiding it well lol.
I knew it. They do stuff like that.

Before you get depressed just Google that sign for men and it will ease a bit of your heart-ache. they disappear in that fashion. Its the worst thing to experience because often times its after a great awesome time. and yes the sex is usually out of this world.

He did a typical Aqua move. Its something they do often. huge hugs but don't feel to bad.

Before you get depressed just Google that sign for men and it will ease a bit of your heart-ache. they disappear in that fashion. Its the worst thing to experience because often times its after a great awesome time. and yes the sex is usually out of this world.


I'm an Aquarius and last dude was as well (birthday was actually the day after mine). While he didn't just disappear one day (it was more a long drawn out loss of interest) like BGT, I honestly couldn't even tell you what happened. I still don't know and it's been 3 years. The other things you mentioned apply, though.
I'm moving in with my bf in August and I'm starting to get really nervous. I feel like it will be great, but the only problem is my parents are really conservative. This will be the first time I live with a guy, and it makes perfect sense to me for us to shack up. I've never had the desire to live with any of my previous bf's. I don't know how I'm going to break it to my parents, and I can tell it bothers my boyfriend that I haven't told them. His mom knows all about it, and we've both openly discussed it with her, but he doesn't understand what it's like to have parents that you can't talk to like that.
He finally booked our trip to Aruba in August!! I can be type A when it comes to travel and getting things booked/best price/trip adviser reviews/etc. but I gave him my three "must haves" and left him alone. I totally had back up plans if he didn't come through and he knew it. I'm excited, this will be our first beach trip together.
He finally booked our trip to Aruba in August!! I can be type A when it comes to travel and getting things booked/best price/trip adviser reviews/etc. but I gave him my three "must haves" and left him alone. I totally had back up plans if he didn't come through and he knew it. I'm excited, this will be our first beach trip together.

I'm the opposite. I don't want to know any details. Just get it done and tell me where we staying lol. It's great that he meets these expectations, cuz I much prefer it this way. I'm very lazy :look:

He booked our va beach trip (nxt weekend) in December lol.
He finally booked our trip to Aruba in August!! I can be type A when it comes to travel and getting things booked/best price/trip adviser reviews/etc. but I gave him my three "must haves" and left him alone. I totally had back up plans if he didn't come through and he knew it. I'm excited, this will be our first beach trip together.

I'm the opposite. I don't want to know any details. Just get it done and tell me where we staying lol. It's great that he meets these expectations, cuz I much prefer it this way. I'm very lazy :look:

He booked our va beach trip (nxt weekend) in December lol.

Meanwhile, I was asked to look everything up and send it to him... lol!
Dilemma: I am dating this guy who is 36 (I am 40). He loves to hang out BUT the places he likes to frequent make me want to puke..........Applebees, Fridays, the local hood bar. I HATE those places and I don't even go to those places with my girlfriends. The crazy part is that he has money. He is an entrepreneur with at least 3 streams of income, so there is no reason for us to go to these places.
Initially, I picked the places where we would go and he would get "dressed" and end up loving the places but as of late whenever I suggest a place, we get into an argument because he doesn't want to go. He thinks the places are too stuffy (which they are not, at least not to me). The last place we ate was a seafood place near Baltimore (Timbuktu) and upon entering the place, you could smell the carpet and the kitchen....together and it was freezing. He stated that he wanted to show me a good time (which i appreciated), but I was not having fun at all AND the sight of him holding his fork like a caveman was "grinding my gears". All I could think about was going home. Once I got home I sent him a text thanking him for lunch, etc etc etc. But since then, I have not felt compelled to go back out with him again.

When we went to North Carolina he picked the ABSOLUTE worse motel for us to stay in. I almost cried. I asked him if we could please go somewhere else and he said that he got the hotel for me but really wanted to stay at his aunt's house. Again, money wasn't a factor because we were there because he wanted to buy yet another ATV cash.

I don't think he feels comfortable around white collar blacks and white people. He loves the hood (even though he would never live there). He typically dates women with numerous children and (per him) they love whatever he does for them. He told me about a chic that he is dating (30 with 5 children) and that he took her to Sugar and she was so happy to be there.

How do I get him to feel more comfortable going where I want to go???

Because this will soon come to an end if he can't switch it up.