Well-Known Member
Colorism is real. However, the standards for a dark skin girl is different than lighter skin. My best friend is light and plump with the hair but home girl has 3 guys on speed dial. However, the darker the hue go the more perfection she has to have.
I wish these discussion could stop picking on the individual and talk about ways to be more inclusive of all black women and their bodies. For everyone of us to use whatever power we have to uplift all black women and demand the media include us all.
At the end of the day while we ignore this issue then latinas and tanned whites will be the fill ins. I will not argue against.
We should just hope for inclusion and representation and acceptance for everyone.
I feel like I’m having a separate conversation than others in the thread. I never said colorism wasn’t real or a factor in her dating life. I just said that determining that it is solely responsible for how her dating life is going is an over reach on her part.
She fails to site that overall marriage rates are declining, she acknowledged she is highly educated but doesn’t acknowledge that highly educated women have a harder time in the dating market; she doesn’t factor in that her earning power is also a negative for her. From her own admission in her article she has 3 factors that make dating hard.
When you factor in the multiple factors against her and the deck is stacked against her. I don’t deny that.