The man is taking me to court....

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^^^ Seriously....OP needs to find a board where she (or he) can hang out with their own kind

That old man's mother and father are dead by now.

I'm not sure what you're looking for here on LHCF, but lying is not the way to get it.

lmao i was thinking the same she said it was at night...+Jozze found the article...i dont think OP will be back lol
I've only read the first page but honestly this all sounds bananas. You are going to get yourself into a world of trouble. You honestly can't see why he is upset? It sounds so fayal attraction. What if a random guy had done this to you? Think op before its too late.
I've only read the first page but honestly this all sounds bananas. You are going to get yourself into a world of trouble. You honestly can't see why he is upset? It sounds so fayal attraction. What if a random guy had done this to you? Think op before its too late.

Girl, catch up and read the whole thread! You wasted keystrokes here! :lol:

Ladies, the OP is trolling. I found another picture of "her" car on google. Look at it. Different angle, but it's the same car and house in the background.


I just knew that looked like a home in the UK!!... but she she threw me off as the steering wheel in her pic is on the left side... but in this pic the steering is on the right just like it is here in the UK.. she is a liar!:yep:
I just can't deal with this today :rofl: I have my own nonsense I'm working on in this forum to be worrying about a pyscho liar. Op you are a hot *** mess :nono:
I'm not a stalker.. I'm a suprise follower.

I know people that know his family, and I got hold of the addresses.

I was certain that he wanted me, but he's taking things too far by bringing the law in.

I duno.... I thought the feelings were mutual, and I still do. Maybe he's just joking, and planning a romantic dinner instead.

You're kidding, right?! Are you not from this country? EVERYTHING you're doing is ILLEGAL!! Stop now before someone really hurts you. And since you can't see that, you also need counseling.
^^^^^^^ thanks for posting that analogy. I was like arent cars in the UK have a right sided steering wheel? But then I just assumed that there where some car like that in the UK
OP,t you seem like a very disturbed person to me. Please go seek professional help ASAP! Maybe mods should shut this thread down we shouldn't be entertaining this girl or her foolishness.
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:giggle::giggle::giggle: I had a feeling it was a troll,but wasn't sure, either way rather it was real or fake,it was crazy for this whole story. I thought my thread on "Getting back with the ex" was a soap, but mines was real, and the guy was the crazy one, I was a victim.​
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My brain hurts from reading this thread. I'm disturbed by life right now. OP, you should try writing bad romance novels, it will be a good outlet.
As harrrrrrd as I tried not to post anything in this thread I could NOT let this comment go without saying BWAAAAH HAA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

:lachen::lachen: and you know it was typed in a feverish moment...Anyway, bye.

But seriously OP, I think you have should look into creative writing, this thread was quite entertaining,
He's not a stranger. I did some check ups on him, and he did ask me out on a date. But I have a rule that I need to get to know the family before I date the man. I was simply trying to get to know his family, and he just got upset... and blew things out of proportion. Oh, and I pretended to be a sales woman.. to both his parents.

I managed to get hold of some confidential information about him, without his permission, and he's upset about that. I don't know why he's upset, I was happy with the findings.

I followed him to suprise him. I don't believe in stalking, I believe in following somebody to suprise them. I'm suprised he can even call this harassment. I think deep down he's turned on... because the way he picked up that bat was so sexy.

I think he's just playing hard to get.

Here come 'oh you're crazy' talks. Oh blah blah blah... lets try and keep the talk sane here please. I just have a different approach to many of you. If I want a man, I GO get him :grin:

Anyway, honestly.. I think the man likes me. I just don't understand why he keeps running from me. :perplexed

Yeah, he recognized my yellow car... and then said ''b!tch I knew it was you.'' I was happy he recognized me, but upset he broke my windows.

This site must make a killing off of people who open multiple accounts. This is not real.
I'm still laughing at the picture of 'her man'!!
Does she think we don't know how this 'new-fangled google technology' works?????
And she's still sticking to the story about his mama!!!:lachen::lachen:

I just knew that looked like a home in the UK!!... but she she threw me off as the steering wheel in her pic is on the left side... but in this pic the steering is on the right just like it is here in the UK.. she is a liar!:yep:

That's exactly what I was thinking - "Victorian terraced houses in the USA, huh?"

Anyway, this thread has given me a plethora of jokes today.

this is precisely why on social networking sites i only add people that i know or have seen in real life.

a.) part of me wants to believe you made this story up for entertainment purposes because you knew people would respond. if thats the case, you probably need another hobby, you have way too much time on your hands and all that creative imaginative energy you have could be going towards something productive.

b.) if its true, i'm glad you're alright, but following people you dont know and going to their families house is not safe or cool or cute. neither is pretending to be someone youre not on the internet.
the internet is so many ppl pretend to be other people stealing pics and whatnot. i have a friend who made fake myspaces and facebooks to talk to guys that she crushed on in real life, just to get info that she would never get otherwise b/c they didnt know her and/or wasnt attracted to her, or she thought they wouldn't be. then she started talking to random dudes across the country just for the thrill i guess, and these dudes would be falling in love with her fakes and it just went way too far, she even made other fake relatives and friends for her fakes to make them be more believable. i think it all comes from self-esteem i can semi-understand you using the alias just to get to know his interests or whatever and then you pursue him as urself, but even if him and "rachelle" have a bond, that doesnt mean that you and him do.

like 3 yrs ago my best friend met this girl on a site and then they fell out of touch and then got back in touch in 2008. when i saw the girls pics, something told me she was fake...she was just toooo pretty like a model, and she just had a california vibe but she told my friend she was from lousiana. she had all these pics, but only like the same ppl commented on them, mad ppl in the pics but no one was tagged, and she only had like 45 friends on facebook. anywho, they were in this long distance relationship for over a year, never saw each other in real life, but always talked on the phone. i never said anything b/c my friend had never been in love before, that was his 1st real relationship and i didnt want to hurt him esp. w/o proof. a couple of months ago he was supposed to go see her and i made it my mission to expose her b4 he left and got hurt but i didnt know how...i think it was a sign, because the same night i was thinking of a plan, i was on youtube and i saw her in a jason derulo video. i did a search and ended up finding the real girl's facebook and twitter information and i sent all the info to my friends guy bff and let him tell him 1st b /c i didnt have the heart to. even after all that he said he at first he was pissed and angry and hurt, but after a few days he said he still loved the girl, even if she hid who she was all that time. she deleted the fb account and didnt talk to him for a minute, but then she called to explain herself and said she would send him a real pic (which i never saw, but he said she was pretty), and to this day i think the second pic b/c if she was pretty then why go so hard to impersonate someone else? anywho he was supposed to see her again and she made excuse after excuse, 1st she said she bought the ticket but didnt have time to send it, second she said she lived with her aunt and her aunt went outta town so she didnt want to have company while she was gone, then whenever he called she would have someone else answer and then say she told them only to answer for her boyfriend cortez...

moral of the story is, my friend has some issues whether she wants to admit it or not. so does the girl that mislead my friend for all that time (even though he was at fault for being so gullible and naive), and so do you. its not ok or normal to pretend to be someone and mislead them like that. whats done in the dark will always come to the light. so what do you do when the guys you pursue want to meet up w/ ur fakes? how do you explain how you know all this info when they've never told you? even if you do tell them that your aliases were really you, dont you think thats going to affect the trust in the future relationship that you're so intent will develop? would YOU want to be in a relationship with an obsessive liar?

That is exactly why I don't accept random people, with random pictures,and blank profiles. My ex and his ex girlfriend be trying to add me on facebook and myspace under fake accounts, I'm not dumb,I know it's them,lol. People can be nuts somtimes.
in the medical profession, we call this psychosis. "Psychotic disorders are severe mental disorders that cause abnormal thinking and perceptions. People with psychoses lose touch with reality. Two of the main symptoms are delusions and hallucinations. Delusions are false beliefs, such as thinking that someone is plotting against you or that the TV is sending you secret messages. Hallucinations are false perceptions, such as hearing, seeing or feeling something that is not there. " (Medline Plus).

Schizophrenia crossed my mind as soon as I started reading this post....

You need help girl....for yourself and for those people you encounter. Not worth losing your life over....
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