Would be upset if a guy took you to Red Lobster or Fridays for a date?

You wish you had it like me don't you.


That would be interesting...

ETA: No e-beef here either. I just find it hilarious that you attract all these professional menseses and you didn't put together a proper sentence in your post. If you got it like that, more power to ya my dear.
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So not wanting to go to a chain restaurant on the first date = stuck up? There are millions of affordable restaurants that aren't chains. I find that the quality of food at chain places don't live up to the price most of the time. You're more likely to get a great meal, good service, and more affordable prices elsewhere. For some reason the guys I've dated have always taken me to new and exciting places, or popular local restaurants. To many men, a first date at a chain is a no-no. Maybe it's a cultural/location thing?
I feel like this: I want my food to be healthful, well prepared, tasty, and reasonably priced, because at the end of the day, after all is said and done, eventually I'll be dropping the kids off at the pool anyway so all the hoity toity "poo poo I'm too good for you" is a waste of time.

Diners fit that very well. Sometimes they are in your local communities and sometimes you have to travel for one. Don't overlook those family businesses that been in existence for generations.
So not wanting to go to a chain restaurant on the first date = stuck up? There are millions of affordable restaurants that aren't chains. I find that the quality of food at chain places don't live up to the price most of the time. You're more likely to get a great meal, good service, and more affordable prices elsewhere. For some reason the guys I've dated have always taken me to new and exciting places, or popular local restaurants. To many men, a first date at a chain is a no-no. Maybe it's a cultural/location thing?

You hit it right on. The restaurant doesn't have to be a chain or franchise it can be a local restaurant, diner, or small family-type restaurant. I also notice that these type of restaurant get most of their food fresh and its healthy because they are small and usually cater to the community or surrounding community. They don't use process food or a lot of pre-cooked food because the traffic isn't as great as chain and franchise restaurants or uppity restaurants. Most of the food from those restaurants are made from scratch, no quick fixes.
This is really a good topic for a thread because we have all types of women out there from all types of socio economic backgrounds and ages.

If I was dating, and a guy tried to take ME to Red Lobster it would mean we really did not have that much in common. It wouldn't happen.

I remember a guy that wanted to go for Chinese food. I said "I don't like Chinese Food" and that was the end of that. That was a unique situation tho.... not the typical date....
This is really a good topic for a thread because we have all types of women out there from all types of socio economic backgrounds and ages.

If I was dating, and a guy tried to take ME to Red Lobster it would mean we really did not have that much in common. It wouldn't happen.

I remember a guy that wanted to go for Chinese food. I said "I don't like Chinese Food" and that was the end of that. That was a unique situation tho.... not the typical date....

That was it? He didnt suggest anywhere else?

I didnt expect this thread to get so long.

I'm going to guess my the responses that the majority of you are ok with going to a chain restaurant for a date.
That was it? He didnt suggest anywhere else?

I didnt expect this thread to get so long.

I'm going to guess my the responses that the majority of you are ok with going to a chain restaurant for a date.

We ended up going to a decent place to eat.

I think the answer to the initial post is if he suggests a place you don't like say something, make another suggestion.

If he balks then.... it does not bode well.
Like the other ladies have said i dont mind going to a chain restaurant on a first date or any other date...

I mean its a couple of steps up than going to burger king or a fast food restaurant.

I remember one date i went on and me and the guy ordered nothing but appetizers and shared them and just had separate drinks and that was on a first date...but i didnt feel any different about the guy and we dated for a little while afterwards...

I dont think its saying that you are settling and what type of restaurant they can afford to take you to---i value more of a man that will respect me, be honest and have all the good qualities and values that I want in a man then his choice of a restaurant on a date...
So not wanting to go to a chain restaurant on the first date = stuck up? There are millions of affordable restaurants that aren't chains. I find that the quality of food at chain places don't live up to the price most of the time. You're more likely to get a great meal, good service, and more affordable prices elsewhere. For some reason the guys I've dated have always taken me to new and exciting places, or popular local restaurants. To many men, a first date at a chain is a no-no. Maybe it's a cultural/location thing?

I'm sure if the person suggested a chain you didn't like beforehand, and you said "No, I really don't like that place," and they asked what you liked, then something can be worked out. I think it's okay to be offended when they offer you some real fast food, like a 2 piece and a biscuit at Church's (but then again, to me FOOD is FOOD, it's the intention that counts) but then there's still a polite way to get around it, like telling them fast food or that chain usually upsets your stomach and suggesting somewhere else, while sweetly suggesting that you'll leave the tip or go dutch.

I'm not exactly sure if I'm assuming incorrectly, but is the OP's friend mad because

a) he took her to a place he knew beforehand that she didn't like?
b) he just took her to red lobster or applebees (which can run about $30-$50 for two) without really asking?
c) because she felt he was being cheap and assume that any man, regardless of financial background, should be able to afford the shark bar or something?
d) a combo of the above or other?

From an alternative perspective, dating isn't about showing me how much you can spend on me, it's about showing me how well we get along. I personally don't like "going out to dinner" on the first few dates because I usually prefer to do something creative or chill, like spend time in a park, or go to a museum. I hate going to movies, I'd rather window shop and probably go to the bookstore and see what type of books interest a person. The amount of money you spend on food is trivial, show me that you're interested in learning to invest money, reparing cars, something about your true personality, besides your income. Just because we're dating doesn't mean it will turn into anything serious.

I reckon it's men that prefer out of the ordinary dates--- that don't always revolve around food and movies and concerts --- who will appreciate a lady who knows that just because a man appears to have money --- rich or average-- doesn't mean he's obligated to spend it out of interest. Considering most dates don't turn into everlasting relationships... marriage or not... he could be throwing away $5k a year on free meals from women who may or may not give something (sexual, mentally stimulating or not) in return. While someone's attitude can be "So what he need to spend something to prove something because I'm this and that type of way and I spend x amount on my hair, nails and appearance too," ... that's still $5k and x amount of dollars (on your behalf) that can be put to use more wisely. JM 2 cents. :look:
You hit it right on. The restaurant doesn't have to be a chain or franchise it can be a local restaurant, diner, or small family-type restaurant. I also notice that these type of restaurant get most of their food fresh and its healthy because they are small and usually cater to the community or surrounding community. They don't use process food or a lot of pre-cooked food because the traffic isn't as great as chain and franchise restaurants or uppity restaurants. Most of the food from those restaurants are made from scratch, no quick fixes.

:yep: Chain places can get "expensive" by first date standards. Red Lobster can run you a little over $30 a person depending on what you order--and the food is hardly worth it. If you like those places, that's one thing. However, I find that on the first few dates, a guy is more eager to find a nice little place away from the screaming kids and warmed up frozen food atmosphere that I find at many chains--including the 'fancier' ones.

I remember my last serious relationship, the guy took me to this local place known for their burgers. Popular date spot, runs you about $6-7 a person for a meal. Great atmosphere, very affordable drinks, and live music on the weekends. If a man is smart, he knows where to take you to get that perfect first date feel without having to spend a lot of money.

Now you have women who feel like a man must take them to an expensive place on the first date, and that's fine. If she never finds a man because of it, that's on her. There are men out there who will take a woman to an expensive restaurant on the first date, and there are women who can pull those type of men. To some men, spending $200 on a first date is nothing. I say if you have expensive tastes, find a man who can live up to that. I never understood why women feel the need to judge other women who have high expectations. That's their business.
I'd be more upset if he took me to some ridiculously priced restaurant. He is not Puffy or Jay-Z. So what is the point? When we were dating my husband took me to some spot and at the end of the meal we had a $300 bill. I thought he was insane. The food was good though but jeesh.:lick: I mean really.
Not that there's anything wrong with it, but Dave and Busters is so chuck "e" cheese with more "adult" games...
I do love Red Lobster, but Friday's is not a "date date" place to me, its for when you're more informal with one another...
:yep: Chain places can get "expensive" by first date standards. Red Lobster can run you a little over $30 a person depending on what you order--and the food is hardly worth it. If you like those places, that's one thing. However, I find that on the first few dates, a guy is more eager to find a nice little place away from the screaming kids and warmed up frozen food atmosphere that I find at many chains--including the 'fancier' ones.

I remember my last serious relationship, the guy took me to this local place known for their burgers. Popular date spot, runs you about $6-7 a person for a meal. Great atmosphere, very affordable drinks, and live music on the weekends. If a man is smart, he knows where to take you to get that perfect first date feel without having to spend a lot of money.

Now you have women who feel like a man must take them to an expensive place on the first date, and that's fine. If she never finds a man because of it, that's on her. There are men out there who will take a woman to an expensive restaurant on the first date, and there are women who can pull those type of men. To some men, spending $200 on a first date is nothing. I say if you have expensive tastes, find a man who can live up to that. I never understood why women feel the need to judge other women who have high expectations. That's their business.

So I feel likewise, if he insists that she must be dressed to the nines, look like a 10, and be able to order off of the french menu in french, then that shouldn't be a problem either. As someone said, men should be able to have the same standards and use discretion.
Nope they could care less about my sentence structure. You wish you had it like me don't you. I am secure with who I am and what I have to offer. When you become happy with yourself you won't feel the need to lash out at a random screen name on the internet.

Keep arguing with yourself because I refuse to go back and forth with you.

BTW - I was not looking for an e beef, not my style at all.

God bless you and have a good night.


How do you first say the bolded then follow up with the underlined?

Then came with the "God bless you." :lachen:
Wow, I don't mind going to Red Lobster or Fridays especially on a first date. Even when guys ask, I usually would go to Chillis or something. I really don't think its that serious. Now I see why some women don't have men. They are way to picky and expect immediate gratification. What a shame.

My experience has been that sometimes chain food end up tasting better than the higher end restaurants. Also, how you gon want to eat at a higher end restaurant and don't understand the things/drinks on the menu??!! I've seen many a people do this and its embarrassing but you wanna eat here. lmao
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Wow, I don't mind going to Red Lobster or Fridays especially on a first date. Even when guys ask, I usually would go to Chillis or something. I really don't think its that serious. Now I see why some women don't have men. They are way to picky and expect immediate gratification. What a shame.

My experience has been that sometimes chain food end up tasting better than the higher end restaurants. Also, how you gon want to eat at a higher end restaurant and don't understand the things/drinks on the menu??!! I've seen many a people do this and its embarrassing but you wanna eat here. lmao

Whoop there it is. :look:
@ 2nd bolded: Forreal, expensive doesn't always mean delicious.
Wow, I don't mind going to Red Lobster or Fridays especially on a first date. Even when guys ask, I usually would go to Chillis or something. I really don't think its that serious. Now I see why some women don't have men. They are way to picky and expect immediate gratification. What a shame.

My experience has been that sometimes chain food end up tasting better than the higher end restaurants. Also, how you gon want to eat at a higher end restaurant and don't understand the things/drinks on the menu??!! I've seen many a people do this and its embarrassing but you wanna eat here. lmao

No man but countless expensive first, second and third dates under their belt...
So not wanting to go to a chain restaurant on the first date = stuck up? There are millions of affordable restaurants that aren't chains. I find that the quality of food at chain places don't live up to the price most of the time. You're more likely to get a great meal, good service, and more affordable prices elsewhere. For some reason the guys I've dated have always taken me to new and exciting places, or popular local restaurants. To many men, a first date at a chain is a no-no. Maybe it's a cultural/location thing?

This is my thing. I usually into trying different kinds of places with different types of ethnic cuisines. As a result of doing this, I'm not into eating steak, potato, or seafood all the time like many people I know.
i would love for a man to take me to ANY restaurant. (single woman here! :wave:) and i quite like Red Lobster because the cheddar bay biscuits are toooo delicious :lick:

but for an IMPORTANT date? like an anniversary date? unless i wanted to go to red lobster, i'd like for him to think up somewhere a bit nicer.
Last time a guy took me on a first date to a Red Lobster or Fridays I was 23.

I've been on many first dates since then and any men can look at me and know that he has to bring more to the table than that. But then again I date professional men who tend to look unfavorably on those type of restaurants.

The same guy taking woman X to Fridays on the first date, will take woman Z to an upscale restaurant on a first date. He just might take woman Q to Denny's on their first date. Men give you what they think you deserve or what they think you are use to. I guess they can look at me and tell what I'm use to. Also I'm in my mid 30's and I date men who are very established career wise, and they prefer fine dining.

Heyyyyy now! Them other people just jealous/mad that you can eat at Four Seasons on your first date.:giggle: I'm not made at cha dear! Do you because God knows I'm gon do me....
I see nothing wrong with fine dining and I'm sure some men don't mind if they're ends are up to par. However, I prefer a moderately priced restaurant like RL, Fridays, Olive Garden, etc. if we go out to eat. If he insists on fine dining, then I can go to an upscale restaurant.
Wow, I don't mind going to Red Lobster or Fridays especially on a first date. Even when guys ask, I usually would go to Chillis or something. I really don't think its that serious. Now I see why some women don't have men. They are way to picky and expect immediate gratification. What a shame.

My experience has been that sometimes chain food end up tasting better than the higher end restaurants. Also, how you gon want to eat at a higher end restaurant and don't understand the things/drinks on the menu??!! I've seen many a people do this and its embarrassing but you wanna eat here. lmao

You and a guy are dating. Whether it's the first date or the 5th, would you be upset if he didnt take you to an upscale restaurant but took you to Red Lobster or Fridays instead?

Is that a dealbreaker?

*Not dating, but chiming in*

Not at all, especially in this economy. But...If we're on a budget, I'd prefer the kitsch of a small diner, ethnic dive or greasy spoon or some other cheap but satisfying eatery than some TV-advertised franchise place. Hell, if the dude were interesting enough, a NYC-style meat-on-a-stick from the street vendor would suffice if it included a long walk with interesting convo that I wouldn't want to ever end.
Hey I'm down with a variety of restaurants. Food is food; it comes in the same way and goes out the way no matter the cost. Speaking of picky women, I have a neighbor that is picky and broke at the same time. How you gonna have champagne taste and food stamps to buy kool-aid???? My BF referred to her as low income but high maintenance. She don't wanna work, lives off her mom and financial aid, has a BMI for a car (Barely Makin It), and lives in low income. The girl is pretty, I'll give that but come on now. What are you really bringing to the table? Now she's the type to date professional men and I've never seen any of her dates show up in a car that's even comparable to her little 94 Civic. I've seen a 300, Lexuses, and a couple of Benzes. But I've only seen these cats come by once or twice, very rarely three times. I understand that she wants to be treated well and all (what woman doesn't) but there's more to expecting all these materialistic things from a man. And she has no man still to this day. There's broke men who can give just as much if you're willing to give them a chance. My BF now wasn't even working when I got with him and 7 years later he's an operations supervisor at his job. So don't sleep on the cheap 'cause you never know what you might get.

Why would you expect to get something for nothing from a man in a situation like this?
And if you're wanting to go to fine dining then please know how to use the proper utensils and positioning!:perplexed

So I'm not supposed to use the big fork and soup spoon throughout the entire meal? :look: They are after all the most efficient... :lol: And who says the only thing you can cut with a butter knife is butter, hmmm? :lol: