He took me to McDonald's!!

No way:nono:
Quite honestly, I don't even think I'd even 'treat' one of my family members out to McDonalds..there's NOTHING special about that clown house.
This article reminds me of this pic from reddit:


^A dude and his friends "Bringing class to McDonalds" :lol:

That silverware is lovely. :lol:

This is one of the reasons why I like to drive myself to wherever our date is going to be held, or at least follow the guy in his car. It might seem like a waste of gas to some, but if something ever goes down then I can at least get in my car and drive back home.

Or have some taxi money fa real. Ochocinco is an idiot and it shows, often. McDonalds for a man his age, shows that he's not putting any effort into the date, which will probably continue regardless of the hoops any his dates jump through. His thinks he is "the sh*t" but he's just sh*t.
So let me get this straight.....

This man doesn't know you and he should spend his paycheck taking you out?

No one wants to earn anything any more? Granted McDonalds is crazy yes, but everyone wants to be treated like Kings and Queens upfront?

I guess I'm trying to understand why should I treat you like a Queen upfront....what do you have to look forward to if marriage comes about?

Maybe thats why people feel that people change when they get married because that person has given you their best BEFORE the marriage.....IDK!!!
Other than for teenagers, a first date at Mickey D's is unacceptable. I agree that an out of the way interesting cheap place after doing something fun would be ok for me on a first date. I wouldn't want a cheap man and I wouldn't want a man like Ochocinco saying a date has to "work up" to nice places.

In essence he feels he is better than his dates and they should be grateful for whatever crumbs he throws them and after he has decided they are worthy only then will he decide to treat them well. Well good luck with that one brother. His attitude is so disrespectful.

I feel both people should try to put their best foot forward when dating. Otherwise, what is the point. All he will do is make a woman think he is cheap and all he will learn about his date is that she doesn't like being taken to Mickey D's and she doesn't like being disrespected. So everybody looses. Nothing gets accomplished.

Cheap dates can be fun if they are creative. I would love a date to go for ice cream. It's not expensive and it's not typical so it required some thought on his part. Other nice cheap dates for the getting to know you phase going for coffee during the day or afternoon, calling someone up and asking to go to breakfast. It's not hard to have interesting cheap dates if you think about it.

Ochocinco's comment just comes off like he is trying to find out how much bull some woman will put up with so he can walk all over her. Dumbass!
So let me get this straight.....

This man doesn't know you and he should spend his paycheck taking you out?

No one wants to earn anything any more? Granted McDonalds is crazy yes, but everyone wants to be treated like Kings and Queens upfront?

I guess I'm trying to understand why should I treat you like a Queen upfront....what do you have to look forward to if marriage comes about?

Maybe thats why people feel that people change when they get married because that person has given you their best BEFORE the marriage.....IDK!!!


i think you are completely missing the point here. no one is saying that a man should spend his whole paycheck on a first date at all. for me i prefer to eat quality food ( my cabinets in my kitchen contain organic and natural foods of all kinds cause i shop at places like whole foods, fairway, trader joes, farmers markets,and ethnic markets). there are numerous place that have better quality food and better service/decor for the same price point. I live in nyc and there are wonderful restaurants at every price point. because i'm a person that knows the dangers of gmo foods and have watched films and read books like food inc, supersize me, and fast food nation i wouldn't touch a fast food chain with a ten foot pole. i would even give a guy who tried to take me to chilis, applebees, or old country buffett the side eye. *if a man can't afford to take a woman on a date where the meals run anywhere btw $15-$50 ( easily spend this on my self or more when i take myself out depending on the restaurant type) pp plus taxes and gratuities added then he shouldn't bother taking a lady out. i think starbucks is fine for a first date to get a feel for one another but after that i expect him to up his game if we connect. if a woman takes time (sometimes its takes 2-3+ hrs to get ready for dates) to make herself to look pretty for a date then a man should show his appreciation by taking her somewhere decent....i'm old school and believe a man should court me.:yep: a man must earn the right to be in my presence cause we pick them they don't pick us.

