The man is taking me to court....

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Guys I don't know how to put a link to another thread in this post... but she's already started another thread on this!!!:blush:
I'm not a stalker.. I'm a suprise follower.

I know people that know his family, and I got hold of the addresses.

I was certain that he wanted me, but he's taking things too far by bringing the law in.

I duno.... I thought the feelings were mutual, and I still do. Maybe he's just joking, and planning a romantic dinner instead.

OP I think you may have to come to terms with the fact that you may have scared him off with the surprise following.
Maybe you should try a different method to investigate potentials next time?
I read one of your previous threads and you stated you stalked someone before with the same outcome as this one ( a court case). Again, try a different approach to meeting men.

If you happen to bump into him see if he takes the bait. Dont go looking for his family, many people don't like that. I had someone give me flowers that I did not know and honestly it creeped me out to know someone was clocking me like that.

If you want to get to know his family, wait until you two are dating and then try to set up dinners or the like with them with his permission. People are normally very protective of their parents. My mom was getting information at a bus station and told the man where she was going. I told her dont do that next time people are crazy and will follow you.

I read your response to my response to your question and: how and what kind of info are you getting on him. If he liked you he would not have responded to you the way he did (throwing you out, bashing in your car window. When people like something they respond positively not negatively. How come you are not fearful of a man picking up a bat to you, I am sure he was not smiling, I am sure there were some explitives thrown in. You keep mentioning this yellow car, it is easily recongnizable by anyone (not a common color) so there will be witnesses to what you are doing that will be against you not for you.

There are celebrities that are stalked with similar stories like yours and it never ends well.

What ever the case is, he does not like your following him or checking out his family or getting confidential info on him. HE DOES NOT LIKE IT, PERIOD POINT BLAND. So, please stop before you seriously get hurt or wind up in jail.

I seriously doubt you will EVER meet a man with this approach. You already have started off with being deceitful (lying ot his parents) and going on a hunt.

Oh one your "surpise following" in the eyes of the law is considered STALKING and it is illegal. Have you considered the days off you will have to take from work. What if your job finds out will you be fired. Are you fearful of that?
If not why?
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I'm not a stalker.. I'm a suprise follower.

I know people that know his family, and I got hold of the addresses.

I was certain that he wanted me, but he's taking things too far by bringing the law in.

I duno.... I thought the feelings were mutual, and I still do. Maybe he's just joking, and planning a romantic dinner instead.
Dear, I don't think we can give you advice here. I'm saying this with respect so please don't take this the wrong way...but you have a mental disorder. I recommend you getting into psychotherapy to address your issues AND find a lawyer. You need to multi-task right now because both of these need to be done ASAP for your mental and physical safety. If you keep going at this rate you will either end up in a psych ward or in clearly need help.
Wait. Let me get this straight. You met a guy on FB using a fake name. You then went to his mom and dad's house without him asking you to meet them and without his permission. Then, you followed him in your car unbeknownst to him and now he wants to sue your for stalking him.

Is that what I just read?

If so, yeah, you were in the wrong. This is one of those things were I'm convinced you knew you were playing roulette. I know you said you don't want any backlash but there isn't anything more to say about this situation. You can't follow people you hardly know and approach their parents carte blanche without a firm understanding your relationship with said person. I have lifelong friends and I wouldn't just drop in on their parents unannounced to "get to know" them.

I don't what else there is to say.

I met him through a friend, but then I made a fake fb account on the side to know him a bit better. He did express interest in me, and that's when I began collecting his family's addresses.

Thanks for your input.

OP I think you may have to come to terms with the fact that you may have scared him off with the surprise following.
Maybe you should try a different method to investigate potentials next time?

I think the court case is his way of testing me, to see how much I love him. I will defy the law.... nothing can hold me back.
Okay...I just read some of the other posts and first, I'm giving you the Arnold face:


Next, I'm going to tell you that in some jurisdictions, what you did was illegal by pretending to be someone else to gain access into someone's home.

Lastly, I'm going to tell you that I sense delusion. Nobody says "I want you" by busting in your car windows. This whole incident was just up phucked to the Nth degree and I think you knew this before you posted and that's why instead offering the truth and whole truth, you let little pieces of it unfold as people queried about it.

I don't know if you are attention-starved or not but you can pretty much forget about this man because if he has any sense, he's not going to want to deal with you after this. Don't be surprised if on top of harassment, you end up with a restraining order against you also.
How can you love him? You haven't even been on one date with this man yet! OP, sweetheart, this is not normal behavior and I'm saying this with all seriousness and sincerity. Please get help.
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I met him through a friend, but then I made a fake fb account on the side to know him a bit better. He did express interest in me, and that's when I began collecting his family's addresses.

Thanks for your input.

I think the court case is his way of testing me, to see how much I love him. I will defy the law.... nothing can hold me back.
You know what, you need to be in jail. You're very dangerous and don't need to be on the street.
Why are people telling me I'm mentally ill :perplexed ... All I can say is that somebodys enemy can be anothers freedom fighter. You think I need help, but I think I'm a strong black woman. Yes, I do follow men I like in my yellow car and try to meet their family but to me, that's fine.

Anyway, I know where he works and will go there tomorrow. I'll let you guys know how it goes. And when we do go on our romantic date... I'll say to you all 'HA!, I told you so' :grin:
Why are people telling me I'm mentally ill :perplexed ... All I can say is that somebodys enemy can be anothers freedom fighter. You think I need help, but I think I'm a strong black woman. Yes, I do follow men I like in my yellow car and try to meet their family but to me, that's fine.

Anyway, I know where he works and will go there tomorrow.
I'll let you guys know how it goes. And when we do go on our romantic date... I'll say to you all 'HA!, I told you so' :grin:

I hope she really is a troll.

And if not, I hope he sees this and has the police waiting for her behind.

mmm, yeah & I see dead people. If you're for real post a picture of your yellow car with the busted out windows & such, then I will apologize for my sarcasm, until then gtfoohwtbs.
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He's not a stranger. I did some check ups on him, and he did ask me out on a date. But I have a rule that I need to get to know the family before I date the man. I was simply trying to get to know his family, and he just got upset... and blew things out of proportion. Oh, and I pretended to be a sales woman.. to both his parents.

I managed to get hold of some confidential information about him, without his permission, and he's upset about that. I don't know why he's upset, I was happy with the findings.

I followed him to suprise him. I don't believe in stalking, I believe in following somebody to suprise them. I'm suprised he can even call this harassment. I think deep down he's turned on... because the way he picked up that bat was so sexy.

I think he's just playing hard to get.

If I were him, I'd take you to court too. Serious. What in the Heezy? If I showed this post to any men i knew, they'd think you were a nut-case. I mean this with the utmost concern. I think you should try a different approach going forward. No one I know would like what you did. No one.
Here come 'oh you're crazy' talks. Oh blah blah blah... lets try and keep the talk sane here please. I just have a different approach to many of you. If I want a man, I GO get him :grin:

Anyway, honestly.. I think the man likes me. I just don't understand why he keeps running from me. :perplexed
are you serious??!!?? you can't be!!

There was a poster similar to this one a few years ago. People thought she was a troll but she had a disorder. It was revealed by another member that she was troubled. Then slowly but surely she started talking about ninjas stealing her BMW at work and whatnot. Because of that, I wonder if troll posts are the real thoughts and actions of a troubled person. *shrug*
There was a poster similar to this one a few years ago. People thought she was a troll but she had a disorder. It was revealed by another member that she was troubled. Then slowly but surely she started talking about ninjas stealing her BMW at work and whatnot. Because of that, I wonder if troll posts are the real thoughts and actions of a troubled person. *shrug*
When did THAT happen!
There was a poster similar to this one a few years ago. People thought she was a troll but she had a disorder. It was revealed by another member that she was troubled. Then slowly but surely she started talking about ninjas stealing her BMW at work and whatnot. Because of that, I wonder if troll posts are the real thoughts and actions of a troubled person. *shrug*

It's obvious the OP is plenty troubled unless she's just bored and pulling our legs. I think she should just go read a book. How creepy.

mmm, yeah & I see dead people. If you're for real post a picture of your yellow car with the busted out windows & such, then I will apologize for my sarcasm, until then gtfoohwtbs.

There was a poster similar to this one a few years ago. People thought she was a troll but she had a disorder. It was revealed by another member that she was troubled. Then slowly but surely she started talking about ninjas stealing her BMW at work and whatnot. Because of that, I wonder if troll posts are the real thoughts and actions of a troubled person. *shrug*

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I don't think you are mentally ill. I am not going to get that dramatic. I do believe you are obsessed. Women who drive by a man's house to see if he is there, call his phone with *67 are all obsessive behaviors. Yours is similar to this.

Where you went wrong happened way before you met this man. I imagine you have exhibited similar behavior with other men you have been interested in.

Thankfully you were not hurt and neither was he. He has just cause to be afraid of you. You followed him, accessed confidential information, met family members without his permission. This could be considered a crime under some stalking statutes.

I suggest that you stay away from him. He may even file an injunction for protection against you and encourage his parents to do the same.

That's all I got.
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I counsel people seeking protective orders, and HE definitely needs one cause you have stalked him and his family ( they can get restraining orders also). :ohwell:

Though u are a unique strong black woman, most people:
  • Don't want to reveal their bank info on a first date
  • Want to be followed
  • Have someone secretly meet their family
  • stalked on facebook
  • wont fall in love with someone who does the above unless they themselves have a personality disorder or certain mental illnesses

Maybe you should talk to a professional to see if they think your behavior is rational since you don't believe the posters here.

Honestly I hope you are bored and thinks this is a joke. all your post in the relationship forum reflects a person that doesn't appear normal.

I have mental illness and know this is not sane. :nono:
^^^ Wow, if that really is your car and not some photo off the internet then you really need help and he needs a restraining order.
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