Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

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Can someone tell me what they think of this concotion?

Well, first off, I just got individuals, and I have a million parts and it's difficult to apply Ovation or MT to all these parts, so . . .

I've mixed Ovation and MT with my leftover horsetail tea (less than 1/4 cup I had leftover from my morning tea), and a scalp exlixir by Jason's Naturals.

I wanted to thin out the Ovation and MT so I could just use an applicator bottle to distribute throughout my scalp.

I should still get all the benefits, right?

I'm applying this at night, and, I plan on washing/rinsing my hair Friday through Monday.
Hi Tiff --- How are you Darlin? :bighug: I sure miss you.

You know what? Just use your MT and Ovation 'straight' as is. The mixing is costing you more as follows:

#1. It's dilutes (weakens) the Mega Tek or Ovation product and it's effectiveness.

#2. It actually means you will have to end up using MORE and buying More of the Mega Tek and Ovation to make up for the loss of product strength.

#3. It's a waste of time and money to do all of this mixing when you don't have to.

#4. I've learned the hard way, that all I needed was the 'direct' product all by itsself. Either the Mega Tek or the Ovation.

Save your precious time and money. Your hair WILL DEFINITELY grow, long and strong. :yep:

If you want to use up your other mixes, just pick a day of the week and use them separately to get rid of them and then resume your Mega Tek or Ovation.

I've been using these products for 8 months and I've tried it all and I finally came to the relization that all I truly needed was to use the product straight just as it is. And with all of your parts in your hair, just dip your finger in the Mega Tek or Ovation and have a good time wiping it between each part. It's easier than it seems. :yep: And with a 'soft' squirt bottle, the Mega Tek and the Ovation will come out with each squeeze.

And Tiffcurl, Your beautiful hair will grow. :yep: My sure is. :woot:

So angel, SAVE your Time and Money! You don't have to mix. It's too complicated and you don't need to. :kiss:
Oh, really? Why not? I tried to lurk on their thread(s), but lord, I can't take BHM. :lol:

yeah BHM has tons of info but their layout/organization confuses me...

I am going to use MT with BT. Both are in the mail. So I guess I will apply BT every night and MT twice per week before I wash. Although I know MT would be enough my itself, I never tried BT and really want to see how it works

I have a small mix of OCT, sweet almond oil and EOs that I made and I have to finish that up
Shimmie--you're an angel. Hugs and kisses and love. Thank you SO much!

Hi Tiff --- How are you Darlin? :bighug: I sure miss you.

You know what? Just use your MT and Ovation 'straight' as is. The mixing is costing you more as follows:

#1. It's dilutes (weakens) the Mega Tek or Ovation product and it's effectiveness.

#2. It actually means you will have to end up using MORE and buying More of the Mega Tek and Ovation to make up for the loss of product strength.

#3. It's a waste of time and money to do all of this mixing when you don't have to.

#4. I've learned the hard way, that all I needed was the 'direct' product all by itsself. Either the Mega Tek or the Ovation.

Save your precious time and money. Your hair WILL DEFINITELY grow, long and strong. :yep:

If you want to use up your other mixes, just pick a day of the week and use them separately to get rid of them and then resume your Mega Tek or Ovation.

I've been using these products for 8 months and I've tried it all and I finally came to the relization that all I truly needed was to use the product straight just as it is. And with all of your parts in your hair, just dip your finger in the Mega Tek or Ovation and have a good time wiping it between each part. It's easier than it seems. :yep: And with a 'soft' squirt bottle, the Mega Tek and the Ovation will come out with each squeeze.

And Tiffcurl, Your beautiful hair will grow. :yep: My sure is. :woot:

So angel, SAVE your Time and Money! You don't have to mix. It's too complicated and you don't need to. :kiss:
Well, I got my MT today. That was fast. I ordered through Valley Vet. I took pictures of my temples. I've been taking them all along because otherwise your mind plays tricks on you. But yeah, definitely worse than in late May / early June when I started. So far it's not progres picks, but . . . regress?? pics. It's not just my temples anymore, but my whole hair line. I wonder if the prescription shampoo has made it worse. In addition to the active ingredient, it also has sls in it. Anyway, hopefully these pics can be the before to a full after, we'll see.
well good luck mwedzi

I ordered some megatek and the reydrate spray from neeps.com hopefully I'll get them next week. I'm worried about the sides of my hairline due to traction alopecia so I hope the 2 mixed together will yield some results.
im not sure if im seeing anything yet, my temples look like they are filling in. I apply mt for 2 days then wash and reapply.
ill give it another week then take pics
well good luck mwedzi

I ordered some megatek and the reydrate spray from neeps.com hopefully I'll get them next week. I'm worried about the sides of my hairline due to traction alopecia so I hope the 2 mixed together will yield some results.

thanks, good luck to you, too. man, i've already applied mine, let it sit for 10 minutes, and rinsed out and moisturized. i wanna do that every other day.
I clarify once a month with Aloe Rid. I cowash every 2-3 days, I do try to use ORS Aloe every week, because I will see buildup on my scalp if I don't.

I just realized it's October- we need a new thread:lachen:!
I was just getting on here to check the October thread.
Hi all!

It's been a couple days since I've been on the boards. I hope that everybody has been on point over the last week. I'm slowly increasing my use of MT to get back to where I was before the hurricane. I'm going to relax this weekend and I'll be updating my pictures since I started August 10. I didn't quite make it 2 months, but this new growth is getting to me!!! I'm back to using MT 4-5 days a week instead of 2-3. However, I decided to purchase OCT and I hope that it doesn't take a really long time for it to get here. I'm interested in determining which one will work best for me. I'll have to go back to some of the old threads to figure out how everybody is using OCT. I'll be taking notes again!!
Hi ladies!! I order OCT on Tuesday, so I am waiting on that. I have also just recently purchased garlic vitamins and the Alter Ego Impac Ego with Garlic. I have had a bit of shedding that started back in July. I have been without a relaxers since the 7th of that month. I am going to see how I can, if at all, hold out on gettin a relaxer till the end of this month. I don't know if I should even try to get one right now until I can get this shedding under control or elliminated. I am not at all totally sure how it started, but I guess its something that we all experience once in a while. But I can sure tell you this, I have some THICK new growth!! I have been using the MT now for about month, it is doing what it says it will do. I'm not at all dissatisfied with the product. I am just anxious to see what it will be doing the next month along with the OCT. And speaking of that, those of you that are using the OCT, how are you all using it along with the MT. I mean I know how to apply it, and I know that its been said on this thread somewhere, I just cant find it due to time. Are you all using it like every other day, week? Any advice is welcomed as to how to incoorporate it along with the MT. I do wish you all showes of blessings and good health and happiness!!
Hi ladies!! I order OCT on Tuesday, so I am waiting on that. I have also just recently purchased garlic vitamins and the Alter Ego Impac Ego with Garlic. I have had a bit of shedding that started back in July. I have been without a relaxers since the 7th of that month. I am going to see how I can, if at all, hold out on gettin a relaxer till the end of this month. I don't know if I should even try to get one right now until I can get this shedding under control or elliminated. I am not at all totally sure how it started, but I guess its something that we all experience once in a while. But I can sure tell you this, I have some THICK new growth!! I have been using the MT now for about month, it is doing what it says it will do. I'm not at all dissatisfied with the product. I am just anxious to see what it will be doing the next month along with the OCT. And speaking of that, those of you that are using the OCT, how are you all using it along with the MT. I mean I know how to apply it, and I know that its been said on this thread somewhere, I just cant find it due to time. Are you all using it like every other day, week? Any advice is welcomed as to how to incoorporate it along with the MT. I do wish you all showes of blessings and good health and happiness!!

I just completed my first week of OCT, this week I'll be using MT. I'm alternating week by week. HTH
Hi ladies,

I got my bottle of MT this past Saturday(valleyvet ships super fast) and started using it after my poo on Saturday. My hair not only looks thicker but feels thicker. The sparse spot that was in my crown area is not sparse anymore(it feels so thick and lush).
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Hi Ladies

I received my OCT today in the mail today 10/1/08, so I will update in a couple of weeks.

I got mine yesterday too. Simplified my regimen to OCT/MT/BEEMINE in an applicator bottle but will step it up to everday or every other day as suggested by a LHCF friend.... I am so addicted! I got the nerve to see some fuzz on these horrible edges. Don't let my hair grow back on my edges ladies. My hair is going to be straight back in a ponytail for a month straight! Its so limited not being able to just throw your hair in a ponytail on a lazy day bc your edges are jacked! My head is too big not to have any edges!

I had the audacity to brush my edges the other day. I was all geeked! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
does anyone use MT as DC? I just cannot stick to just doing my scalp every few days especially when that NG kicks in so does anyone just DC? IF so how do you DC with MT? I want some of this so BAD. My hair is so thin and damaged I think I wanna use this as a protein DC? Do you have to immediatly follow up with the moisturizing DC? If so what's a good one to use?
i got my hair braided today,my stylist asked "what have you been using?!" while reading/studying my jar of coconut oil that was on my desk.
:look: "why?!" i asked back.

because your roots have thickened up a lot, your napps are straighter,your hair is more bouncy,softer,manageable,longer and fuller! need i say anymore"she replied sarcastically.

i showed her my bottle of MT. She asked if she could use my laptop to order herself some :lachen:

I let her and she was so excited!!

i noticed myself that my hair has changed a lot. it does not really suffer from shrinkage anymore. its like MT is allowing the true length to show!!!

my next mission is to use a very small amount like just kiya ;)
I noticed the same thing yesterday when I was removing my twist. My new growth is much softer and easier to handle. Im like 16wks + post and Detangling was a breeze, i was even able to blowdry with ease. This is a first, MT is definitely a keeper!

i got my hair braided today,my stylist asked "what have you been using?!" while reading/studying my jar of coconut oil that was on my desk.
:look: "why?!" i asked back.

because your roots have thickened up a lot, your napps are straighter,your hair is more bouncy,softer,manageable,longer and fuller! need i say anymore"she replied sarcastically.

i showed her my bottle of MT. She asked if she could use my laptop to order herself some :lachen:

I let her and she was so excited!!

i noticed myself that my hair has changed a lot. it does not really suffer from shrinkage anymore. its like MT is allowing the true length to show!!!

my next mission is to use a very small amount like just kiya ;)
i got my hair braided today,my stylist asked "what have you been using?!" while reading/studying my jar of coconut oil that was on my desk.
:look: "why?!" i asked back.

because your roots have thickened up a lot, your napps are straighter,your hair is more bouncy,softer,manageable,longer and fuller! need i say anymore"she replied sarcastically.

i showed her my bottle of MT. She asked if she could use my laptop to order herself some :lachen:

I let her and she was so excited!!

i noticed myself that my hair has changed a lot. it does not really suffer from shrinkage anymore. its like MT is allowing the true length to show!!!

my next mission is to use a very small amount like just kiya ;)

I noticed that my NG is straighter too. When I bc'd, I think that I was cutting some of my natural hair with the relaxer because I couldn't tell the difference in some spots.

I too slather the stuff on. I be just movin' quick with it so that I can put my moisturizer on, twist up and go to bed.:lachen:
I noticed the same thing yesterday when I was removing my twist. My new growth is much softer and easier to handle. Im like 16wks + post and Detangling was a breeze, i was even able to blowdry with ease. This is a first, MT is definitely a keeper!

Missnurselady and Blaque*Angel,

How are you ladies using MT? Do you put it on everday? Or only in the shower?
Ok, so I just finished drivin all the way across town and finally got my hands on 2 bottles of MEGA TEK! Ya'll weren't lying when you said this stuff smell yummy. I can't wait to try it.

BTW, must be some other LHCFers in the area cause the lady asked me if I was going to use it on my hair and that some other ladies had been in there for the same purpose!
I joined this challenge because I got some Mega-tek for free! Thanks Ebony Eyes!!! Let me just say, I started when I was about 14-15 weeks post relaxer so I can't really tell if it's working or not. I'm going to relax my hair next week (maybe) because my new growth is super serious. 1 thing I can say is that after I started the mega-tek the new growth got out of control so I guess it is working.
Well, after taking my twists out, my new growth is off the chain, however, it was soft. At first, I didn't think it was working because I was mixing it. So, I stopped mixing it and just used it straight, no chasers. This stuff is the truth. Now, since I haven't had a touch-up since May, I invested in another horse product called Cowboy Magic to detangle. That helped a lot!!! I deep conditioned with the MT, and slept with it on my head with a plastic baggie - as per the directions >>>> "Mega Tek can also be left on for continuous benefits, such as putting on tail and wrapping it." When I woke up the next morning to rinse, applied my Cowboy Magic, I was floored...NO HAIR IN THE COMB!!!!! Then, I moisturized with the MT moisturizing spray, and sealed with Olive Oil. And yes, I had to use the blow dryer because I didn't want to be late for my weave appointment:lachen:! Surely, you ladies can understand!

These are the products that I have by Eqyss:

Mega-Tek Cell Builder
Mega-Tek Shampoo
Mega-Tek Rehydrant Spray - Continuously moisturizes..trust me!

I believe in using the line of products, since they are made to work together, and more importantly, being consistent with usage.
Well, after taking my twists out, my new growth is off the chain, however, it was soft. At first, I didn't think it was working because I was mixing it. So, I stopped mixing it and just used it straight, no chasers. This stuff is the truth. Now, since I haven't had a touch-up since May, I invested in another horse product called Cowboy Magic to detangle. That helped a lot!!! I deep conditioned with the MT, and slept with it on my head with a plastic baggie - as per the directions >>>> "Mega Tek can also be left on for continuous benefits, such as putting on tail and wrapping it." When I woke up the next morning to rinse, applied my Cowboy Magic, I was floored...NO HAIR IN THE COMB!!!!! Then, I moisturized with the MT moisturizing spray, and sealed with Olive Oil. And yes, I had to use the blow dryer because I didn't want to be late for my weave appointment:lachen:! Surely, you ladies can understand!

These are the products that I have by Eqyss:

Mega-Tek Cell Builder
Mega-Tek Shampoo
Mega-Tek Rehydrant Spray - Continuously moisturizes..trust me!

I believe in using the line of products, since they are made to work together, and more importantly, being consistent with usage.

:ohwell:So I can use this TWice a day???? Didnt know that
I noticed the same thing yesterday when I was removing my twist. My new growth is much softer and easier to handle. Im like 16wks + post and Detangling was a breeze, i was even able to blowdry with ease. This is a first, MT is definitely a keeper!

:yep: sounds great:yep:

MT definitely is a keeper for me also :)

no more pain combing my thick hair :yay:
Do I have the right product. All this mega-tek talk; I just Googled and came up with some )*_Y*)) for animals hoofs and stuff.

IS THAT IT??????????
I noticed that my NG is straighter too. When I bc'd, I think that I was cutting some of my natural hair with the relaxer because I couldn't tell the difference in some spots.

I too slather the stuff on. I be just movin' quick with it so that I can put my moisturizer on, twist up and go to bed.:lachen:

i'm glad you also noticed ;)

wow at not being able to tell the difference between your natural and relaxed hair! :eek:

lol, we must try and use less product. less is more they say! :)
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