* know that depending on a man's age or financial situation, where he can afford to take a lady may vary but a fast food chain is never an option. if he is unemployed and trying to ask a lady on a date this also makes no sense cause he is umemployed...ive had stupid men ask me for number and tell me this and i politely tell them i'm involved or not looking to actively date cause i feel it looks raggedy. i think for a teenager ihop is appropriate or even applebees for a date.

i think you are completely missing the point here. no one is saying that a man should spend his whole paycheck on a first date at all. for me i prefer to eat quality food ( my cabinets in my kitchen contain organic and natural foods of all kinds cause i shop at places like whole foods, fairway, trader joes, farmers markets,and ethnic markets). there are numerous place that have better quality food and better service/decor for the same price point. I live in nyc and there are wonderful restaurants at every price point. because i'm a person that knows the dangers of gmo foods and have watched films and read books like food inc, supersize me, and fast food nation i wouldn't touch a fast food chain with a ten foot pole. i would even give a guy who tried to take me to chilis, applebees, or old country buffett the side eye. *if a man can't afford to take a woman on a date where the meals run anywhere btw $15-$50 ( easily spend this on my self or more when i take myself out depending on the restaurant type) pp plus taxes and gratuities added then he shouldn't bother taking a lady out. i think starbucks is fine for a first date to get a feel for one another but after that i expect him to up his game if we connect. if a woman takes time (sometimes its takes 2-3+ hrs to get ready for dates) to make herself to look pretty for a date then a man should show his appreciation by taking her somewhere decent....i'm old school and believe a man should court me.:yep: a man must earn the right to be in my presence cause we pick them they don't pick us.

* know that depending on a man's age or financial situation, where he can afford to take a lady may vary but a fast food chain is never an option. if he is unemployed and trying to ask a lady on a date this also makes no sense cause he is umemployed...ive had stupid men ask me for number and tell me this and i politely tell them i'm involved or not looking to actively date cause i feel it looks raggedy. i think for a teenager ihop is appropriate or even applebees for a date.

I see your point Southerncitygirl
Love me some BK!
I actually want a whopper right now and those fries (is it me or do they taste battered?)......i digress...
The article said he invited her out to apologize, but yet he still treated her like she was at the bottom of the barrel. Is Mcdonalds all his apology is worth?
Love me some BK!
I actually want a whopper right now and those fries (is it me or do they taste battered?)......i digress...

Hmmm BK fries don't do it for me. I guess i was thinking of SO dating; you are right, Mickeys for a 1st date would have my thninking "other thoughts. :)
I wouldn't care but there are plenty of women here who would. I'm not sure why some women believe a man has to take them to some fancy/ expensive restaurant. These men are not obligated to do Ruth Chris and shouldn't feel the need to on a first date. You get Ruth Chris when you show you are that special women which often is determined well beyond the first date.
Would I be happy to go to a cheap place - yes. So long as that means it's a small, local business that uses fresh food to make tasty food (on the premises). There is a lovely deli cafe near where I live that would be nice for a lunch-time date. I got a meal there that was all served on plates instead of cardboard and with table service that you don't get at McDs for the same price as their typical meal deal :yep:. Places like this exist. There are more options for cheap eats than a chain fast food joint with questionable overly-salty food (using that term loosely :perplexed).
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So let me get this straight.....

This man doesn't know you and he should spend his paycheck taking you out?

No one wants to earn anything any more? Granted McDonalds is crazy yes, but everyone wants to be treated like Kings and Queens upfront?

I guess I'm trying to understand why should I treat you like a Queen upfront....what do you have to look forward to if marriage comes about?

