Why hasn't he called me yet?

Ya know what's the weird thing, I thought he was different because at work he plays that shy, quite role. Comes all GQ, and getting his PhD.

I know you are disappointed. I'm sorry things didn't go as you hoped. Don't worry about it, a nicer guy will come along. Next time don't do a semi-date, either it's a date or it isn't. And don't go back to his house until you have had several real dates. You have to be careful in this new dating world. I went back to my husband's apartment after our first date:blush:, I really shouldn't have but I did. He did take me out on a real date though first, dinner and a movie, but still I should have told him thank you and to please take me home. Don't feel bad though, he's the one acting special, not you. There are many many more fish in the sea:yep:.

He texted me out of the blue yesterday (saturday) twice. The first one was to say "Hey u", I didn't answer him back. Then the second one was really late at night saying "Hola". (didn't answer that one back either)

I can't believe I even thought he could've been different. I guess he thought that he could've gotten a booty call, so he tried to text me on some dumb stuff twice! :lachen:

He texted me out of the blue yesterday (saturday) twice. The first one was to say "Hey u", I didn't answer him back. Then the second one was really late at night saying "Hola". (didn't answer that one back either)

I can't believe I even thought he could've been different. I guess he thought that he could've gotten a booty call, so he tried to text me on some dumb stuff twice! :lachen:

Good for you! :yep:
Just keep ignoring him.
Oh well it was only a date. Not all dates turn into full blow relationships or romance. He's not that into you. Don't let him get all up in your stuff on your desk or in your face at work.
he hasnt texted cause its EASIER, when a guy who was seemignly interested in you ceases all communication its cause he is no longer into you/ isnt working out for him and it is easier, cleaner, lazier whatever to just stop communication. Simple as that...men are not as complicated to figure out as some women try to make them

They really aren't.

If a guy isn't calling you, it's because he doesn't want to call you.

If a guy doesn't make time for you, it's because he doesn't want to make time for you.

If a guy acts like he isn't interested in you, it's because he's not interested in you.

Life is too short for all of the nonsense. Remove that buster from your life and make space for someone who genuinely wants to be with you.

He texted me out of the blue yesterday (saturday) twice. The first one was to say "Hey u", I didn't answer him back. Then the second one was really late at night saying "Hola". (didn't answer that one back either)

I can't believe I even thought he could've been different. I guess he thought that he could've gotten a booty call, so he tried to text me on some dumb stuff twice! :lachen:

Yeah, this is one thread in which I've agreed with just about everyone.:lachen: He has "Keep It Moving" written all over him from what you've typed thus far. It's pretty obvious what his intentions were.
Along with the 'semi-date' at his house that he didn't want her to leave (I'm assuming because no panties had yet fallen off) - and ya'll work together? :nono:

I think he's looking for a convenient coloring book. Now, if that's all you want, too - it's all good - holla back at him some late night. :lachen:

If you want more - move on to a man willing & interested in offering more. :yep:

I've nothing useful to add but LMAO at the bolded:lachen::lachen:. ..Yes please do move on.