Super Growout Challenge ***Update Month 1***

Tene said:
I'm sticking to my regimen, I just got my hair done today and I'm getting good growth.

Shariracquel said:
Hey, how is everyone, seems like you all are doing great, well so far, I think I've been doing pretty good. I had a little bit more than an inch of new growth this touch up y'all and that was after 8 weeks. So I got my first relaxer for the year and my hair seems to be keeping up pretty well, especially since after that cut. The only thing I take is biotin, so my regime is pretty simple and I do weekly apohgee and deep conditioner treatments to keep my hair well mositurized and nice and strong. I've been a little lazy on the pills for the last week but I plan to get rigt back on track when I get my new bottle. I think I finish a bottle every 8 weeks. I was surprised, but Im happy with the current health of my hair, just waiting to see the result of the amount of tender love and care into my locks.

Thanks, and I wish everyone good luck for this month as I hope you wish of me. Bless
Wow, it sounds like your hair is doing great!! Keep up the good work!!:)

Cincysweetie said:
IDK how I almost missed this entire thread!

- I have been very inconsistant with my vitamins and water intake because of my school and work schedule. I def. need to work on the internal aspects of achieving healthy hair.

- I have been fairly consistent with my routine. I wash on Sundays (deep conditioning with each wash) and co wash on Wednesday and Friday (if necessary). Unfortunately, the CO washes have caused buildup and I've had to clarify earlier than expected. As far as styling, I typically braid up my hair and pin it under, then cover my hair at night.

- I had a minor set back at 7 weeks post relaxer, which was very discouraging. I believe I will have to relax at 12 weeks the latest. I also experienced some breakage from using heat and I have had a couple of nights where my hair has not been protected. I've tried to correct this by keeping my hair super-moisturized and doing a mild protein treatment.

- My goals for the next month: Update my Fotki! Keep on my vitamin and Surging! Faithfully cover and moisturize my hair at night! Continue to sport my braids and stay away from the heat! Be positive and consistent!!!
Well, you just told us yourself everything I would have said to you!! You know what you gotta do!! Good Luck!

Nappyme said:
HI I almost forgot this challenge.

I have been very good at keeping my regime together I just relaxed 1/28/05 after 11 1/2 weeks post relaxer and I can say I see some growth just want my front and sides to catch and even up with the back.

Cond. washing every other day with Suave Coconut
Washing with Nexxus Shampoo once a week
Leave in with Mane N Tail
Deep condition with Salerm Wheat Germ after Shampoo
Rollerset once every two weeks

I fell off the vitamin wagon I think it help me control breakage and shedding so I have to get back on this but so far so good.
Great to hear!!

angelbaby said:
My hair had almost reached brastrap, but I cut off two inches. It was layered and as it got longer the layering was too noticeable. My hair looked shorter than it really was because it was beginning to look thin and lifeless. It looked okay when it was curled, but I rarely curl my hair. I needed it to look nice loose even if it had no curls. My hair is still well past my shoulders though, but not quite armpit. It's about 2 to 3 inches below the shoulder.

So now I'm looking at a realistic goal of bra-strap by July. I am sticking to my regimen of Elucence products for softness and slip and I am currently seeking a good deep conditioner. My hair is in good shape but I just love the pampering of a deep conditioner.
I am glad that you are taking your setback in stride. You started the newyear off with a fresh trim and you are ready to grow. I understand exactly how you feel about wanting your hair to look good with no curls.

Try using the Elucence conditioner with heat as a deep conditioner. I do that sometimes. If you don't have a hooded dryer try leaving it on for 30-45 minutes.

Boadicea said:
Same ol', same ol'. :D Only I'm considering switching shampoos and conditioners and getting my sets done at home rather than a salon. Routine's still the same, though.

Canned the supplements and decided to let he hair on the sides and at the nape go au natural for the moment because it's so fine that it really doesn't matter whether it's straight or curly. I usually shave it off but I'll see.
It's great that you are remaining consistent. Keep up the good work!
Growingitlong said:
I am following my regimen. Wash and condtion once a week. I am going to put in braids this weekend so I shall be in braids for the next two months. I am aiming to hold of on doing a touch up until May (six months) so I shall be doing a second round of braids when I take down this set or maybe a curly weave?
Sounds great!!

msincognito said:

I am sticking to my regular routine and so far I have gained about a half inch of growth. I will be posting pics really soon of my progress!!!
Hi Misincognito! :wave: Sounds like you are making wonderful progress!!:)

DangerouslyShy said:
K i am doing ok i guess...same in a protective style...a weave....

but the thing that is bothering me is that it doesnt seem that my hair has grown this past month...but I started taking MSM in December so i think my texture has changed but I cant tell if its growing...until its wet...its weird...i dont know...

but anyways im checking in
Girl, that msm will make you think you have no grow when it is actually the opposite. It really softens it up and makes the curls come in looser. I had the same problem when taking it!!lol

Aerie17 said:
After stretching my relaxer to 10 weeks (for the first time!) I got my touchup and grew a good amount, about 1 1/2", but alas, had to cut off a half inch.
This was due to split ends which I am sure were due to having a rush job at the salon the last time I was in. I was forced to get my wet hair blow-dried and I just cringe thinking of it! I haven't seen a split end in a year, and one rush job resulting in the blow drying of my wet hair, and split ends resulted. Just another lesson in what NOT to allow to happen to MY hair .
I am so sorry to hear this!! That's the very reason why I have taken my hair care into my own hands. Kudos on stretching the relaxer. I know that can be a tough one!!

Babygurl said:
I think Im doing pretty well, sticking to my regimine and staying pretty consistent with the baggie challenge. Ive even noticed a bit of growth from November to now!
Yay!! :clap: Your hair is looking great!!

carameldiva said:
i joined late so i't only been about 10 days for me. I have been using avocado butter and tallow as my moisturizers. about once or twice i week i grease my scalp with keralong's shea butter treatment or keralong's safflower oil conditioner. I have been doing dail conditioner washes with Aussie conditioners. I have been shampooing one to two times weekly depending on my schedule using generic aussie mega shampoo or generic redkin amino pon shampoo. Then i use cholesterol as my deep conditioner for 35-45 minutes under my heated dryer. i have been using the baggie method at nite after moisturizing. I have been taking my vitamins once a day. But lacking in the water department-must work on that. That's my update.
Everything sounds great. I am sure your hair will thrive with all the TLC it's getting!! HHG
i am, i'm trying to do conditioner washes more and by moisturizing more. i also plan to cut my hair in a few days, that'll be fun. i haven't been measuring my hair so i can't honestly tel you how much it has grown. ( i'm still transitiong ) i know the back has grown out, i'm still waiting for thefron tto grow out. btw dsd. your hair has grown alot!
MizAvalon said:
Things are going well for me. I just got a touch-up last week after 16 weeks and a trim after 6 months. Now that I'm doing the baggie method, I'm going to try and not trim for an entire year. If all goes well, I should be at waist length by the end of this year.
Wow! I am cheering for you!! That's great!

Daughter said:
You're a great motivator, DSD!

I'm checking in! Not been too bad with the ol' hair care, except last night I didn't bother with the scarf when I went to bed -the first time in YEARS! :nono:

Edited to add: just been keeping up with the same routine, only I've been dusting the ends quite a bit, split ends are still in the house! It's not terrible though and I got a great pair of trimming scissors.

I'll get some pics up soon, watch this space :)
Why, thank you!! :D

Now don't be starting no bad habits! The only thing that really keeps my split ends at bay it the baggie. The baggie rocks:grin: Can't wait to see the pics!

Cowgirl said:
Cowgirl checking in. ;)
I have been consistent with my regimine and moisturizing. Although I'm still having a little more breakage than I would like. I think Thirty to Forty hairs a day is still too much, I wish I could get it down to 5 or less.

I have not been consistent with taking my vitamins or drinking my 8 glasses of water. :spank: I will make my best effort to do better this month.
Sorry to hear about the excessive breakage. I am confident that you will find what it takes to get it under control. Good Luck!!

kedra70 said:
Kedra70 checking in.

I'm sticking to my original regimen. I was going to try and use the Nioxin Smoothing Line but that stuff left my hair a hard, hot mess. I'm back on my oringinal Elucence regimen and doing quite well. I've also decided to stretch my relaxer, so I won't be getting one until March (I got my last relaxer on Jan. 3)
Sounds great!!
angellazette said:
Well I've only been in the challenge for a week so I don't have any real updates.

I have been consistent with the baggie method and I am going to do my wash routine tonight/tomorrow.

That's about it!
Great!! Keep up the good work!:)
whosthatgurl said:
i am, i'm trying to do conditioner washes more and by moisturizing more. i also plan to cut my hair in a few days, that'll be fun. i haven't been measuring my hair so i can't honestly tel you how much it has grown. ( i'm still transitiong ) i know the back has grown out, i'm still waiting for thefron tto grow out. btw dsd. your hair has grown alot!
Thanks!! I am getting really close to brastrap. That's so exciting.

Don't you love the co washes? How much hair are you going to cut. Not too much I hope. My front is shorter too. It just doesn't grow as fast as the rest. Sometimes it's frustration but I keep on keeping on!!

Good Luck to you!
Hello Everyone

I've been lurking for a very long time, I've posted before, but I haven't posted in a long time. It's good to be back and I know the challenge has already started but I would love to join, if it not to late.
MissDiva said:
Hello Everyone

I've been lurking for a very long time, I've posted before, but I haven't posted in a long time. It's good to be back and I know the challenge has already started but I would love to join, if it not to late.
Welcome back!! :wave:
I would love to have you on this challenge!!
No spectacular progress to report. Ive been pretty much sticking to my regimen. shampoo and condition weekly and wear protective styles daily. I try to moisturize my ends daily or at least every other day. I also recently trimmed an inch off my hair like 2 weeks ago. Also sleeping with a humidifier at night had helped a lot with keeping my hair and skin from drying out with the dry indoor heating.
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I have been consistent with my regimen and vitamin intake added viviscal to give me a boost.
I have foundly found my staple shampoo and conditioner Elucence which works wonders on my hair.
I will be in braids for the next couple of months.
I'm doing okay too. I was thinking maybe we should make this a little more intresting ,challenging, and fun by offering a gift basket of the top haircare products of this board to the one who shows the most growth and improvement at the end of the challenge.
babyblue said:
No spectacular progress to report. Ive been pretty much sticking to my regimen. shampoo and condition weekly and wear protective styles daily. I try to moisturize my ends daily or at least every other day. I also recently trimmed an inch off my hair like 2 weeks ago. Also sleeping with a humidifier at night had helped a lot with keeping my hair and skin from drying out with the dry indoor heating.
All that consistency will pay off!! HHG

LABETT said:
I have been consistent with my regimen and vitamin intake added viviscal to give me a boost.
I have foundly found my staple shampoo and conditioner Elucence which works wonders on my hair.
I will be in braids for the next couple of months.
SexyC said:
I'm doing okay too. I was thinking maybe we should make this a little more intresting ,challenging, and fun by offering a gift basket of the top haircare products of this board to the one who shows the most growth and improvement at the end of the challenge.
That's a great idea. Only think is by doing this it would turn into more of a competition than a challenge.

Our goal hear is to keep our ladies motivated. Some ladies hair may only grow 1/4 inch a month while other get 1/2 inch or more. We want everyone to retain what they grow not try to outgrow someone else.

I think I will keep it as is. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Is it too late for me to join the challenge? I have been a way for awhile and IO read the post, the challenge sounds great.

in the back i plan to cut about 2-21/2 inches and the front about 1/2 inche to 1 inch. i'mjust cutting it into a chin leangth bob so i can be closer to being all natural.
auntybe said:
Is it too late for me to join the challenge? I have been a way for awhile and IO read the post, the challenge sounds great.

It's never too late to join. I will add you to the list!! HHG
whosthatgurl said:
in the back i plan to cut about 2-21/2 inches and the front about 1/2 inche to 1 inch. i'mjust cutting it into a chin leangth bob so i can be closer to being all natural.
O.K. I understand. :yep:
Oh I have to be down with this if DSD is all up in it!!!! Add me to the list DSD! Puleeeeeeeeeze!!!!

I wanna retain all or close to my supposed 6" inches per year....and see what
stays on my head by December 2005!

Staying with the moisturizing and babying of the ends! Keeping relaxer touch-ups at a minimum of 12 weeks (if not longer).

I'm doing well. I only measure after my touch ups so I don't know how much growth I've retained. I'm following my regimen, though, and I do see growth. So I expect to be at brastrap by my next touchup, which should be no earlier than the end of February (12 weeks). Now that I'm so close to brastrap I find I want to cheat more. So I've been wearing my hair down on the weekends. Hopefully I won't have any negative effects.
I'm doing ok. Had to cut an inch as I had the worst tangles ever! But that's what i get for procrastinating. I knew I needed a deep trim a month ago. But I tried to hang on at all costs. I have to stop doing that!

Anyway, I think I'll primarily use the "baggie" method for this challenge. It's just so much easier pulling my hair up and slapping a phonytail on. I tried it out last week and my ends loved it. No more snarls and tangles.

Oh, I rediscovered DDTA. I think I'll alternate between it and Suave Milk and Honey.
I'm hoping to have my hair touched up by the end of the month and by then, I hope to have a better idea on where I am, goal-wise. :yep:

Happy Hair Growing Everyone! :trampolin
Poohbear said:
I will try to stick to my regime and be consistent but that's somewhat impossible since I am transitioning. Right now, airdried rollersets have been working for me. When my hair starts to get flat or not as curly/stylish anymore, I will put it in my synthetic scrunchie hair bun. I plan on washing and conditioning my hair once a week or every 2 weeks.

I've changed my regime again. :grin: No longer rollersetting...not enough time to do it and I'm getting more new growth with transitioning..., I will be washing, conditioning, and putting my hair in a braided ponytail weekly. During the week, I may do my synthetic hair scrunchie again. I will not take down the ponytail until my next wash. Check out my regime link in my signature for more details...

Happy Hair Growing everyone!!! :weird:
Checking in!

I'm doing pretty good keeping up with my regimen. I have been sticking to it for the most part...daily co washing...and wearing protective styles. I'm still manipulating my hair way too much though...still trying to cut down on that. I haven't done any measuring...but when my hair in the back is is a little past neck it's coming along nicely from my BC. :grin: I'm due for a trim soon. Can't wait to see how much growth I'll have by the Summertime. :up:
MonaLisa said:
Oh I have to be down with this if DSD is all up in it!!!! Add me to the list DSD! Puleeeeeeeeeze!!!!

I wanna retain all or close to my supposed 6" inches per year....and see what
stays on my head by December 2005!

Staying with the moisturizing and babying of the ends! Keeping relaxer touch-ups at a minimum of 12 weeks (if not longer).

You are too funny girl!! I am glad you decided to join!! I will definitely add you to the list! :yep:

Sounds like you have a great plan for the year. Good Luck retaining "all 6" I know you can do it!! I am cheering for you!
Mariaat40 said:
I'm doing well. I only measure after my touch ups so I don't know how much growth I've retained. I'm following my regimen, though, and I do see growth. So I expect to be at brastrap by my next touchup, which should be no earlier than the end of February (12 weeks). Now that I'm so close to brastrap I find I want to cheat more. So I've been wearing my hair down on the weekends. Hopefully I won't have any negative effects.
Wonderful!! Just make sure you keep those ends moisturized and I don't see you having any problems with wearing your hair down on the weekends!

shelli4018 said:
I'm doing ok. Had to cut an inch as I had the worst tangles ever! But that's what i get for procrastinating. I knew I needed a deep trim a month ago. But I tried to hang on at all costs. I have to stop doing that!

Anyway, I think I'll primarily use the "baggie" method for this challenge. It's just so much easier pulling my hair up and slapping a phonytail on. I tried it out last week and my ends loved it. No more snarls and tangles.

Oh, I rediscovered DDTA. I think I'll alternate between it and Suave Milk and Honey.
I know what you mean about trying to hang on. It doesn't do anything but make matters worse. I am slowing learning to stop doing that. It's a hard lesson. I know how you feel.

The baggie will be great to keep those ends from splitting. Good Luck!!

Carlie said:
I'm hoping to have my hair touched up by the end of the month and by then, I hope to have a better idea on where I am, goal-wise. :yep:

Happy Hair Growing Everyone! :trampolin

Poohbear said:
I've changed my regime again. :grin: No longer rollersetting...not enough time to do it and I'm getting more new growth with transitioning..., I will be washing, conditioning, and putting my hair in a braided ponytail weekly. During the week, I may do my synthetic hair scrunchie again. I will not take down the ponytail until my next wash. Check out my regime link in my signature for more details...

Happy Hair Growing everyone!!! :weird:
Wow!! That's great Poohbear!! HHG

Erica78 said:
Checking in!

I'm doing pretty good keeping up with my regimen. I have been sticking to it for the most part...daily co washing...and wearing protective styles. I'm still manipulating my hair way too much though...still trying to cut down on that. I haven't done any measuring...but when my hair in the back is is a little past neck it's coming along nicely from my BC. :grin: I'm due for a trim soon. Can't wait to see how much growth I'll have by the Summertime. :up:
Sounds like you have everything under control. I am glad you are doing well!! How do you plan on cutting down on the manipulation?
I just realized I didn't post my update. My hair is doing well. I have been keeping it baggied up for the majority of the time. I did have to do a 1 1/2 inch trim last month because my ends were looking a little thin. I don't think I will trim again until after the baggie challenge is over in June.

My hair remains moisturized and breakfree. I am getting closer to my next goal of brastrap which I hope to have achieve by the end of the summer.

Happy Healthy Hair Growing to everyone!!

After the first 2 weeks of the new year, I have finally found a regimen that works for my hair. I am currently stretching my relaxer for 10 weeks. I hope to work up to a maximum of 12 weeks. I have finally found some protective styles for my hair. In the a.m. , I french braid it and at night, I corn row and place a scarf over it. So far its working.:) I hope to get a digital camera soon and post some pics.
Happy growing everyone!:)
DSD, your hair looks great in your avatar! :yep:

dontspeakdefeat said:
I just realized I didn't post my update. My hair is doing well. I have been keeping it baggied up for the majority of the time. I did have to do a 1 1/2 inch trim last month because my ends were looking a little thin. I don't think I will trim again until after the baggie challenge is over in June.

My hair remains moisturized and breakfree. I am getting closer to my next goal of brastrap which I hope to have achieve by the end of the summer.

Happy Healthy Hair Growing to everyone!!
sdumasw said:

After the first 2 weeks of the new year, I have finally found a regimen that works for my hair. I am currently stretching my relaxer for 10 weeks. I hope to work up to a maximum of 12 weeks. I have finally found some protective styles for my hair. In the a.m. , I french braid it and at night, I corn row and place a scarf over it. So far its working.:) I hope to get a digital camera soon and post some pics.
Happy growing everyone!:)
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!! :clap:
I've been close to being consistent. My hair is growing nicely. The only problem is that I'm going through this shedding stage. It's slowing down though. I've been moisturizing more consistently. Went back to UBH creme moisturizer. I'm just going to stick with that and castor oil. Basically I'm going to just stick with everything that worked for my hair in the past. The only thing I have left to buy is Sebastian coloushines and a good strong protein to help with this shedding.