Maybe thats why people feel that people change when they get married because that person has given you their best BEFORE the marriage.....IDK!!!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For all he knows said woman could be a freak that in his mind he only wants to smash. Freaks don't get special treatment or should I say deserve it.
I wouldn't even consider going out with someone who suggested McDonald's. It's insulting and if he'sv that broke AND unimaginative in the age range I'm looking for, then that'd be a complete waste of time for both of us and I can't get that time back. All of the reasons have already been mentioned. I typically suggest coffee shops ad a first date anyway, because just like he may not want to spend the money at first, I don't want to expend the normal date "energy" on him either, so it's a win-win. McDonald's or any other fast food spot like that is not acceptable and lazy. :nono:
So let me get this straight.....

This man doesn't know you and he should spend his paycheck taking you out?

No one wants to earn anything any more? Granted McDonalds is crazy yes, but everyone wants to be treated like Kings and Queens upfront?

I guess I'm trying to understand why should I treat you like a Queen upfront....what do you have to look forward to if marriage comes about?

Maybe thats why people feel that people change when they get married because that person has given you their best BEFORE the marriage.....IDK!!!
Really, girl? Really? You mean I have to work my way up to some cheddar baked biscuits? :sad:
Yes, you have to treat me a certain way from the jump. I'm not about to waste weeks, months, and years trying to "earn" decent treatment. Women do that mess all the time and have nothing to show for it but footprints on her forehead, miles on her cooch, and an invite to his wedding...to the chick he's only known for 3 months. I weep for women today :nono:
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no sorry.

what if i said imma look raggedy as hell on dates until u prove to be worth puttin on a cute lil number and some makeup? Why would i want someone where i have to collect monopoly money to pass go?

Men have been feeling like prizes lately and i'm not feelin it. So I have to work my way up, because you automatically something worth gaining?? no thanks. Any man who has this attitude on dating will already clash with me. It's the rationale that annoys me, rather than the action.
You don't necessarily need to go to an expensive restaurant, but clearly this man is not a gentlemen and you have to realise what you are worth and McDonalds is a no-no, my daughter took me to McDonalds yesterday!
That sounds appropriate for her age.

I know, but she came home like he disrespected her by bringing there. Her exact words were "This isn't Sunday brunch with my family."

My bff's boyfriend took her to McDonalds on their first date. When they pulled up, she was pissed and ready to curse him out. When they got there, he had a table set up for them with a table cloth, a picnic basket (filled with Big Macs, fries, etc.) and he had a friend of his playing the violin for them during the entire date. I don't care what any of yall say; that was cute.

ETA: He got away with it because the manager is his friend.
I'd go on a first date to mcdonalds.

if...on the way to the real restaurant my throat got dry and he stopped there quickly to get me a soda....and I got seduced by the smell of those fries....


If McDonalds was his plan for a first date, there would be no second date.

You put the BESTEST foot forward on date #1 and take me somewhere for a nice dinner and conversation. On date number 19 or something we can run into wendys before catching our movie or whatever.
If you don't want to put forth any effort to actually woo someone, why volunteer to take them out at all?
No one is saying that your date has to take you to a five star restaurant but McDonalds of all places on the first date..come on now! Have some or you ladies watched Supersize Me smh!
Really, girl? Really? You mean I have to work my way up to some cheddar baked biscuits? :sad:
Yes, you have to treat me a certain way from the jump. I'm not about to waste weeks, months, and years trying to "earn" decent treatment. Women do that mess all the time and have nothing to show for it but footprints on her forehead, miles on her cooch, and an invite to his wedding...to the chick he's only known for 3 months. I weep for women today :nono:

This had me cracking up :lachen:. Girl I'm not even trying to go to Red Lobsters on a first date and it's not about the money because me and homegirl went there last month and our bill came up to 100 bucks not even including gratuity and we were like WTF did we order lol. For me it's about the effort. Red Lobsters is so ordinary I want to do something I have never done or go somewhere I have never been. It could be anywhere from a local bistro to a picnic in the park and a free museum and honestly that would be a perfect first date for me. I have yet to find a man that creative yet le sigh..... Anyhoo I don't feel a man has to spend his entire paycheck on a first date but I would like for there to be a thought process behind the date to show he's really interested. I want to be courted :yep: