He told me: "get the f**K out my car (Long)

My perspective is different as well. The fact that you were tart with him didn't precipitate his throwing you out of the car...the fact that you purposefully went out with a man who already sees you and people like you in a negative way precipitated the event.

If a man, after looking at my big behind said "Women with big behinds have attitudes and I can't stand them" why in the heyall would I go out with him in the first place?

You would have to be a glutton for pain to intentionally put yourself in that circumstance.

True indeed........
True indeed........

Yea, she made a good point..I was tryna say all that, I'm long winded. It was at the very end. But I will take that to heart, too. But at least you speak your mind, you just go to know when to hold it...so I don't think ya need counseling..You just need a man who appreciates a woman with her own thoughts and opinions....LOL (sounds easy)

I'm a real passive person so I admire people who speak up cause I haven't the balls.

I'm glad you manned up, if it was me...I probably wld turned the other way :lachen:.

You also apologized, so you did a real grown-up, mature thing as long as your at peace with yourself, wipe ya hands of the situation.
Sorry, but I couldn't get past the first line.
the lord has been testing me for some time now, but this has taken the cake.
I really cracks me up when people put their self inflicted suffering down to God testing them. Let's say evolutionists are correct ad there is no God, who takes the blame then? Bottom line is as a follows: you do not go to the gym with a man you have know for 2 days. And you certainly do not get into his car. End of.
Sorry, but I couldn't get past the first line.
I really cracks me up when people put their self inflicted suffering down to God testing them. Let's say evolutionists are correct ad there is no God, who takes the blame then? Bottom line is as a follows: you do not go to the gym with a man you have know for 2 days. And you certainly do not get into his car. End of.

Tell me how you really feel.:look: Thank you for the advice I will not enter a strangers car again.....except for the cab man, bus drivers and all other public transportation strangers, I promise.:yep:
Yea, she made a good point..I was tryna say all that, I'm long winded. It was at the very end. But I will take that to heart, too. But at least you speak your mind, you just go to know when to hold it...so I don't think ya need counseling..You just need a man who appreciates a woman with her own thoughts and opinions....LOL (sounds easy)

I'm a real passive person so I admire people who speak up cause I haven't the balls.

I'm glad you manned up, if it was me...I probably wld turned the other way :lachen:.
You also apologized, so you did a real grown-up, mature thing as long as your at peace with yourself, wipe ya hands of the situation.

Believe you me I was tempted to stay in the sauna. :lachen: