The man is taking me to court....

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Oh my is this what goes down in the relationship forum? I need to stop by more often. This is some ol soap opera stuff. OP how you gonna get mad when people call you crazy. how's anyone supposed to cosign on you stalking a dude? I really hope this is a joke/troll situation.
He's not a stranger. I did some check ups on him, and he did ask me out on a date. But I have a rule that I need to get to know the family before I date the man. I was simply trying to get to know his family, and he just got upset... and blew things out of proportion. Oh, and I pretended to be a sales woman.. to both his parents.

I managed to get hold of some confidential information about him, without his permission, and he's upset about that. I don't know why he's upset, I was happy with the findings.

I followed him to suprise him. I don't believe in stalking, I believe in following somebody to suprise them. I'm suprised he can even call this harassment. I think deep down he's turned on... because the way he picked up that bat was so sexy.

I think he's just playing hard to get.
And after that...I'm done. This has to be some bs. Who says that?
Chocolate, just be careful. Don't hurt anyone and please don't get yourself hurt. By the looks of your pics you're a tiny little thing. If you're anything close to my size and you mess with the wrong man he can swing you instead of the bat.
OP I don't want to sound mean but your preception of reality is very very twisted and sad. There is no freakin' thing as "HAPPY FOLLOWING" you are stalking him! I've been stalked before and let me tell you that it almost ruined my life. I nearly had a nervous break down from it. I hated and feared my stalker so much that I moved to a different country to get away from him. Stalking is an very selfish and evil act as you're taking away someone's right to privacy and freedom by following him and speaking to his family. You really need to take stock of yourself and realize that a one sided attraction is just sided. Why are you so desperate for a man that you can behave this way? Don't you have any pride? If you feel that you're out of control then please go and get some therapy.
Thank you all. But I just spoke to him on fb as Rachelle. (that's not really my name) He seems happy.. and I made him 'lol' countless times. We have a strong connection... I can't ignore it. I'm certain we can work this out.
Thank you all. But I just spoke to him on fb as Rachelle. (that's not really my name) He seems to be happy, and I put a smile on his face.

I'm certain we can work this out.

This could turn UGLY. You really need to take a step back and then come back to reality. You are STALKING this man. Wow this sounds like a lifetime movie
Good luck girl. See you on the 6pm news. ]
BTW nice pic every photo has a trace of the Camera that took it. Come on lets see all the damage.
:lachen: sorry but i had to laugh, sweety, i am sure you know it's not ok to go to somebody's (who is not even you boyfriend yet) house. That (along with you getting confidential info on him and him finding out) is where things went terribly wrong...i'm sure he thinks you're a stalker (that's what i would think if someone befriended me under an alias on fb, went to see both my parents when we're not even dating, got confidential info on me AND followed me in a car with sunglasses on as to not be found out) this is the second thread from you that makes me think maybe you're not in touch with what everybody else considers normal (don't mean it in a mean way) so maybe before you do something you should ask a friend and get advice (as far as relationships) or post here...
ok now i'm off to read the rest of the thread
I think deep down he's turned on... because the way he picked up that bat was so sexy.

I think he's just playing hard to get.

Yeah, he recognized my yellow car... and then said ''b!tch I knew it was you.'' I was happy he recognized me, but upset he broke my windows.

I'm sorry but this is the funniest thread I have read in a long time. I have not laughed out loud so much in forever. this is the craziest ish. I cant wait to show it to my guy friend, LOL!!!!!
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Why are people telling me I'm mentally ill :perplexed ... All I can say is that somebodys enemy can be anothers freedom fighter. You think I need help, but I think I'm a strong black woman. Yes, I do follow men I like in my yellow car and try to meet their family but to me, that's fine.

Anyway, I know where he works and will go there tomorrow. I'll let you guys know how it goes. And when we do go on our romantic date... I'll say to you all 'HA!, I told you so' :grin:

I'm not a stalker.. I'm a suprise follower.

I know people that know his family, and I got hold of the addresses.

I was certain that he wanted me, but he's taking things too far by bringing the law in.

I duno.... I thought the feelings were mutual, and I still do. Maybe he's just joking, and planning a romantic dinner instead.
:perplexed You need help. Your feelings are not reciprocated.

You can call yourself a Freedom Fighter or Surprise Follower everyone else will call you a Stalker. You can't show up and introduce yourself to guys families and think they are going to be ok with it. And now you have a new FB name. There are meds for this
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Thank you all. But I just spoke to him on fb as Rachelle. (that's not really my name) He seems happy.. and I made him 'lol' countless times. We have a strong connection... I can't ignore it. I'm certain we can work this out.

My dear, he is happy with Rachelle...not with you.

This was humorous, but now I will just lurk and cease all correspondence. I don't want to support your delusions or your trolling.

Good luck with your pending court actions, hospital stay or banishment.
Enough with the help talk.. I'm perfectly sane.

I'll let you guys know how it goes tomorrow when I see him.
Good luck with all of that. Please come back and share what he does when he finds out you're the one who he had get a bat against. If he likes you anyway, then you both deserve one another. God help any kids you may have! :lachen:
I am sorry OP, but I am finding it very hard to believe your stories. On this thread you said, he is taking you to court and that you are meeting with him tomorrow.

And on another's person thread:

You are telling a story about how you had an ex who you used to follow and he took you to court and you even said you're not allowed near him. So which is it? If you're gonna lie then at least let your stories correspond.

I am not gonna lie though, I for one has been thoroughly entertained by your stories :lachen: :lachen:
the thing I think is just :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:that all the replies are approaching this that this not a crazy post. this is not normal and will not understand some of these common sense replies/advice given.
OMG, sorry to offend you OP, but I just can't stop laughing.

I do wish you luck though with your predicament.
I am sorry OP, but I am finding it very hard to believe your stories. On this thread you said, he is taking you to court and that you are meeting with him tomorrow.

On this thread:

You are telling a story about how you had an ex who you used to follow and he took you to court and you even said you're not allowed near him. So which is it? If you're gonna lie then at least let your stories correspond.

I am not gonna lie though, I for one has been thoroughly entertained by your stories :lachen: :lachen:

This is not the first time this has happened.

I have a few restraining orders against me.

I get a thrill from 'forbidden love.'

All my threads are serious... I don't understand most of the comments.
i cannot breath. i'm laughing so hard.


*taking you seriously*

your actions make you seem crazy. man or woman, no one is down with being chased like that.

going after someone because you want them should never be confused with stalking. and if he's getting the law involved, guess what? he feels like you are stalking (harassing) him. i feel like you are harassing him. if it was reversed & you were the man & he was the woman. you are harassing him.

i have no advice for you because your posts make me think you're not quite there or able to listen to a voice of reason. everything you did was wrong. he should be taking you to court. you are scary.
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