What 40 looks like.
Really? Chain restaurants are a deal breaker?
DH took me to Olive Garden on our first date. I wish I MIGHT have been uppity about it. Please. Like Zaynab said, this is why men think women are difficult. RECOMMEND A DIZZAM RESTAURANT if it's that deep to you. Why women put so much on where a dude decides to eat is a mystery to me...IT'S JUST ONE MEAL! Sheesh.
DH took me to Olive Garden on our first date. I wish I MIGHT have been uppity about it. Please. Like Zaynab said, this is why men think women are difficult. RECOMMEND A DIZZAM RESTAURANT if it's that deep to you. Why women put so much on where a dude decides to eat is a mystery to me...IT'S JUST ONE MEAL! Sheesh.