The man is taking me to court....

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Just wanted to say we have loads of Victorian homes here in the US and even a few castles. We have some amazing old vicks as they are called in upstate new york. The mid-west and both coasts have lots of them.
The only thing I have to say about this thread is............ I'm not a stalker, I'm a surprise follower!!!! hahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaha
I don't know whether to :nono: or :lachen: at this thread! I only wish I could have been here when this thread was alive. I always have plenty of :popcorn: and :beer:. Thanks for the laugh, OP.
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This thread is pure comedy. I tried to thank all of your posts, OP, that made me laugh, but I just got tired of clicking. There are so many memorable quotes in this thread, it's like The Matrix or the Pulp Fiction of hair board threads. :rofl:

The way he picked up the bat was so sexy. He's just playing hard to get.

I didn't stalk him, I surprise followed him.

Yes, I do follow men I like in my yellow car.

He yelled "b!t(h, i knew it was you!" I was happy he recognized me, but sad he broke my windows.

:dighole: You are brilliant, love! You should write. I mean, outside of forums.
^^^ Seriously....OP needs to find a board where she (or he) can hang out with their own kind


awww, your post needs a little of this:

Dear, OP I hope that you continue to create new and interesting threads because my favorite soap is going off the air in approximately two weeks.
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I must admit this thread has been excruciatingly funny. Oh my word! My sides hurt so bad from the cramps that I have acquired from laughing so hard.
"I just knew that looked like a home in the UK!!... but she she threw me off as the steering wheel in her pic is on the left side... but in this pic the steering is on the right just like it is here in the UK.. she is a liar!"

And plus she mentions the word mum, people in the U.S. basically don't call their mother -- mum.
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She's a funny troll, don't send her away yet!

Ol' fatal attraction, "if I can't have you no one will" lookin a**
I don't know what is funnier: OP or these long butt responses actually taking OP seriously! LOL!!! Welcome back whoever you are! Hey, can you spot me $6.50 (since you have so much to spare)? Tee hee.
someone once blogged about getting beat she was getting married to a man
who was beating her up...all in secret...and under religious restrictions
It totally rang false....

anyways...people were imploring "her" ..begging "her" to go to the police...
I realized it was a member who had CHANGED her screen name
and THAT PERSON was blogging under not only a NEW screen name
but completely DIFFERENT identity
If anybody had read her early blogs ...they would seen HUGE discrepancies right away
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Ladies, we're getting real live insight into the twisted mind of a stalker. The word mental illness gets thrown out a lot around this parts, but in this case, it's dead on.
I kinda hope she doesn't get banned. That was the best laugh I had all weekend. I still giggle every time I think "I'm not a stalker, I'm a surprise follower." OMG still makes me LMAO.
He's not a stranger. I did some check ups on him, and he did ask me out on a date. But I have a rule that I need to get to know the family before I date the man. I was simply trying to get to know his family, and he just got upset... and blew things out of proportion. Oh, and I pretended to be a sales woman.. to both his parents.

I managed to get hold of some confidential information about him, without his permission,
and he's upset about that. I don't know why he's upset, I was happy with the findings.

I followed him to suprise him. I don't believe in stalking, I believe in following somebody to suprise them. I'm suprised he can even call this harassment. I think deep down he's turned on... because the way he picked up that bat was so sexy.

I think he's just playing hard to get.

I'm surprised they didn't call the cops.

RoundEyedGirl504 said:
Girl if you really want him *** that restraining order! He is probably just playing hard to get - my advice? don't back down, go and get your man!

Finally, somebody who understands me.

I know man, *** the law.. and *** anybody who comes in my way.

I'm taking this man home with me.

Enough with the help talk.. I'm perfectly sane.

I'll let you guys know how it goes tomorrow when I see him.
I hope she had bail money.
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I've been MIA for a minute...

See this is exactly why I never can take a break from LHCF, I always end up missing something good. I just finished page 1. Gotta do some speed reading tonight before this thread goes poof.:lachen:

So far it is apparent that OP needs some help. I say that in the most caring manner.:blush:
This thread is pure comedy. I tried to thank all of your posts, OP, that made me laugh, but I just got tired of clicking. There are so many memorable quotes in this thread, it's like The Matrix or the Pulp Fiction of hair board threads. :rofl:

The way he picked up the bat was so sexy. He's just playing hard to get.

I didn't stalk him, I surprise followed him.

Yes, I do follow men I like in my yellow car.

He yelled "b!t(h, i knew it was you!" I was happy he recognized me, but sad he broke my windows.

:dighole: You are brilliant, love! You should write. I mean, outside of forums.


Those are classics!! Got me dyin' over here!!
The red is the best!!!! Quote of the year!
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