The man is taking me to court....

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I met him through a friend, but then I made a fake fb account on the side to know him a bit better. He did express interest in me, and that's when I began collecting his family's addresses.

Thanks for your input.

I think the court case is his way of testing me, to see how much I love him. I will defy the law.... nothing can hold me back.

Do you really want advice?
Yall, I'm beginning to think this is not a joke. Even if this is some grand joke, the pictures of the broken windows, etc. leads me to believe that this is something much more sinister

OP, if you are in fact telling the truth, I strongly advise you to talk to someone about you situation, particularly close relative. Does anyone know about your previous history? How do your family and friends feel about your behavior. The definition of insanity is committing the same actions and expecting different results. I don't mean to come across as harsh, but the reason why many members feel that your actions epitomize insanity is because you honestly feel that your methods will eventually work even when history has shown you otherwise. If you have to create a false alias to interact with someone, that person is not interacting with you, they are not falling in love with you, but with a fake persona. You are playing a very dangerous game, and I truly fear for you because you don't seem to realize that your perception and the perception of the person you wish to be with are entirely different. Talk to someone immediately about your situation so that you can establish legal counsel. Also, why do you get a thrill from "forbidden love"? Has something previously happened that makes you feel that? Once you get to the root of that issue, you will be able to come to terms with the fact that the "forbidden love" entails the fact that 2 lovers are separated due to circumstances beyond their mutual control, it is NOT an instance in which one person is in love and the object of their affection FORBIDS them to come near them. Your 'love' is unrequited and will remain that way if you continue to behave in such a way that scares the people you are interested in away.

- I wish you the best,

This is not the first time this has happened.

I have a few restraining orders against me.

I get a thrill from 'forbidden love.'

All my threads are serious... I don't understand most of the comments.
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According to friends, and LHCF members.. I am the stalker (apparently) :look:

There was one guy I used to follow all the time. After months, he noticed there was always a little yellow car behind him. He came out and confronted me. I acted cool, told him... it was Gods way of saying we're meant to be. I wasn't following him, our destinations were purely coincidence. He didn't believe me and took me to court. I'm not allowed to be near him, it's been hard.. but I've learnt to accept it. Now I just cyber stalk him. Which is even more fun... he thinks he's talking to a Latisha Muhahaha :grin:
girl, you a trip:lachen:

eta: i just saw the pic of the car.... so not funny anymore
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Girl if you really want him *** that restraining order! He is probably just playing hard to get - my advice? don't back down, go and get your man!
Thank you all. But I just spoke to him on fb as Rachelle. (that's not really my name) He seems happy.. and I made him 'lol' countless times. We have a strong connection... I can't ignore it. I'm certain we can work this out.
this is precisely why on social networking sites i only add people that i know or have seen in real life.

a.) part of me wants to believe you made this story up for entertainment purposes because you knew people would respond. if thats the case, you probably need another hobby, you have way too much time on your hands and all that creative imaginative energy you have could be going towards something productive.

b.) if its true, i'm glad you're alright, but following people you dont know and going to their families house is not safe or cool or cute. neither is pretending to be someone youre not on the internet.
the internet is so many ppl pretend to be other people stealing pics and whatnot. i have a friend who made fake myspaces and facebooks to talk to guys that she crushed on in real life, just to get info that she would never get otherwise b/c they didnt know her and/or wasnt attracted to her, or she thought they wouldn't be. then she started talking to random dudes across the country just for the thrill i guess, and these dudes would be falling in love with her fakes and it just went way too far, she even made other fake relatives and friends for her fakes to make them be more believable. i think it all comes from self-esteem i can semi-understand you using the alias just to get to know his interests or whatever and then you pursue him as urself, but even if him and "rachelle" have a bond, that doesnt mean that you and him do.

like 3 yrs ago my best friend met this girl on a site and then they fell out of touch and then got back in touch in 2008. when i saw the girls pics, something told me she was fake...she was just toooo pretty like a model, and she just had a california vibe but she told my friend she was from lousiana. she had all these pics, but only like the same ppl commented on them, mad ppl in the pics but no one was tagged, and she only had like 45 friends on facebook. anywho, they were in this long distance relationship for over a year, never saw each other in real life, but always talked on the phone. i never said anything b/c my friend had never been in love before, that was his 1st real relationship and i didnt want to hurt him esp. w/o proof. a couple of months ago he was supposed to go see her and i made it my mission to expose her b4 he left and got hurt but i didnt know how...i think it was a sign, because the same night i was thinking of a plan, i was on youtube and i saw her in a jason derulo video. i did a search and ended up finding the real girl's facebook and twitter information and i sent all the info to my friends guy bff and let him tell him 1st b /c i didnt have the heart to. even after all that he said he at first he was pissed and angry and hurt, but after a few days he said he still loved the girl, even if she hid who she was all that time. she deleted the fb account and didnt talk to him for a minute, but then she called to explain herself and said she would send him a real pic (which i never saw, but he said she was pretty), and to this day i think the second pic b/c if she was pretty then why go so hard to impersonate someone else? anywho he was supposed to see her again and she made excuse after excuse, 1st she said she bought the ticket but didnt have time to send it, second she said she lived with her aunt and her aunt went outta town so she didnt want to have company while she was gone, then whenever he called she would have someone else answer and then say she told them only to answer for her boyfriend cortez...

moral of the story is, my friend has some issues whether she wants to admit it or not. so does the girl that mislead my friend for all that time (even though he was at fault for being so gullible and naive), and so do you. its not ok or normal to pretend to be someone and mislead them like that. whats done in the dark will always come to the light. so what do you do when the guys you pursue want to meet up w/ ur fakes? how do you explain how you know all this info when they've never told you? even if you do tell them that your aliases were really you, dont you think thats going to affect the trust in the future relationship that you're so intent will develop? would YOU want to be in a relationship with an obsessive liar?
That picture she posted doesn't prove anything. She found that sh!t on google and has been waiting for someone to ask for "proof". Why else would she volunteer such a tiny/irrelavent detail multiple times? "I followed him in my YELLOW car...I'm surprised he saw me." Seriously, who would be shocked that someone could spot them in YELLOW! The Op thinks she is being clever and ironic...please stop taking this troll seriously and just sit back and laugh.
:thankyou: so many times for this! :urock:

That picture she posted doesn't prove anything. She found that sh!t on google and has been waiting for someone to ask for "proof". Why else would she volunteer such a tiny/irrelavent detail multiple times? "I followed him in my YELLOW car...I'm surprised he saw me." Seriously, who would be shocked that someone could spot them in YELLOW! The Op thinks she is being clever and ironic...please stop taking this troll seriously and just sit back and laugh.
I'm not a stalker.. I'm a suprise follower.

I know people that know his family, and I got hold of the addresses.

I was certain that he wanted me, but he's taking things too far by bringing the law in.

I duno.... I thought the feelings were mutual, and I still do. Maybe he's just joking, and planning a romantic dinner instead.

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That picture she posted doesn't prove anything. She found that sh!t on google and has been waiting for someone to ask for "proof". Why else would she volunteer such a tiny/irrelavent detail multiple times? "I followed him in my YELLOW car...I'm surprised he saw me." Seriously, who would be shocked that someone could spot them in YELLOW! The Op thinks she is being clever and ironic...please stop taking this troll seriously and just sit back and laugh.

Ladies, the OP is trolling. I found another picture of "her" car on google. Look at it. Different angle, but it's the same car and house in the background.

^^^Yep, it's the same...WHO DOES THIS!?!

Op, what's your motive? Did you you just want everyone to think you were crazy?

If it makes you feel any better...I still think you are crazy, but for different reasons now.
Someone who just joined the board in August 2010, starts several weird threads in OT and RT...most people take their time to start threads in those areas after they have learned all they want to learn in the Hair section. It makes me suspicious.

Maybe this a certain somebody's mommy again??
Haven't heard from her in a minute.....
Thank you anyway OP, You have made my weekend!
He's not a stranger. I did some check ups on him without his knowledge nor permission, and he did ask me out on a date and that gave you the right to snoop?. But I have a rule that I need to get to know the family before I date the man why didn't you ask him to introduce you? why would you want to meet his family after only one date? did he look that good on paper? I was simply simply? nothing simple about that trying to get to know his family, and he just got upset as any normal person would when faced with a stalker... and blew things out of proportion. Oh, and I pretended to be a sales woman.. to both his parents. in other words lied and misrepresented yourself. no matter what happens with this guy you'll always be the girl that lied to his parents for no good reason. you know this, right?

I managed to get hold of some confidential information about him, without his permission, in other words you snooped and stalked and invaded his privacy and he's upset about that.and you're surprised? really? I don't know why he's upset, I was happy with the findings. is that supposed to make him feel better?

I followed him to suprise him. I don't believe in stalking, I believe in following somebody to suprise them. I'm suprised he can even call this harassment. I think deep down he's turned on... because the way he picked up that bat was so sexy. speechless right now. i. do. no. believe. this.

I think he's just playing hard to get.

the blue should give you some idea of why he's upset, why anybody would be upset. and why you need to revise your strategy.
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That's the man I followed.

I was just protecting his identity. That's why I cropped him out and changed the angle.

Anyway... bye
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