Would be upset if a guy took you to Red Lobster or Fridays for a date?

^^^One other thing that I meant to add... there are too many men out there who will drop tons of money on a woman and don't care what she brings to the table as long as she looks good.

Now, I'm absolutely NOT saying that means we should be all like, "I wanna eat at Chez Pierre, I want you to buy me stuff," etc., but I've met too many men who drop all this, "What does she bring to the table?" stuff when THEY want a particular woman.

Just as a lot of women send mixed messages, a lot of men do too. Which is what I "think" SparkleDoll was getting at earlier when she talked about some men determining where they'd take a woman on a first date depending on what they thought of that particular woman and what they thought they needed to do to get her.

Now you know that's not what she said. She said one LOOK and it was on. :lachen:
Really? Chain restaurants are a deal breaker?


DH took me to Olive Garden on our first date. I wish I MIGHT have been uppity about it. Please. Like Zaynab said, this is why men think women are difficult. RECOMMEND A DIZZAM RESTAURANT if it's that deep to you. Why women put so much on where a dude decides to eat is a mystery to me...IT'S JUST ONE MEAL! Sheesh.

This came as news to me too. :lachen:

I have gone on dates to a variety of restaurants. From upscales, ritzy eateries to holes in the wall mom and pop places where the food was amazing. What mattered most was the company and the rapport and chemistry between me and the guy.
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I don't think it's necessarily a dealbreaker, but there are some spots that I generally don't like. I don't like Red Lobsters, and can't stand Olive Garden. Don't think I've ever been to TGI.

I definitely understand where SparkleDoll is coming from though. The type of guys that I date don't take me to those places. I wouldn't mind Chilis though because I sure as heck love the loaded mash and ribs. lol

Oh yeah..this guy took me a 'hole in the wall' once. I think I was concerned for my safety of the entire night. I saw guns, and drugs being sold. I had NO IDEA what a 'hole in the wall' was prior to that, and let's just say, that was the absolute last date with that guy. That is a dealbreaker for me.
I wouldn't mind a date at Friday's, Red Lobster, etc at all. I like chain restaraunts (Applebees is a fave!), and for the 2 above places, there's something on their menus I usually order, so it's cool.
I like chain restaurants, they aren't a deal breaker for me. I really like the drinks at Fridays!!! Yummy!!!
Well, I say no because I actually happen to like those 2 restaurants! :giggle: I go there with my girlfriends all the time!

So no...I wouldn't be offended if a guy took me to Red Lobster or Friday's. Now, if he's ALWAYS taking me to restaurants like that on dates, then I would be concerned. But otherwise, those restaurants are okay for a "chill" evening out w/the bf.

He doesn't have to take me to 5-star restaurants all the time. As long as he doesn't consider those restaurants as "fancy" places and treats me to fancy ones every now and then, I'm cool!

I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to food. :lick: :)
I don't think it's necessarily a dealbreaker, but there are some spots that I generally don't like. I don't like Red Lobsters, and can't stand Olive Garden. Don't think I've ever been to TGI.

I definitely understand where SparkleDoll is coming from though. The type of guys that I date don't take me to those places. I wouldn't mind Chilis though because I sure as heck love the loaded mash and ribs. lol

Oh yeah..this guy took me a 'hole in the wall' once. I think I was concerned for my safety of the entire night. I saw guns, and drugs being sold. I had NO IDEA what a 'hole in the wall' was prior to that, and let's just say, that was the absolute last date with that guy. That is a dealbreaker for me.

Lol. That's no hole in the wall, that was just a drug and gun running joint. :lol: No, I'd stay away from those.

In my NY days, this guy took me to this hole-in-the-wall place where I had my first tcheboudyen (a Senegalese dish) ever, and it was :lick:. I knew and patronized a few hole in the walls places where they served great homecooked Haitian, Russian, or Polish dishes. I have been in hole in the wall places around here (the Bay area) where I've had great homecooked traditional japanese meals.
I like Red Lobster (don't tell the Rabbi) and I like Fridays. I wouldn't have a problem with either place.

BTW- Red Lobster ain't cheap.
Umm, I love Fridays so that's cool with me.

And there are no Red Lobsters in Massachusetts but I wouldn't be mad at that either.

I guess I'm a cheap date, LMAO.

See I wouldnt mind Friday's...the June Bug is my drink. But if there was a RL in NE and someone thought to take me there for a first date, I would be upset. Legals or Skipjacks...
See I wouldnt mind Friday's...the June Bug is my drink. But if there was a RL in NE and someone thought to take me there for a first date, I would be upset. Legals or Skipjacks...

Skipjacks is :lick:

I just took myself to dinner at Legal's a few days ago, LOL.
Women really expect a man to "come out them pockets" for a more upscale restaurant than "Red Lobster" or "Applebees" before a real relationship is established? Shoot, I'm I'm grateful for anything I'm offered because it's from the intention and the heart, not the wallet. You want an expensive meal, go buy one... or better yet, make it at home.
I don't know, it's just food. I'm more interested in learning whether or not I'll have a good time with this guy, not his wallet.
Women really expect a man to "come out them pockets" for a more upscale restaurant than "Red Lobster" or "Applebees" before a real relationship is established? Shoot, I'm I'm grateful for anything I'm offered because it's from the intention and the heart, not the wallet. You want an expensive meal, go buy one... or better yet, make it at home.
I don't know, it's just food. I'm more interested in learning whether or not I'll have a good time with this guy, not his wallet.

It would be better to make it at home. If I really want to enjoy a meal I'm sticking to my 3-5-star mediocre or 3-5 star budget diners. Something about uppity restaurants doesn't fit well with my taste. Quail and asparagus is not for me and neither is that nasty filet mignon. I don't mind upscale restaurants if they are Italian, Japanese, or Chinese, or I may do a German, but other than that I'm not fancied over upscale restaurants.
I think its funny when some women expect to be taken somewhere they aren't accustomed to when they know they are accustomed to eating chicken fingers and wing dings at the chain restaurant.

And when you get in the nice, 4-5 star restaurant, you don't know how to act, what to order and you STILL looking for chicken fingers on the menu.

You want filet mignon when you've probably never seen or ate it before? Who you trying to impress?

Eat the damn cheese biscuits if that's all you know. I bet the friend eats fried bologna sandwhiches at home on the regular.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: @ the bolded

Trillest post. I e-love you. :lachen:
The same guy taking woman X to Fridays on the first date, will take woman Z to an upscale restaurant on a first date. He just might take woman Q to Denny's on their first date. Men give you what they think you deserve or what they think you are use to.

I agree with this, except I'd say the bolded would be 'what they can get away with'.

I was totally expecting a Cache reference as well.


I think half the folks here are talking about the image/ambiance of the restaurant and the other half are talking about whether or not they like the food served.

I will admit that you cannot have a conversation after 6 PM at a TGIF's without yelling. And if it's a 'game night' then fagedaboutit. But those sesame jack chicken strips are go taste good whether you can hear your date or not.
I've never eaten at Applebee's and it's sounding like that's a good thing.
No, it's not a deal breaker for me either. I don't like Red Lobster either because the best thing on the menu is the cheddar buscuits- and I love seafood. But places like Olive Garden, Houlihans, Chillis, or Fridays are ok with me. It's not really about the restaurant, it's about spending time getting to know each other. Now if I were taken to a fast food restaurant, that would be a deal breaker- I would cancel the date and wouldn't go in.
shoot no!! I love Red Lobsters and as a matter of fact he took me last Sat. and we hadn't been on a date nite in a while...so I was very grateful
I'mma potato skins/chicken wings type of girl. Nice resturants are cool and nice on an occasion, but I'm more comfy chillin' at BW3's chillin'. That isn't a dealbreaker for me at all.

However, if the conversations are wack, it doesn't really matter where we go!:spinning:
Don't get me wrong, I like to go to nice places every once in a while but i'm such a laid back type that I would never get offended if we went to a laid back place like Ruby Tuesday's or Friday's (I actually enjoy those kinds of places) Any time we go out and I don't have to cook is a welcome night for me LOL.
I feel like this: I want my food to be healthful, well prepared, tasty, and reasonably priced, because at the end of the day, after all is said and done, eventually I'll be dropping the kids off at the pool anyway so all the hoity toity "poo poo I'm too good for you" is a waste of time.
I consider myself kind of like the female version of the guy who likes a lady in the streets but a freak in the bed. You know, the type of guy that likes a conservative lady who he knows later will come out of her shell in a very wild way. Some guys want the a$s presented to them on a platter. If they don't see it on the first couple of dates, they lose interest. Others are more patient and in the end usually snag quality girls who know how to put it on them but won't give them the clap along the way.

The female version of that knows how to spot a guy who is just conservative with his money. She knows he has it and has no problem spending it on someone special but also knows he is not stupid enough to think someone is "special" simply because she is a 9+ in the looks department and has it going on academically and professionally. He knows that a true connection is important. He isn't the insecure type who tries to impress a woman with the amount of money he throws around. (Kind of like some insecure women who think throwing away the gina will bring them love). Now I encourage creative, "non-janky":lachen: dates, but if I just meet you and you are spending $300 on our first dinner, I question your judgment and/or intentions.

Discrete women only give the goods to someone special and I like a guy who thinks the same way.
Last time a guy took me on a first date to a Red Lobster or Fridays I was 23.

I've been on many first dates since then and any men can look at me and know that he has to bring more to the table than that. But then again I date professional men who tend to look unfavorably on those type of restaurants.

Really, any mEn can look at you and tell? :perplexed:rolleyes::look:


Oh really now? Do they look at your sentence structure too?

And in SparkleDolls defense, if she speaks like she writes, I would assume that she gives off a slightly snobby/bougie/upper class attitude in person, which would do more for a man's expectation of what she expects than how she looks does. Perceptions of people are rarely purely visual in reality, and I can think of multiple ways to indicate that you ain't down with no damn Red Lobster within the first five minutes of talking to someone - without mentioning food, at all.

I'm guessing in this case bougie is different from bourgeois.
So are you still exclusive if a guy takes you to an uber expensive restaurant but he also takes the random females that he picks up to the same uber expensive restaurant?
And please,lets not try to act like men don't pick some women up with the sole intention of sleeping with them.Wine and dine them,just the same,but at the end of the day,its all about sex.Still,they get the same treatment you do.
So he takes his jumpoffs to the same nice restuarant that he takes you to,and you later become his gf.What does that say about you?

You may not feel that the other random women he picks up are on your level,but he takes them to expensive restaurants just as he takes you to expensive places so,based on your criteria, they must be about something,right?
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Really, any mEn can look at you and tell? :perplexed:rolleyes::look:


Oh really now? Do they look at your sentence structure too?

Nope they could care less about my sentence structure. You wish you had it like me don't you. I am secure with who I am and what I have to offer. When you become happy with yourself you won't feel the need to lash out at a random screen name on the internet.

Keep arguing with yourself because I refuse to go back and forth with you.

BTW - I was not looking for an e beef, not my style at all.

God bless you and have a good night.
I think if a person frequents places like red lobster with her friends....then why would u act like all of a sudden you are too good to go there on a date? WTF? that is so fake to me. The idea behind a date is a great experience talking, laughing and getting to know eachother over good food. Not to get this dude to prove how much he likes me by buying me the most expensive dinner, even though i don't even treat myself to these expensive dinners...