2017 Relationship And Dating Thread

My ex got married last night and I'm feeling very salty about it. I don't miss him, there are zero residual feelings, and I'm much happier without him. But we had a very nasty breakup, and after I left him he used to say things like I was making the biggest mistake of my life, no one else would ever want me the way he did, etc. I had put most of that behind me but a lot of it came back to me when I found out.
I definitely wanna hear about the Tinder couple :lachen:

How you meet on a site that's best known for hookups and not have sex?
Right?? Like how does that work? :huh: How does a super religious person even join/download Tinder? Guess everyone needs love. :lachen:That is great news for them!!

Yea, they've been together for 8mos. They're not extra religious, but for 20somethings in 2017, they're religious lol. And we just think they don't have sex...i told SO to ask her (the girl is his cousin), but he says they don't talk about stuff like that lol.

It was basically a couples cruise and us young couples were hanging out together a lot. So relationship stuff was a hot topic. Love languages came up and apparently the tinder couple are reading the book together right now.

One of SOs bros friends met his wife on tinder. Tinder is trying to change its image lol
I have a bit of internet access.

It was raining in Jamaica, but we went off the boat anyway.

All 3 of the youngest couples that came with his family met online! We met on okcupid, his cousin/bf met on tinder and his bros bff/wife met on okcupid! They've been married for months. The tinder couple are religious...me and SO don't think they have sex lol.

I'm having a good time! I'll tell y'all about SO later

SO drank a lot the first night. So I'm kinda upset at his behavior at dinner the first night...we get back to the room and he's "babe are you mad?". Duh *****. Stfu and go to sleep. But noooo he always wants to talk about everything (I do love this about him tho). So we talk. There was 1 specific thing that he did at dinner the first night (that I didn't mention here) that really pissed me off and the bulk of the conversation was about this.

(Omg and his mom!!! :lachen: she got trashed the first night, too.) So me and SO aren't really on great terms, but we get to a point where I don't want to shoot his face off. He wants to go to his moms room for a while (cuz there's a mini party in here....that's where all the fam is right now) for an hour (specific agreement) and go to the hot tub with me after. I was just gonna chill in our room until he came back.

About 20mins into his departure, I'm chillin in the room, cooling off. Why does his drunk mom call me and basically summons me to the room with them cuz "it's the first night, you should come out! :D" ?! Y'all. I'm pisssssssed. I find out later that SO was in the bathroom when his mom called me (so he was unawares) and he had left her room right after she called me, to come and tell me not to go. And I got his text as soon as I entered his moms room. Sigh. I also later found out that he told his mom (and whoever was in the room) I was mad at him. That's why she called me. And that he tried to stop her from calling me.

I get to his moms room yaaay it's a party -_- SO comes back minutes after I enter. So we're there, mingling, I'm doing my best lol. Me and SO have a small chat and agree to stay for 20mins then leave and go to the hot tub. Cool. He's being extremely attentive to me the whole time :lol: and he keeps asking me "what time is it? Ok, xx more minutes :)" rubbing my leg and ish. I'm just thinking ***** shuduuuuup the head agreement is DUNZO (before the cruise he said we should christen the room with me giving him head. HAAAAAA!! how much can I laff?). So I'm just in a pissy mood, right? Ok, so it's our agreed upon time to go, so we head out. On the walk to our room, I say I don't feel like going to the hot tub anymore :lol: I admit, this wasn't a good idea on my part, and I didn't hold up the agreement, even tho SO made sure to leave on time yea yea, but I was upset. SO isn't outwardly mad, but is confused cuz he thought we were on the path to smiles :lol: so. We get back to our room. We talk a bit. I cool down. He's restless and asks if he can go out with the fam. Sure babe.

So I'm chillin in the room. And guess what?! His crazy drunk mom knocks on my door and basically drags me out to the festivities!!! Omfg. "I want all my children out tonight :D :D" I don't even remember SOs lame excuse for not tackling his mom to the ground before she knocked on my door :lachen: I must've blocked it out. I was beyond pissed off, i was about to get off the boat lol.

So we're at this show with the fam. His mom is drunk. SOs bro was mad that she was that drunk.... :lachen: it was funny. He yelled and walked away. His wife was like awww he's mad now :lol:

Yall. His mom pulled me to the side and basically apologized for SOs behavior and told me not to be mad at him and that it's her fault he's like this :lachen: and some other things I won't share.

I told SO what she said, and he was mad lol and said he's gonna talk to her about it after the cruise. I told him to stop telling his mom when we argue. So that was night 1.

The next day, he starts drinking in the morning (this was his plan before the cruise). At dinner, he was just sitting there not doing anything and he bites tf out of his lip! The ish was bleeding profusely into the cloth napkin :confused::confused::mad: However, he didn't do the thing that really annoyed me. His behavior was actually really good the 2nd day! Despite him being much drunker lol. We had a nice night. I scratched his arm up reallllly good... like 8 deep, bleeding scratches on his bicep :lachen: ....which a few people asked about the next day. I said we were wrestling :p I'm sure no one believed me :lol:

(And his mom really didn't drink much for the rest of the cruise, so she wasn't a problem anymore. She acted embarrassed around me :lol: )

He finally threw everything up the next day and was incapacitated until the afternoon. Which greatly pleased me lol. He didn't drink much for the rest of the cruise either lol. And we were good the rest of the time.
Today, he asked me should he ask my parents for my 'hand in marriage'. Who says "hand in marriage"? Lol. He also asked 'would I say yes if I asked you to marry me next week?' He asks me this in different ways every once in a while. He's scared I might say no lol.

(No, he's not proposing next week.)
I had a great date last night. I've been seeing this guy over two months now and we talked about where we are and what we are doing. We agreed that we enjoy what we have going now and aren't in a rush to make it official. I've been nervous about this topic for sometime now, because I want to continue to see him but I'm not ready to be a (his) girlfriend yet. I'm glad that he was the one who brought it up, it let's me know that we're on the same page.
AARRGGG, I hate that, they be all, "don't get mad but..." I be like sir you knew I was gonna get mad, uggg.
My exact face!!!!
I'm getting much better at handling messages on OKC. When I first started a profile, I was so overwhelmed I just deleted the whole thing but now I'm feeling a lot less apologetic about deleting the messages from "nice guys."

Got kids? Outta here.
Questionable job? Outta here.
Geminis? Outta here.
Messages less than three words? Outta here.

I used to let them sit in my inbox and would even sometimes reply for the amusement, but now I just go ahead and delete.
In this weeks "am I crazy or just overreacting" files
So Babe and I haven't had much time together. He gets his daughter every other weekend and has been working like crazy. This week is his "free" weekend. It's been a crazy rough few weeks and I was looking forward to spending the weekend together. He just calls me saying one of his good friends is coming in from New York and his sister is graduating from the academy tomorrow. So can I either come down tonight and leave tomorrow, or come Sunday and leave late Sunday. WTF. That's not acceptable to me. I'm like about to cuss. Am I being unreasonable? Crazy? Should I give in? I feel like if I do then it's the beginning of me always sacrificing our time for whatever else comes up. I really wanted to go clean off on him about this. (PS we live about 45 minutes away from each other so that's another reason why time is crazy for us to spend together)
In this weeks "am I crazy or just overreacting" files
So Babe and I haven't had much time together. He gets his daughter every other weekend and has been working like crazy. This week is his "free" weekend. It's been a crazy rough few weeks and I was looking forward to spending the weekend together. He just calls me saying one of his good friends is coming in from New York and his sister is graduating from the academy tomorrow. So can I either come down tonight and leave tomorrow, or come Sunday and leave late Sunday. WTF. That's not acceptable to me. I'm like about to cuss. Am I being unreasonable? Crazy? Should I give in? I feel like if I do then it's the beginning of me always sacrificing our time for whatever else comes up. I really wanted to go clean off on him about this. (PS we live about 45 minutes away from each other so that's another reason why time is crazy for us to spend together)
How far away from NY do you live and when was the last time he saw this friend? When did he find out the friend was coming and when did he find out his sister was graduating? He's letting you know this now, on Friday, with regards to this weekend?


He's not wrong for having other things going on but letting you know at the last minute? That makes me heated.
In this weeks "am I crazy or just overreacting" files
So Babe and I haven't had much time together. He gets his daughter every other weekend and has been working like crazy. This week is his "free" weekend. It's been a crazy rough few weeks and I was looking forward to spending the weekend together. He just calls me saying one of his good friends is coming in from New York and his sister is graduating from the academy tomorrow. So can I either come down tonight and leave tomorrow, or come Sunday and leave late Sunday. WTF. That's not acceptable to me. I'm like about to cuss. Am I being unreasonable? Crazy? Should I give in? I feel like if I do then it's the beginning of me always sacrificing our time for whatever else comes up. I really wanted to go clean off on him about this. (PS we live about 45 minutes away from each other so that's another reason why time is crazy for us to spend together)

My first thoughts would be: didn't you know well in advance that your sis was graduating this weekend? Why he just telling you all this?

Yea, I would've been pissed, too, cuz me and my SO live 45mins from each other, too. And usually only see each other on weekends. It's assumed that we're spending the entire weekend with each other. Unless someone has plans, in which we tell the other person early in the week. And if it's Friday and you just finding out about the plan, sorry I'm busy. Or, we invite each other to the plans.
How far away from NY do you live and when was the last time he saw this friend? When did he find out the friend was coming and when did he find out his sister was graduating? He's letting you know this now, on Friday, with regards to this weekend?


He's not wrong for having other things going on but letting you know at the last minute? That makes me heated.
My first thoughts would be: didn't you know well in advance that your sis was graduating this weekend? Why he just telling you all this?

Yea, I would've been pissed, too, cuz me and my SO live 45mins from each other, too. And usually only see each other on weekends. It's assumed that we're spending the entire weekend with each other. Unless someone has plans, in which we tell the other person early in the week. And if it's Friday and you just finding out about the plan, sorry I'm busy. Or, we invite each other to the plans.

Not his sis... His friends sister. NY is like 4.5 hours from us. And it seems as if some of his friends just assume they can drop in and he will be available. He made it right after I expressed myself. I'm done with shrinking back and holding back my true feelings. Did that for all of my twenties and thirties. No more.
our parents are officially meeting each other tonight. finally, after three years. i take all the blame for not letting this happen sooner :look: i was just so nervous!
he made reservations at our favorite black-owned Creole-style place, which i'm hoping everyone will like.
Edit to delete pic.
I'm gonna upload a pic of the ring real quick and delete it soon. Just for @SuchaLady, who has been like a #blacklove cheerleader for me through this whole relationship :lol:

This man did sooooooooo good. It's perfect for my taste! He had asked about my favorite metals a while back and I said I'm in love with rose gold and look at gawd.

Don't judge my ugly hands inherited from my momma :look:
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View attachment 400061 I'm gonna upload a pic of the ring real quick and delete it soon. Just for @SuchaLady, who has been like a #blacklove cheerleader for me through this whole relationship :lol:

This man did sooooooooo good. It's perfect for my taste! He had asked about my favorite metals a while back and I said I'm in love with rose gold and look at gawd.

Don't judge my ugly hands inherited from my momma :look:

Beautiful ring!!!!! :love: