Super Growout Challenge **Update Month 3**

I just realized I was in this challenge :D
Well, not much to report. Still the same regimen. I admit I have been pretty lazy and I haven't washed in 2 weeks (I will today or I have 2" left and then I'm going to start maintaining. I'm actually looking forward to that. It'll mean my ends are always strong and even.
I have started using Hairever hair and scalp tonic every day, and have rediscovered V05 hairdressing. I wash about every other day now that I'm natural.
I'm taking my vitamins but could be drinking more water and less coffee...
So far, so good though :yep:
I put this on Month 2 so I"m reposting on Month 3 because it applies to Month 3

My Regiment
-I wear a wig (M-F) with a plastic cap and wig cap for about 10 hour and I wear my hair out the rest of the time. I moisturize my end morning and evening
- I last to 9 weeks post relaxer but i started shedding severely so I got a retouch I was aiming for 12 weeks but its not happening.
-Before getting a retouch I had not used direct heat in 3 months except for weekly deep conditioning under the conditioning cap .
- I wash my hair every 3 days with Therappe and follow up with Humectress. I protein condition every other week with Keraphix. I follow with Infusium. Then I surge and s-curl. I moisturize with elasta QP mango butter
-I added 3 NEW pics to my album - I'm pleased with my progress

I've stopped stress about my hair because a watched pot doesn't boil as my grandma says. I've limited my combing to when its wet after conditioning.

Last relaxer today 4/9/2005
Next relaxer hopefully 7/9/2005
Thin Hair
Goal: long, healthy and thick hair
Challenges: No checking length , super growth out 2005, 12 inches in 12 months, shoulder/armpit by end of 2005 and brastrap 2006, wig challenge
Last relaxer:4/2005
PW: hairjourney

Shay Shay
I am still washing/cowashing 2x a week. I am still the same length as before after my trim which is upsetting but I am trying to remain positive.
Still following my regimen...weekly washing and deep condition. I trimed last month as well. I also use an oil mixture on my braids and scalp. That's pretty much it :ohwell:
So far, so good. :up:

I think it's time for a professional trim. I'm thinking no more than two inches. My last pro trim was in 2001. :look:
It is 2 weeks before touch up... which is the time when I get breakage.... This time around I am trying something new to help combat the dryness and breakage...

My regimen is basically the same, with the same type of products... I have started new vitamens to see if they boost my hair health...

I am trying to retain some of the length I might have gained...

I will update at the end of the month or the next month up date...
Sorry I'm a little late checking in...

I just got a relaxer last Tuesday after stretching 16 weeks. I retained length but not as much I wouldv'e liked to, I think.

Now that I have a fresh relaxer, I've started baggying, bunning and rollersetting. I need to start being consistent w/my deep conditions...I've been doing them here and there and not every week like I should. I'm due for a wash, deep condition, and rollerset tomorrow.
Things are going well for me. I am 11 weeks post relaxer and am currently in cornrows. My hair is definitely on it's way to waist length! :)
Wow! I go on a little spring break and come back to all these posts. I am going to have to sit down and find the time to respond to you all! I hope everyone is doing well!! I missed you guys! :kiss: Happy Hair Growing!
I'm doing well. I also haven't measured, but I did lose about 2 inches due to a necessary trim. I like my ends to be as thick as possible, and they were a bit thin/overprocessed. I also got some layers put in, to avoid getting a more aggressive blunt cut. I think I'm about 1/2 away from bra strap AGAIN. I always get to the strap and then have to cut. But if it ain't healthy, I don't want it anyway.
dontspeakdefeat said:
My update! I am really loving my hair right now. It's growing it's vibrant and healthy!
i am not happy with my hair right now, it doesn't seem to be growing like it was. It still seems like i'm so far away from brastrap length. check out my album and tell me what you think.
After this years mess up.........i now have 1/2 inch of hair :/

Current Regimine: No-poo daily with Suave Coconut Conditioner. Moisturize with StaSofFro gel.

Supplements: Multivitamin, B-complex, silica(horsetail), MSM, biotin, omega 3 complex, amino acids

Health: A diet FULL of fruits, veggies, eggs[egg challenge for hair growth ], plenty of H20 and exercise

*sigh* I'm just doing a simple routine. I found out my hair does just as well without all that deepconditioning-hot oil treating-butter applying-tie down smoothing...etc etc etc
Signing in...

Every thing is great! This is the only challenge I'm in because I can change at the drop of a hat, but never stop trying grow out my hair!!

I'm liking my regimen and what it is doing for my hair. My ends have never been better! They aren't breaking at all and my shedding has slowed down too. Ego boost and HE is a sure fire comb! :up:

I've discovered the joy of Bantu knots. For me the more knots the better! I up to about 16!

Meanwhile, I was sort of in the stinky challenge. I've been using Glover's with a little of evoo, castor and peppermint oil in my scalp every 2-3 days eversince I was bout 2 weeks post. I am now 8 weeks post with about 13+ weeks of newgrowth!!!

Next touchup is due sometime in May, but I've been tempted to stretch as far as I can go for as long as I can stand it.

Overall my hair is doing well except for a couple of set backs. My hair has been so tangilly (sp?) lately... But I'm definitely seeing some progress. Now if I could stop drinking coffee and take my vitamins on a consistent basis... :look:
Well ladies. I have gone through all of your posts and I have decided there is no way that I will be able to respond to each and everyone of you individually as I normally would. I am so far behind on things. It's going to take forever to catch up. Instead of me trying I am just going to leave you all with a few words of encouragement.

For all of you that are doing well on this challenge that is wonderful. Keep being consistent with your regime and this time next year you will have suprised yourself and everyone else around you!!

For the ladies who are not doing so well remember this. Setbacks and trails can be overcome. Do what you can to get to the root of the problem then you can find your solutions. Look at what you are doing different to your hair and go from there. Come to the board for support and ask questions until you find the things that work best for you. Also remember that your hair will always grow. It is what you do to it and what you retain that matters. Just keep on keeping on and never ever speak defeat and before you know it people will be wondering if you are wearing a weave.

Happy Hair Growing to each and everyone of you!!

Since last sign in, I have had a touch up at 11 week go, retained 1+1/2 inches including trim. YAH!!!!
I have discovered roller setting (MY ANGELS) Found out that airdrying was killing my hair. It not really breaking I am 6 week post-relaxer and I am gonna see if I can make 12 weeks. When I get there may stretch even further

I am checking in l-a-t-e. I went four (4) weeks without shampooing. I did some semi-conditioner washes during that time, though. I am still doing the baggie, vaseline method. I haven't put any heat on my hair since January. I like my protective styles. As of late, I am under so much stress at work that my hair is the last thing I want to think about let alone Do something about. I am trying to keep the baggie method going until 12/05. I am hanging in there.
